THE MCHMGAN DAILY I1 i sientists Ann Arbor Goblins, Ghosts on Prowl Show Work On Weather By JOHN FISCHER The University's meteorological laboratories gave an open house yesterday afternoon in the East Engineering Bldg. The exhibit was divided into two parts, in the first part were displays of research projects and the other part showed equipment used in teaching and gathering meteorological data. Exhibit Instruments E x a m p e s of thermometers, barometers, precipitation and wind velocity measurers, weather ballons and many other instru- mnents were shown. Two different sizes of balloons were shown, one which was capable of going up 85 thousand feet and the other up to 125 thousand. With the balloon was shown an instrument that radioed back to earth the temperature and rela- tive humidity. A graph was shown, showing the record of a balloon which went up into the tropopause -the upper part of the lowest layer of the atmosphere. The balloon went through a cloud and indicated that the top of the cloud was warmer than the bottom as it was warmed by the rays of the sun. Prduce Tornadoes Also, there were models show- ing how clouds, fog, tornadoes, cy- clones, hurricanes, typhoons, dust devils, and water spouts were formed, These models were of relatively simple construction but produced very convincing torna- does and clouds. Cloud seeding and weather ob- serving methods also were shown. The second part of the exhibit concerned the UMRI and Willow Run Research Programs. There were displays of UMRI's projects on "Atmospheric Diffusion Stu- dies and Meterological Analysis," atmospheric pollution, and a study of cloud droplet formation. Display 'Project Michigan' There was also a display on the Willow Run Laboratories "Project Michigan" This is the project that earned the University an award from the U.S. Army Signal Corps for its research on combat surveillance. The exhibit was in two parts because this coinhided with the divisions of' the meteorological laboratories. Part of the labora- tories is under the UMRI and the other part is in the civil engineer- ing departmen. But the two work very closy with each oth- er, Gerald Gill, of the laboratories, said. Outside the East Engineering Bldg. was a new instrument, a weather radar unit. -. J'Jeend Woner/and AT LOW STUDENT RATES. ...awaits you at any of thee: HILTON aSTATLER HOTELS NEW YORK CITY: The Statler Hilton The Savoy Hilton The Waldorf-Astoria The Plaza WASHINGTON, D.C.: The Statler Hilton BUFFALO: The Statler Hilton BOSTON: The Statler Hilton HARTFORD: The Statler Hilton .-r T4 Jet .-v .-1 7[ . a vs -Daily-William Kimball TRICK OR TREAT - Goblins and ghosts and witches were in abundance last night as Halloween loosed upon Ann Arbor all of the "underworld" spirits ... under seven years old. This little "gob- lin" is demanding treats from the North Campus area. Promising all sorts of dire results if the residents don't cooperate, this little demon managed to collect a pile of loot before scooting off to the car where the "monster's" parents were carefully watching that no one should harm the devil.. A good time was had by all ... except the witches, they got sick. PARENT INSTITUTE: Overstreets To Lecture At Annual Conference (Ci The featured speakers at the 20th annual Parent, Education In- stitute to be held Wednesday at the University will be the husband Catastrophe Old Judy, who remained true to her feline taste for mice to the very end, died yesterday at the age of 24. She passed away in her farm home at Sergeantsville, N.J., leaving the American Feline Society a bit upset. "That was the second oldest cat in the United States," Rob- ert Lothar, society president, said when told of the event. Mrs. Newton B. Scrope, own- er of the black, white and orange puss, said Judy contin- ued to catch mice as late as last month. This involved a little effort, because Judy was working under a slight handi- cap - she had only one tooth left. SGC Group Plans Forum Tomorrow The Student Government Coun- cil's International and National Committee will hold its weekly forum at 3 p.m. tomorrow, in the University dining room of the Union, Carol Holland, '60, an- nounced, The "seminar-type" group will meet to discuss three topics which are national, international or so- cial issues, according to Miss Hol- land, who is chairman of the SGC committee. Local Strings To Perform The Ann Arbor Civic Symphony Orchestra will give its first pub- lic performance of the year at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Ann Arbor High School auditorium. Two members of the Univer- sity's Stanley Quartet, cellist Prof. Oliver Edel and violinist Gustave Rosseels, both of the school of music, will be featured in the pro- gram. Selections by Handel, Rimsky- Korsakov and Hanson will be pre- sented by the orchestra. and wife team of authors, Harry and Bonaro Overstreet. Expected attendance at the In- stitute, which will inculde speak- ers and discussions scheduled throughout the day, has been es- timated at 600 persons by the' University Extension Service and the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers. The Overstreets will discuss "Maturing the Husband and Wife Relationship" at 10 a.m. In the Rackham Auditorium. They will also be the speakers for a session at 2 p.m. in the audi- torium at which "Maturing of Parents Through Parenthood," will be the topic for discussion. EGYPT: Zoologist To Speak On Study Prof. Henry van der Schalie of the Zoology Dept. will speak on his recent parasitology research in Egypt at a science lecture sem- inar at 8:30 a.m. today at Ann Arbor High School. The seminar is for any student in Ann Arbor's public schools. Following the lecture at 9:30 a.m. there will be a three-hour science program for 45 selected high school students, In charge of the program is John Rosemergy, science depart- meht chairman for Ann Arbor public schools . Campus Newspaper Discloses Football Betting at Ohio State (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thisis a re- print from the "Ohio State Morn- ing Lantern" issue of Thurs., Oct. 30.) Campus area spot card pushers scurried for cover Wednesday in the wake of a national expose of gambling by students at the Uni- versity of Michigan. But not before the Lantern had gathered a handful of the colorful betting cards from a number of sources. Spot cards at Ohio State come in blue, green, white and, natural- ly, scarlet and gray. They are -- or were - available at barber- Indian To Give Library Talks Prof. S: R. Ranganathan of In- dia will deliver two lectures on Monday under the auspices of the library science department. He will speak at 10,a.m. on "Re- cent Developments in Classifica- tion" and at 7:45 p.m. on "Library Progress in India." Both talks will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Undergraduate Li- brary. The professor of library science is the author of many books in his field, among them "Colon Classification," which is a new classification system designed to meet the needs of many types of libraries. The book has had wide accep- tance in India and the theory underlying its construction has contributed to present thinking on classification problems. shops, restaurants, haberdasheries and pool halls close to campus. No Involvement Indication There is nothing to indicate, however, that any Ohio State ath- letes have ever been involved in either the sale or the possession of the cards. A campus student in a position to know estimates that between 30 and 45 per cent of Ohio State male students participate in spot card betting and that the "take" from the weekly gambling grosses $10,000 equal to that reported on the Michigan campus. Spot cards sell for a dollar, though bets of $5 and $10 are not unusual, the source reported. A typical card lists 29 games. The bettor may bet any number up to 15 on a point rating basis. It is possible to win $500 for $1, or $2500 by picking 15 winners, and betting $5. Variations Appeared Variations of the football spot card have appeared- on campus from time to time. There are bas- ketball cards during the winter, but these are on the wane due to the frequent games played by basketball teams. At one time on campus an en- terprising student had worked out his own baseball spot card. Bet- tors could pick any three batters in either league. If the batters got seven hits among them, the card paid off. A simpler way to bet football currently in Columbus, it is re- ported is to know the right phone number. Bettors can pick any two teams for a parlay. The payoff is $11 for $5. "Rutherford Cuthebertson 111" ....,-- tL' SKII'IIN(J DOWN THlE PATHWM.. S~TOP "=z litA T415j 4 oNtAtROE V VNO'I jj(TotE0it wrTH CCOVOON &Tr 2[ CAREREE,' doo.-M" YJu" NDAt1 GAY.O... C~~~i n , t i - am, - 10, - SIIOTIiNG TCAAD) CHI[DRF Ni ... LAM MGAU CLWAY i a 00r rt n I I I