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November 05, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-05

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To Sponsor
'U' Pep Rally
"Because we are concerned
about the spirit of the University,"
Joel Levine, '60, president of the
Wolverine Club, said yesterday,
"we are sponsoring a pep-rally
"Operation Wake-Up" F r i d a y
night in conjunction with the
Levine explained that tradition-
ally the Wolverine Club sponsored
this type of events by themselves,
but the club believed it could
broaden its services by working
with the Union on this project.
Two Speakers
The pep-rally will begin at 7
p.m. on the Hill, when the cheer-
leaders will escort the women to
the front steps of the Union. At
7:30 p.m. the football team will
appear on the steps of the Union,
"if at all possible," Levine said.
Various housing unit bands and
the University's marching band
will march down to Ferry Field
with the crowd.
Two speakers at the rally will
be injury-ridden football captain
John Herrnstein and a represen-
tative of the fotball coaching
staff. The master of ceremonies
will be Newt Loken, coach of the
Plan Entertainment
The Marching Band, under the
direction of Prof. William D. Re-
velli of the music school, will then
escort the crowd into the Intra-
mural Athletic Building where
there will be a free dance.
"The entertainment for the
dance will be an act from MUS-
KET, and an act from Soph Show,
and a nationally-known signing
group," Levine said. The band will
be Bob Elliot's.

Union Event
To Feature
Old Tradition
This weekend the Union is
holding "Men's Weekend."
This means that, among other
events of the weekend, women
will not be allowed to enter the
Union through the front door. A
resolution, passed by the Union's
Board of Directors, explained the
reason for this action was that
"Tradition at the University of
Michigan appears to be in an un-
happy state of deterioration."
Sanford Holo, '60, member of
the Union executive counsel, said
that there would be a doorman
stationed at the front door of the
Union from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thurs-
day and Friday to enforce this
Holo stated that on Friday
evening the Union's "Quarter-
back" films will present the
movies of last year's Illinois foot-
ball game and a movie "High-
lights of Michigan's 1947 Foot-
ball Season."
"Throughout the weekend, there
will be a "men only" policy at the{
bowling alleys, and on Saturday
night there will be a 'Stag or
Drag' gambling casino at the
Union," Holo said.
Also on Saturday night there
will be a Big Club dance featur-
ing an act from MUSKET.

'Anything Goes

-Daily-Allan Winder
FUTURE ARCHITECT--Each year the members of the Univer-
sity's architectural fraternity, Alpha Rho Chi, remodel their
individual rooms according to their own taste and thereby receive
sone extra experience in their chosen field.
Alpha Rho Chi Competition
To Focus on House Plans

For 44 years Alpha Rho Chi, the
Uhiversity's architectural frater-
nity, has annually remodeled.
It is customary for these future
architects toredo their individual
rooms every year. But the big
thing this year, will be the ,alum-
ni-sponsored competition on plans
concerning an addition to the
The competition will be design-
ing a 2,000 square foot addition
and drawing up long range plans
which may culminate in tearing
down the old chapter house, Hugh
B. Van Houten, '58A&D said.
In the recently initiated com-
petition actives and pldges are
competing for more than $150 in
prizes donated by the alumni.

Although the details will be up
to the competitors, the addition
will probably be constructed in
such a way that will allow the old
house to be torn down and re-

-Daily-Peter Anderson
SOPH SHOW-Dancers portray the theme of the musical comedy,
"Anything Goes" to be presented Nov. 13, 14 and 15 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets for the show, which is the story, of
mistaken identity aboard a ship, will go on sale tomorrow in the
League Undergraduate Office and on the Diag Nov. '10.


placed by an "addition to the ad-

Ten years ago when the frater-
nity moved into the present house
at 640 Oxford, it was only a tem-
porary thing.
They had been forced to move
from the area where South Quad-
rangle is now located' to their
present establishment, but this
was only to be for a short time
as there were definite plans afoot
for moving the architecture and
design school to North Campus.I


To Open Saturday Evenings


Beginning Nov. 22, the League
Snack Bar will be open Saturday
evening instead of Friday evening,
Kathrine Johnson, '60, League So-I


cial Committee chairman, an-
The new time was decided upon
by the League Council, she said.
The Saturday hours will be from
9 to 12 p.m.
"We are also hoping to have
some type of floor-show enter-
tainment from 11 to 11:30 p.m.,"
she added.
Nothing has been officially de-
cided yet, she said, "but we are
trying to arrange something with
WCBN for a broadcast from the
Snack Bar during the evening. It
would be a disc-jockey type show
including interviews with people
"In the past," Miss Johnson ex-
plained, "the League has spon-
sored large dances, but by the at-
tendance we decided that these
were not needed. The snack bar
will be a place to stop in after a
show on the way home."

(Continued from Page 4)
Standing Committees: National and
International; Public Relations, Sur-
vey Results; Education and Student
Welfare, Student Activities, Student
Activities Library Report, Bicycles;
Elections, general report.
Old Business.
'New Business.
Members and constiutnets time.
Social Seminar, Thurs., Nov. 6, 8:00
p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Spon-,
cored by the Michigan Chapter of the
American Society for Public Adminis-
tration and the Political Science
Roundtable. The speaker will be Dr.
Paul Schillings, Director General, In-
ternational Institute of Administra-
tive Sciences, and his subject will be
"International Aspects of Administra-
tion." The public is welcome.
At 4:00 today the Dept. of Speech
will present "Williams in Three Move-
ments" - a series of three one-act
plays by Tennessee Williams. The plays
willtbe presented ingthe new Arena~
Theatre (Frieze Bldg.) Admission is
free, the public is invited. This is a
part of the Department's experimental
theatre program.
"Playbill '58 59", presented by the
Dept, of Speech opens tomorrow night
with Eugene O'Neill's comedy, "Al,
wilderness!" The O'Neill play will be
presented Thurs,, Fri. and Sat, at 8:00
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
The box office is open daily until 5,
p.m. today and until 8:00 p.m. tomor-
Carillon .Concert by Sidney F. Giles,
Asst. University Carillonneur will be
heard on Thurs., Nov. 6, 7:15 p.m. In-
cluded on the program will be com-
positions for the carilloi by Kamiel
Lefevere, carillonneur of Riverside
Drive Church, New York, and by Per-
cival Price, University of Michigan
Carillonneur, and arrangements of
three songs by Stephen Foster.
Academic Notices
Students who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Pub-
lic -Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must fill
Veterans Administration in the Office
of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administra-
tion Building, between 8:30-11:15 a.m.
and 1:15-3:15 p.m. by Thursday, Novem-
ber 6.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for Febru-
ary graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Administration Building. Any changes
therefrom should be requested of the
Recorder at Office of Registration and
Records window number A, 1513 Admin-
istration Building.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr.
Roger D. Low will continue his talk
on "A mixed boundary value problem
for an infinite elastic cone." Thurs.,
Nov. 6, 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 W. Eng.
Bldg. Refreshments at 3:30 in Rm. 274
W. Eng. Bldg.-
Placement Notices
Overseas: There is an immediate need
for three persons for the following
Two year assignment - Teacher
Trainer and Advisor, East Bengal Poly-
technic, Dacca, East Pakistan-to work
with the Director of Technical Educa-

tion in developing an overal program
of teacher training.
Two year assignment - Metalwork-
ing Specialist, Karachi, to teach basic
skills and organize instructional ma-
terial in general metalworking, includ-
ing bench and sheet metal, machine
shop and a limited amount of foundry
and welding. I
One year assignment -- Industrial
Arts Specialist, Karachi - capable of
teaching woodworking, drawing and
craftwork in a teacher training pro-
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the School of Engineer-
Nov. 7:
Allied Chemical Corp., Barrett Div.,
National Div., Nitrogen Div., Plastics
and Coal Chemicals, Semet-Solvay
Div., Solvay Process Div. B.S.: Ch.E.,
Elec., and Mech. M.S.: Ch.E. and Mech.
Ph.D.: Ch.E. Must be male U.S. citizen.
Design, Res. and Dev., Sales; Prod.
Calif Inst. of Tech. Jet Propulsion
Labs., Pasadena, Calif. B.S.: Aero~,
Ch.E., Elec., E. Math., and Mech. MS.
and Ph.D.: Aero., Ch.E., Elec., Instr.,
Mech. and Met. February graduates.
Must be male U.S. citizen. Design, Res.
and De'..
Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill.
B.S.: Civil, Elec. and Mech. Male U.S.
citizen. Des., Res. and Dev. Sales.
Detroit Civil Service Com. B.S. C.E.,
Civil. Elec., E. Math.. E. M., E. Phys.
and Mech. M.S.: Civil., Constr., Elec.,
Mech., Municipal and Sanitary. Feb.
grads. U.S. citizen. De&., Constr.
Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.,
Detroit, Ohio and west Coast. B.S.:
ChE., and Mech. Res. and Dev., Train-
ing-Field and Prod. Engrg.
Ingersoll-Rand Co., Sales Engrg. U.S.
and Overseas Plants. Northeast U.S.A.
B.S. in Civil. Elec.. E.M., Ind., Mech.,
and Met. MS. in Mech. Male U.S. citi-
zen. Des., Res. and Dev., Sales, Pro-
Olin Mathieson Chem. Corp., Doe
Run, Ky., East Alton, Ill., Lake Charles,
La., New Brunswick, N.J.. New, Haven,
Conn., New York, N.Y., Niagara Falls,
N.Y.. Omal, Ohio., Pasadena, Tex., Pis-
gah Forest, N.C., Saltville, Va., West
Monroe, La. B.S. in Ch.E.. Ind., and
Met. M.S. and Ph.D. in Ch.E., Met. and
Nuclear. Design, RIes. and Dev., Sales,
Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton,
O. B.S. in E.M. and Ind. Male U.S.
citizen. Sales, Prod., Application Engrg.
The Toledo Edison Co., Toledo, 0.
B.S. in Civil, Elec. and Mech. Male
only. Des., Res, and Dev., Production.
U. S. Government Rossford Ord-
nance Depot, 54 Ordnance installations
located through the country. B.S.,
M.S. and Ph.D. in Aero., Ch.E,. Elec.,
E.M., Mech. and Met. Male U.S. citizen.
U.S. Gypsum Co., Various Locations.
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Ch.E., Civil and
Miech. Prod., Quality Control, R. & D.
Sales. Purchasing.
U. S. Steel Corp., All Divisions, Vari-
ous Locations. B.S. in Aero., Ch.E.,
Civil, Elec., E. Math., E.M., E. Phys.,
Ind., Mech., and Met., Chemistry and
Phys. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Ch.E.,
Civil, Constr., Elec., E.M., Ind., Instr.,
Our flattering, casual,
easy-to-do hairstyles
for fall will enhance
No appointments needed
The Dascola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre

Mech., Met., Chemistry and Phys. De-
sign, Res. and Dev., Production.
Civil Service Examinations:
Applications can be obtained by con-
tacting the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Admin. Bldg.
New York State Civil Service Com-
mission. The next Professional Career
Test for College Juniors, Seniors and
Graduates will be given Dec. 13, 1958.
An application card should be sub-
mitted by Nov. 17,1958. The exami-
nation is open to any qualified citizen
of the U.S. who will graduate by June
30, 1960. Opportunities are open for:
Trainee and Career Entrance Posi-
tions; Engineering; Drafting - Sewage
Plants Driver. Tests; Library Science;
Business - Recreation; Mental and
Public Health; Social Work; Educa-
tion Consultants; Junior Engineers.
Architects and Landscape Ar itects
and Internship Training in Pudlic Ad-
ministration. The examination will
probably be given in Ann Arbor.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

Civil Service of Canada. Examina-
tions will be held on Sat., Nov. 22, 1958
for Graduates in many fields. Includ-
ing: Library Science, Government Ad-
ministration, Engineering and Physi-
cal Sciences, Agricultural Science, Bi-
ology and Chemistry, Law, Medical
Sciences. Dietetics and Social Work,
Meteorological Service and in the For-
eign Service. Applications are available
at the Bureau of Appointments; they
must be filled out and presented to
the examination supervisor. The near-
est examination center is Windsor, On-
tario, Can.





days left till

Socialist Workers Party Candidate
for Michigan Secretary of State
Socialism and Its
Prospects for America
Wvednesday, Nov. 12
at 8:00 P.M.
A question-answer period will follow the talk.



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