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November 06, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-06

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Sixty-Eig~ht Years of Editorial Freedom

:43, t







Goldman Announces


from Election

With Sta
Demanding OrgC
For Council Prei
Student Government Council P
withdrew from the coming election
He read the withdrawal statem
which follows regular business. The
onds, before Goldman made the ro
by m~embers.
Gives Reasons ft
Goldman told SGC that "whe
"run an individual" it is time for t

Group Loses
Vote ining
The Credentials Committee of
Student Government Council nol
longer has the power to fine can-
didates votes for election viola-
tions, the Council decided at lasi
The vote fining power awardeC
the committee two weeks ago was
revoked and the authority to de-
cide any disciplinary action to
be taken in violation cases wa.5
given to the Joint Judiciary Coun-
Power Called Unfair
Jo Hardee, '60, SGC Adminis-
trative Vice-President, who intro-
duced the motion pointed ou
that in fining two candidates the
same amount of votes for the
same offense, one, could still be
elected and one not.
David Kessel, Grad., disagreed
indicating that the reversal of the
previous Council decision was no
only unnecessary but will set bad
precedent.. "Let the committee d
what it wants," he argued. "They
can fine 'votes if they wish o:
refer the decision to Joint Judic.'
Asked for the opinion of hi
groi'p,' Steve Simich, '59E, presi
dent 6f Joint Judic., said that the
original SGC decision was "un
'Just." "It does not accomplisl
what it was intended to," he con
Although it approved "opera.
tion wake-up," the Council ra
into a calendaring difficulty whet
it could not be established wheth
er ,the pep rally and dance co
sponsored by the Wolverine Clur
and the 'Union. would interfer
with the Panhellenic Ball, sched
uled for the same night.
Shapiro Argues Point
Union President Barry Shapirc
'59, argued that Panhel had pre
viously agreed, to the rally, pro
viding no publicity came out be
fore yesterday. Phil Zook, '6(
student activities chairman, re
ported that publicity had beer
put out before this date.
The pep rally debate arouse(
Daily Editor Richard Taub, '59
to move that SGC delegate re
sponsibility for calendaring an
approvi.ng events to the Studen
Activities Committee, which i
the channel through which event
to be scheduled are brought t
the Council floor,
Council President Maynar
Goldman, '59, put off Taub's mo
tion until another time as he sai
It would require amending th
SGC Plan.
The Council also approved
motion to have the Education an(
Student Welfare Committee In co'
operation with the Literary Colleg
Steering Committee gather infor
mation which might lead to th
establishment of a Junior Yea
Abroad program at the University
Speech Group
To Give Play
The curtain will go up on th
speech department's first play o
the season, "Ah, Wilderness" a
8:30 p.m. tonight in Lydia Men
deissoh Theatre.
Eugene O'Neill's sentimenta
"folk" comedy, the only one h
ever wrnfe ille he nrecennied +o

~ t
t "
0 ,
.. =

tement Democrats Gain
anization Reason
sident's Decision
TURNER By LrgetMargin nHi
resident Maynard Goldman, '59,
last night.
ent at the end of members' time
Council sat silent for several sec- 0 l V iew S BEGAN 10 YEARS AGO:
Wori Viws EGA 10EAR AG: LrgestI
utine request for announcements
r Withdrawal UTQ EJectiin Strong Democratic Tide J eeps
never an organization begins to U .S Sw eeps
that individual to retirdpres.SGC'
ed the Council's case for finding A ' i e a '~1 l e± t
President, Goldman hadprR epub lican P o t ter/ fromln S en a te i ne'sTdteCucl' aefrfnig'
Sigma Kappa still in violation to
the SGC Board in Review Oct. 17. DETROIT WIP-A strong Demo- AllagredihatsageBrs fght
iGCe-d cratic tide that began in Michigan O'Hara, Macomb County Attorney, All agreed that Bagwell's fightE
And as a member ofSGC'sadpfive-a ttedng opped .RoertJMcIntosh athoughaulosingnehauurd9P
man committee tt to draw up alter- T e d '10 years ago crested yesterday as Potppled RepbrJicain toh, aelhorug cas in oneaugured f1 6 r sd x
Unte orStteSorecasheRepublicanoffice Seventh District, 87,297 to 84,282. Feikens said the GOP "definitely
Sganat courses p ofss auaction re mngarding 'rn o eat eholder,Uniedstm a tejSnoCare
Sigma Kappa's status, Goldman hdWASHINGTON (A - Dem
had expressed dissatisfaction with LONDON (A') -Press comment IE. Potter was swept out office. and reduced Republicans to 11. alleBed h lcrr"ando eutorR ASINGTON
that group's meeting Tuesday around the world yesterday widely It began under the aegis ofhG. and reucd t Rpbli ya s o f 1ure1eba e a h a a. o f uic atinte w
with the administration. Goldman interpreted America's election re- Mennen Williams, the man in the 2) Democrats broke 20 years of fuueeulialaeshpeublianesSbast an in h]e
lastiht repeat n.s assertion n rpolka dot tie, and ended by boost- Republican domination in the
last night repeated his assertion sults as a swing toward middle of lstate legislature to the extent of straggling in from Tuesday's e
St tin i d the road liberalism. gaining a 55-55 even split in the G O40ss The 13-seat gain surpassed
work out a solution which would h Gov er cm. wGOVERNORms1House of Representatives. They cratic record of 12 set in 1932.
consider admiaistration opinion Government comment was lack- Williams (D) ...... .1,214,337 added six seats, with the GOP dc
on SGC's jurisdiction, had "ac- Ing. But headline and editorial( Bagwell (R) .... ....1,075,621 lsn i.l~ iip ra t Democrats Tig]
complished nothing." writers, and the controlled press B Ug S SENATOR 3oa The dwindling trickle of
To HearReport and radio in the Soviet Union were Hart (D)........ ..1,347,084 fo a ecal onventi tore-
Reotoutspoken. fPotterpRcil..o.vent1,218,575 *11 rmerely enlarged the dimensio
The current Council, which t k.Pttter (R) .n..IEUTENANT1,218575 write the state's 1908 basic charter. Democratic political triumphs
Goldman still heads, will hear the 4) Democrats retained five Late results tightened an al-o
report of the five-man committee United States foreign policy, a Swainson (D) ........1,190,502 places on the state Administrative ready strengthened Dnma-
at a special meeting Tuesday, and period of recession, right-wingism Brown (R) .......... 1,031,953 Board, besides Gov. Williams', by By BARTON HUTHW AITE rady strng th d Demo
take what action it deems suitable in the Republican party, and what SECRETARY OF STATE cratic control of both Senate!
margins of up to the 295,47 roled Tuesday's resounding victory
regarding the status of the sor- was called the shrinking prestige Hare (D) ...........1,259,046 up by Secretary of State James for the Democratic Party was and House and tossed more
ority. of President Dwight D. Eisenhower Plank (R) .........963,199 M. Hare for a third term. viewed only as a reflection of par- Republican governors out of
Goldman's withdrawal left a were some of the reasons cited for ATTORNEY GENERAL viewedConlydas alreflncebynPofpar -
field of 15 candidates for next the Democratic sweep. Adams (D).........1,221,089 Heavy Vote Counted ty allegiance by Prof. Warren Mil- office.
week's elections. Only two are in- Many dealt separately with Nel- Honigman (R)......1,006,524 In the heaviest vote yet in an lerof the political science depart- And, with an assist they didn't
son Rockefeller's Governorship vic- STATE TREASURER off-year election, Gov. Williams ment last night. want from Nelson A. Rockefeller
T tory in New York. Brown (D) ..........1,235,416 defeated Paul D. Bagwell, his Re- Prof.Miller attributed the over- in New York, the Democrats
S M a K appa The Times of London said edi- Weatherwax (R) ... 982,690 publican opponent, 1,214,337 to whelming nation-wide sweep to brought about a sizable reshuffl-
torially that it hoped the Demo- AUDITOR GENERAL 1,075,621, a margin of 138,716. the fact that approximately 60 ing of 1960 political prospects.
At a special meeting Tues- crats will use their big majority Szymanski (D) ......1,196,453 Potter, an 11-year Congress vet- per cent of the electorate present- President Dwight D. Eisenhower
day, Student Government to cooperate harmoniously with Clements (R) .......1,009,294 eran seeking a second six year fats. He discounted a general- conference he wasn't even thinks
Council will hear alternatives President Eisenhower. The edi- Senate term, was ousted 1,218,575 turning away from the GOP camp ing about 160 at this point. But
on the future status of Sigma torial said the temptation to as- ing him into a history-making to 1,347,084 by Philip A. Hart, as a minor factor in the Republi- to a question whether he thought1
Kappa on this campus. sign a single cause for the Demo- sixth consecutive two-year term two-term Democratic Lieutenant cans' defeat. the people Tuesday "chose left-
The Council found Sigma cratic victory should be resisted. as Governor, a tenure record never Governor. Hart won by 171,491.
Kappa still in violation of Uni- But it noted that the recession before achieved in any state. Some observers were surprised O a andful of sunt, siwn government r thanse
versity rules Oct. 1 and set up period damaged Republican Other Developments by the strength of Hart's run, as post-election meeting of the Po- used in campaign oratory - the1
chances in many regions and that These were other notable de- measured against both Potter's President replied:
coures of action. "the handling of the Formosa velopments in Tuesday's general and Williams' totals. He had been Ie CVoted for Spenders
This committee, consisting of crisis had been criticized by many election. expected to win narrowly. Prof. Miller predicted a dismal V o Senderi
SGC President Maynard Gold- strong groups." 1) Democrats picked up one Hart had run 150,000 votes be- forecast for the Republicans in "I don't know whether they did
mary, owe,159, SllncttCreserCltlcort iea congressional seat when John 0. hind Gov.' Williams when the the 1960 presidential election. this thing deliberately. I know
Mary Tower'59, Scott Chyser Call Electorate Liberal ng slatter won a 290,000 routin 1956, Only "confounding factors" could this, that they obviously voted
'59BAd, League President Bob- The conservative Daily Tele- ~ and 58,000 behind when Williams swng the election in favor of the for people that I wouldclass
bie Maier, '59, and Daily Editor graph said discomfiture of right racked up a 253000 vote triumph he said among the spenders, and that is
Richard Taub, '59, was power- wing Republicanism "symbolized in51954. The political expert cited Pres- what I say is going to be the real
less to meet until the SGC by Sen. William F. Knoawland and ident Dwight D. Eisenhower as trouble."
Board in Review removed its trumpeted by Vice-President Rich-i150 u000 Aid Bagwell Campaigns Hard the "bulwark" that prevented a President Eisenhower labeled a
stay of action on the Oct. 1 ard M. Nixon . . . shows the elec- But probably the real difference Democratic landslide in 1954 and trend toward higher spending as
decision, torate's decided leaning towards 'this time was the tireless, strenu- 1956. a dangerous thing and promised
It has met with the adminis- middle of the road liberalism." F or esearc ous, hard-hitting campaign put up Touching .. on other political to fight it. But he said he thought
tration and will meet with the The Telegraph said the election for the No. 1 state executive office questions raised by the recent he would get along with the new,
officers of Sigma Kappa to- will not change the United States The Rockefeller Foundation has by Bagwell. elections, Prof. Miller described Congress. In a situation without
day. policy of "opposing Communist j recently given a $150,000 grant to The 45-year old former Michi- congressional elections as basical- political precedent, this is the
The current Council's last exepansionism," the University Survey Research gan State University professor ly of a national nature and along third time he has been confront-
meeting will be Oct. 14, at The News Chronicle, British ,Center to conduct basic research earned generous applause for his party lines. He discounted the ed with an opposition Congress.
which time new members will Liberal Party champion, said "How in consumer behavior, showing from Lawrence B. Linde- common belief that congression- President Eisenhower voiced
be seated. America votes is in theory her own The study will be directed by mer, GOP state chairman; John al elections were centered on a delight at Rockefeller's election
business. In practice it influences Prof. George Katona, head of the Feikens, Lindemer's predecessor, local level with local issues de- but declined to rub the crystal
cumbents, Sue Rockne, '60, seek- world affairs on a scale unknown Center's program in economic be- and Potter. termining the victor. ball for a sighting on Rockefeller's
ing er ts, ueodke' ,ste e k-, ored his cenur sc.e. unit nis a havior. The Center will explore future.
ing hr cen two-semesteR term, before t is central vie s.. th theories of consumer behavior us- Rockefeller Greatest Victor
Haber '60. bogy of a leftwing government ig data obtained in nation-wide A r Force To ryforM oon, In an election that had many
Earlier, SOC Executive Vice- dominated by Democratic radicals surveys of consumers' financial elements of the fantastic, it was
Eri, G Eectv Vi- rgtndnbd''ostnattds ndbuying T ia ho ayF *d yRepublican R o c k e f e l l e r who
President Dan Belin, '59, and frightened nobody." plansi over the past decade.rS to i ry Rublicn Rh e e lle who
Council member Lois Wurster, '60, The influential independent Conducted on an inter-discipli- turned In the greatest single vic-
had announced decisions not to Paris Le Monde also called the nary basis, the research will in- WASHINGTON PThe Air Frce may take its third potshot at ory. In the battle of the bucks,
seek reelection, elections a victory for the liberals volve economics, psychology and WH N yTOmrw .mh one millionaire against another,
Goldman was first elected to and a personal failure for Vice- sociology. The principal investiga-t Lmkearly tompr o , tsoAefellrrpuDort
SGC in November, 1957. He has President Nixon. tors will include Prof. James Mor- Like its two predecessors, the new lunar probe is designed to: Averell Harriman out of the New
served as treasurer, and vice- The Amsterdam Socialist Het gan and Prof. John Lansing, pro- 1) Measure variations in radiation along a 21 ex2-day journey toward York governorship,
president of the body prior to Parool said President Eisenhower's gram directors in the Center, and the moon. 2) Provide data on the intensity and extent of magnetic At the same time, Rockefeller
his election as president last "loss of prestige" was one cause Prof. Eva Mueller, assistant pro- fields of the earth and the moon. 3) Report the number of impacts shoved himself in and Harriman
springs of the Democratic victory, gram director, with meteorites. 4) Scan the far side of the moon with a television type out of the 1960 Presidential pic-
device and relay to earth impres- ture and cast a shadow of uncer-
sions that would be converted into tainty over the ambitions of Vice-
SIPPING COFFEE IN RESTAURANT: I crude photographs. President Richard M. Nixon. Until

Thoroughly Rockefeller skyrocketed across the
lo rlik-ose n trhed ,st political firmament, Nixon appar-
Williams Seen Weakening;B allade Favors New Tax rectlylaunched priobtheh25 ently was coasting smoothly along
pounds of instruments aboard the toward the GOP Presidential
THO ASxAYD N ew space traveler will be thor- norm nation t w OPy as h n e
BHoughly sterilized 24 hours before Claims Disinterest
Rep. George Wahr Sallade, fresh from one of the few resounding blastoff, against the extremely Rockefeller insisted again that
Republican victories in Tuesday's state election, sipped his coffee in remote prospect that it might he has no interest in the 1960
Sthe recesses of the State Street restaurant. actually hit the moon. GOP Presidential nomination.
u ,rnr i .4aQ...... b011nxv hnnth in the midst Scientists have agreed to make "tt styde
Lie iiV~IJ~.~y U~. i 011 d 1U~ LII y~ZU"~ 'JakeI mid excety wh stentyu ellw ask

About Reshuffling
ntial Prospects .
ocrats battered down a final
t and produced their biggest
history from belated returns
d by one the previous Demo-
lhten Control
ballots from the hinterlands
ons of the most spectacular
since the New Deal heydays.
Sallade Said
t o Hold Key
To Deadlock
Rep. George W. Sallade yester-
day appeared to two political sci-
ence professors to hold a possibl
balance of power in Michigan's
deadlocked House of Representa-
In the wake of Tuesday's elec-
tion that sent 55 Democrats and
55 Republicans to the House, Prof.
Henry L. Bretton called Rep. Sal.
lade "one of the most important
men in the Legislature right now.
And in a situation where "ther
GOP can't get along withou
them," Prof. JohnP. White said,
"people like Sallade and the other
Young Turks may be in a position
to throw things one way or the
Difficulties Predicted
In any case, Prof. White warned
'it will be difficult "to get any
kind of a coherent progarn
Immediate problems of organ.
zation, now being discussed by the
leaders of each party, will prob-
ably be solved "by some accommo
dation," he said. But "regardles
of who has formal control of the
Legislature, there will be no actual
Similar situations "have had
dreadful results in other states,"
Prof. White pointed out. He noted
that in some cases, organization
was never really completed, and
very little state business was car-
ried out.
Bagwell Effective
Results in the Legislature, Prof.
White emphasized, pointed up the
statewide Democratic victory
which was somewhat masked by
Gov. Williams' drop. But "Bag-
well ran a strong, effective race,
and he certainly can't be denied
the renomination if he wants it."

Prof. Bretton also stressed Bag-
well's strong showing, declaring he
"has no reason to doubt his ability.
to gain the gubernatorial nomina-
tion in 1960."
And although Rep. Sallade has
long been considered a guberna-
torial hopeful, for Prof. Bretton
said "I doubt he would want to
compete with Bagwell for the
Translating the Democratic
sweep into national terms, Prof.
George A. Peek of the political
science department saw little
change in administration policy
coming out of the revised struc-
ture of Congress.
Conservatives in Control
"Congress is still controlled by
conservative Democrats," Prof.
Peek notede, "and they hold the
top committee posts."


He invariabiy cdoes. rom a true andi yeiiow worniiWro11u
of normal student clamor, Sallade, a 1943 University graduate, directs
political campaigns ,meets with politicians and newsmen, and studies
for his Law School course.
Winner by 2-1 Margin
A winner Tuesday over Mrs. Annette C. Hodesh by more than a
2-1 count. the 35-year-old Sallade found "reason to be optimistic"
about the coming legislative session.
He saw signs that the state would climb out of its current econ-
omic predicament, and that the Universiy could conceivably reap
more budget revenue than it has for the past few springs.
Sallade pictured a new "combination business and personal in-
come tax" as the way to surmount a soaring state deficit of $65 mil-

every effort to avoid lunar con -
tamination until after earthmen
have had a chance to explore the
moon's virgin surface.
The launching site once more is
Cape Canaveral. There, another
Thor-Vanguard combination lunar
probe rocket is on its firing pad
and at the ready.
Early Morning Suitable f
And the calendar, inflexible
guide for lunar firings, said the
early morning hours of tomorrow

e about it," he said. "I have a
tremendous job ahead of me .. ."
Hatcher Visits
S tate Seminar
University President Harlan
Hatcher is attending a two-day
discussion session on higher edu-


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