f tW lR ~ ~ TUE MICHIGAN DAILY a+v Campus To Adopt Customs Of English HydePark CLASSIFIED AD ER ISING ur rrrrrnrn i rrrrr rwnonoo rrrrrrrr r riu®nri - - 1 HYDE PARK ... poster propaganda By BRUCE COLE To British Citizens-if not to the world - Hyde Park corner stands as a symbol of man's right to express himself freely. Each Sunday afternoon earnest politicians, religious missionaries and determined reformers deliver orations, expounding their beliefs. They may be speakers of world acknowledged political or religious movements or they may be un- affiliated politicians offering their pet theorieson how to bring up children or face the threat of nuclear war. A group of University students will try to emulate practices at Hyde Park frdm 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday on the Diag when the League in conjunction with the Young Democrats, Young Republi- cans, Internatioial Students Asso- ciation and the Political Issues Club will sponsor Hyde Park, U. of M. At this time any student who wants to express his views on a topic in which he is interested may speak. Linda Green, '59, chairman of the rally's planning committee, said "in view of the forth-corning elections,, students will be able to voice their opinions on any topic and through this, many others may be able to formulate ideas and be stimulated to think about prob- lems which affect them. In case of rain, the rally will be moved to Barbour Gym, she added. Sanford Cohl, '59, one of the SDAILY OFFICI speakers will discuss the integrity of President Dwight D. Eisen-' hower, he said. "Eisenhower has promised the American voters everything and has not lived up to any of them. The President is not stupid, he is merely a rank political opportunist who lies outright to' further his own ambitions," he said. Cohl cited sliding supports for farm parity after Eisenhower promised 100 per cent parity in 1952. SAllspeakers expressed their be- lief that the rally should prove a! success, Most said, though, that3 no evaluation could be made until it was over. Then it could be analyzed objectively. Organization I Notices (Use of this column for an- nouncements is available to offi- cally recognized and registered or- ganizations only. Organizations planning to be active for the cur- rent semester must register. Forms available, 2011 Student Activities Building.) hess Clubregular meeting, Oct. 29, Union, 3rd floor. Congregational and Disciples Guild, freshman discussion, Oct. 29, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Guild House. Deutscher Verein, meeting, Oct. 30;, 3:00 p.m., League, Hussey Rm. Graduate Student Coffee Hour, Oct. 29. 4:00-5:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg., 2nd. floor, W. Lounge. All graduate students invited. La Sociedad Hispanica, "Tertulls," 3:00-5:00 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Coffee and conversation. Everyone invited. * * * Newman Club, Oct. 29, 8:00 p.m., 331. Thompson. Slide talk on "Christian Art" by John Williams from A & D School. Political Issues Club, discussion led by Prof. A. Kaufman of the Philoso- phy Dept. on "Is Freedom of Speech Possible in an Organized Society," Oct. 30, 8:00 p.m., Union, Rm. 3D. S.A.M. (Society for Advancement of Management), meeting, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m., 84 B. A. Speaker: D~r. L.iR. Hoff- man, "Are Business and Industry Man Traps?" United Christian Federation, Weekly all-campus *orship services, begins this Wed., Oct. 29, 4:15 p.m. Douglas Me- morial Chapel - behind Congregational Church, State and William. Eleven de- nominations sponsor the services through University Christian Federa-j tion. Everyone welcome to these one- half bout services. BUSINESS SERVICES PIANO LESSONS Doctoral Student-School of Music Walter Baker NO 2-4,47 J 69 NEED tutoring in French? Contact Lor- ralne LeMieux. NO 5-7441. )J68 On Packard right off State Street- That's our convenient location. Our hours are convenient too- 7:30 A.M. 'tul midnight. RALPH'S MARKET (formerly Freeman's) 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" )J70 RIT BEAUTY SALON Complete line of Beauty work 605 E. Williams Phone NO 8-7066 )J2 Shop for SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES. IMPORTED FOOD ITEMS, AND GOURMET SPECIALTIES Washington Fish Market 208 E. Washington NO 2-2589 )J10 One Special Lot-- CHR ISTMAS CARDS while they lost HALF PRICE MORRI LL'S 314 S. State jJ67 MONTH END SPECIALS Better Dresses - Costumes Walking Suits - Trapeze Suits Fitted and Boxy Suits $25.00 and $39.95 BETTER DRESSES OF ALL KINDS $10.00 and $14.98 at The DILLON Shop on Forest off S. University )J65 BUSINESS SERVICES ONE-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SANFORDS . Shoe Repairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6986 1J32 OPENINGS in class or private lessons n SINGIN sfor men and women. Carol F. Westerman, NO 8-6584. )J51 USED CARS 1956 PONTIAC CATALINA COUPE Radio, heater. hydramatic, power steering. power brakes. Very low mileage. $1695 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, automatic transmission. $695 1955 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. hydramtic $995 1954 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, automatie transmln&ion. $595 1953 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and heater. 445 KLI NGLER-PONTIAC I NC, Open evenings until 9:00 P.M )N24} FOR SALE We specialize in good used cars from $100 up. GENE'S AUTO SALES at 544 Detroit Street. NO 3-8141. )NI FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY There are available for imm::ediate occupalncy-Efficiency One and Two Bedroom Apartments at both Cni- versity Terrace and Northwood Apartments. To be eligible you must be a Married Student or full time Faculty Member who is not already assigned to either Univer- sity Terrace or Northwood Apart- ments. For information Please con- tact Mr. Melhuish, 1056 Administra- tion Bldg. or Call NO 3-1511 ext. 3311 or ext. 2194 C91 3 GRAD. students with house in Ann Arbor need 4th man preferably withi car. NO 3-7054. )C88, BROOKSIDE and. Pontiac 3 room apt. in new home. Separate entrance. Rea- sonable rent. Ideal for I or 2 grad. students. Girls only. Furnished. Avail- able at once. Call after 5 P.M. NO 8-8254. )C89+ 3 ROOM apartment in private home,. Separate entrance. 2 miles from cam- pus. Reasonable rent, Utilities fur- nished, Maximum privacy. Ideal for 1 or 2 students writing thesis. NO 3-3909. )C83 ROOM FOR MALE-Large single room, carpeted, new bed, near all sports, across from Wines Field, Linen fur- nished. Room cleaned weekly. To rent immediately at $8.50. 402 Benjamin, 'NO 2-8372. )C90 LARGE ROOM to share for male stu- dents, t1 block from campus. Cooking privileges. 417 E. Liberty. )C52 CAMPUS-1 BLOCK. Modern furnished apartments. 51,4 S. Forest. NO 2-1443. )C4 LARGE Single Room for Man. Three Blocks from Campus. Across from Wine's Field, near all sports areas. Linen furnished. Call NO 2-8372. )C25 TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE' US-23 15 miles North of Ann Arbor. Large lots, reasonable rates, pleas- ant surroundings. STARLIGHT TRAILER COURT 10175 Bishop Rd. ACademy 7-7199 )C3 PERSONAL PLEASE retuirn table Stolen off porch at 1324 Forest Court last Saturday. No questions if returned. )F97 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES INES IDAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 _80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 1-12 2.80 414 Figure 5 average words to o line, Classlfied deadline, 3 P M. daily. Phone NO 2-3241 ALTERATIONS TIM'S and Christines' Tailor Shop. formerly operated by Hector Philp. Alterations for men, women and chil- dren. New zippers and repairing. OpenI 8 am. to 6 p.m. NO 3-6228. 2131. S. Main. Above drug store. )PS FABRICON INVISIBLE REWEAVING Cigarette burns cuts, tears, moth holes. Guy Mosher, 552 Third. NO 2-0340. Plenty of parking space. )P4 EXPERT alterations and dressmaking. 332 E. Jefferson, Apt. 3. )P3; DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS, reasonable rates. NO 2-8449. ) P2 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. £15. Old style wide lapel single-breasted coat into a new style narrow lapel model. $11. Write to Michaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan, for free details or phone WO 3-5776. )P1 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS TAPE REC ORDERS Two-speed - $79.95 up HI-Fl COM PON ENTS Special prices Mlusic Center FOR SALE 1955 CREE MOBILE HOME on lot S. Orchard Grove. Completely modern, Twin beds. Aluminum exterior, full awning over patio. Excellent condi- tion; immediate posseion. Reason- able. Contact W. A. Earl, 1028 Ad- ministration Bldg., U of 11, ext. 2834. B7 '57-35 F7. MOBILE home. 2 bedrooms, 30 ft. aluminum awning. Call EU 2-8839. )B55 V.M. TAPE RECORDER and portable typewriter - Spanish keyboard. NO 3-6530.)B5 MUSKRAT fur coat. Long. Size 16-18. Very good condition. Phone NO 3-6248. )B54 STAUFFER REDUCING AND EXER- CISING TABLE. Call NO 5-5748 after 3:30 P.M. )B57 PIANOS - ORGANS Best offer Keyboard Service WURLITZER * SOHMER 0 KIMBALL Dealer ANN ARBOR PIANO CO. 213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109 )B54 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military sup- plies. Sam'sStore. 132 E. Washington. )B2 LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Student book of football tickets.~Call NO 2-1953. 1A44 LOST-Diamond Hamilton Wrist Watch on Oct. 16. Reward. Phone NO 2-1356. )A45 LOST-Dark green Parker pen inscribed 'Lester Ruslander.' Call Janice, NO 3-9376.- A43 Dail Classifieds. :Bring Results CAR SERVICE, ACCESSON WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Paint'ng 7007 South State NO 2-3. C-TED STANDARD SERVC Friendly service is our busin Atlas tires, batteries and aoi sories. Waranteed a guarante Bee us for the best price on n & used tires. Road service mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standw and you get it?" 1220 S. University at Forst NO -9168 TRANSPORTATION Rent A Car 514 E. Waahington NO 3-4156 Fords And Other Fine Ca Rented by Hour, Doy, or WEEKENhD SPECIAL RATE from Friday 5 P.M. ti Monday 9 A.M, $10.00 plus $"08 per mile Ga, ol and insurance includ WANTED RIDE-Mon. thru M.; arrive Mich. Union 7:40 A.M. North Campus. Call NO 3-3831, NEW CARS 1959 RENAULT 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater-Defroster $1475 plus tax KLINGLER-PONTIAC, FINISHED WORK-Specialize in ton blouses. Ironings separately. pickup and delivery. Siamese service. Also Siamese cat for NO 2-9020. cot- Free stud sale. )J29 WE BUY USED FOREIGN CARS We service all make foreign cars. MICHIGAN EUROPEAN CAR CORP. 303 Ashley NO 5-5800 )N13 HELP WANTED MAMA, MAMA, You know darn well it's Nov. 8. So shut up and take me. 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 )X10 )F93 RARE Violins & String Instrument repa irs. Pianos (Baldwin, Ivers & Pond, Estey) and Organs (Baldwin, Estey, Thomas) New and Used. Terms. MADDY MUSIC 508 E. William NO 3-3223 )XI Read an Use .Daily Cla ssifieds Looking for favors for th4 Fall Formals? Cw o Shop at O Chester Roberts Gifts for the new and different in f avors. '", e POTATOES-U.. No. 1 $3.00 - 100 lbs. Also Cabbage $1.00 Bu.-Tomatoes-- Apples $2.50 Biu, - Onions. Indian Squash. Gourds. Pumpkins for Hal- loween. DeMarco Produce. NO 2-7747. )J24 FOX MOTEL [At, BULLETIN W Ir IA AI Room Phones Free TV 2805 E. MichiganJ RU 2-2204 (Continued from Page 4) Late permission: Women students who attended the concert at Hill Audi- torium Mon, night, Oct. 27, had ex- tended hours until 11:20 p.m, International Center Tea: Thurs., Oct. 30, 4-6:00 p.m. at the International Center. Academic Notices, Botanical Seminar: "Translocation in Higher Plants." Dr. F. G. Gustafson, professor of botany. 4:15 p.m.. 1139 Natural Science. Refreshmenta served at 4:00, Wed., Oct. 29. The results of the language examina- tion for the M.A. in history are posted in Room 3602 Haven Hall. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr. Roger D. Low will speak on "A Mixed Boundary Value Problem for an InfI- nite Elastic Cone." Thurs.,' Oct. 30, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 W. Eng. Refresh- ments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in Rn. 274 W. Eng. Sydney Chapman Lecture: "The Na- tions Unite." Thurs., Oct. 30. 4:00 p.m. Aud. C, Angell Hall, Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1958-59 school year. They will not be here to inter- view at this timge, Harvey, Illinois - Speech therapist; Elementary (2nd gradel, Hazel Park, Michigan - Kindergar- ten (January 1959). Lansing, Michigan (North School Dist.) - Elementary. Madison, Wisconsin - Supervisor of Vocational Training. Napoleon, Ohio - Art, Por any additional Inlormation con- tact the Bureau of Appointments. 3528 Administration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Exhibits: During the school year several com- panies will have exhibIts and displays on campus. These exhilbit are for all students, the purpose being to show what the company has to offer gradu- ating Seniors and Graduate Students. They will be stationed either on the Michigan Union grund floor, near the cafeteria, or the East and West Engi- neering Buildings. They will be at- tended by company representatives who1 will be glad to talk to any sttident who stops. It is an all-campus affair. Watch the Daily Official Bulletin for an- nouncements of these exhibits. Personnel Requests: Management Consulting Firm in Cal. irnea Design Engineers and Engineer- ing Specialists. For design, developmlent and analysis in airborne RF equip- nett Will be doing design andi devel- opment work on high powered (one kilowatt linear amplifiersi in the fre- quency ranges 2-3 M.C , and 30-50 M.C. of airbone nayer XV11ti - narily the propulsion system IA mis. siles. B.S. In engineering, preferably M.E. or' Physics. Manager, Quality Con- trol, Responsible for the functions of inspection in line, final, incoming first piece approval, and statistical control, etc. Prefer B.S. in E.E. Department Head -Inertial Guidance. Will be re- sponsible for selection and staffing of the necessary technical talent to oper- ate a research and development depart- ment in inertial guidance. Preferably Ph.D. - or equivalent - in Electronics or Physics. They have several other openings and the Information may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Appointments. Callery Chemical Company, R & D Division, Pa. They have several open- ings for Chemists. Analytical Chem- ists, Polymer Chemists, Physical Chem. ists, Synthesis Research Chemists, etc. Experience needed for any of the post- tions and B.S. through Ph.D. degree or equivalent is also necessary. All appli- cants must be U.S. citizens. Contact the Bureau of Appointments for furth- er information on their present open- ings,. Stanford Research Institute. Elec- tronic Market Research Opening. B.S. or B.A. degree, (Engineering preferred). Minimum of 5 years business experi- ence, including three years in EDP systems analysis or electronic equip- ment design. Also MBA degree or pre- vious market research experience pre- ferred, For information on duties and responsibilitiem of this position, con- tact the Bureau of Appointments. Management Consulting Firm in New York City, Job: Product Manager, Cake, Experifence In marketing of consumer packaged goods at the manufacturer's level. Basic functions: Develop plans and programs for the sale and mer- chandising of cake varieties to pro- vide maximum profit. Initiate plans for adding new products and develop- ing new methods of distribution. Un-E dertake promotional activities in the field to implement plans and programs as approved. Production Manager, Bread. Experience in marketing of con- sumer packaged goods at the manufac- turer's level. Basic functions: Develop plans and programs for the sale and merchandising of bread varieties to provide maximum profit. Initiate plans for adding new products and develop. ing new methods of distribution. Un- dertake promotional activities in thef field to implement plans and programs as approved. SMITH'S CARPETS -- RUGS UNOLEUM - TILE SAVE on Carpet Remnants- many sizes and colors. JACOBSON'S We would like to interview a young man for a Saturday sales position open in our shoe department. Ex- perience desired. Apply to Miss Underwood, Jacob- son's, 612 East Liberty. lH19 POSITION as Resident House Parents for older Grad. couple who will be in city for 2 or more years. Main- tenance and salary. Time for hus- band's graduate work. Call Mr. Clif- ton. NO 3-5011. )Hie "end the Classifieds MAMA, MAMA. What's Botulism' Shut up and finish your cheese cake. )F94 ARE YOU a social outcast? Tormented by your toil? Be popular and be some- one, come and Join Gargoyle. Tryout meeting tonight for Business Staff, Edit Staff, and Art Staff at 7:30 P.M. in Gargoyle Room, Student Pub, Bldg. Shout for glee the days are down to three. CAMPUS CLOSEUP Do You Know? Anne Wilcox .............NO 5-7711 Doug Rasmussen ........NO 2-4401 )F BERNIE-25.--Third Floor-11 P.M. Art )F96 CONFESS-whoever stole the Diag sign advertising Panr-Hel Ball. )"S5 THE OLD PHILOSOPFER A defini- tion of happiness: Good health and a poor memory. )F MEN OF DARTMOUTH (Wives, Dates, Friends). Reunion Nov. First. 8:00, P.M. Ann Arbor VFW Club, }F72 LAST CHANCE for student specials on Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Eve- ning Post and Holiday. Order by October 31. Phone NO 2-3061. Student Periodical Agency. )F90 WILL the person who took the basked chair from the porch at 1320 Forest Court return it. You are known. No questions asked. )F92 WANTED-Couple to live in nice trailer; in exchange for services in orchard.I Ideal. HU 2-3797. jF49 RUSSIA-3 week tour next summer. Call NO 3-3883 after 6. )Fj6 SOCIAL CHAIRMEN, Party themes 101, meet anytime at 1209 S. University. Profs. Burr, Patterson, & Auld )F78 LARGE BASH! BIG BLAST! Like, make it to the Big Organizational Meeting of the new, all new, beat - GARGOYLE -CARPET STORE- 207 E. Washington St. -LINOLEUM STORE- 205 N. Main St. J1J ,4 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED RADAR SCOPE OBSERVERS The Engineering Psychology Group of the Willow Run Laboratories is interested in establishing a roster of University students who have had experience as Radar Scope Observers. Individuals having this special- ized skill are urgently needed to participate as paid observers in con- tinuing research programs of Project MICHIGAN which involves the viewing of rodar displays. The first experiments are to be conducted on campus during the month 'of November. These will take about 10 hours for each observer; the required hours con be arranged to suit the student's convenience. The rate of pay will, of course, depend on pre- vious experience and student status. If you wish to have your name placed on the roster and desire to participate in the November experi- ment, kindly phone at once to arrange for o preliminary visit. ENGI NEER ING PSYCHOwLOGY GRO"UP NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 265-W )HIS If you write funny, draw funny, sell ads funny or talk funny, (We have an uncle who talks funny) ATTEND THIS MEETING! WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 at 7:30 Gorg office Student Publications Building Ha-ha-ha-ho! Put Color in Your Lifel TAKE NOTICE STUDENTS-FACULTY MEMBERS Q A NEW GIFT SHOP has opened at 209 S. State St. (Below Marshall's Book Store) to be known as "LAKE DESIGNS" - "A Touch of The \illage . , featuring CRAFTS/ RTC , ~14A .f-oJ z vLi)'v 'Qt!-% "I MICHIGAN DAILY SUBSCRIPTIONS o .. : I ,. , l _ - . .,. t il jy 0 6 - w j7r 1 i 1 ° ' . now only $6.00 for the year t