TI ?MICWI A fAn V om 4*%Y% lvA nx 11luiELSDAYi, I JVNJVAdLU N 1Ol a A aA~ .aU>U., u~a .r'aU.arru Angell Calls Honors Program Results'Generally Satisfactory' By JAN RAHM dents will be added and dropped dents receive high caliber work After one year of operation, re- on the basis of their work, so that outside their fields of cencentra- suits 0f the all-college honors pro- about 12 per cent of future gradu- tion. gram have been generally satis- ating classes will be honors stu- To aid honors students, sum- factory, Prof. Robert C. Angell, dents. mer reading courses were offered of the sociology department and Next year, Prof. Angell said, the by 11 departments for those hon- director of the literary college all-college honors program will ors students who had grade aver- honors council, said. ages of B-plus or better. Prof. There are now 335 students in Angell said that students were al- the freshman-sophomore honors lowed to sign up for a course and program which began last fall. then not take the final examina- N Of these there are 161 freshmen tion if they did not want to do so. and 174 sophomores, 145 of whom Of the 63 students who signed up were in the program last year. for the courses, 31 took the finals. Few Take Only Honors Half Took Finals Few of the students take honors The difficulty of studying in courses exclusively, since not all the summer without supervision classes have honors sections. was probably the reason why only Among the sophomores, most k half the students wanted to take have at least two honors courses, the final exam in their courses, while the average is three out of Prof. Angell said. five courses. Freshmen generally Average mark for the summer have honors sections in two or courses was B-plus, which was three of their four courses, Prof. also the general average of all Angell said. freshman honors students last Of the 148 first-semester fresh- year. Some of the professors were men who were admitted to the disappointed in the results of all-college honors program last their particular classes, Prof, An- September, 74 per cent received gell noted. He explained that some grade averages of B or better, r of the faculty believe the absence Prof. Angell said. of class discussion was a handicap More Freshmen Admitted n i some courses. In February, 47 second-semester T Council Disappointed freshmen who had 3.5 grade aver- The council was disappointed_ ages or better were admitted to that only half of those who signed the freshman program. Prof. An- PROF. ROBERT C. ANGELL up for the course took the exams, gell reported that 87 per cent of evaluates program and the plan may be modified, these students received averages Po.Agl ad of B or better during the second expand into the junior year. The Non-credit honors groups for semester, council is planning to allow the sophomores were started this fall. An overall grade average of B individual departments to handle The groups, frequently called is necessary to remain in the all- their own junior-senior honors sophomore seminar groups, are college honors program. courses. The council will set gen- held in the evening in various Program to Continue eral standards for the depart- residence halls. They include dis- The all-college honors program ments to adopt. a. cussions on such subjects as mod- will be continued with about eight Discusses Outside Work ern poetry, Goethe's Faust and per cent of incoming freshmen Prof. Angell explained that the Asia's relationship with the West. being invited to participate, Prof. council is discussing ways in Initiate Informal Contact Angell said. He added that stu- which to insure tnat honors stu- Prof. Angell said the 11 groups which meet for four successive weeks are designed to initiate fac- ulty-student contact and intellec- tual atmosphere on an informal basis. He added that only approx- imately half of the students who FREE DELIVERY signed up for the groups have ac- "Real Italian Food is our Specialty" tually come to the meetings. Therefore the initiative for such Weekdays 10:30 A.M.-Midnight Fri. & Sat. 10:30 A.M.-2 A.M. discussions will be left in the fu- Phone NO 3-5902 512 E. Williams ture to the honors students, he - ----..---...----------.---- -------------------- indicated. Two interdepartmental courses for honors students are being of- Pizza and Chef's Salad . . . only 90c fered this semester. They are a humanities course on the Renais- .._.......______ _______ . -_ _sance, taught by Prof. John Ar- thos of the English department and a natural science course cov- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ering geology, biology, chemistry, THE INTERNATIONAL. STUDENTS ASSOCIATION astronomy and physics. Meisel to Give Course Next semester a unified social science course will be offered, (EMBER, ARAB U.N. DELEGATIbN) taught by Prof. James Meisel of WM R A A U.N Dthe political science department, A Carnegie grant was given the "ARAB NATIONALISM AND DEMOCRACY" University to help with the honors TODAY, 8 P.M. program. Part of the money is be- ing used for the interdepartment- AUDITORIUM A, ANGELL HALL al science course. Prof. Angell said ALL ARE INVITED that the use of five teachers for this course is very costly and there is some question whether the Uni- versity can afford to continue it in the future_ _ . _ Victory Speech HAIL TO THE VICTOR-Gov. G. Mennen Williams, at his head- quarters in the Governor's Mansion, speaks jubilantly into a microphone some time into the wee hours of yesterday morning. 'U' SURVEY RESULTS: High Schools Cannot Predict Students' Success in College A University survey indicates that, while many high schools do have programs designed to mea- sure student aptitudes and pro- ficiencies, they lack the data necessary to evaluate the prob- able success of a student in col- lege. The survey, results of which were given at the University's 13th annual Principal-Freshman and Junior College Conference yesterday, was based on replies from 169 high schools in Michigan and neighboring states. Schools Measure Aptitudes Approximately nine out of 10 of the schools reported some or- ganized program to measure stu- dent aptitudes and proficiencies, with almost as many attempting some estimate of their students' probable success at the University. However, fewer than half of the schools have objective data for evaluating this probable suc- cess, and fewer than half have made studies of the records their students have made at the Ur- versity. Schools Uncertain of Data In regard to another finding of the survey, Clyde Vroman, direc- tor of admissions at the Univer- sity, commented. "Although high schools are receiving much data from current national scholarship programs, they are uncertain about the proper use of this in- formation. "Since so much is happening in this area, it seems imperative to study this problem and agree on desirable practices and goals." The University will publish the complete findings of the study in a new booklet entitled "Aptitudes and Proficiencies" which will be issued to high schools. One of the examples in the pamphlet is a recent analysis which shows Ann Arbor High graduates comparing favorably with other University students. Outline Points For Families Speaking before the Univer- sity's 29th annual Parent Educa- tion Institute yesterday, Harry and Bonaro Overstreet outlined eight factors contributing to sound family living. These elements include 1) A deep affection among all the members of the family; 2) Respect from the others for the individuality of each person; 3) An interest in learing and in the acquisition of knowledge; 4) A chance to share coopera- tive experiences; 5) A framework of law and or- der which is respected by all members of the family; 6) Assistance for those mem- bers of the family who are learn- ing to handle such "unwanted experiences" as disappointment or failure: i 7) Contact and interplay with the outside ~world in. general and o, 8) Realization of the value of life and the acceptance of the self PeZson iz0ed0 as part of a broad universe. Calling family life of prime im- portance in the development of CHRISTMAS CARDS children's personalities, the hus- C K ST ASD band and wife lecture team said, It is the one place where there is no doubt at all that parents can make a difference. It is the one place where they cannot pos- sibly feel they are too small to wonderful selection count." 20 Books to Choose From Schillings To Talk On Administration Visit Our New CTrd Department Paul Schillings, Director Gen- eral of the International Insti- tute of Administrative Sciences, OBookstoreokswill lecture at a social seminar at -ver eck Bs r 8 p.m. this evening in Rackham Assembly Hall. 1216 South University Schillings will speak on "Inter- national Aspects of Administra- tion." The seminar is open to the "3 public. The skits are ~trrific!/ HILLELZA Get your tickets now! Diag - Fishbowl - Union p. Sat., No. 8- rr~i8 P.M. A iM aftA ..Lf.wJ:,aL C~L~iU for convenience sake, go RAINFASHIONI .transparent belted coat of water. proof koroseal.. light as a feather with detachable hood and its own