I - *~ "T ~ British Universiis Described as Excellent (Continued from Page 3) can university student. In general should be able to attend a public it probably would be safe to say university, that a good American graduate has reached the Part I level, the In Britain, far more than inexmntnwhc mstBish the UnitedStates, a college educa- I examination which most British theUniedStaes a ollgeedua-students face a year before they tion is the province of an academic graduatse and intellectual elite with the out-'grad e' look of specialists. If this seems like a lag, however, A lit should be attributed not so Politics Muddles Revision Issue (Continued from Page 6) nues for highways. and sales tax are those who favor a drastic re- would all be in jeopardy if the money for schools and local gov- duction in the number of counties document was subjected to a sud- ernments. and curtailment of the number of d t u d ufunctions of towynships. den overhauling," the ' Bureau BUT MORE important to the "Then too there is a desire on stated. Farm Bureau, some observers the part of certain interests to re- Taxes are also a major element say, is the maintenance of the vamp provisions relative to legis- in the objections. Certain inter- ; overwhelming influence rural sec- lative districting and apportion- ests, the Farm Bureau says, would tions of the state have in the gov- ment, so that representation in like "to get rid of what remains ernment. i both branches- of the Legislature of the protection afforded Michi- The Bureau said: "Our mem- would be solely on a population gan property owners by the 15- bers are greatly concerned that a basis, with no other factors .taken mill limitation on taxes." Others, general constitutional revision into consideration." the Bureau says, want to remove might result in lessening the The way the state is appor- earmarking of gasoline tax reve- power of local government. There ,tioned now, the rural interests Hall AchIevesa Unique Unity in is have a disproportionate represen- tation, according to population, in the Legislature. TAGGING ALONG close behind the Farm Bureau is the Mich- gan Township Association for roughly the same reasons. Its members fear a constitu- tional convention might change or revise lucrative revenue sources and the constitutional independ- ence of townships or perhaps al- ter the vast over-representation townships now have on county boards of supervisors. The most vocal group urging a yes vote on the issue is the League of Women Voters. It has 3,300 members in 28 Michig an commu- UNION-All students may use the facilities of the recently completed Union Building for the Univer- sity of London. However, most of the colleges have their own as well. A second important difference stems from the nature of sec- ondary education in the two coun- tiles. For a variety of reasons, Ameri- can high school students work less than their British (or European) counterparts. Poor programs may further retard the student and those that enter college do so knowing relatively little. The first two years are usually spent in getting the foundations of a liberal education, the stand- ards of which are often not muchI more than the basic introductoryI education which a well-prepared British student will have had be- fore entering a university. The American undergraduate, required to take a wider set of lectures, de- lays his specialized training. ANOTHER difference is found in the relative numbers of per- sons educated. Less than five per cent of a given age group in Bri- tain will attend a college or uni- versity; the comparable American figure is probahly closer to twent- - much to American higher educa- tion as to the retarding effects of our elementary and secondary education. The achievements of the best American undergraduate, in other words our academic elite, compares much more favorably with that found in the British universities. ALTHOUGH British education is excellent, it does have its de- fects. On a practical level, for ex- ample, the less frequent but all- important examination is said to have the advantage of not exam- ining the student prematurely and giving him the opportunity for more extensive reading. Nevertheless, it tends to be thought of as an end and not a means to a greater degree than in this country where individual blue- books and final examinations have much less importance. A second type of criticism has larger ramifications. It might be 3 "rte" ' " '" : ; t# . WIL DS S T A T E S T R E E T O N T H E C A M P U S Importers of British Tweeds (Continued from Page 7) sides of things, the things that are work is admirable and it now must nities, organized to "promote in- The second section of the book there." appear obvious, even to the most formed participation by citizens is just that kind of affirmative In the whole volume and es- skeptical, that Mr. Hall is no long- in government." statement. pecially in the second half, the er testing his wings; he is using The League claims a conven- Some of the most sensitive and technique and craft of poetry have them. The "Sestina" suggested by tion is the best way to revise the grown and matured since the pub- Ezra Pound's sestina, was pub- constitution because it offers: Probing poetry is to Abe found here 'isediarlerinoananholgyxndltme oadnth jo;roporuniyst in this section on "Men Alone." lication of Exiles and Marriages. earlier in an anthology and time to do the job opportunity to The majority of the poems in this While the metrics are much is a tour de force of technical review the whole constitution; part are intimate yet objective more subtle there is a real danger control coupled with content complete revision in one opera- statements of life which touch the that the line will drift from the I delegates of high caliber who universals in human experience. j prose-like to the prose. The dis- BECAUSE this volume is not just will be less susceptible to political Like Browning, Mr. Hall takes tinction is a fine one but a dis- a book of poetry but rather, the pressures than officials subject to real delight in portraying char- tnction none-the-less and it will credo of a man who has a per- r acter and concept through charac- be interesting to see what direc- sonal and compelling tongue, a ter. However, there are many dill- tion his future work takes. language of his own, the small BEYOND the curious mixture of er ences and one of the most imp-things he might have done more political parties and pressure portant ones is the difference in NE F THE most notiableofjskillfully can be overlooked. groups in this issue is the dich- approach. Browning portrays the ON O Ticeae of The continuity of idea and otomy among the state politicians aprach.Browning aprtra thethe changes in style and tech- theme is unusual in a volume of that has caused a strange tongue- psychological aspects of charac- nique is the abandonment of what peradi snttu fM.I__________ ____ ter while Mr. Hall concentrates on -- poetry, and it is not true of Mr. tesrwilen Mr Hallccentes tron can facetiously be referred totas Hall, whatever may be said of the description of 'attitude to throw the 'ugly couplet,' and while this yone eeaino otta light on the idea he is driving at. is not seriously put, it is seriously hunger generation of poets, that their works are more impressive intended. Its very occasional use collectively than individually. JT IS NATURAL that the subjects is enjoyable but more than one On the contrary, it is only by of poetry are such abstract yet or two in a short volume become seeing this small collection of his real things as love, loneliness, and less than exciting, recent poems that we can truly death. As to rhyme, it is judiciously see this poet's work in any kind It is the poet who must see them used when needed and judiciously of perspective, and this collection with new eyes and bring them to avoided when wise. The predilec- is impressive. Above all else, it life again, whole and fresh. Again tion at times for rhyme is best strikes one that it is the work of they must become vital and im- put in his own words when he a civilized, sensitive, and creative mediate and in this, Mr. Hall suc- says, "there are times/ when it man. ceeds very well. Always, he ap- seems highly serious to catch/ the He has earned his "honest eye" proaches them with the intent.to indeterminate between two and created a poetry both mature break into "the structure of rhymes." and without pose or pretense. It things/ by repeated peed and However, the subordination of is his lucid insight and clarity of E force in order to lay bare/ in technical devices to the meaning purpose which distinguishes Mr. words, naturally, unworded/ in- and intent df the poems in the new Hall as a poet of stature, I slim line 0 a a uia as i'a nv A hyaahi iv cc..t w z saidthaseetBivthhatiherngedcto five per cent and this excludesistoo selet hatit isneg those enrolled in technical schools Ing a large group of students, and teacher's colleges. potentially able to contribute a great deal, yet not outstanding It follows that the average edu- ;enough to be part of the select few cational achievements of a British given university training. undergraduate who is already part universality of education is a of a select group will be higher goal important to any democracy, than those of the average Amern- but how far can quantity and l quality be mixed? K I Mystery are here! I imported from England Harris Tweeds Izod Sport Shirts (Continued from Page 2) Confession," and "The Red' Lamp." For readers who enjoy the Had-I-But-Known school of detection, the charm will still lie on these stories even after thirty years. Ex-Ann Arborite Ross Macdon- ald (Kenneth Millar), highly re- garded present-day exponent of what has been called the "Hard- Boiled" detective story is back with a new tale The Doomsters, (Knopf, 251 pp., $2.95). The detective, Lew Archer, gets tied up in a West Coast thesis story, and, as will happen so oft- en, the philosophy and detection don't mix. It's a hard kind of story to write, and Chandler's the last person I recall whb did it well, --Donald Yates MICHIGAN, and other univer- sities like it, may have at least part of the answer in developing honors programs to challenge the minds of the exceptional students while educating the average as well. Perhaps the British could afford to open higher education to a larger group. To be sure, it would mean a lowering of average stand- ards, but the impetus to British society might be worth it, espe- cially if the currently high stand- ards could be retained for those able to meet them. If this is a weakness, it should not dim the overall excellence of British education. American uni- versities have experimented boldly in offering education to the largest possible number of people. Together with our elementary and secondary schools, they face a challenge at a time when it is so important that our best minds be developed fully. Jaeger Shetland Sweaters Bri tish Byford Argyle Hose Aquascutum Raincoats Daks Trousers British Woollens Handcraft Scarfs rt took slimmer and trimmer in the latest version of Daks trousers with pleatless fronts and streamlined cut. ANNOUNCING -IN 15 IMPOSING VOLUMES THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD Written by foremost historians from Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Chicago and other seats of learning Edited by Allan Nevins and Howard M. Ehrmann NOW AVAILABLE THE FIRST FOUR VOLUMES "COUNTRIES OF DECISION" RUSSIA THE NEAR EAST THE FAR EAST LATIN AMERICA SPECIAL PRICE TO FOUNDATION MEMBERS $24.95 Bronse and Shop at STATE at N. UNIVERSITY State at N. University r FOR SMART LIVING 4 -Nothing completes a dress or suit with more elegance than the correct acces- sories. Belts, scarfs,jewelry, tiny hats, head bands, gloves, 4 handbags, billfolds, at ' Y "i"j &/ tr a b I Fai WILD'S w - - ., , ' On Forest off So. University and at our Campus Togs 1111 South U. Prado ..makes a new, qu( Empire style. Daintier, point single jewel at its throat. H ST A T E S T R E T O N T-HE C A M P U S There's so much to choose from our beautiful collec- tion at our down-to-earth prices. 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