'Wilt the Stilt' Makes Debut
'Sen ior
(I .,
_ 'g
Bolsters Gridders
Gray Get 'Promoted
Just for Fun
T'S REFRESHING to see a sports event where competition isn't the
keynote. Althoughthe philosopher's bf athletics will always say "it's
how you play the game," there is little doubt that every contest this
side of the youngsters' backyards-in other' words,. every organized
game-is played to WIN. Every game, that is, except the ones played
by the Harlem Globetrotters.
I was fortunate enough to see the "magicians" of basketball last
Friday night-on the better half of a lost weekend at Northwestern-
in Chicago Stadium. 1t was the season's opener for the 32nd edition of
the Trotters. However, more important yet, it, was the first game for
Wilt "The Stilt" Chamberlain in Globetrotter uniform.
Perhaps it was the beginning of a new era for the Harlem outfit.
, For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Harlem Globe-
trotters, a short review' of their antics is necessary. To be a member
11of the 'Trotter squad, 'one must first be an excellent basketball player.
Many of the group are former college stars, while some made the jump
right from high school or other organized teams. Secondly, one must
be able to clown.
' Everyone gets into the act. As the years have passed the team's
famous manager, Abe Saperstein, has built up a better and better
show. The-teams they play against, the referee, the announcer, and
even some of the spectators are part of the show. As the annual tour
schedule gets longer and longer each year-almost an everyday series
orf one-night stands-.Saper ten has hired more and more, and better
nd better side-show acts to accompany the team.
As a result, the present Globetrotters put on what can easily be
rcalled "The Greatest Show in the Sports World."
Ta thers a ke nTansito.. .
PERHAPS THE MOST AMAZING thing about the Globetrotters is
the fact that Saperstein has been able to beat "Father Time."'
When he first started hittin'g the headlines he had acompletely
different oitfit than today. "Goose" Tatum and Marcus Haynes were
the attractions of his' famous squad, and they have lived on as the
greatest "showmen" in the cage sport. However, about five years ago
it became apparent that their time was just about up.
This was the big crisis for Saperstein and his team. The question
was whether the Trotters would fold with the inevitable retirement of
the two big stars. However, with the addition of new men to fill the
starlingroles--"Meadowlark" Lemon to replace Tatum and first Leon
Hllard and now "Honey" Taylor for Haynes-the team made the big
Actually, this changeover hasn't been as successful as it might
have. been. The Trotters had their most s ccessful years just before
Tajum and Haynes retired. Since then the tate receipts haven't been
as high, and the world tours haven't been as long.
The reason for this is simple. Many people have seen the former
squad with the old stars. They saw a show that they feel can't be
equaled. As a result they are doubtful of the new group. This skep-
ticism is unfounded, however. The-routines are progressing--with many
new ones added and few old ones dropped.
The present team is probably the best in Trotter history. Besides
the comedy men already mentioned, there is still Clarence Wilson, the
setshot artist who. played with the old group and is now assistant
coach. Added to this is the solid play of "Te" Harrison and "Tarzan"
Spencer. Those who saw the old time TrOtters have an even better
thrill'n store for them with the present team.
Chamberlain Helps Out...
F COURSE, the thing that makes the 1958 team something entirely
new and different is the addition of a man who can do things with
a basketball that no other person can. Chamberlain alone would be a
show--added to the Globetrotters he should prove to be the greatest
boxoffice attraction in the history of basketball.
Although the future of "The Dipper,"-as they call him, is uncer-
tain, his present six-month, contract with Saperstin should be suf-
ficient to pull the club out of the boxoffice lapse they have suffered
since Tatum left. Even If Chamberlain goes on to play with the Phila-
delphia Warriors of the National Basketball Association after the six-
months, he will have done the Trotters a great service.
Although still .lacking finesse in the Trotters antics, The Stilt's
addition to the team in basketball talent is unquetioned. Despite the
fact that the team never worries about winning, the fans are always
disappointed when they lose. With Chmberlain on the team there
will never be any of these worries again.
The result is a bette4 game of basketball. The opposition will be
betfer this year, since the Philadelphia Sphas who have toured with
the Trotters for many years are also a much improved club. Averaging
better than 6'8" a man, and sporting many excellent shots, the Sphas
Offer a stern challenge-but one which Chamberlain and his team-
mates put down easily last Friday,
Future Is Bright ...
CRITICS OF THE TROTTERS will still prevail, despite the fact
the team is celebrated by most Americans as one of the greatest
teams in athletics. Whenever a.y group is outstanding, there are
those who will attempt to detract from it. This is, perhaps, one of the
deplorable things about athletics.,
As usual, these critics are wrong. One of the things they claim
Is that the opposition is stacked, and that they don't play all out in
trying to stop the Trotters.,The fact that the team does lose games
shows the falcity of this claim.
Many people are saying that Chamberlain is ruining his career
by playing with the Trotters. These are the lovers of true basketball,
who want to see the inevitable clash between The Stilt and Bill
Russell of the Boston Celtics. Whether this will ever come is question-
able. Saperstein is paying Chamberlain $65,000 a year now, and the,
offer will always be good.
Wilt the Stilt is a real pro now.
Towering, T2" Wilt Chamber-
lain - the most publicized bas-
ketball player in history - made
his pro debut with the Harlem
Globetrotters at Chicago Stadium
last weekend with a $65,000-a-
year contract in his pocket and a
headful of dreams of the future.
This was a far. cry from a year
ago when Chamberlain was being
pestered and accused of foul play
by sportswriters and opponents,
who speculated that he was get-
ting all kinds of under-the-table
deals to play for the University
of Kansas.
In fact, there were only repre-
sentatives from a couple of college
newspapers and a handful of
young autograph seekers waiting
for Chamberlain at the locker
room door after his fine opening-
night performance.
Scored 25 Points
The lanky Philadelphian had
just scored an easy 25 points, as
a guard and forward, on an amaz-
ing array of -shots. The most
thrilling of these scores were his
"dunks" and long one-hand sets,
which he hits from 40 feet out
with amazing accuracy.
He had shown weaknesses in
trying to perform some of the
Globetrotter-isms (the hilarious
ballhandling routines) but no
player picks those up immediate-
However, Chamberlain's normal
game, especially with the dunk-
shots over the back of his head,
had been what the huge crowd of
19,137 had turned out to see any-
way. Their applause explained
their satisfaction.
Prefers 'Dipper'
After the game, Wilt - who
prefers the nickname "The Dip-
per" to the more popular "Stilt"
-stationed himself in a far cor-
ner of the locker room in an at-
tempt to avoid the mass of auto-
graph seekers.
4 "There is. a lot of room fo im-
provement in m*game,"- he told
a standerby. "This pro game is a
big changeover from college, but
the team is really helping me
"I plan to play with the Trot-
ters for six months, then sign
with the Philadelphia Warriors,"
Wilt told reporters.
To. Join Warriors
Chamberlain was drafted by
the Warriors as a territorial right
just after he graduated from Phil-
adelphia's Overbrook High Schdol
over three years ago. At the time,
the pro coaches said' he could
step right into the National Bas-
ketball Association ranks.
"I can't join them until that
time," he furthered, "because of
the rule that makes you wait un-
til your college class graduates."
He quit Kansas last year while
a junior, because it got to the
point where he just wasn't learn-
ing enough basketball. The colle-
giais double- and triple-teamed.
him, which is something the pros
can't afford to do to anyone.
"I "Wasn't too sharp on those
Globetrotter stunts tonight be-
cause I really haven't had time
to Work on them," he said. "I
don't even' have time to worry
about 12 foot baskets that every-
one is proposing."
Saperstein Happy
Over in another corner was a
happy figure, little Abe Saper-
stein, owner-coach of the Trotters,
who had just heard the tally on
the night's attendance.
"Chamberlain is probably one
of the greatest things that ever
happened to pro basketball," he
said with. a smile.
"With him, I think the Trotters
could beat any team in the world,
playing college rules. I think his
performance out there tonight
and the way he used his height
answered most of the questions
about him."
As he walked away, he looked
back, and with a wink, quipped,
"He's a real pro, eh?"
NBA Scores
Minneapolis 99, Cincinnati 79
(Only game " played)
-Phi Delts
Win, 38-0,
Phi Delta Theta took another
step toward the I-M social fra-
ternity 'B' football championship
yesterday by whipping Theta Delta
Chi, 38-0, at Ferry Field.
Five Phi Delts shared the out-
burst of TD's.
, Sigma Chi, paced by Fred Steel's
three touchdowns, kept its chances
of winning the championship alive
by trouncing Psi Upsilon, 26-0.
Delta Sigma Phi squeaked by Sig-
ma Alpha Mu, 6-2, and thus also
remained a challenger for the
Chi Psi, lead by speedy Frank
Fulton's two touchdowns, crushed
Zeta Psi 38-6 in the second place
playoffs. Two plays after the open-
ing kickoff, halfback Bruce Mac-
Donald hit end Sam Wilson in the
end zone with a touchdown pass
giving the Chi Psis a lead their
opponents never could overtake.
In other second place playoff
games, Sigma Phi Epsilon, behind
the pass catching of end Bill Ro-
'man, topped Chi Phi 20-0, and
Acacia tripped Alpha Epsilon Pi
Theta Xi used a quick, hard
charging defense to shut out Delta
Chi 16-0 in a third place playoff
in professional fraternity ac-
ticn, Delta Sigma Pi ; defeated
Alpha Omega 16-0 and Alpha
Kappa Psi won by virtue of a
forfeit over the Law Club.
-Daily-Robert Kanner
. ., returns to action
White Hickey
Lead Big Ten
in Offense
Ohio State's Bob White and
Illinois' Bob Hickey have taken the
Big Ten's offensive leadership.
White, the Big Ten's leading
scorer with 36 points, heads the
Big Ten ground gainers, rushing
for 151 yards in 46 carries.
Hickey is the Conference's top
passer, completing 12 of 27 at-
tempts for 267 yards. His favorite
target, Rich Kreitling has caught
seven passes for "212 yards and two
touchdowns, giving him the lead
in this department.
Three seniors, Jack Zachary,
Doug Oppman and Jim Gray have
moved up to fill gaps on Michigan's,
injury-ridden football team.
Not counted on too heavily at
the start of the season, this trio
along with quarterback John Spi-
del are now being relied upon to
help put the Wolverine squad back,
in the winning column..
Zachary, despite his small size
(he's only 5'9" tall and 175 lbs.),
has developed into a good defen-
sive halfback. His top perform-
ance this year was at Michigan'
State where he was used quite fre-
quently to spell Bob Ptacek on de-
With both Ptacek and Stan Nos-
kin expected to be used sparingly
Saturday -against Minnesota,
Zachary should see plenty of ac-
Oppman for Jobson
Oppman, who has taken 'over for.
injured Tom Jobson,. and Gray,
who has been, filling in for ailing
Willie Smith, will also see plenty
of faction in Saturday's Little
Brown Jug battle, since neither
Smith nor Jobson is expected to
Commenting on the play of the
two linemen, Bob Holloway, assist-
ant line coach,,said "Oppinan and
Gray have always been hard work
ers, and now with this opportunity
to play 'ore often, they are really
giving it their all."
The high spot of yesterday after-
noon's practice was the appear-
ance of Bob Ptacek who suffered
an ankle injury last week at
Northwestern. Not expected to
play Saturday because of "his in-'
jury, - - Ptacek looked surprisingly
well in going through light drills.
"Ptacek's performance was en-
;couraging," said Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan. "But whether he will
be able to play much against Min-
nesota is still problematical."
Noskin Impressive
Noskin, Michigan's other injured
quarterback, looked impressive
with his passing for the second day
in a row. Still handicapped by his
hip injury, Noskin's passing seemed
to have regained some of the zip
it had before his injury
Minnesota has proved to be vul-
nerable to =long passes, losing last'
week to Illinois by virtue of 60-'
and 80-yd, touchdown tosses.
Michigan's passing offense has
moved well this fall on the arms
of Ptacek and Noskin; thus; the
Michigan's pass offense has
day may well be through the air.
-Daily-Robert Kanner
ready for "Jug"
Another Lynching
Minnesota football coach,
Muriay. Warmath, whose Go-
phers face Michigan this week-
end, went to the "gallows" in
effigy. The lynching, similar to
the one given Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan Monday, was a
protest ' over Minnesota's win
less record.
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Entries close at midnight Friday and each entrant is allowed one
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'2 M' Grid Great Kipke Enshrined
Harry Kipke has received na-
tionwide acclaim as a Michigan
football player and coach over a
span of 35 years.
I; started when Kipke was
named All-America halfback his
senior year in 1922, continued
when he was coach of the coun-
try's number one team 11, years
later and culminated last week
when he entered the National
Football Foundation's Hall of
Great Performances
Kipke had many great Saturday
afternoons on both local and hos-
tile' gridirons, but probably none
that matched his performance on
Oct. 21, 1922, when he and his
teammates helped dedicate Ohio
State's million dollar-plus stadium.
The following is an on-the-spot
report of Kipke's- capers by the
Sports Editor of that year's Daily,
Frank McPike.
"If it would be fair to single out
one man on the Michigan eleven
upon whom to bestow the laurels
for the afternoon, that man would
be Kipke.
"The brilliant halfback was
never better. He ran the ends, he
effectually stopped all attempts
by the enemy to pass into hist ter-
ritory, and he kicked as he never-
has before."
The Lansing star accounted for
all but three of the Wolverines' 19
points, while the Maize and Blue
were shutting 'out their opponent.
Trick Play
Kipke had a run of 25 yards on
a trick play that completely baf fed
the Buckeyes. And then a. 45-yd.
runback of a pass interception for
a touchdown halted an OSU sus-
tained drive and literally broke its
collective back.
In addition, Kipke staged a
punting show that proved his right
to the title of Michigan's . best
punter of all time.
On 11 attempts, Fielding Yost's
meal ticket booted the ball 550
Displays of all-around brilliance
Jike this one earned him the Helm.
Foundation's award -as the coun-
try's outstanding player of 1922.
As a coach at Michigan from
1929-1937 Kipke's magic never
failed him. His record includes
For those who care
You're Always Welcome!
The Daseola Barbers
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Read Daily Classifieds
four Big Ten titles plus the mythi-
cal national championship in 1933.
The coming Michigan-Minne-
sota Clash recalls the game be-
tween those two schools 25 -years.
Harry Newman gambled on a
field goal in the waning moments
of the fourth 'quarter, a 3-0 score
flashed on Memorial Stadium's
scoreboard, and Kipke and Michi-
gan once more came home a win-,
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