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November 01, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-01

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"Is There A Peace-In-The-Family Prize?"


Sixty-Ninth Year

el, UK IA

Big Production

Transformts Gigi*'

then Qpin10u AeFree
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



U.S. Foreign Poliey
Takes Turn for the Better

8 HAS SO OFTEN been the case with the
United States foreign policy toward the Far
ast since World War II, it is once more re-
unping its principles regarding this strategic
.ea of the globe.
This time, however, it seems to be for the best
ad it is hoped that Secretary of State John
oster Dulles will not abandon his firm position
n the Quemoy conflict to the all-too familiar
>sition of passiveness. The Cold War in the
ar East has been one of enormous gains for
>mmunism during the past 13 years. Beginning
ith the overthrow of the Nationalists in China
id then quickly followed by the Communist
inquest of Northern Indo China. Undoubtedly
ie Kremlin bosses hoped that in taking the
!emoy Islands, American influence in Asia
ould be so impaired that its position could
ever be recovered and consequently the neutral
ations of Asia would fall into line with Russia
ad China.
JNFORTUNATELY for Comrade Khrushchev,
such has not been the case. On the contrary,
.e to a novel American "get tough" campaign,
ze whole scheme has backfired. Not only have
ie Nationalists failed to surrender the offshore
lands to Peiping but three neutral nations of
sia have taken strong action against the possi-
lity of Communist subversion.
Although there is no indication that Burma,
akistan and Thailand are completely won over
the American way of thinking, there is strong
dication that they are solidly opposed to
iat of Russia's.
NT BURMA, while whole armies of rebel Com-
munists surrendered in the Jungles, the

Chinese sent hordes of Communist settlers
across the border. These immigrants immedi-
ately demanded Burmese citizenship. At the
same time Communist subversives infiltrated
the government. The situation was critical but
strong man Ne Win ejected the ineffectual
premier U Nu. On October 28 Ne Win set to
work cleaning shop. Consequently Burma is
now strongly anti-Communist.
In Pakistan the army orders from President
Mirza and General Ayub Kahn took over the
government on October 7 "to keep the people
from destroying themselves." Pakistan allegedly
was filled with political graft and corruption
prompted in a large measure by Kremlin
lackies. The new government in Pakistan seems
to have greatly alleviated the corruption and
subversion. Any immediate threat of Communist
domination there is unlikely.
Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat of Thailand
returned from a trip abroad October 19 only
to find his country in serious danger of Com-
munist penetration. By October 21 he had set
up a military government and began to arrest
Saviet agents. Communists and subversives. He
is now carrying on an open war against the
IN VIEW of the favorable changes which have
occurred in Asian politics since the new
United States foreign policy was evolved in this
area of tension, it might be suggested that a
similar position, if adhered to on a universal
scale, would also prove highly beneficial to the
American defense against the spread of Com-
munism elsewhere. Who knows, the defense may
even turn into an offense.


FRENCH novelist Colette once
wrote a thin novelette which
told the story of a young girl
whose aunt and grandmamna were
trying to turn her into a courtesan
in the grand nineteenth century
tradition, despite her unwilling-
ness. MGM has taken poor little
"Gigi" and transplanted her into
a lavish $3,000,000 production,
brightened by music and lyrics
by Lerner and Lowe, costumes and
settings by Cecil Beaton, and the
charming presence of Maurice
Gigi (Leslie Caron) it seems is
content at just being a young girl
and doesn't care for her lessons
in how to choose a man's cigar,
or which diamonds make being a
mistress worthwhile and which
are just payment for services ren-
c'ered. "Wait for the good jewels,
Gigi. Hold on to your ideals," says
Louis Jordan, who chants his
songs a la Rex Harrison, is Gas-
ton. Bored with his sophisticated
society life, he decides he would
like to spend some of his sugar
plantation millions and be Gigi's
sugar daddy, much to the delight
of her past-their-prime tutors, un-
til she becomes like all the rest,
whereupon he loses his self-respect
and decides to marry her,
CECIL BEATON'S magnificent
production completely over-
shadows this rather shallow plot
with its sumptuous fin de siecle
fashion. This gaudiness highlights
the picture along with the lovable
old roue Maurice Chevalier as
Gaston's uncle. the narrator. His
songs are delivered in that sly

Footballl Cards, Reporters, Effigy Draw Comment

With Fire-Tipped Words

IHEN MEN are moved to tears by the
chance appearance of an old toothpaste
Ivertisement and are willing to risk their
res for a scrap of newspaper found in the
irbage, they appreciate the value of the word.
In 'telling of his experiences under commu-
st oppression in Hungary, freedom fighter
bor Tollas emphasized that some form of
,erature, whether it be recited by memory or
ritten on toilet tissue, is the only thing that
.ve meaning to the lives of the imprisoned
Even though they were starving skeletons,
essed in rags, they were able to retain hope
r the future by sharing the literature they
iew by heart, ranging from simple French
ngs to the sonnets of Shalespeare, Tollas
Lated recently,
K THE MIDDLE of the Hungarian prison
camp Tibor was confined in, men from all
er the world found a common humanity in
membering the old stories of their child-
)ods an din composing new poems and stories
their experiences under Communist tyranny.
Soon the prisoners recognized that their
ork was their most important weapon against
eir oppressors. From their patriotic poems
'itten with stolen pens, ink and even time,
eir spirit permeated outside the prison walls
the Hungarians "imprisoned" by Russia.
Prom the furtive, desperate efforts of the
w men who recognized the power of their
atellectual weapon," the spirit of the revo-
tion was born. From this handful of devoted
en, people throughout the wrold came to re-
Le the brutality of the Communist regime.

THIS SPIRIT of revolution might never have
been born without the writings of the
patriotic Hungarian poets. It could never have
spread without secretly written dcuments and
proclamations between universities and uni-
versity students. The whole freedom movement
depended on words.
Russia recognizes the importance of words
in winning allies from the neutral nations
of the world. Government controlled printing
presses in Russia are currently publishing Com-
munist propaganda at a fantastic rate. Within
the next two years, Soviet presses will have
printed enough literature to provide each per-
son in the world with four publications.
Government-controlled bookstores offer spe-
cial cut-rate prices on whole bookcases full
of propaganda. School children in Russia's sat-
ellites are encouraged, even forced to read
volumes extolling the Communist system.
The free countries of the world are vitally
concerned with maintaining the freedom of
the non-committed countries. The countries of
the west cannot afford to lose any more allies
to Russia.
rBOR TOLLAS and his fellow Hungarian
patriots indicate the preventative. Money,
trade, and force can only go so far in winning
friends for the free world. The most important
force of all - the one that will win and keep
allies - must be more than physical. The
minds of men must first be won to the cause
of freedom.
Words, both written and spoken, will ulti-
mately crumble the Iron Curtain and win the
deadly contest. It will take "hot" words to win
the "cold" war.

To the Editor:
IT IS A VERY SAD state of af-
fairs when what is wrong is
considered right and what is right
is considered wrong. The letter to
The Daily by Litzenburg, Simon,
Warren and White seems indica-
tive of this attitude and of stu-
dent opinion on this campus. This
upsets us greatly. There seems to
be great confusion of the facts in
the case and their correct per-
The letter, which appears to be
an example of majority student
opinion, seems to be based on
several premises. One, that there
was really nothing wrong with
what the "boys" did. This is non-
sense. They were wrong, They did
break the law. If the law is dis-
regarded in one case it will be
disregarded in others. No matter
how many people have bet on
football cards, they are wrong.
And if they are the majority, then
the minority is right until the
law is changed.
But the most basic evil in the
letter is the abuse that has been
heaped on the Daily reporters
who exposed the gambling. Of
just what are they guilty to cause
so much abuse? As reporters it
was their obligation to bring a
crime to the knowledge of the
public. It would seem that since
the authors of the abusive letter
are all journalism majors they
should have known this. The fact
that The Daily reporters are not
being openly applauded shocks us.
All other facts to the contrary

we are worried by the general
tone that seems to be prevalent in
the letter - namely the idea that
there is something wrong with
daring to bring a shadow over the
University and especially that
most holy of all sacred cows, U of
M athletics. If this is wrong then
we are the people to be criticized.
But we are very concerned when
anything like these two institu-
tions seems above criticism. Could
it be possible that the University
is afraid it will lose two very ex-
pensive investments?
-W. Anderson Evans, '59
Henry Finney, '59
Richard Peters, '61
Suggestion /
To the Editor:
IWOULD like to comment on a
letter to the editor that was
published Oct. 30. The Univer-
sity should have this reply to any-
one or to any organization that
self-righteously points its finger
at this "scandal:"
"The blight of professional
gambling that exists here is not
limited to this campus. We have
found it amongst ourselves, and
have begun to eradicate it. We
suggest that all other associa-
tions do the same. I
The situation has been vividly
pointed out to us by members of
our student body. It now remains
to be seen whether the rest of
the student body will maturely
face this situation as Huthwaite,
Munck, and the University have
-Alan Dragoo, '60

Ivy League, . .
To the Editor:
ACCORDING to campus rumor,
Mr. Oosterbaan escaped by a
one-point victory from having a
40-foot effigy of himself hung
from Bell Tower last Saturday. If
this is the.case, The Daily's fear -
less campaign has not influenced
the immature athletic enthusiasts
at Michigan. Judging by this new
effigy, the student opposition to
an intelligent but mediocre foot-
ball team is growing.
Certainly the disappointment
over our football team's mediocri-
ty blackens Michigan's reputation
when it manifests itself in effigy
hangings. But the Ivy League in-
tellectualism preached by The
Daily as consolation will ,not as-
suage this disappointment. This
,extreme reaction on the part of
The Daily, "representing" the stu-
dents, faculty and alumni, is also
undermining the Michigan tradi-
The unique tradition of the
University of Michigan is in its
combination of athletic gnd intel-
lectual superiority. During the
past fifty years, Michigan has had
the best overall athletic record in
the Western Conference, one of
the best athletic conferences in
the country. This athletic superi-
ority has been built up at the
same time as Michigan's intellec-
tual reputation has been estab-
Disappointment over a poor
football team manifested in the
excuse of intellectual superiority
is potentially as unjust to the

spirit of this University as are the
effigy hangings. The pride in the
University of Michigan held by
many, if not most, of its students
and alumni is held because Mich-
igan maintains Ivy League aca-
demic standards in combination
with Big Ten athletic standards.
The Daily's stress on intellectual
standards at the expense of ath-
letic standards will only offend
this pride and provoke more effigy
Admission of future athletic in-
feriority will- only hurt the morale
of the athletic teams presently at
the University of Michigan and
will only damage the uniqueness
of the Michigan tradition.
The Daily ought to take a posi-
tive attitude towards the athletic
situation and appeal to he stu-
dents and alumni to contain their
disappoinment and to express this
energy in school spirit and in in-
tensified recruiting of the Michi-
gan type ofathlete. Enough have
been found in the past. If the
alumni aren't encouraged to be-
moan the high academic admis-
tion requirements, perhaps they
can be encouraged to use our tra-
dition as an incentive to attract
even more of the intelligent ath-
letes to Michigan.
If the present attitude of be-
littling the students interest in a
winning football team and of ex-
aggerating the ivy tower intellec-
tualism continues, Michigan's
reputation will be smeared again
by the effigy men. If Michigan
beats Iowa, we might make it to
the Ohio State game without an
effigy. If Michigan loses to Iowa,
The Daily had better start cheer-
ing hard for the team to beat Il-
linois. And they had better alert
the National Guard for the Indi-
ana game.
-J C. Mathes
Suspension .. .
To the Editor:
IN VIEW of never effaceable pub-
lie shame, and subsequent con-
cern for what the neighbors will
think, I suggest, since it is ob-
viously the only expedient re-
course, that the University sus-
pend all of its operations until
next fall, at which time it should
re-open its doors bearing a new
name with hopes that time and
the new title will ameliorate the
insufferable humiliation now so
sorely felt.
During the interim, those who
wish will have ample time to ac-
quaint themselves with special
agent techniques; an effigy-a-
week program will be initiated;
and your associate sports editor
can make arrangements to trans-
fer to Slippery Rock.
-Jim Flanagan
Sympathize ..
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I fully sympathize
with those unlucky seven, who
were so unfortunate as to be in-
volved in the football card scan-
dal (for lack of another word), I
would like to congratulate the
Ann Arbor Police Dept. for taking
time out from their overly im-
portant job of ticketing illegally
parked bicycles and violated park-
ing meters. I truly believe that

manner that has made him a fa-
vorite for years.
Caron, Jordan, Chevalier etal
romp through some magnificent
scenes in Maxims. the Bois de
Boulogne plus (and this will
please those tired of stock post
card views of Paris) only one shot
of the Eiffel Tower - from un-
Lerner and Lowe have attemp.-
ed to produce a "My Fair Lady'
of filmdom and, if the score seems
all a little too reminiscent of that
great hit it still has much to offer
because of it; this plus old Boule-
vardier Chevalier and Beaton's
excellent staging make a reason-
ably enjoyable evening entertain-
--Allan D. Schrelber
Disap point
BEWARE THE FILM of the "in
the great tradition of" variety.
Though "Razzia" is currently ad-
vertized at the Campus as follow-
ing in the tradition of "Rififi," it
follows the tradition only to the
extent that is written by the same
author, and stars Magali Noel. The
tradition which it does follow has
been formulated in numerous
"Hollywood gangland epics."
The producers portentously open
"Razzia" with a statement warn-
ing everyone to beware of the
dangers of the "dope" racket,
which will be exposed in all its
slimy details. After achieving this
high point the plot creaks out a
typical story of underworld vio-
lence with all the usual feature.
even to cars resembling those of
the 1930 gang war epics.
* * *
MUCH OF THE disappointment
of "Razzia" stems from its in-
ability to focus on the problem
it supposedly is exposing. Rather
than using the greater freedom
afforded by more liberal film
codes to dissect the workings of
a "dope" ring, thereby actually
revealing the exploitation and
misery inherent in organized vice,
the producers are content to
superimpose a few "starkly real"
situations on a plot which could
just as easily deal with rum-
running, the "numbers" racket, or
any other illegal organized busi-
ness. The smidgeons of realism
are not sufficient to justify com-
parison with "Rififi."
Even the viewer interested in
a good "thriller" and attracted by
the shock ending suggested in the
statement "no one seated during
last 15 minutes! ", is liable to be
disappointed. Interest wanes, and
lagging hopes are callously ex-
tinguished by a hopelessly ama-
teurish climax.
If stripped of misleading ad-
vertizing and artistic pretentions
"Razzia" might not be such a let
down. In its present garg, however,
it merely cheats the viewer.,
-Dan Wolters
The Daily official Bulletin is an.
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notces should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices

President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Nov. 5, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Nov. 3, 8 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Business
meeting followed by Dr. Edith Muller,
report on the Tenth General Assembly
of the Astronomical Union at Moscow.
Admission'Test for GraduatetStudy
in Business: Candidates taking the Ad-
mission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on Nov. 1 are requested to
report to Rm. 140 Bus. Admin. Bldg.,
8:30 a.m. Sat.
Board in Review, Student Govern-
ment Council. In action taken Oct. 31,
1958 the Board in Review removed the
stay-of-action taken by Student Gov.
ernment Council Oct. 1, 1958 in regard
to Sigma Kappa, with the understand-
ing that the SOC committee will meet
with the administrative officers to
discuss the issue.
Academic Notices
ZEngineering Mechanics Seminar,
Mon., Nov. 3 at 4:00 p.m. In Rm, 218
W. Eng. Bldg. Prof. ErnestnF, Masur
will speak. His topic will be "Some Re-
mark on NonlineareElasticity."
Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.. in
Rrn, 201 W, Eng. Bldg. All Intere-ted
persons are invited to attend.
.ecture, auspices of the Dept. of
Civil Engineering. "Atmospheric Chem-
istry," by Dr. Christian E. Junge, Nu-
clear Studies Branch, Geophysics Re-
search Directorate, Air Force Cam.


Big Switch' Becomes GOP Mess


Stopping Atomic Tests

Associated Press News Analyst
opinions about the dangers they fear from
clear testing.
911 they can do is make enough noise to hope
t the experts are looking after their interests.
Phe trouble is that it's somewhat like telling
ir doctor "if you let me die I'll quit coming
'he widespread fear displayed in Los Angeles
ursday after the big underground test in
vada is, however, a good example of why the
mnmunists have been able to make so much
heir anti-test propaganda.
Che top experts of the Atomic Energy Com-
ion are in general agreement that radio.

activity from testing at the intervals now em-
ployed gives people a full tolerable dosage add-
ing little to the constand bombardments of
SOME SCIENTISTS and the Red propagan-
dists hold to the line, however, that nobody
really knows what the danger of any increase
may be, no matter how small. They say man
may be upsetting the genes of future genera-
tions by setting his danger levels too high by
underestimating the amount of radiation that
will cause damage.
The Communists, of course, will be forced to
drop this line pretty soon if they keep on testing
and stick to their determination to make as
many as the other atomic nations combined.
Since France expects to join the atomic club
shortly, this could mean a testing race con-
ducted from political as well as scientific mo-
tives, with the world level of radioactivity
affected or not affected according to which
scientists you interview.
The Communist attitude of disregard for the .
welfare of men being what it is, in fact as
against their propaganda protestations, nobody
can tell where this might lead.
AT ANY RATE it i$ interesting that, in spite
of their pretense of leading a crusade to.
save man from himself, they completely refuse

Daily Staff Writer
DEMOCRATS may surge to their
biggest election victory next
Tuesday in the state of California.
This usually Republican-oriented
state has seen a former GOP gov-
ernor, Earl Warren, become Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court and
a former GOP senator, Richard
Nixon, twice elected Vice-President
of the United States. But Califor-
nians now appear ready to end
their state's Republican tradition
with a resounding defeat for the
GOP at both the state and national
Republicans now hold a senate
seat,.the governorship, and 17 of
the 30 house seats. They control,
most of the other state offices, a
majority in the state House of
Representatives, and half the state
All of this may be changed next
Tuesday. Democrats are favored in
the contests for governor and sen-
ator and are given a good chance
to edge out the Republicans in the
race for seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives. They are also ex-
pected to gain control of the state
legislature, while quite possibly
winning most of the other contests
for state office.
* * *
THIS DISMAYING prospect for
Republicans is a consequence of a
political maneuver Californians
have dubbed "Operation Big

California political experts feel
that both men would have been
reelected if they had run for the
jobs they now hold. Californians
liked them where they were.
Nevertheless, Sen. Knowland was
nominated by the GOP to run for
governor against Democrat Ed-
mund (Pat) Brown, the state At-
torney General. Knight was nomi-
nated for the senate seat with Rep.
Clair Engle, a popular Democratic
congressmen, as his opponent.
Brown is one of the few Demo-
crats presently holding a top state
office and is a consistently good
vote getter. In the primary June
3, he outpolled Knowland by a
surprising 662,000 votes.
ONE OF THE factors in Sen.
Knowland's "switch" was his
strong support for the state's
"right to work" proposition. Cali-
fornians will vote on this along
with other amendments to their
state constitution Tuesday.
Knight-along with most of the
rest of the state and national GOP
candidates - does not favor the
amendment. As head of the Cali-
fornia GOP ticket, Sen. Knowland
has stumped the state speaking out
in behalf of the "right to work"
California labor leaders are
wagering a determined fight
against the amendment and are
strongly backing Brown.
Knight, bitter over being denied
renomination. has refused toon_-

strife in California, are united and
* * * -
DEMOCRATS have led in voter
registration in California for many
years, while thg state has con-
sistently elected Republicans. This
year the Democratic lead in regis-
tration has sharply increased how-
ever. There are 1,200,000 more
registered Democrats than Repub-
licans. And all indications are that
these voters are more inclined than
ever to vote Democratic.
Many have been alientated by
the heavy-handedness of "Opera-
tion Big Switch," Others oppose
Sen. Knowland's stand on the
"right to work" issue. Some feel
that the two GOP candidates are
qualified for the jobs they hold,
but not for the jobs they seek.
With the "right to work" amend-
ment on the ballot, organized labor
has conducted an intensive regis-
tration drive. A large labor turn-
out, which often aids Democratic
candidates, is expected.
Recent polls in California have
shown Brown far out in front with
Engle also ahead. The most recent
Field Research Company poll of
California gives Brown 56% of the
vote, Sen. Knowland 34%, and
10' undecided. The same poll
showed Engle with a 48% lead
against 38% for Knight and 14%
The California poll on the "right
to work" amendment indicates
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HECHT ...Associate Business Manager

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