-u ~aT -~ - ,-~- - - - ~ -~ ", -w - '-~ U- - - - - 7 - - .- - - minimnwmmm rrrrirrrw r.r5rrr rnnA+® Offerings in Mystery Amw e irt i g tn Bally THE HOURS AFTER MIDNIGHT: Masterful Suspense in t MAGAZ I N E Sunday, November 2, 1958 IN HIS new pseudo-fictional case I Gerald does not notify the po- The Gallows Garden, (Rine- lice of his discovery and soon he hart, 256 pp., $2.95, Ken Crossen, has ingratiated himself with a under the pen name M.E. Chaber, group of criminals and appears to offers another case for his insur- find his real talent in life. This is ance detective, Milo March, an engrossing tale, well told, and This time, the story is based on if you can see through to "the the disappearance three years ago real Gerald,"' you'll be doing bet- of a Central American professor ter than this reviewer. from Columbia University. Into o . . the narrative is woven a story of TWO NEW British detective a lost (insured) manuscript which stories The Case of the Rus- revealed many black secrets about sian Cross (Macmillan, 192 pp., the rein of a Caribbean dictator $2.95) and You Pay for Pity not unlike Trujillo. (Dodd Mead, 243 pp., $2.95) are A lot of Spanish is spoken (in- interesting of the two most popu- cluding poetry) which would not lar and divergent types of crime be heard outside a beginning fiction being produced in England Spanish course. The plot keeps today. alive, though, if you can ignore The former, a Ludovic Travers the silly things the characters are adventure by "old pro" Christoph- forced to say. er ushis nicenly wxithin the~ time-. The second novel cited is by a new writer named William Mole, and features Supt. Strutt of the West End C.I.D. and his amateur detective friend, Casson Duker. The stress in this novel is less} along traditional lines, and goes,' with notable success, into the dy-I namic characters of its person- ages. The two principal suspects in an apparent sex-crime, fellows: named Woodhouse and Hetter- idge, are at least as well-drawn as the detecting pair. Casson Duker, an odd fellow to say the least, has some particular- ly interesting theories on females' skin that help him reach a fully satisfactory solution. This review- er hopes to see Mole back soon with his sleuthing pair -- espe- cially that Duker fellow. * * * FOR BARGAIN hunters, I can recommend: The Mary Rob- erts Rinehart Crime Book (Rine- hart, 505 pp., $3.95). This volume; includes three solid Rinehart jheroine-in-distress novels out of the 'twenties - "The Door," "The See MYSTERY, Page 4 Vol. V, No. 2 Contents Offerings in Mystery By Donald A. Yates Page Two Report on British Higher Education By Lewis Engman Page Three A Window to the Communist World By Thomas Turner Page Five Who Really Wants a New Constitution? By David Tarr Page Six The Dark Houses-Credo of a Poet By Nelson S. Howe Page Seven Oct. 29, 1929-Just Another Day By Stephen Heilpern Page Eight THE HOURS AFTER MIDNIGHT. By Joseph Hayes. 182 pp. New York: Randon House. $3. AUTHOR JOSEPH HAYES has made his reputation by de- veloping masterful suspense with- in the everyday environment of the home. He did this first in "The Des- perate Hours," a novel which he translated successfully to the stage. Now he has repeated his formula with a short novel where- in once again a placid-appearing menage is transfixed by fear- of harm to one of its members. Between two and four - thirty one morning, Charles and Helen Elgin were subjected to the great- est torment that can come to the parents of a teen-aged girl. Their daughter Julie, headstrong and a little rebellious, had been. kid- napped by an irresponsible youth and was being held for ransom. It had all started as a sort of joke. Julie, bored and a little peeved at her attentive and well- mannered date, had deserted him in the middle of the evening for Nolan Stoddard, a surly misfit who had always had a liking for her. When Nolan got Julie off to he Home himself, the idea for the practical joke occurred to him. Julie's fa- ther had usually treated him un- kindly; he'd give the old fellow a call and tell him he had Julie. He'd make him squirm. The boy's; mind became inflamed, and the joke soon got out of hand, AYES' narrative, divided into units by the hands on the clock, is taut and economical. The weaknesses and tensions of the members of the Elgin family are brought out quickly and--one feels -almost too neatly. Each ; figure has his momentbof emer- gence and clarification before fall- ing back into the inexorable cur-I rent of the story's emotional flow. The members of the Elgin fam- ily are appealingly drawn as hu- man, understandable, everyday people. However, they appear in the story to have surrendered a good part of their vitality to the elab- orately developed "Suspense of the Situation." Moreover, young, No- lan, the story's antagonist, prob- ably inspires more sympathy from: the reader than he should. The final impression that "The Hlours After Midnight" gives is that a group of interesting char- acters, all well-motivated, have been fatalistically subordinated by' the author to a less important but dominant emotional plan. -Donald A. Yates PIPES ... CIGARS . . . 522 East Uierty The Biggest Littl+ The Hours After Midnight-A Review By Donald A. Yates__ ________ Constitutional Change? t. " 1 f l , t:# :'t t f >":. , '" ., i :":.? #.,::.:: t i i i : , z .J I Page Eleven * * * Invitation to Violence, (Dutton, 187 pp., $2.95) is a recent puzzler by Lionel White who did an inter- esting job last time with "The House Next Door." A gang of teenagers pull off a jewel robbery, and an apparently nondescript chap named G e r a l d Hanna stumbles across their loot. honored tradition of the English problem in deduction. Travers, who knows his way around among criminals and skullduggery;' inves- tigates a multiple-murder case set among colorfully sketched "arty" English folk. The plot of the story is one of the best Bush has put his affable detective through in many years. -MAGAZINE EDITOR-David Tarr PICTURE CREDITS-Page Three: Photo by Lewis Engman; Page Four: Photo by Lewis Engmon; Page Five: Photos by Thomas Turner; Page Six: Photo Courtesy Michigan State Tourist Council; Page Seven: Drawing by Nelson S. Howe; Page Eight: Photo Courtesy New York State Department of Commerce; Page Nine: Daily-- Charles Curtiss; Page Ten : Photos by Thomas Turner. COVER-A part of Warsaw, Poland, prewar condition. which has been restored to its Amok% p C . three angolura sweaters and a color-matched skirt ...a wardrobe of comfort and softness supreme. lambswool/angora sweaters by Glasgo; 34 to 40. a. bahama,light blue, waltz blue. 14.98 b. bali blue, true red, black. 10.98 c. Evan-Picone fur-blend skirt: true red, aztec red, bali blue, wheat, champagne, -2 waltz blue, verdi green. 8 to 18. 14.98 d. wheat, champagne, bahama,, (Continued from Page 9) Hart, Democratic nominee for the United States Senate; Sen. John B. Swainson, Democratic candi- date for lieutenant governor; and some high level advisers to Gov. G. Mennen Williams who prefer anonymity. The chairman of a citizens committee backing the convention is former U.S. Sen. Prentiss M. Brown, a Democrat. ON THE OTHER side of the fence, Gov. Williams has op- posed the convention because of the method of selecting delegates. But he finds himself agreeing with some very conservative Re- publicans, mostly the ones in the state Senate which the more lib- eral politicians around the state refer to as the dinosaur wing of the GOP. One critic said this group re- acts like Pavlov's dog to sugges- tion of any change. The Republi- can senators fought a battle in the party convention against the resolution supporting the consti- tutional convention. The issue is given little chance of passing on Tuesday. This is due partly to the requirement that NEW mimeogra AB~DICK MODE 42 Automatic inking--No di 20,000 copies without Trouble-free, simplified o Clean, complete color chan Only seconds to raise or I Positive paper feed perfo ar paper or unevenly cut p Accommodates paper si inclusive. In seconds you can chang post cards. For additiona writ, cal MOR 314S. STATE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR UNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 a majority of votes cast for all candidates for governor is needed to call a convention, instead of only a majority of votes cast on the question itself. Because many voters do not know of the issue or care little about it many will simply not vote either way which in effect is the same as voting no. BUT ALSO of considerable sig- nificance in the gloomy pros- pects for the issue are the strange divisions which have developed backing it and opposing it The result has been a campaign in which nobody -- except the lonely League of Women Voters- has said very much at all about governmental improvement. To be more explicit, the consti- tutional convention issue has be- come bogged down in Michigan politics; the show is colorful, to be sure, and the alliances involved amusing, but they must leave the voter wondering what the politi- cians and special interest groups are talking about when they ut- ter platitudes about "good, effi- cient, representative government if our man is elected." handled with Lovinth yr do e a y IVY LEAGUE-RI ASSORTED FREE CUFF AL SAWS1 122 East Washington SHIRTS . vay to get low cost ph copies 0 e His shirts rea treatment at Ky washed in nylon carefully on the ment ... packag $29500 PLUS TAX osh .. i b fi: r ails, no levers to set. re-inking. peration. ge in les; than a minute. ower copy on paper. orms equally well with regu- oper or ream ends. ses from 3"x5"to 9"x15, e from 8'l2"x11" paper to i Information 11 or visit$ RILL'S NO 3-2482 OF A B DICK PRODUCTS for wear. protection 1. . i 7 !bb T ' ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZIN