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October 22, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-22

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Responsible Campaign, Election
Could Preserve SGC as Student Voice

Oosterbaan Backed as

STUDENTS on this campus have a rare op-
portunity to affirm their confidence in stu-
dent government.
Participation both as candidates and as an
intelligent, enthusiastic electorate in the cam-,
paign period now beginning would give SGC*
a great deal of support.
This support is now called for as never be-
fore because the current jurisdictional dispute
with the administration, unless resolved in
favor of SGC, would leave the student with
little real power.
of Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, has de-
clared the letter to SGC signed by Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis to be
a directive to the Council to find Sigma Kappa
no longer in violation of University regulations.
Since the administration let SGC handle the
Sigma Kappa question in 1956, presumably
with the knowledge that withdrawal of recog-
nition could result, the current Board in Re-
view action can only represent a change in
administration attitude toward SGC.
That is, it can onlyrepresent a change in
attitude if the administration really meant

what, Miss Bacon said it meant by the Lewis
letter. It was not at all clear from reading
Lewis' letter that he meant to do anything by it
beyond expressing opinion.
And neither Lewis nor Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea have said in public that they were tell-
ing the students how to govern.
ALL THIS AMBIGUITY will presumably be
cleared up a week from today. As things
look now, the three administrators will be meet-
ing with the Council at that time to iron things
By that time, they may have had either sone
insight into how to compromise, perhaps re-
defining SGC power without wrecking the or-
ganization. Or they will have decided to reaf-
firm what would seem to be their position now,
that SGC is subject to any administration
In any case, it's ,campaign time right now,
and if the student body does not normally feel
any great affinity for its legislative voice, the
body which can do most to reflect its wishes in
meaningful changes on campus, then the
danger SGC is in should certainly prompt a
vigorous but responsible election.

Research at the University

last year did $11 million worth of business,
the second most successful year since its found-
ing in 1920. Although the business of the In-
stitute dropped $1 million from the alltime
high in 1956-57, this still represents big busi-
ness in any context.
The, Institute serves several valuable func-
tions and under its recent reorganization as
the University Research Institute will prove
even more valuable. Under its new set-up, the
Institute will not be devoted exclusively to en-
gineering research, but will conduct research
in any area in "which the University has a
UMRI is a non-profit research group which
performs contract investigations for private
industry, individuals or government agencies.
No public tax funds are involved since all work
is paid for by the contractors. At the same time
the Institute can utilize both the University'
facuilty and facilities in their work.
LAST YEAR ERI supported 200 faculty mem-
bers in research. The results of this are
many. Contract research provides practical
outlets for faculty talents and keeps them in
contact with modern research and technical
developments. This can aid both himself and
his students, who will benefit from his research
and his close contact with other research in

the same field. At the same time this research
work provides an additional source of income
to faculty members and thus helps to hold
many of them on the staff when salaries re-
main static.
The Institute also employed almost 800 stu-
dents, most of them on a part-time basis. This
sork enables students to get practical training
in their fields and to get early training in ad-
vancing scholarship, as well as financial as-
The most important results from ERI are
practical. Rocket research led to International
Geophysical Year success in probing the up-
per atmosphere, gaining knowledge both for
use in predicting weather and in gaining facts
which may one day help man conquer space.
The 24-story Illuminating Building in Cleve-
land was provided with ax foundation on un-
settled earth because of ERI research in soil
All this, aid to faculty, students, and scien-
tific knowledge, is to the credit of the Institute.
With the humanities and social sciences in-
cluded in the new UMRI, contributions to so-
ciety should increase even further. The Insti-
tute provides both publicity and prestige to
the University. It makes one feel that the Uni-
versity is not an educational factory, but an
institution concerned with scholarship and
activities beyond the pedantic.

Of Position~
Daily Sports Editor
gentleman with many prob-
As Michigan football coach he
assumes a position that is thank-
less. He is praised when he wins,
attacked when he loses, and ap-
preciated never. Such is the strait
of all football coaches-but doubly
so in Oosterbaan's case.
Every coach is pressed to bring
forth a winner in a game where
only half the teams win every
But Oosterbaan's problems go
past this 50-50 position. At Michi-
gan he is obliged to work under
the most "adverse" recruiting con-
ditions in the Big Ten, if not in
the entire country. To play at
Michigan an athlete must also be
a student.
However, under these "adverse"
conditions, Oosterbaan has com-
piled an amazing record. He has
been head coach for 11 years, and
during that span he has the most
impressive record in the Big Ten
-and he has never had a losing
* * *
MAYBE HE WILL have his first
one this year, but the downgrade
cannot be blamed on the coach.
Michigan was forecasted to have
a poor season. Instead, they started
off with a victory and then went
to the surprise tie with Michigan
State. This was obviously a mis-
take, since subsequent losses-have
been disappointing rather than
Yet, what coach could win with
half of his team injured, and the
top players sidelined indefinitely?
Oosterbaan has never been an
imaginative coach. He has always
advocated solid football, depending
on a tough line and hard-hitting
backs. When he has neither of
these, naturally the team loses.
But nevertheless Michigan always
wins more than it loses.
Perhaps it is ironic that Ooster-
baan picked this year to use more
imagination than ever before. He
may never get the due credit for it.
* * *
OF COURSE, this imagination
hasn't always paid off. It worked
at Michigan State, and everyone
cheered. It failed at Navy, on a
very controversial quick-kick, be-
cause the defense didn't hold. It
never got started at Northwestern,
because the key man was carried
off the field with an ankle injury.
Still, the imagination is there.
Oosterbaan is perhaps a better
coach this year than ever before-
but he won't win as many games,
But this is obviously not the time
for Bennie to go.
Michigan's troubles this year are
twofold-the team doesn't have
the personnel, and what good men
there were have joined the injured
list. Neither of these are the
coach's fault. Injuries can't be
blamed on anyone, and in the
Michigan setup the lack of ma-
terial isn't Oosterbaan's fault.
Consider for a minute the prob-
lems of. football at Michigan, and
ask exactly what kind of coach
is best suited for the situation. In
the first place there is the Michi-
gan tradition of winning football
games - Oosterbaan has always
had winning teams.
* * *
THEN THERE is the tradition
of high academic standards.
Oosterbaan has accepted these
standards, and even defended
them. Since they cramp the style
of big time recruiting, he has
stayed out of the frantic battle
for material.
The national reputation of clean
hands that Michigan has earned

under Oosterbaan, amidst the re-
cruiting scandals, is something to
be proud of. It is the best publicity
that Michigan can ever hope for.
The fact that Oosterbaan rates
character development as an equal
to football technique has made him
a favorite with his players,and has
earned him their friendship and
respect. Certainly, all good coaches
command respect-but friendship
is just as important.
One of the things that Michigan
coaches down through the years
have always pointed to is the fine
record that 'M' men make after
they leave the Ann Arbor campus.
Can there be any doubt that this
is a truly important part of a
coach's job?
IT SEEMS obvious that if Mich-
igan is going to have football it
must be under the Oosterbaan
philosophy. Full recruiting. low
entrance standards for athletes,
and "killer-type" football tech-
niques have no place at Michigan
--and never will.
Michigan doesn't want a "holler-
guy" coach like other schools have
-- wanted is a gentleman, and
Oosterbaan is the man.
Under the present conditions at
Michigan, which aren't going to
change. I.don't believe that there

To the Editor:
INFANTS of the world unite! Ap-
parently they already have since
they gathered together to hang
our coach in effigy.
The young babies are currently
defending themselves and assuring
everyone (mostly themselves) that
the "University can't kick me out."
Maybe not but the aspirsions cast
by this assinine act on the name of
our University are momentoes to
be pasted in that scrapbook along
with the clippings you young ir-
responsibles are pasting in your
scrapbooks from the news stories
of your faux pas.
You youngsters think that no-
body knows who you are. Well, the
world now knows that you're all
from the third floor of one of West
Quadrangle's houses. Also that the
pajamas composing the body of
one of the effigies is from room
number 306 and they belonged to
a lad who is also famous for being
caught with an Ann Arbor stop
sign in his room.
Quite a collection of events for
one freshman. Apparently he's on
an activities scholarship.
Just to add to your uneasiness
may I add that at 6:52 p.m. last
night most of you juvenile culprits
were gathered in the above room
planning to write a letter defend-
ing yourselves to The Daily.
Never mindkiddies, everything is
explained herein.
-Harry R. Sarf,'59L
Laughter .
To the Editor:
"CHEERS FROM the crowd of
41,345 turned into uproarious
laughter . . . ." This is a line that
appeared in Sunday's Grand
Rapids Herald. It wasn't in a story
about a comedy act on stage, in
a movie, or on television. It was
in a story datelined Evanston,
Illinois, and described the reac-
tion of the crowd watching as the
University of Michigan football
team met defeat at the hands of
the team from Northwestern Uni-
Oh, the shame of it! That any
group of people representing

-Daily-Harold Gassenheini
Reader Spots Bennie Hangers

Michigan should be held up to
scorn, laughter and ridicule.
Is this the fruit of the coaching
policies of Bennie Oosterbaan? If
it is, then Michigan has been sold
a poor bill of goods. Has the ideal.
of being a good loser and "losing
gracefully" become such an
achievement that the team must
lose each game more gracefully
than the one before? (The words
in quotes are those of Coach
Or maybe this downward trend
in Michigan's football fortunes
over the past eight years is the
result of the University's recruit-
ing policies. I don't believe that
talent for college football should
be recruited on a professional.
basis, but 'there is certainly noth-
ing wrong with a coach and his
staff selling themselves and their
school to the young men in high
school who could help build a
championship team. It is obvious
that not much has been done
recently to sell the University of
Michigan to the talent available
in the state, as most of it seems
to have congregated at a certain
college just to the north of Ann
Arbor. Strange too, isn't it, that
the fortunes of this college have
been on the rise while those of
Michigan have been on the down-
grade during the last eight years.
IF THE PRESENT policies on
coaching and recruiting are to
continue, then I suggest that the
University of Michigan withdraw
from the Big Ten and join a con-
ference where a team recruited
and coached under present condi-
tions would be better suited to
compete. At least the crowd won't
laugh at the futile efforts of the
football team as it attempts to
move an inflated hunk of pigskin
from one end of the field to the
Another thing that would bear
looking into is the question of why
the Michigan star is so often hurt
early in the game. Hasn't the
coach told his boys that it's rough
out there? One sign of a poorly
coached team is one that is con-
tinually beset with injuries. Men

New Hope for the Underprivileged

stricken child huddles in front of his
thatched-roof hut somewhere in Africa. His,
name is not important as he is but one of the
millions like him suffering around the world.
Doctors would say he is the victim of a dread-
ed human blight - leprosy. That is, if there
were any doctors available to diagnose his dis-
ease. Hope is unknown to him. Resigned to his
fate, he knows the miracles of medicine will
never reach his village.I
But meanwhile, a piece of international ma-
chinery is fighting for this crippled child. Far
from the floor of the General Assembly and
the world politics of the Security Council, the
United Nations World Health Organization is
battling sickness and disease in the some-
times obscure corners of the world.
Their work is far from the glare of publicity.
While the future of nations is being debated
within the United-Nations, the WHO is coordi-

nating international health work for the under-
developed countries of the world. With the as-
sistance of WHO, hope may soon extend its
helping hand to this leprosy-ridden youth
THE WHO IS only one example of the many
such United Nations supported services.
There are many more. Designed for the bet-
terment of the human race, they preach no
doctrine -- offer no economic "cure-all."
The value of the United Nations has some-
times been rated as worthless and other times
as the savior of the human society. Foreign
diplomats have turned in disgust at the lack
of progress and the stalemate of the Commu-
nist bloc on the General Assembly floor. But
at political level, the various United Nations
sponsored services offer new hope to the under-
no matter the achievements on the internation-
privileged peoples of the human race.

in poor physical condition st
little chance of coming throug
game without injury? Or c
Coach Hayes of Ohio State h
something in his contentionst
the play is not as clean a
might be.
I plan to be watching the Ho
coming Game Saturday. I
hope thatmthe laughter from
crowd doesn't upset the player
-J. R. Barber, "
Millions .W
To the Editor:
Langer in his Sunday ar
that while Russia is quickly v
ning friends with her flex
timely foreign aid policy,
United States lags far behind
However, in the case off
nomic aid to India, a more1
anced picture could have been:
sented. For example, last June
India and the United States sig
a 57 million dollar loan agreem
for. immediate'receipt of 700
tons of food grains, and ano
agreement for 75 million dollar
a long term development loan
specific' projects as part of
$225 million loan granted ea
this year. How about it? Isn't
quite a few million to overloo
-Ruth Le
Bombings .. .
To the Editor:
tion has been turned from.
type of bomb testing to anot
though not recent, innovation
bombings. For the past decade
world has faced the ever grow
crisis of international tension 1
has threatened to destroy al
mankind. But as with most thi
we Americans tend to specie
and this is the case with the
cent bombings of Jewish tem
and synagogues.
The test involved here is on
which the nation's moral fiber
been laid bare and the issue i
doubt whether we will survive
ordeal brought on by the dis
of hate. Because of these boi
ings, allusions have been m
and will continue to be made a
what occurred in Nazi Germ
before and during World War
This, I think, clouds the is
Until we come to realize that
of us are responsible for w
happens in this country or in;
other country, that these are
temples that are being destro
and that this is our disease,
will never effect a recovery f
this fear which is stalking
-Torre Bissell
Chairman of Young Friend
To the Editor:
THE WORLD University Ser
bucket drive netted $200. T
Indeed is only a "drop in
bucket" compared to the $1,0
$2,000 total in previous ye
Carol Holland, chairman of
drive, said that lack of knowle
about WUS was the reason for
decline. True, this was prob
part of the reason; but it is
the whole explanation.
Wednesday's Daily said t
among other places, canvas
would be in front of the Fr
Building, the League, and
Natural History Museum. I pas
all of these places on Wednes
and, although I looked for on
could see a bucket nowhere. A
the majority of students I h
asked say they did not see+

X Coach-
Daily Editorial Director
DESPITETHE increasing secu-
larization of modern civiliza-
tion, this country still 'seems to
hold certain things sacred. Among
them are, in the approximate or-
der of importance, God, County,
Mother flag, and the importance
of a winning football team.
To question the first four of
these, one must have a complete
distaste for holding public office.
To question the last, one runs the
risk of being hung by theears
from the nearest stadium flagpole
by some irate alumni.
However, alumni will be alumni.
BUT sometimes, emotionalism
carries too far.
It seems to happen every fall.. .
A Saturday afternoon suddenly
turns dark as Michigan gets
smeared in the stadium mud,
rumblings of discontent begin
echoing in the taverns and the
er lightning phrase "Bennie must
go" flashes from irate tongues.
For suddenly, Bennie is com-
mitting blasphemy. He's letting
Michigan's sacred tradition
crumble and perhaps more in-
portant, he's letitng the fans
down. They can't brag next Mon
day in the office or back home
during the next vacation, how
and THEIR team was successful.
ha * * "
does PERHAPS, however, it is the
ave shouters who should go hang, for
that their sense df values, which places
s it a winning football team above all
else, belongs to some other gener-
me- ation and at some other type of
Let's school.
the To be blunt, we like Bennie. We
s. think he should stay.
48 For Oosterbaan is rooted to a
far deeper Michigan tradition
than winning football games.
Over the years, some Universi-
ties have established themselves
Mr. as having a solid core of academic
tile concern and truly deserve to be
win- called institutions of higher edu-
ible, cation. Michigan can proudly take
the its place among them and can be
. equally proud that its football
eco- coach, and athletic staff general-
bal- ly, embrace the importance.of this
pre- tradition and emphasis.
24, * *
ned FOR AN institution of higher
nent education is properly and primari-
1,000 ly concerned with other things
ther. beside pushing a leather bladdet
s as across the opponent's goal.
for To be sure, there are those who'
the say that gentlemen don't win foot-
rlier ball games. And they can also
this point to the many fine athletes
k? that were sold on coming to Mich-
m igan but couldn't meet the en-
trance requirements.
of course is that Michigan realize
ten- what it takes to play big time
one football and do what is necessary
her, to get it .. . According to at least
in one newspaper report, some alum-
Sthe ni say the admissions stardards
wing should be relaxed.
that But if it is a question of adopt-
h of ing two standards, one for stu-
dents, and one for athletes, it's
ngs' time to take another look at a
ize- University's purpose.
re- Perhaps it isn't Bennie but
ples Michigan's participation in the
e 4"Big Ten which should go.

Industry and War

Associated Press News Analyst
STUDENTS of international affairs have as-
sumed for years that the time of real crisis
between the United States and the Soviet Union
will come when there is something approaching
parity in their industrial capacities.
Every Soviet announcement of industrial
plans ,therefore, produces special interest in this
They have promised to amaze -the world in
the next seven years, and to "bury" the United
States when they are ready.
Now they are working on a program to do in
six years what they had previously planned
in 13.
They hope to be producing, by 1962, 91 million
tons of steel. United States production in 1957
was 112 million tons, some 20 million less than
capacity. Russian production figures presum-
ably are close to their capacity. The United

similar scale, including consumer goods. Con-
sumer production, however, has seldom kept
up with schedules during periods of emphasis
on heavy industry.
IN ONE FIELD, iron ore, the Reds expect to
produce in 1962 nearly 75 per cent more than
the United States consumed from all sources,
both domestic production and imports, in 1957.
They would thus have ore considerably be-
yond their steel and pig iron production needs
which could be used as a weapon against the
West in their economic war.
They already have used their export ability
in tin, aluminum and oil to disrupt certain
specific markets through dumping - tin
throughout the world, oil in Argentina, alumi-
num in Britain. Iron ore would be an important
addition to this list of weapons.
It would also increase Russian ability to make
trade agreements, increasing her ties with coun-
tries which she will help to erect steel mills.

A Solo Performance:
'Thde Ages of Mant'
"OUR REVELS now are ended . . ." With a concluding set of speeches
from "The Tempest," Sir John Gielgud begged the audience at
Hill Auditorium for his liberty last night, and so ended a program of
Shakespearean recitation that in two and a half hours spanned the
events of man's life from his birth to his death. Combining sonnets
and songs with longer excerpts from the plays, the actor used his rich
and marvelous voice to draw from the audience a response which al-
though uneven, deepened as the evening went on.
Reviewing such a performance as Gielgud gave is more like com-
menting on music than criticizing drama. He stood before the audience
in a black tuxedo, equipped only with a table and a book, and the
speeches he gave, depended as much upon sound for their effect as any
concert arias.
Which is not to say that his efforts were consistently successful, for
they were not. Whereas much Shakespearean poetry is sufficiently
self-contained to stand on its own, much of it still depends for its
proper effect upon the tensions of its natural, dramatic background.
Since the complex interplay of human emotions and character which
form this background are necessarily absent from a solo performance,
Gielgud was forced to create his own context.
* * *
THIS IS A DIFFICULT THING to do, especially from a bare stage
in Hill Auditorium, and it places heavy demands upon both the skill
of the interpreter and the imagination of the audience. A sort of effect
of intimacy is necessary to substitute for natural context, and to pre-
vent some of the less poetic speeches from sounding like mere echoing
rhetoric. Such intimacy was for the most part lacking, and until the
last third of the program, Gielgud did not show quite enough dramatic
Mowrtofniiictfv i1-q oh~,g~rn

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The Daily Official Bulletin isn
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial rest onsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. NoticesforSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The next "Polio Shot" clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thursday, Oct. 23,
only in Rm. 58 (basement), of Health
Service. Hours are 8:00-11:45 a.m. and
1:00 a.w. - 4:45 p.m. Proceed directly to
basement, fill out forms, pay fee ($1.00)
and receive injection. Lt should be
noted that the 4th (booster), "shot"
should be obtained approximately one
year after the 3rd.
The next "Flu Shot" clinic for stu-
students, staff and employees will be
held in the same room Thurs., Oct. 30.
The hours and procedures (except for
the number of "shots") are the same
as above for polio. It is recommended
that each person receive injections ap-
proximately 2-3 weeks apart. This clin.
ic will be open for both 1st and 2nd
Directory: It is expected that the Di-
rectory for 1958-59 will be ready for dis-
tribution about the end of Oct. or the
first of Nov. The chairmen of the vari-
ous depts. and directors of other units
will please requisition the number of
copies required for University campus
use. Requisitions should be sent to the
Purchasing Dept. andidelivery will be
made by campus mail. If individuals


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