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October 31, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-31

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"Well, If You Fellows Aren't Going Anywhere,
I Mig1t As Well Come In"

'en Qpllons Are Free
Tnstb WtlJ Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Russia' Nobel Prize Attitude




Dramatized 'Diary' Has
Warmth and Movemtent
"THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK." both as a book and as a play,
has made a quiet yet profound impression upon a great many
readers and playgoers in the last several years. Winning the Pulitzer
Prize and the Critics' Circle Award when it opened on Broadway in its
dramatized form in 1955. the play has -iot only captivated Americans'
all over the country. but has reportedly touched off a sort of "expia-
tory" reaction in Germany as well since its first presentation there
last year.
For those who are not already familiar with the story. "The Diary
of Anne Frank" is the story of two Jewish families hiding from the

spirit of inquiry and personal expression.
This statement is most applicable to the issue
of Boris Pasternak, the Soviet author who has
been denounced by Russia for his anti-Commu-
nist views.
Pasternak, who was awarded the 1958 Nobel
Prize for Literature for his novel, "Doctor Zhi-
vago," has announced his refusal to accept the
award "due to the meaning attributed to it in
the society in which I live." The meaning he
refers to is compounded of hostility. suppres-
sion and brutality and other Communist
The Soviet writer must be a novelist of un-
deniable talent and profundity to justify the
acclaim of the Nobel Foundation and the Royal
Swedish Academy which awarded the honor.
Yet, Russia ignored the man for his talents
and condemned his novel as detrimental to the
Communist movement. Pravda exhorted him to
refuse the Nobel Prize "if there was still a spark
of Soviet dignity left in him." The Soviet press
asserted the selection of Pasternak was an anti-
politial Imaneuver, designed to perpetrate

propaganda against Russia. These critics fail
to realize, however, that the Nobel commit-
tee's selection was dictated by literary and not
political motives. Only the Russians can con-
strue the award to amount to nothing more
than an indictment of Communism.
THIS ISSUE RAISES the question whether or
not the humanities can exist in a Com-
munistic society. Boris Pasternak was expelled
from the Writer's Union, his "Doctor Zhivago"
is banned throughout Russia, and his personal
safety could easily be in jeopardy. Do authors
and other artists suffer comparable plights?
Must artistic creations be vitiated by adherence
to political authority? By its nature, art must
be imbued with social and moral overtones-
men allowed to express what they believe and
Russia exalts its science. Science can't "talk
back" and reveal internal faults. Art can, and
generations of artists will suffer by it. The name
Boris Pasternak, may be a "blemish" on the
pages of Communist history but what it rep-
resents couldn't possibly be.

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Everything in Its Place

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MANY PEOPLE assert that rules are made
to be broken, and by looking at the bi-
cycles on campus, this must be the general
consensus of opinion among University stu-
Bicycle racks provided in front of the Un-
dergraduate Library, Mason and Angell Halls
and other class buildings were placed there for
a purpose. Yet during the rush hours of the day,
they can be found nearly empty or with a few
bikes inserted here and there, in any casual
fashion the owners choose to park them.
When the University tagged the bikes in front
of the library, less than a week ago, the maze
of wheels quickly disappeared. Yet, only a few
days after warning tags were issued, the racks
were empty again and now bikes again clutter
the library approach.
1JHE ON AGAIN, off again shelling of the off-
shore Quemoys by the Chinese communists
demonstrates a diabolical mind.
Supply landing areas have been declared off
limits by the Chinese guns ... on even num-
bered days. This is a rather amazing maneuver,
militarily speaking. It is doubtful if too many
military. personnel are being hit by the bar-
rages especially with the pre-announced dates
of firing.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said'
recently that "... shows the killing is done for
political purposes .. . and .. . is only designed
to kill primarily the civilians who are the ones
most exposed."
The political reasons alluded to by Secretary
Dulles are United States recognition of Red
China and another Communist seat in the
United Nations. It is likely that they will get
both in the not too distant future.
ered the United States with the somewhat
unintentional aid of Chaing Kai-Shek, into a
position in which this nation is negotiating
with a country that doesn't even exist«., .ac-
cording to the State Department.

'Residents of the city and students also have
to trace a zig-zag path through the sidewalk
facing State Street and North University Street.
Plenty of bicycle racks are provided, but riders
ignore empty spaces between bikes or on the
other side of the rack. People again have to
fight for enough walking room.
Tags placed on the bicycles were only a writ-
ten warning to cyclists; the next move by the
Ann Arbor and University authorities will be to
take the bicycles away and charge a fine to
the owner.
If the student feels that he can afford to pay
the fine to redeem his bike, he can break the
rules that have been made and are now being
But what price "convenience?"
ri Realism,
The U.S. was the last to recognize the Soviet
Union and only did so in 1937, when it became
downright necessary. It seems that it has also
now become downright necessary to recognize
the existence of a government that has 600
million people living under it.
The United Nations seat is a somewhat dif-
ferent case. The United States does not, neces-
sarily have to approve of the Red government
but it must, almost certainly, recognize its ex-
istence and stop this idiotic bargaining with
non-existent people.
But, the United Nations is, in theory made
up of nations striving for peace . .. a few mem-
bers to the contrary.
Nevertheless the United States must face the
fact that membership will come to the Chinese
Reds . . . it was only by the hair of Dulles'
chinny-chin-chin that the matter was post-
poned for one year-and it will probably come
next session.
In any event the United States cannot hope
to put it off much longer and the sooner Ameri-
ca stops playing games the more likely this
country is to regain some lost prestige.

Stalemate Intact, Council Weaker

Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam
road companies ought to be
the Second World War. Their
quarrels, their joys, their boredom
and their terror all are seen
through the increasingly sensi-
tive and perceptive eyes of the
thirteen-year-old Anne.
They live on an island, these
people, and the processes of
growth and life and change seem
intensified by confinement and
fear. It is Anne's story, and her
development from a child into a
very young woman seems as grand
and essential as it is pathetic. The
audience knows at the beginning
of the play that Anne dies at the
end; her awakening affirmation
of life contrasts with the terrible
awareness of death as light
against shadow - each giving life
to the other. Gently put on paper,
the diary was powerfully put on
stage. It is almost the material
for tragedy.
** *
AS FOR this Ann Arbor per-
formance, while it was not out-
standing, it was competent enough
to involve the audience to some
degree and to leave them with an
impression of pathos and strength.
The play, when it is truly, effec-
tive, demands a great deal of skill
on the part of its actors, but is
well-enough written to carry a
few weak characterizations or a
bit of innocuous acting without
completely collapsing. Since both
flawis were present to some de-
gree, this was fortunate.
The entire production, never-
theless, had movement and
warmth. Pauline Hahn and
Frances Lederer as Anne and her
father, lacked some delicacy and
dignity in their respective roles,
but their performances in any
case were far from bad. The only
jarring interpretations were those
of Loney Lewis and Carol Guil-
ford, both of whom seemed to
have difficulty with enunciation
and acoustics.
The importation of more such
during the middle two years of
heartily encouraged.
-Jean Willoughby
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN forn to
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Open House, Meteorological Labora-
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.Bldg., 2-5 p.m. Friday, October 31.
Meteorological teaching facilities, re-
(Continued on Page 5)

Daily Staff Writer
Senator John F. Kennedy is
running for reelection against Vin-
cent Celeste, a former secretary of
Massachusetts' Republican sena-
tor. Leveret Saltonstall.
Neither candidate is waging a
very vigorous campaign. Senator
Kennedy, apparently confident of
reelection by an overwhelming
plurality. is building up friend-
ships across the country and has
been touring the country aiding
various candidates and speaking
on the Democratic record in gen-
eral. Candidate Celeste's campaign
has been hamstrung by the almost
complete lack of campaign funds.
Celeste's two main campaign
tactics have been shaking hands
and distributing handbills with his
picture on them. Originally these
handbills were posters advertising
the entire Republican ticket; but
in late August GOP candidate
for Governor, Attorney General
George Fingold, died. Celeste ob-
tained these then worthless post-
ers and cut out~ his picture, Ap-
parently these are the only two
campaign weapons he can afford.
Republicans have been reluctant
to contribute to Celeste's cam-
paign, because Kennedy is consid-
ered nearly invincible. Barring an
outstanding Republican candidate,
the state has tended, in recent
years, to go Democratic. Kennedy's
family has contributed an enor-
mous amount of money to philan-
thropy. Kennedy has a great deal
of glamor. And certainly not least,
Kennedy is generally respected as
a man of intelligence and integrity.
however, are not altogether happy
with Kennedy's lack of campaign-
ing. First of all they remember
that Ambassador to the United
Nations Henry Cabot Lodge lost a
close election to Kennedy in 1952
under similar circumstances. Un-
til late in the campaign Lodge be.
lieved that his reelection was cer-
tain and devoted most of his time
to President Eisenhower's cam-
Secondly, in the primary elec-
tion, although he ran uncontested,
he received several thousand votes
less than the total number of
Democratic ballots cast. Some
leaders interpret this as an indi-
cation that some voters resent his
apparent lack of interest in the
But perhaps the greatest worry
of the Democratic leaders is that
Kennedy will not win by a large
enough plurality to pull a some-
what ineffectual and scandal-
tainted state administration with


Daily Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY'S joint meeting,
between Student Government
Council and the administration
perpetuated a stalemate arrived
at earlier.
The meeting had been called by
the SGC Board in Review, to aid
the Board in reviewing SGC's de-
cision that Sigma Kappa sorority
remains in violation of University
SGC President Maynard Gold-
man insisted at the Board in Re-
view meeting the Council had ul-
timate jurisdiction.
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
cop insisted it did riot.
The Board in Review could have
voted then; but sentiment ran
toward resolving the difference
of opinion by discussion,
* * *
members sat down with Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea and Miss Bacon.
Discuss they did, but resolve they
did not.
The three administrators began
their case Wednesday by citing
historical precedent for them hav-
ing jurisdiction. Rea related the
history of Xi Psi Phi fraternity on
this campus, showing how over a
20 year period the Student Acti-
vities Committee had "reflecting
its confidence in the administra-
tive policies"' of the Dean of Stu-

dents by letting him recognize the
group, approve housing changes
and take other important actions,
all with no explanation to the
Committee of his reasoning.
It was "not our intention or
that of the Regents to complete-
ly withdraw from areas we have
controlled," Rea said, describing
the formation of SGC.
Roger Seasonwein told the ad-
ministrators that in his opinion it
made little difference how little
power students had in 1920, since,
SGC has been formed since then.
The argument came down to
the SGC Plan. Lewis called the
Plan "loosely constructed," and
explained that it had been the
hope when SGC was formed that
"experience and precedent" would
more clearly define the jurisdic-
tion of the student group.
* * * S
WHAT actually exists, Lewis
said, is "concurrent authority."
Miss Bacon explained that in 1956
when SGC first found Sigma
Kappa in violation and presum-
ably in 1957 when the two-year
period of grace was given the
sorority to clean house, the ad-
ministration was solidly behind
But in finding the sorority still
in violation this fall, Miss Bacon
declared, SGC had taken over an
administration duty and was no
longer moving parallel under the
"concurrent authority."

Several Council members point-
ed out that the only difference
they could see between the 1956
action and that this fall was a
change in administration opinion.
Wednesday's meeting saw the
introduction of a new approach
by Goldman and the Council
members who supported him. In
finding the sorority in violation
the Council had not taken action
but expressed its opinion, he said.
Action, he said, would only be
taken if and when SGC withdrew
recognition from the sorority.
said, Miss Bacon's calling the
Board in Review to dispute the
majority "opinion of SGC was
"completely out of line."
David Kessel chai'ged that ,the
most recent Board meeting was,
as others had been, called "to give
certain people a chance to rake
student government over the
But after two and one-half
hours of debate, the joint meet-
ing ended in "compromise." SGC
can withdraw recognition from
Sigma Kappa if it wishes after
consultation with the administra-
tion. But the Council would take
such an action knowing the Re-
view Board would be called again.
Having admitted the point on
"concurrent jurisdiction" by not
refuting it, SGC has no place to



Readers Discuss Gambling, Politics

Internattonal Economics

Associated dress News Analyst
{ XPERTS ALL OVER the world are study-
ing conflicting economic tendencies for elus-
e clues to the future.
~No one is predicting anything like a general
>llapse, Few are coming up with blue prints
ur any general stability, either.
Business in the United States is showing signs
boomx again after a recession which was seri-
as in some fields and hardly felt in others.
On the other side of the coin, Britain, which
1957 had the best trade year of modern t'imes,
facing cutbacks. Unemployment is increas-
g. While the U.S. government is taking ten-
tive steps toward checking a return to infla-
on, the British are relaxing controls in a
aotstrap operation.
)DDLY ENOUGH, while Detroit was in the
doldrums-and doesn't know yet whether
e new cars will really pull it out-the Brit-
h automobile industry was booming, Its small
Ars, which many .Americans thought was the
iswer, were boosting exports.
Now the British automobile industry is hav-
g a recession.
The Colombo Plan, designed 10 years ago
r the development of south and southeast
sia, has become something of a holding opera-
n rather than a dynamic force. The aid given

abreast of the annual 10 million increase in
the area's population, which is now 650 mil-
Political unrest in such countries as Burma,
Pakistan, Indonesia and Thailand has dank-
aged both their ability to make use of aid and
their standing as borrowers from international
An increase in these funds is now being
worked out. This is also an effort to increase
the flow of trade between Britain and the mem-
bers of the Commonwealth, and between the
Commonwealth and the dollar area. ,
Soviet Russia's contribution to instability,
through dumping aid and other politically in-
spired trade practices, is beginning to be no-
ticeable in some fields, causing some unsettle-
ment of raw material prices.
Possible results of the Communist economic
war are among the imponderable factors which
so complicate the equations of the experts.
Even in West Germany, which has been en-
joying an ever-growing boom and rapidly in-
creasing foreign trade since stabilization of the
mark in 1948, industry is slowing down.
FRANC'S DEVOTION of a great part of her
resources to colonial wars has made her
postwar recovery spotty. Her governments fis-
cal position is constantly unstable.
For 20 years the world's economy has revolved
around production of war materials in the

To the Editor:
WAS DISMAYED to learn that
the four persons who com-
plained about "noble seekers-
after-justice" are not only Michi-
gan students, but future news-
papermen too.
Students Warren, White, Simon
and Litzenberg implied in their
letter Thurtday that the men who
helped uncover football pool op-
erators are to be condemned for
this because "it was none of their
Surely there are numbers of us
who do not have the Initiative or
courage to go out of our way to
see that accepted laws are en-
forced. "These things happen all
the time," we say.
But certainly, when others of
us decide it will be better to en-
force certain regulations, it is not
for us to condemn these others.
This encouragement of apathy,
the bane of our entire nation so
often, is the farthest thing four
journalism students should sup-
--A Former College Editor
(Name Withheld by Request)
Duty . . .
To the Editor:
ARTICLES throughout Wednes-
day's Daily talk about "black-
ening the name of the University,"
and generally "oh the shame of

The University deserves the loy-
alty of all its students, at least
to the extent of being the first
agency to be informed of any ir-
regularities. After all, the students
are part of it. The duty of our two
super-sleuths was clearly to re-
port first to University authorities,
not to the police. The initiative
for punitive action should come
from within, not from without.
Our administrative establishment
is organized to handle similar cases
prior to criminal action, and is
certainly better equipped morally
and mentally to handle the situa-
The worst part is the big splash
of publicity before the investiga-
tion is completed. Whether any
individual is guilty or not-his
name will forever bear the stig-
ma of "being implicated" in the
scandal. The stigma will come
easier off the individual, than off
the good name and tradition of
the University of Michigan.
Tvo irresponsible students have
taken upon themselves to make de-
cisions for the properly consti-
tuted and wiser authority. The
moral and legal issues involved in .
gambling or apprehension of
gamblers are immaterial. The ex-
ploitation of the affair for private
publicity is material, is disgusting,
and worst of all, perhaps prophet-
ic of the code of ethics being
adopted by our generation.

Hyde Par .. .
To the Editor:
AT THE YR-YD debate the 19
to 14 vote by the audience fa-
vored more governmental super-
vision of the union shop. (A fact
that failed to appear in The
Michigan Daily.) This vote of con-
fidence seems to indicate the
rather untenable positions of the
Democratic Party on current po-
litical issues.
The Young Democrats defended
the proposition that union shops
should handle their own internal
problems of mismanagement of
funds and corruption through
self-enforcement and self-investi-
gating agencies. Such a stand am-
plifies the current hypocrisy of
Democratic policy. Their concern
lies not in the promotion, of the
workers' welfare, as they so often
claim, but rather, in the political
support of union leaders who, in
many instances, hold sway over
their constituents by illegal and
coercive measures. Thus, Demo-
cratic liberalism of the New Deal
that preached more governmental
control of industry for the na-
tion's welfare is not self-evident;
in fact, this liberalism is substi-
tuted by a conservatism that de-
sires to continue the status quo, no
governmental control of unions,
and has become the ostensible
guise of political expediency.

control due to historical precedent
and the "unwise" social implica-
tions. These parallel declarations
of righteousness and licentious-
ness bore right to the core of
Democratic hypocrisy.
The attitude of Democratic
leaders taken towards integration
provides another striking example
of hypocrisy. Under the glittering
ideal of equal opportunity for
education and employment lies
the political expedience of "slow"
or "no" integration. The Demo-
cratic party compromises its ideol-
ogy of liberalism in order to main-
tain popular support and party
Where in these examples exists
a shadow of political responsibili-

ty to the American voters and
traditional American concepts of
integrity and lawfulness? We, the
Young Republican Club, declare
that the only real responsibility is
to popular support not to the vot-
ers' welfare, to election of candi-
dates by the most expedient
means not to the liberalism of the
New Deal and to hypocrisy not to
integrity. We challenge the Young
Democrats to explain these dual
sets of standards, idealism and
political expediency, in public de-
bate on the Diag today or at any
other time.
Henry H. Kerr, '59 LSA
Michigan Federation of College
Young Republican Clubs.

Seni more Says ...




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