At 4gan :E3a*-
Sixty-Ninth Year
"What's This Crazy Idea of Independence
for Anybody Besides Me?"
To The Ed'dor
"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Preval"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Facts and Figures Behind
High Admission Standards
SOME ALUMNI, students and outsiders- together one of the greatest freshman track
probably small in numbers, but certainly squads in history last year and had a team equal
big in words-have recently howled that the to this, or better, report to him this fall. Swim-
University's standards are too strict to allow ming Coach Gus Stager has put together a two-
good athletes to enter. They point to the fact tim NCAA champion with swimmers and
that some of the great athletes of our present divers who passed entrance requirements. This
era were turned down because of admission IS talent.
Some examples: Wilt Chamberlain, the ADDITIONALLY, good students are a boost
world's most famous basketball player, spent a to a school's reputation. And with athletes
few days on campus but was refused because getting more publicity than any other group of
of academic reasons; Australian swimmer Mur- undergraduates connected with the University,
Rase, now of Southern California and their reputations have a place of importance.
ray osenowof Suthrn Clifrniaand Michigan does not have a flow of "bum" ath-
possibly a future factor in breaking up Michi- gs ss hotghanks. flow orepbrm"d tha
gan's NCAA swimming dominance, was turned letes pass through its ranks. It is reported that
down a couple of years ago; All-America foot- 99 per cent of its athletes graduate - one of the
ball guard Jim Parker failed to pass the truly fine records in the nation.
entrance test then came back to haunt Michi- No lettermen in the past few years have dis-
gan as Ohio State rolled over the Big Ten in graced the ktM like such cases as Gene Le-
1955; Just last spring track coach Don Canham kenta, Michigan State's Rose Bowl fullback a
had to pass up a young Pennsylvanian who was couple of years ago, who spent a long jail term
rated one of the most promising hurdlers in for beating up a Western Michigan basketball
the country; and Ed Burton, one of the all-time player; Hugh Bobo, fullback of Ohio State's
greats of Micligan prep basketball and brother 1954 Rose Bowl team, who got into trouble after
of Michigan star M. C., succumbed to the trouble and managed to flunk Freshman Eng-
-admisibadsxam. C.,uumd h lish a near-record number of times; or Dave
'dmission board's exams. Scott, a guard on MSU's fine basketball team
These are just representative examples of a couple of years agb, who was charged with
recent years. All of these athletes had a deep breaking and entering only a while after being
Interest in coming here and the Michigan ath- declared ineligible; or the tremendous number
letic department has been haunted untold times of football players who dropped out of Iowa
in the past by these returnees. When the Uni- right after the season was over, including its
versity loses this calibre of talent, the critics star tackles Dick. Klien and Alex Karras. An-
say, why not do something about changing other great high school basketball player en-
t sn drolled in a Big Ten school even though Michi-
gan Coach Bill Perigo claimed last year that
IHE BEST WAY to answer these critics is to he "could hardly read or write his own names
throw away the hackneyed philosophical when he visited here. And another high school
and moral reasons against lowering standards star, from Arizona, is at a conference football
for the chosen group, and use cold facts and power despite the fact that he couldn't enter his
examples. The first of these is that good foot- state school because he wasn't in the top two-
ball players can be good students In fact, two thirds of his graduating class.
of the better grid teams in the Big Ten this Another case in the reputation issue is best
year are rated with Michigan as having the put together by a Michigan football player who
best academic standards in the conference, says about those allowed to meet easy entrance
They are Wisconsin and Northwestern - the standards, "If they (the athletes) let you down
latter needing no introduction, in the classroom, they'll let you down on the
Yet, Michigan Admissions Director Clyde field and in the future too."
Vroman says that the standards now are no
different than the ones that Ron Kramer, FINALLY, TAKE A LOOK around the nation
Tom Maentz and Terry Barr passed a few years , at some of the best football teams. Army,
back. the nation's top-ranked eleven, has no back
This year's Michigan backfield contains a door athletes. Nor does Navy, Notre Dame, or
half-dozen juniors and seniors who made recog- the Air Force Academy, which just tied a top-
nized all-state teams as prepsters. They are rated Iowa team. Yet all of those football pow-
Darrell Harper, Brad Myers, Stan Noskin, Fred les have entrance standards comparable to or
Julian, John Herrnstein and Jim Byers -the higher than Michigan.
latter three earning high school All-America Michigan need not apologize for its athletes
honors. and never has, A few fumbles, a few missed
Recruiting for track and field athletes is only blocks and a few bad passes shouldn't change
succeeded in competition by football and bas- any school.
ketball, coaches will tell you. But Canham put --JAMES BENAGH
The Real Losers
N THE SPRING of this year, a national students were out of school. Recently, the
magazine came out with a list of the 39 best governor announced a private school would
high schools in the United States. Included in soon be set up for Central High School seniors.
this list was Central High School in Little Rock. However, it is the students, including the
The list was compiled on the basis of academic white ones, who lose.
achievement on the part of the students, the What university in the United States will
high quality of instruction by the faculty and gladly accept someone who 1) has not gone to
the degree of difficulty of the courses offered. school the usual length of time, particularly in
Many of these schools also had courses on the his 'senior year; and 2) has not been able to
college level. receive a good education in his senior year
This year, the students of Central High are because he has been deprived of a faculty and
being cheated out of the excellent education decent facilities for learning?
they were accustomed to receive. The trouble
began when Gov. Orval Faubus decided to close CENTRAL HIGH had a great percentage of
the school because of a Supreme Court order its students going to colleges, and most of
which ordered that Central High be integrated, the colleges were in the upper bracket. In this
Gov. Faubus said he was closing the school period when the nation cries for intelligent'
this year in the interest of the community as a educated people, some of the finest minds in
whole. There have been reports, though, that the country are losing out of an excellent educa-
only a small percentage of the student body tional opportunity by the closing down of one
were actually anti-integration and, the riots of the finest high schools in the United States,
which broke out were instigated on the whole by Gov. Faubus has already made namefor
adults and parents of the students at Central himself through his petty, selfish acts. Now he
High. The adults convinced many of the stu- must take the youth of his state into considera-
dents that integration would be harmful. tion, and give them the break they so earnestly
The result is that for approximately two need-a good education.
mwathg of this academic year, Central High --BRUCE COLE
The Long and Short of Sitting
Ike Assumes
WASHINGTON - One of the cans which the Presid
most spirited of all the con- usually deplores.
tests going on in the climax of Indeed, Mr. Eisenho
the Congressional campaign is a cently as Oct. 15, had
series of brisk battles between this kind of languag
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Dwight chiding observation:'
D6 Eisenhower. The "tougher" Ei- do love to make things
senhower is progressively winning tive."
over the amiable Eisenhower -. The fact that within
with all encouragement from the week he himself wt
Republican professionals. things even more "posi
The President has first deplored a source of happy re
and then welcomed foreign policy pros. They knew wha
fighting in the campaign. He first posed to be in the
assented to the use in a Republi- speech.
can manifesto of the cry of "so- But they had great
cialism" against the Democrats, the operative words
And though he backslid momen- radicals" would never;
tarily to repudiate that cry, he by the President whet
has now gone much farther to came. Many times befo
charge the Democratic party with seen "hard-hitting"\1
being dominated by "political radi- speeches become mucl
cals." before delivery.
This accusation made recently To determine why
spoken has required a g
by the President in a belated ef- exploration among the
fort to help the Republicans inof the Republican high
California, was incomparably the This is the story:
harshest partisan blow he ever'de-
livered. It was wholly and demon-
strably out of character, not only Richard M. Nixon but
on this correspondent's experience
but on the word of some of the Alcorn, the Republica
top people in the Republican par- chairman, had been a
ty organization. work since early Sep
yog o "toughen the Presiden
* * * Alcorn began going to
THE PROS at the GOP nation- House Tong ago to say
al committee did not prepare, the President went tov
though they happily welcomed, gent partisanship the
this Presidential epithet against a Republicans would be1
party that on some critical issues neither the voters no
has helped him in Congress more cats"-the campaign
than his own. It was written by tributors.
White House ghosts who are sup- As Winston Churchi
posed to be "modern" Republicans clared he had not b
innocent of the combative parti- King's first ministert
sanship of the "regular" Republi- over the liquidation of
Tougher' Role
ent himself
wer, as re-
e, with the
s very posi-
less than a
as making
tive" is still
lief to the
t was sup-
fears that
get uttered
n the time
re they had
eh softened
they were
good deal of
also Meade
in national
nxiously at
ptember to
t up." Mr.
the White
that unless.
work in ur-
rest of the
able to stir
r the "fat
cash con-
ll once de-
become the
to "preside
f the Brit-
ish empire," Mr. Alcorn observed
that he had not become Republi-
can chairman to preside over the
liquidation of the GOP in No-
These strong and continuous
representations alternately made
and lost headway. But Alcorn suc-
cesses began to predominate over
Alcorn failures after Sherman Ad-
ams, the former Presidential as-
sistant, left the White House for
good. Mr. Adams, until his forced.
resignation because of acceptance
of gifts, had held Mr. Alcorn at,
arms' length from the President.
* * *
BUT ONCE the GOP chairman
began to see "the boss" himself,
and after all the lingering Adams
influence had departed from the
White House the President did, in-
deed, begin to "toughen up"-most
of the time. Alcorn then on his
own account began to take an ex-
ceptionally "tough" line. This
reached its pitch in his charge of
Oct. 19 that the Democrats were
"the party of the left-wingers and
the appeasers."
This was almost exactly the
tone of the President's California.
speech of two days later, in which
the dominant wing of the Demo.
crats became "political radicals."
Oddly, by that time, Mr. Alcorn
and President Eisenhower him-
self were very nearly outdoing
Vice-President Nixon in their at-
tacks on the Democrats.
And there is, ironically, sound
information f r o m Republican
quarters that neither, the Presi-
dent nor the party chairman
would have gone so far had Mr.
Adams, a special Democratic tar-
get, remained in the White House.
Bias Clause ..
To the Editor:
PERHAPS, as stated in Mr. Wells'
letter in this column on Oct.
21, the fraternity requirement that
a member "believe in the princi-
ples of Christianity" is not a bias
clause which restricts the race,
creed or national origin of the
membership. Perhaps it isn't even
used for that purpose. Whatever
its use one must ask, "what should
be the net result in campus and
interfraternity affairs of the pres-
ence of a number of active frater-
nities consisting entirely of mem-
bers who believe in the principles
of Christianity?" More specifically,
what would. one expect to find
happening in regard to both policy
and practice in fraternity member-
Belief, whether in fraternity
(brotherhood), justice, mercy, love
or any other Christian principle,
is no belief at all unless it is trans-
lated into action. Therefore it is
not enough to say, "No minority
group members came to our house
during Rush, so we had no oppor-
tunity to take any into member-
ship." Of course not, because prac-
tice speaks louder than the absence
of clauses. But belief in any Chris-
tian principle would motivate an
active campaign to change those
attitudes, both local and national,
which have kept the houses segre-
gated. It would also publicly pro-
claim that at least some local
houses will welcome rushees of all
backgrounds and will not base
selections upon the race, creed or
national origin.
Let's agree that these efforts
should be educational, not coer-
eive. But a passive holding-action
which changes clauses while mak-
ing no consistent attempt to
change attitudes is not even edu-
cation, much less an expression of
belief in Christian principles.
If this membership requirement
means something, let's have it ap-
plied at the points where it is most
needed. If not, let's admit it and
stop making a mockery of one of
the world's great religions by pro-
fessing beliefs which we have no
intention of applying.
I am sure that it is possible for
one to be a fraternity man and a
believer in the principles of Chris-
tianity at the same time, but in
these days it must be difficult, just
as it was when I tried it.
-Grey Austin
Assistant Coordinator
of Religious Affairs
Lambda Chi Alpha...
To the Editor.:
IN THE OCTOBER 21 issue of
The Michigan Daily, Mr. James
Wells stated, in his letter to the
editor, concerning Lambda Chi
Alpha fraternity, "A requirement
does exist that, to be a member
of Lambda. Chi Alpha, a man
must, as quoted, 'believe in the
principles of Christianity.' This is
not a bias clause. A bias clause
discriminates against an individ-
ual on the basis of race, color, or
I accept Mr. Wells' definition of
the term, "bias clause;" however,
I do wish to take issue with him
concerning his opinion that the
above stated requirement con-
cerning belief in Christian prin-
ciples is not a bias clause. Using
our definition of the term, bias
clause, I wish to show that the re-
quirement, "belief in the principles
of Christianity," is a bias clause.
Any non-Christian, such as a Mos-
lem or Jew, could not sincerely
believe in a number of principles
of the collective term, "principles
of Christianity," even though he
might believe in many of the high-
est ideals of Christianity. Thus
non-Christians are sdefinitely ex-
cluded by a requirement of Lamb-
da Chi Alpha fraternity; this re-
quirement subtiey, yet efficiently
discriminates against an individ-
ual on the basis of creed., There-
fore,.I wish to affirm Mr. Taub's
position, that Lambda Chi Alpha
is a good example of a fraternity
which has a displaced bias clause.
Whether or not a fraternity
selects its members in accordance
with racial, national, or religious
biases is a proposition that can be
readily pursued from both sides.
However, if a fraternity does have
a bias clause, let its proponents
be honorable enough to admit,
their cgnvictions stand by them,
and squarely face their critics. Let
them uphold the honorable repu-
tation which has been established
on this campus by its fraternities
and sororities.
-James K. Feldman, '60
Bennie . .
To the Editor:
HIS LETTER is written in re-
gards to a most disgraceful
incident which occurred on the
University campus following the
Woverines' defeat Saturday by
Northwestern University.
Of course I am referring to the
hanging in effigy of'Bennie Ooster-
baan by some unidentified covey
of sophomoric second-guessers. I,
along with many other alumni,
learned of this additional humilia-
tion through the newspaper and'
radio reports which, I might add,
contained anything but compli-
If, then, Michigan does suffer
from a 'paucity of football man-
power it would seem that last
Saturday's Waterloo should not
have come as too much of a sur-
prise to anyone. The retort I anti-
cipate is ... "Why doesn't Michi-
gan have any football material?"
The answer to this is simply that
Bennie doesn't believe in, nor does
he practice high powered recruit-
ing of athletes. Although many
may disagree with his views on this
controversial subject none can
claim that he is wrong. Perhaps
Bennie has the right idea.
However, aside from the question
of Bennie Oosterbaan's abilities or
inabilities as a football co*h, he
still deserves a great measure of
respect from all members of .the
"Michigan family" for his qualities
of sportsmanship and gentlemanly
It is truly a sad commentary on
colege athletics when we read or
hear of a really fine man being
hung in effigy because he believes
that football should be secondary
to the real purpose of the Univer-
sity of Michigan-education, while
a hat-stomping, coat-throwing,
athletic anthropoid is the current
toast of college football circles.
Our sense of values has certainly
become distorted. Perhaps it is
true, as someone said, that ".
sice guys just don't win ball
games." But as an alternative they
should most certainly win more
respect than was shown towards
Bennie Oosterbaan in that dis-
gusting, mock lynch party staged
this week.
-Robert B. Weaver, '57L
Routine .
To the Editor:
A WEEK or so ago, there ap-
peared in The Daily what
seemed to me a somewhat frantic
appeal for students interested in
the Polish exchange student pro-
gram. The article instructed in-
terested students to contact 'the-
Secretary of the Student Governe
ment Council for information and
application blanks. As an inter-
ested student I did just that, and
was met with a beautiful expres-
sion of surprise on the face of the
secretary. It seemed that the SGC
member who placed the notice
completely neglected to inform
the secretary of the information
she was to distribute.
May I suggest that the mem-
bers of SGC take time out from
their witch-hunts and crucifixions,
and apply it to the routine pro-
jects which they have taken under
their wing.
-Richard GolembiewskL.
(Continued from Page 3)
Sales Training begins with initial ori-
entation training sessions and then,,
accompanied by an experienced trainer,
the trainee begins making sales calla-
in his own newly-assigned territory.
The training programs also include
outside reading, special marketing stu-
dies, and surveys and frequent individ-
ual sessions with the man's superiors.
Thus the man's training proceeds as'
fast as he can learn. Outstanding men
have been appointed District Manager,
Area Manager, or Territory Manager by
the time they are 27 or 28.
U. S. Civil Service, 7th Region, Ci-
cago,.'Ill. Location of work: 'Federal es-
tablishments located in Washington,
D.C. and throughout the U.s., its ter-
ritories and possessions, and some over-
seas positions. Men and women' with
any degree in Liberal Arts, or Busi-
ness Administration for Government
positions Announcement 'No.170 is
available here in the office giving'
complete information about the Fed-
eral Service Entrance Examination
which covers the above positions, a
well as the 5000-AB form for applying;
for this examination.
Fri., Oct. 31:
The Texas Company (Texaco), New
York, N.Y. Men with any degree in
Liberal Arts or Business Administra-
tion for Marketing of PetroleumYProd-
ucts. For students interested only in
sales. The trainee begins on a training
program for six months of formal
training and continues on the job un-
.der supervision of men with outstand-
ing sales records. Initial openings in
the department lead to positions. in
general merchandising sales, construc-
tion of terminals, bulk plants, and
service stations,. and operations admnin
Zurich Insurance Company, Chicago,
Ill. Location of work: Home office, Chi-
cago, 11; Branch Offices: Mich., Ohio,
Calif., Wash., N.Y., Miss., Ga., N.J, and
Conn. Men with any degree in Liberal
Arts, or Business Administration or
Law for Insurance including Home Of-.
fice, Claims, and Sales, and Manage-
ment Training. On-the-job training for
group salesmen, claims men, and field
representatives is conducted in the of-
fice and in the field under close super-
vision. Men interested inaunderwriting,
methods, or statistics are trained in
the office. After training group sales-
men, field representatives, and claims
men are assigned to specific branch
offices or territories. Underwriters may
be assigned to branch office or the
head office, depending upon require-
ments. Methods and statistics will nor-
mally remain at the Chicago Head Of-
Personnel Requests:
The Kaydon Engineering Corp., Mus-
kegon, Mich. Metallurgist, Age: 28-35..
B.S. in Metallurgy with some graduate
work in metallurgy or related fields
desirable. Minimum of _3 yrs.experi-
ence in industry with experience in
wrought ferrous alloys; thorough train-
ing in laboratory, Mechanical testing,
metallography, failure analysis, heat
treating, specifications and technical
In Memoriar: October 23,1956
IT IS ALL VERY WELL to admire admirable
views (the Pharmacology Building ruins, the
brick walls of the Angell-Mason-Haven H1Ils
complex, the Diag) through plate glass ex-
panses. And it is definitely harder to fall asleep
to a lecture in an acoustically correct audi-
torium than a lecture in a less well-designed
But while one watches and while one listens,
one generally often sits. Unfortunately this
University falls down drastically in its class-
room seating arrangements.
Short students are destined to fidget with
feet hanging high off solid ground. Or they
-4r tLgDail
Business Staf
STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager
can slouch yoga-like in an attempt to gain firm
footing. Long students, on the other hand, must
develop a perennial cramp or crouch. So it's
a slouch or crouch, and all the physical educa-
tion classes in the world will find it pretty hard
to defeat weekly-ingrained occupational de-
formities. Many designers and educators may
contend that the padded seats in the audi-
toriump overcome all functional considerations.
These seats are most useless of all. They are so
comfortable as to be relaxing (letting students
relax, educators well know, is unnecessary).
Reminding students of relaxation, they remind
students of sleep, and *
obviously not brought survival of the fittest
of chairs. Perhaps revolution, not evolution, is
in order.
Therefore, an occupationally crippled student
submits this prQposal: 1) that the University
TWO YEARS ago today the
people of Hungary rose against
their Communist rulers who had
reduced the country to a mere
colony of Soviet imperialism in
servile obedience to their Kremlin
With one blow the meticulously
constructed legend of "people's de-
mocracies" marching towards the
blissful goal of communism was
shattered. Never will we forget
that magnificent display of na-
tional unity, of millions of Hun-
garians fighting with one will for
freedom, for independence.
From the old, retired lady
teacher who overnight became an
expert in fixing Molotov cocktails
to the fourteen-year-old school-
boy who left a football game to
play cowboys and Indians with
Soviet tanks, from the docile eld-
erly professor of philosophy who
went sharpshooting on AVH
henchmen and their Soviet pals
to the frail, dark-haired girl con-
fronting an armored car column
with a single weapon, the Hun-
garian flag in her hand, holding
it high until crushed to death;
every one of us has contributed
his or her modest share.
Incredible as itseemsfnr mir
acknowledge the country's re-
gained .independence and the de-
clared neutrality of the revolu-
tionary Hungarian government.
(recognized, incidentally, as the
legal government of the country
by the Russians during the short
period of armistice talks between
the two countries). Left to them-
selves in a world preoccupied with
the Suez crisis, and their supreme
commander lured to a trap, under
the pretense of negotiating the
withdrawal of Soviet troops from
Hungarian soil, the revolution-
aries fought to the last bullet
against the overwhelming
strength of twenty-five Soviet
armored divisions.
When the last hope of UN action
faded, fearful of communist re-
venge, unable to face their final
loss of freedom, tens of thous-
ands fled to the West leaving
everything behind.
* * *M
THOSE of us who were fortu-
niate enough to be accepted by
this country have experienced
genuine good will, utmost will-
ingness to help, and opportunity
for all to found a new existence in
the free world. For this, on this
occasion, we would like to extend
nurrti' r
communist propaganda, according
to which the October 1956 revolu-
tion had been a merely national-
ist~c uprising against foreign op-
pression. Our revolt was primar-
ily aimed against the Hungarian
Communist regime with the aim
of securing the basic human
rights of the individual citizen.
2) Millions are living today be-
hind the Iron Curtain under a dic-
tatorship whose callous brutality
is unimaginable to those of you
enjoying a democratic way of life.
These millions have all but lost
their faith in the Western democ-
racies as well as in the United Na-
tions because of their failure to
come in any form to the aid of
Hungary after her victory over the
Soviet oppressors.
3) Anybody having to deal with
communist governments must re-
alize that their word, like that
of Hitler, is not worth the paper
it is written on, and that in no
way and under no circumstances
can they be trusted to carry out
their obligations if and when they
find it more advantageous .to do
4) While the West is painfully
trying to maintain peaceful co-
existenceg.with (Communrism scli.,