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October 24, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-24

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4

VOL. LXIX, No. 33





.. .....

Give Nobel Prize
To Soviet Writer
'Doctor Zhivago' Banned in USSR;
Boris Pasternak Presented Award
STOCKHOLM (P)-The Nobel Prize, for literature was awarded
yesterday to Boris Pasternak, a Soviet writer whose "Doctor Zhivago"
criticizes Communism.
This book, banned in Russia and printed abroad over Soviet
objection, is the first novel of the 68-year-old Russian poet.
The 18 members of the Royal Swedish Academy made the Nobel
award, worth $41,420.
Notify Pasternak
The Academy notified both Pasternak and Nikolai Voinov, Soviet
Charge d'Affaires in Stockholm, of the award decision.
There was speculation that Soviet authorities may take reprisals
against Pasternak or at least prevent him from receiving his prize.

. ::: i.

.0. wins Nobel Prize "

To Be Kept
--Broma e
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of 10 articles writ-
ten by Prof. "Arthur W. Bromage of
the University's political science de-
partment for the Associated Press on
the question of calling a Constitu-
tional Convention. That issue will
appear on the Nov. 4 ballot.)
If Michigan holds a constitu-
tional convention after the No-
vember election, the delegates will
onsider what to keep in the con-
stitution as it is and what tc
change. Basic principles are not
likely to be discarded.
For instance, all state consti-
tuents contain a Bill of Rights,
Michigan has hers to protect the
people against temporary majori-
ties by some political party. This
is not apt to be changed.
The privilege of voting is grant-
ed in all states in accordance
with such things as age, residence,
and citizenship. One change some-
times suggested in this affects the
minimum age limit. Most states
including Michigan require the
voter to be 21, but Georgia and
Kentucky set 18 and Alaska 19.
A 'constitutional convention
would certainly continue the sep-
aration of the Executive, Legisla-
tive, and Judicial branches of the
state government. The independ-
ence of the governor, the legisla-
tors, and the Judges from each
other is an old tradition. Michi-
gan has observed it in all three
of her constitutions.
The delegates to a constitution-
al convention might consider oth-
er methods for the selection of
judges instead of direct election.
Even if they did, there is no doubt
but that they would preserve tb
independence of the judiciary.'
The legislature consisting of a
separately elected House and Sen-
ate is another tradition here. A
one-house legislature exists in
only one state, Nebraska, where
more than two decades of experi-
ence with it have demonstrated it
can give satisfaction. In Michigan
Chrysler Carp.
Reports Loss r
DETROIT W - Chrysler yes-
terday joined Ford in reporting

Nobe Prize winners generally come
here to receive their awards and
to discourse on their field.
A Swedish literary critic who
saw Pasternak recently reported
Pasternak "appears to have
reached an inner mental peace
which renders him completely un-
interested -in any reprisals that
might be taken against him."
Might Damage
The critic, Nils Ake Nilsson, said
Pasternak told him the. Soviet
authorities explained they were
not publishing his novel in Rus-
sian because it "is bad and might
damage my reputation as a poet.
That is of course only pretext."
Pasternak worked quietly on the
novel for 10,years. He had been'
noted for verses and. stories with
a revolutionary theme up to 1933.
Some called him Russia's greatest
In 1956, when writers had a
littlemore freedom under the
destalinization program, Paster-
nak completed "Doctor Zhivago."
A pro-Communist editor in Italy
who received the manuscript -
smuggled out of Russia-insisted
on printing the 700-page novel
last year ,despite Soviet pressure
to squelch its publication.
(EDITOR'S. NOTE: The University
Press announced yesterday that it
planned to bring out an addition of
the book with an introduction by
Prof. Deining Brown, chairman of the
Slavic Languages and Literature de-
partment. Publication is tentatively
scheduled for early December.)
Gregg 'Takes
SGC Petition
Former Student Government
Council member Ron Gregg, '60,'
is the 12th person to take out a
petition to run in the November
SGC elections.+
the Council yesterday.
Five places on the Council arel
open. Robert Haber, '60, who was
recently appointed to fill a va-
cancy has taken out a petition.-
Lois Wurster, '60, has announced
her decision not to run.
The other incumbents President1
Maynard Goldman, '59, Executivet
Vice-President Dan Belin, '59, and
Sue Rockne, '60, have indicated
that they will announce their in-t
tentions on Monday.

Tells UAR
At Reception
Russians To Provide
Funds and Assistance
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Gov-
ernment announced yesterday a
400 million ruble loan to the
United Arab' Republic to aid in
building the huge Aswan Dam pro-
ject on the Nile.,
The announcement was made by
Nikita Khrushchev at a Kremlin
reception for the visiting Field
Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, a vice
president in the Nasser regime.
Amer replied-that the people of
the UAR would be glad to learn
of the Soviet aid.
Brings Crises
(The ambitious Aswan High
Dam project for irrigation and
electric power development figured
in a series of 1956 Mideast crises.-
A plan for American, British and
World-Bank backing was with-,
drawn suddenly in an announce-,
ment by Secretary of Stato, John
Foster Dulles. Almost immediately,
in July 1956, President Nasser
seized and nationalized 'the Suez
Canal as a source of revenue, he
said, ,to finance his projects such
as Aswan. The Israeli, British-j
French invasions of Egypt followed
in October-November and crisisj
has followed upon crisis since.)
Khrushchev said the loan would
be used for deliveries of Soviet
machinery, equipment and other;
materials the UAR lacks., and for
Soviet technicians and specialists.
He said it would amount to up tot
400 million rubles-equivalent oft
100 million dollars at the officiali
exchange rate applicable in such
foreign aid transactions. No termsI
of interest were reported.,
The aid was requested by Amere
who has been in Moscow on an
official visit since Oct. 18. Beforet
that he was in Czechoslovakia for1
a week. Both the Soviet Union and
Czechoslovakia are sources of armst
used by the UAR.
Amer RepliesF
Responding to Khrushchev,c
Amer said:'
"The Egyptian people will greety
with inspiration and gratitudet
your offer to help build a dam
which is very important for theb
economy of our country and forf
raising the standard of living ofs
our people."t
The UAR official is returningt
home by TU-104 jet transport to-
The Aswan High Dam was to be
more than 300 feet high and three
miles long. It was intended to1
irrigate 1,400,000 acres of farm
land and have an electric powerr
capacity of over 1,400,000 kilo-
watts. It was calculated that it-
would cost well over one billion
dollars and take from 12 to 16
years to build. -








U .

All1 Attacks


Strait Area
GSie Stand
Directors On TV' Film
the cause of a lack of funds in the
was University's operating present
tors budget.
;ion. Previous to his July 1956 ap- Report Says Chiang
and pointment as University vice-
ddi- president, Stirton, 55 years old, Promises To Reduce
had served as vice-president at . is-Island Forces
w. Wayne University a re

IFC Group
Defeats Plan
For Pledges
The Interfraternity Council Ex-
ecutive Comittee last night defeat-
ed a proposed by-law change
which would enable the Executive
Committee to place fraternities
whose pledge class average is less
than 2.0 for two consecutive se-
mesters on social probation.
According to Sam Wilson, chair-
man of the scholarship commit-
tee, "This action seems to be the
only measure that will be serious-
ly felt by the offending parties."
It was said that a fine or rush-
ing suspension would be too detri-
H. Seger Slifer, alumni mem-
ber of the Executive Committee,
said it was unfair to hold frater-
nities responsible for the actions
of men who, in fact, are not mem-
bers. They have no control over
the pledges as they do not live
in the fraternity houses.
Bill Cross, Assistant to the
Dean of Men in charge of Frater-
nity Affairs said pledges repre-
sent their fraternities on campus.
"There are too many fraternities
that let scholarship go unnoticed,,"
he said.
The motion was defeated by a
vote of seven to two.
Earlier in the meeting, Thad
Ketchum was appointed by the
committee to take the office of
executive vice-president, replacing
Lou Kolb who did not return this,
year, subject to action by. the Fra-
ternity President Assembly.
Alpha Delta Phi was fined $100
by the Executive Committee for
failure to reply to the health and
safety inspection reports within
the prescribed period. This was
their second offense.
Sigma Chi was fined $50 for the
same offense.
Army Space
T ryPuzzles
Disappointed missile scientists
were at a loss today to explain
what happened to the Army's lat-
est space venture-an attempt to
blast a beacon balloon satellite into
"The thing did not work properly
nd we don't know just yet what1
aused the trouble," said Jack
Froehlich, one of the chief scien-t
ists in the project.
Hope was abandoned that the
2-foot diameter plastic and r
luminum foil balloon would evers
e spotted. Hundreds of volunteer I
"Moonwatch" observers and 41 D
racking cameras throughout the
vorld were advised to call off the t
earch three hours after the (
nighty Jupiter-C launching rocket s
oared aloft.9

Name Stirton to AMC

Offers Funds


Aswan Dam

.elected to board
Clash on TV
DETROIT (A)-Democratic Gov.
G. Mennen Williams and Paul D.
Bagwell, his Republican challenger,
last night hotly disputed Michi-
gan 's economic climate before a
statewide television audience.
Gov. Williams, as he has before,
said Bagwell "smeared" the state
and misled the people with asser-
tions that the climate was driving
jobs and business elsewhere.
"At this very moment," Bagwell
countered, "Gov. Handley of Indi-
ana is going around that state
bragging about 40,000 jobs from
38 industries that moved there to
escape the labor government of the
state of Michigan."
The half-hour debate had a
postscript seen only by the studio
audience in WWJ-TV. In it the
governor angrily accused Bagwell
of using "terribly misleading" fig-
"What kind of honesty is this
with the people?" Gov. Williams
demanded he he towered over the
seated Bagwell, his voice cracking
with emotion.
He referred to some data used
by Bagwell to measure Indiana's
industrial job gains against Michi-
gan 's, a comparison Gov. Williams
had challenged on Oct. 6 in Detroit
and Oct. 18 in Marshall when the
two candidates crossed paths be-
As first presented in a Bagwell
newspaper advertisement, they
showed that Indiana added 137
plants last year as against 16 for
Bagwell su6sequently adjusted
the Indiana figure down to 97, but
Gov. Williams still expressed dis-
satisfaction, saying unlike cate-
gories were being compared.

William E. Stirton, Univer
vice-president and director of
Dearborn Center, yesterday
elected to the board of direc
of American Motors Corporat
He will retain his positions
office at the University, in a
tion to his new duties.
Stirton declared he would
let the job "dilute my full-s
attention to University busine
Strengthen Bridge
At the same time, Stirton
pressed hope that the new p
tion would help to "strengt
and improve the bridge betw
business and education.
.Essentially, he said, his new t
will require attendance at
monthly board meeting inI
troit in addition to time sp
studying various facets of the
He pictured the job as so
what analogous to that of a U
versity Regent.
Give Cross Section
"It's hoped that the compo
backgrounds of the directorsv
give a cross section of the co
munity life which the corporat
serves," he said.
"I hope I'll be able to give th
a careful, objective analysis
what the public thinksa
Stirton was appointed direc
of the University's Dearborn C
ter Oct. 1. He is expected to
ganize, develop and adminis
the Center, which is to offer
work-study program in engine
ing, business and the liberal a
Delay Opening
The opening of the Centeri
been delayed until Sept. 1960,1

r a

t 1

He began his educational ca-
reer at Cass-Technical high school
in 'Detroit, serving as principal
from 1944 to 1951.
A graduate of the University,.
he holds a bachelor's degree'in
electrical engineering and a mas-
ter's degree in physics and mathe-
Stirton is a past president of
several Detroit-area education
organization . At present he is a
member of Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams' commission on the St.
Lawrence Seaway and the Great
Lakes Tidewater commission.
Co idwvater
Shoots Self

Accept Sugestiono
Of PlanRs Committee F
The Plans Standards Committee last night accepted the City a
Planning Committee's suggestion that the west side of Main St. b
between Felch and Summnit. be zoned residential and the plan provide
suitable screening between business and residential property. t
Previously, the committee had voted that the area be zoned asw
commercial. A 15 to 5 vote reversed the decision. A substitute plan
to defer action for a period of two weeks so that North Central r
Property Owners Association could.
go over plans was voted down by
a narrow margin.- EARLY SNOWS HA.
Action from the committee will
now make it possible for further


** *

Ends Trip
Dwight D. Eisenhower enthusias-
tically wound up a slam-'em-hard
campaign trip today and immedi-
ately gave thought to hitting the
trail again.
"I didn't run into any pes-
simism or apathy," President Ei-
senhower told a cheering crowd of
Republican leaders and others
that met him at the airport.
He seemed unwearied by his six
days of speechmaking over a 5,-
300-mile circuit, during which he
denounced the Democratic opposi-
tion with a sharpness unprece-
dented for him.
President Eisenhower also ap-
peared to be surprised at the
crowd that turned out to' meet
him. He walked down the ramp
from his plane unsmilingly until
he caught sight of the people.
Then he waved and saluted, beam-
"Thanks for coming out," he
told them. "I didn't know there
was going to be all this out here.I
Quite a gang."

COLDWATER, Mich. (A) -An
attendant at the Coldwater State
Home and Tiaining School com-
mitted suicide yesterday as in-
vestigators planned to ask him to
take a lie test in the death of a
The attendant, Charles Trom-
bley, 37 years old, shot himself in
the chest with a rifle. Branch
county coroner Donald Diedrich
and prosecutor Harold J. Smith
agreed on a finding of suicide.
Trombley was among attendants
who loaded 45-year-old John Ki-
biloski, a mental patient, into 'a
station wagon at the Coldwater,
The patient's death brought an
investigation. by a Legislative
committee headed by Rep. Harry
J. Phillips (R-Port Huron), who
said Kibiloski had been handled
like a "sack of potatoes."
'U' Regents
Meet TodayV
The University Board of Regents
will meet today at 10 a.m. Lyle
Nelson, director of University Re-
lations, said.
Up for discussion is the Univer-
sity request for legislative appro-
priations for the operating budget
and for capital outlay.
Committee meetings are sched-
uled for the morning, to be fol-
lowed by a conference with Roger
Heyns, dean of the literary. col-
After a luncheon at the Union,
the Board will hold a business.

WASHINGTON (') - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
yesterday the United States is
"not going to attack or tolerate
attacks against the Chinese com-
munists" in the Formosa' Strait.
Sec. Dulles' statement, made in
a television interview filmed for
use in Great Britain, was made
public here while the secretary
was flying home from talks at
Taipei, Formosa, with Chiang
He was bringing with him a re-
ported prozmise from the president
of Nationalist China to consider
reducing Nationalist forces on the
Quemoy fnd 'Matsu islands near
the Chinese Communist mainland.
Bring Pressure
Developments at Taipei and
Washington indicated the United
States and Nationalist China were
trying to bring the pressure of
world public opinion to bear on
the Red Chinese to institute a
long term cease-fire.
They also appeareC to be try-
ing to reassure this country's
European allies and neutralist na-
tions that they have no aggressive
plans in the Formosa area.
A communique issued at Taipei
on the Dulles-Chiang conference
containe, a public renunciation of
the use ,of force by Nationalist
China to return to the mainland.
Use Peaceful Means
It said the Nationalists would
rely upon peaceful means to carry
out their "sacred mission" of free-
ing China's 600 million people
from Communist rule.
Both the communique and the
television interview contained
firm declarations of intent not to
yield to force or threats of force
by the Chinese Reds. In their
joint statement, Sec. Dulles and
Chiang expressed belief that in
the face of United States-Nation-
alist determination to stand firm
the Reds "will not put their policy
to the test of general war."
Sec. Dulles told his'..British aud-
ience that "the whole position of
the free world in the Western Pa-
cific, running from Japan .
down to Viet Nam, Australia and
New Zealand, depends upon main-
taining a strong line against the
thrusts of the Chinese Commu-

Gen. de Gaulle
Asks Rebels



Quite a gang." meeting.

Search for Prof. Price's Son in Quebec

plan may be presented to a board
and to the public.
If the plan were adopted, it
wouldhcall for measures which
would redevelop the sub-standard
housing areas in Ann Arbor and
would cail for added development,
beautification and planning in
parts of the city, Guy C. Larcom,
City Administrator, said.
In an area where some sub-
standard and standard housing
exist, he said. the standard hous-

.. . -


PARIS (R) - Premier Charle
de Gaulle, in a bid to end the ex
hausting Algerian war, yesterda;
appealed to the rebels to come ti
France for cease-fire negotiationQ
He gave his personal guarantee
of safe conduct to the representa,
tives of the Algerian Nationa
Liberation Front (FLN) - lead
ers of the four-year-old rebellion
De Gaulle issued his dramati(
end-of-hostilities invitation at ht
first press conference since be.
coming premier of a tired, embit"
tered and divided France in June
At the same time, the 67-year.
old general announced that France
would soon become a member 01
the exclusive "atomic club" anc

The desperate, month-long search for two University students
missing in the Quebec wilderness today drew to a somber close.
Prof. Percival Price was expected to return to Ann Arbor today
as winter snows have blanketed all traces of his son, Alan, '59E, lost
on a canoe trip 900 miles north of here.
The body of young Price's companion, Robert Cary, '58E, was
recovered from the Nottaway River two weeks ago and has been buried
in a small cemetery near James Bay.
* I_. . _ n


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consequently could not agree

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