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October 21, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-21

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"Boy, If You Think That One's Complicated--"

Sixty-Ninth Year

"When opinions Are Free
Truth Will PrevaiU"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



. i

SGC-Administration Meeting
Points Way to Better Communication

DEAN ROBERTSON'S motion for joint recon-
sideration of SGC's Sigma Kappa resolu-
tion, made at the Board in Review's recent
meeting, evidently was intended to avoid a
direct conflict between SGC and the adminis-
tration. It may or may not succeed in its
original intention.
Nonetheless, the need for such a motion re-
veals an important shortcoming in the opera-
tion of SGC as presently organized: that there
is little opportunity for joint discussion between
the students, the administration and the faculty
when decisions affecting them all are being
Any problem which affects several diverse
groups can only be effectively solved by a
conscientious and meaningful exchange of views
by all concerned during the decision-making-
Under the present plan, SGC makes its deci-
sions, and the Board, if called upon to meet,
may accept or reject these decisions; mean-
while, neither body may really understand
the position of the other. A case in point arose
at the Board's recent meeting: although before

their own meeting, some SGC members talked
with Vice-President James A. Lewis about the
Sigma Kappa problem, it was never defined to
them, even at the time of the Board's meeting,
whether his letter to SGC expressed adminis-
trative opinion or policy.
Thus increased communication, besides lead-
ing to the obvious end of more just and effective
decisions, would tend to reduce (for SGC) any
such potentially dangerous conflicts as arose
at the Board's recent meeting.
Good liaison between students, the adminis-
tration and the faculty need not lead to domi-
nation of any group by another, as long as
everybody concerned bears in mind that the
legitimate interests of each must be respected
if a viable and meaningful atmosphere is to be
maintained at the University.
This problem, so clearly illustrated by Thurs-
day night's hassle over Sigma Kappa, is cer-
tainly central in the future of SGC. The com-
mittee proposed by Dean Robertson to study
the relationship between SGC and the Board in
Review might do well to look into the matter.



To The Editor

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The quotation referred to in the third paragraph on
membership qualifications first "appeared in The New York Times. Timothy
Scholl, president of the Lambda Chi Alpha local at Hamilton told The Daily
that the membership qualifications were stated in a brief sent to him by
the National organization prior to the summer convention.)
To the Editor:
IN A COLUMN in the Sunday Daily of Oct. 19, it was pointed out that,
when a bias clause is removed from a fraternity's national constitu-
tion it often reappears in other parts of the fraternity's regulations.
Mr. Richard Taub, the author of this article, used this fact as an ex-
ample of the failure of education of certain fraternities toward integra-
tion; he also stated that Lambda Chi Alpha "is a good example" of
one of these fraternities which have displaced their bias clauses.
The purpose of this letter is not to argue with Mr. Taub over the
speed of integration among fraternities. It is merely t9 clarify certain
facts about Lambda Chi Alpha and to correct other mistaken, ideas.
Mr. Taub quotes that the membership requirements of Lambda Chi
are as follows: "Qualifications for membership are to be acceptable to
the General Fraternity, to believe in the principles of Christianity, and
to be of the white or American Indian races." This statement appeared
in last Tuesday's Daily; it was supposedly made by the Hamilton chapter
president. The source, however, was not made clear in Sunday's article.
I do not know why the Hamilton Chapter president might have
made 'such a statement. There is no clause in the National Constitution


64)199 - WYL41 f CT j OCsr- eo.

Dulles Takes Best Far East Course

OPINIONS VARY as to who is in trouble
in the Formosa, Strait. One school of
thought maintains that the United States is
in an awkward position because supply and
morale problems at Quemoy and Matsu will
eventually make these islands untenable.
This school holds that it will be necessary.
to make major concessions to the Communist,
Chinese to bring about a cease fire. These con-
cessions would require' at least a major re-
duction in the size of the garrisons on Quemoy
and Matsu, and would be most likely the first
step toward eventual withdrawal from the two
The other school of thought maintains the
cease-fire was actually a maneuver to save
face for the Chinese Communists because of
their Inability to force Quemoy and Matsu to
surrender. This school would say that only a
token withdrawal would be necessary to bring
peace to the offshore islands.
Probably the view that included both these
schools of thought would be closest to the
truth. This would explain the apparent willing-
ness of both sides to end hostilities, at least
temporarily. This would mean that a compro-
mise agreement, if it were not due to the su-
perior bargaining skill of either the United
States or the Chinese, would lie in between
either extreme.
WHINIE BOTH sides now have good reason
to agree to a cease-fire, the United States
will be placed at an increasing disadvantage in
the weeks and months to come. If the shelling
of Quemoy is resumed, the United -States will
be faced with steadily increasing supply and
morale problems, while on the other hand, the

Chinese Communists will be confronted only
with the problem of losing face, which can be
avoided to a large extent both by the adroit use
of propaganda and the passage of time.
It would seem that the United States would
be better off trying to bring a quick settlement
of the Quemoy-Matsu problem. This would be
the case in fact if the United States did not
have the Communists to contend with across
the bargaining table. Their bargaining tactics,
utilizing delay and unreasonableness, should
be evident to all by now: Any quick conces-
sions, even if reasonable, by the tnited States,
will very likely be looked on as a sign of weak-
ness by the Chinese Communists, and may
encourage further strengthening of the Com-
munist position.
THUS THE United States will have to take
a balanced course between too much haste
in negotiations and an apparent unwillingness
to negotiate, between a shifting policy and an
Inflexible policy.
This is not the type of course that can be
concretely outlined in advance. It appears to
be the course Dulles is following, however, with
his shifts between tough and conciliatory state-
ments on the Quemoy crisis, coupled with his
request that he not have to expose his hand
on the issue to correspondents. Dulles, what-
ever his well-publicized faults,,seems to have
a more realistic grasp of the United States
position than most of his Democratic detract-
ors. If Dulles continues along the same lines
in the Queymoy crisis in the future, the
United States, despite temporary setbacks, may
yet find itself a "peace with honor" in the
Formosa Straits.

13 ipartisaw
' A., By WILLI,

sip Clarified

A HALF-DOZEN high-level
arguments involving the Con-
gressional campaign - and thou-
sands of little ones across the
country -- are going on about
something called bipartisanship in
foreign policy.
Some persons are accused of
breaking bipartisanship. Some are
declared to be supporting it. But
not everybody who, is talking about
bipartisanship is making very plain
sense. So the public is hardly in
position to decide who is guilty of
what; because it can have no very
definite idea of what bipartisan-
ship is and is not.
Here is a volunteer effort, by an
eye-and-ear witness to the devel-
opment of the concept, to clear
away at least some of the confu-
sion. First of all, "bipartisanship"
is a product of sloganeering,
though intended to express a noble
ideal. And, like all such products,
it is' highly elastic, if not actually
* * *
THE TERM began to be largely
used about the time the late Sena-
tor Arthur H. Vanderberg of Mich-
gan underwent a great conversion
toward the close of World War II.
"Van" had been a powerful isola-
tionist; now he became a powerful
He preferred the term "unparti-
san." By this he meant to suggest
that in high and urgent foreign
matters there should be no parti-
sanship at all-that is, no fishing
about for the sole purpose of
domestic political gain. Somehow
"unpartisanship" never caught on;

people preferred the more woolly
prefix "bi."
At all events, the original un-
partisans - who are the veteran
bipartisans of today-meant then,
and mean now, these things :
1) That it is impermissibly petty
bush-league and dangerous for
politicians to set up endless howls
designed simply to harass any
administration in its conduct of
this country's business abroad.
2) That the party in opposition
to the White House-and indeed
individual members of the White
House party itself if they so choose
-has, however, a right and duty
to criticize. The line drawn is
about this: criticize anything and
everything, yes: but only up to the
point where it is obvious to any
sensible man that you will injure
the country itself abroad if you
go any further.:
* * *
TRUE, THIS PUTS critics on a
to criticize any White House in
foreign policy so long as that
policy is simply in preparation and
so subject to change if debate
shows it to be unwise. But it is
neither fair nor desirable to carry
on these attacks once this country
is finally involved and committed
to a grave course, even an unwise
Bipartisanship does not mean,
and never did mean, that the op-
position has no right at any point
to pick holes-and at some points
violently to pick them. It only
means that the opposition has a
duty to show some responsibility
and some common sense. When an
administration is only preparing a

policy it is only that administra-
tion's policy. But when it has
actually made the policy and
pledged the country's honor and
interest to it abroad-in genuine
crisis and not mere academic mat-
ters-everybody in public life will
go along if he is a real bipartisan.
* * *
TRUE, THUS PUTS critics on a
thin diet and especially if they
honestly believe the policy to be
disastrous. All the same, by this
point it is no longer an adminis-
tration's policy. It is then the de-
clared policy of the United States
of America since we really can
have only one President at a time.
And, anyhow, the critics will later
have their chance. Once the na-
tional crisis has passed they will
have opportunity to turn out the
administration for what it has
poorly done.
Thus, it is easier to illustrate
what is not bipartisanship than
what is. Here are three examples
of grave breaches of bipartisan-
ship :
1) The almost general Republi-
can attacks on the Korea War
while the guns were still going.
2) The far less severe and far less
general Democratic attack on.
President Eisenhower's dispatch of
troops to the Middle East-attacks
that went on after the troops had
landed. 3) Such of those recent
assaults on President Eisenhower's,
Formosa policy as offered no con-
structive proposal and simply im-
plied to the world that we might
not stand with him if, right or
wrong, he got into war.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

of Lambda Chi Alpha, or in any
other set of. its regulationsor
publications whatsoever which
prohibits membership to any per-
son which is not of "the white or
American Indian races."
. * *
A REQUIREMENT does exist
that, to be a member of Lambda
Chi Alpha, a man must, as quoted,
"believe in the principles of Chris-
tianity." This is not a bias clause.
A bias clause discriminates against
an individual on the basis of race,
color, or creed. Obviously, race
and color are not necessarily cor-
related with belief; the matter of
creed is slightly less obvious. This,
part of the requirement may be
interpreted by any person either
to confirm or to deny the charges
of bias. His interpretation will de--
pend largely on the degree of sym-
pathy which the person holds to-
ward fraternities in general.
The Hamilton chapter, in effect,
suspended itself. It passed a reso-
lution stating that selection of
members would no longer take
into consideration any such beliefs
or ideals. This resolution was in
accordance with the 100 per cent
pledging plah which had been pro-,
posed to the Hamilton student
legislature by the president of the
Hamilton chapter of Lambda Chi
Alpha. Under this plan, rushees
not chosen by fraternities are as-
signed as pledges, regardless of
whether or not they meet mem-
bership qualifications of a frater-
In our National Constitution, the,
responsibility is vested in each.
individual chapter to be sure its
members meet the membership
requirements which are deter-
mined by a convention of delegates
from all chapters. For its action in
repudiating this responsibility,
Hamilton chapter was warned: that
the resolution which did so must
be repealed. The chapter's failure
to take such action brought about:
revocation of its charter.
In conclusion, I wish again to
stress the fact that selectivity in
relation to ideals and beliefs is
not bias. To believe in the highest
ideals of Christianity a man does
not necessarily have to be a Chris-
-James H. Wells, '59
Squirrels . .
To the Editor:
THE SQUIRRELS on this cam-
pus have gone far too long
without recognition. I would,
like to make a suggestion: replace
all podiums with trees and all lec-
ture tables with beds of grass. This
will give the University of Michi-
gan student a chance to observe
rare beauty.
-Omar L DeWitt

'Krull': A.
Final Joke
THE NOVEL "Felix Krull" was
Thomas Mann's joke. It was
written concurrently to and ap-
peared at the end of a long series
of novels and short stories pene-
trating the mind of the German
middle class to the very sources
of teoutonic pessimism: it was the
sort of involved joke that a great
mind plays on itself and at the
same time a revel in a dream-
world freedom from the morality
that, had at times seemed to en-
gulf Mann. The movie is not that
sort of joke, but it is very funny
The story is basically that of an
innocent adventurer making his
way upward through turn-of-the-
century Europe by the bedsheet
method of foreign comedies. In a
series of sometimes hilarious
scenes he escapes the draft and
falls prey to a large variety of
neurotic women. In each situation
he assumes a new identity. Each
of Krull's problems is a result of
his naivete. in society, and yet he
seldom blushes.
He rushes forward, instead,
with an impunity which gradual-
ly becomes savoir-faire.gFaced
with a ,.threat he is thrown into a
. quaking disorganization out of
which Kroll evolves a pattern of
almost demonic directness. Hav-
ing extricated himself from one
situation he propells himself into
another. This progress is. treated
with a sort of amoral social pan-
tomine (which is even better done
in the accompanying Marcel Mar-
ceau short.) The pantomine
treatment. has the advantage of
not requiring any particular
plausibility of the plot, which
hasn't much to begin with.
, * S S
BUT IF the treatment seem epi.
sodic and if the joke, however
funny, seems inferior to Mann's,
there is a strange sort of depth to
the picture which 'seems to unify
'its humor and to parallel the
meaning of Mann's joke. There is,
for instance, a consistent lack of
connection between incidents, es-
tablishing a unique sort of free.
dom for the hero. 'Added to this
is Krull's relative freedom from
his own past and his complete
lack of concern with .his own
soul. This shortage of historfcal
or spiritual concern with time
makes any problem one of mo-
mentary existence. Felix Krull
lives in the present to, an impos-
sible and therefore funny degree.
He is the natural man in a
natural social 'world. A professor
tells him, "When a woman puts
her arm around you, remember it
is the remnant of the pectoral fin
of the fish and the claw of the
bird." This charm, advanced as
a means of exorcising love, has
no particular effect. Even the pro-
fessor finds no consolation when
he himself tries to apply it. But
the natural man in Felix Krull
needs no introspective, analytical
escape from love. Which was prob-
ably Mann's joke on the teutonic
academic mentality.
-Robert Tanner
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to

Room 3519 Adminiltration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The neat "Polio shot" clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thursday, Oct. 23,
only in Rm. 58 (basement), of Health

Diplomac s. Publicity


(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Lippmann Is touring
Russia and the following will be his last
column until he returns early in November.)
ON BEHALF of Mr. Dulles, whose press con-
ferences have such a bewildering variety,
we must remember that he is doing something
which has rarely, if ever, been done before. He
is conducting a delicate and difficult three-
cornered negotiation-with the two Chinese
governments and with our principal European
allies. Parallel with it, he is conducting a series
of press conferences. In these he is concerned'
not so much with the disclosure of the facts as
with saving'face in Formosa, in Washington, on
Mr. Nixon's circuit, and among his critics at
home and abroad.
This requires much twisting and turning, and
much insistence that there be no public demand
for a straightforward statement of the Ameri-
can position.
TROUBLE LIES in the attempt to com-
bine. an intricate secret negotiation with a
continual outpouring of public pronouncements.
Thus, it is evident that if there is to be any
(:1r tr

kind of understanding with Peiping, it will
have to be one in which nothing is agreed to in
principle though concessions are made in fact.
It is evident, too, that if concessions are to be
made, Mr. Dulles must induce Chiang to make
them without forcing Chiang to admit that he
has made them.
Granting that this is all necessary, is it also
necessary to accompany it by so many contra-
dictory public statements? For while most peo-
ple have rather short memories, there are a
large number of responsible people in the
capitals of the world who can remember what
was said from one week to the next.
These people would rather be told honestly
that the negotiations are delicate and must be
secret than to be told so many different things.
For then they come not to believe any of them.
Mr. Dulles is much concerned, and fairly
enough, with saving Chiang's face. He is much
concerned, and rightly, that Red China should
not think that he is running away. He is much
concerned, excessively perhaps, with avoiding
having a compromise called appeasement. But
he should also be concerned that the word of
the Secretary of State is believed and is trusted.
On that important aspect of the whole matter
he has not been concerned enough.
It would be a great relief, and it would en-
hance the prestige of this country, if the Secre-
tary of State announced that the situation had
entered a phase where the issues are too
delicate and critical to be discussed in public
statements. Most people would believe him.
Most people would accept his decision. And a
great deal of the embarrassment caused by the
twisting and turning would be avoided. For this
is one of the occasions when good diplomacy
cannot be combined with honest publicity.
1958 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

Economic Issues Dominate State's Political Stage


Daily Staff Writer
AS THE HEAT of Michigan's
November 4 election campaign
mounts with every passing day,
both the Republican and Demo-
cratic political camps are centering
their verbal attacks on the state's
main problem-a sagging economy.
GOP forces blast Governor G.
Mennen Williams for the state's
economic woes while the Demo-
crats blame President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and his administration
for the troubles.
In the race for Governor, a
powerful, well-known vote getter
incumbent is pitted against a rela-
tively unknown, politically weak
** *
THE UNDERDOG is Republican
gubernatorial candidate Paul D.
Bagwell. Bagwell turned from his
$17,000 a year job as a Michigan
State University speech professor
to accept the GOP nomination no-
body else wanted.
Encouraged by his vigorous cam-
paigning and forceful speeches,
Republican politicians have found
new hope in the 45-year-old pro-
fessor and his battle against the
Democratic giant.
Bagwell has hammered steadily
at the Democrats and the gover-
nor, calling for a change in their
attitude tnward huines and nar...

-range program for education and
mental health and better coopera-
tion between the -governor and
state legislature.
* * *
dogged determinism is the Demo-
cratic political giant in the state-
Governor G. Mennen Williams.
Gov. Williams, unquestionably
the greatest vote getter in Michi-
gan history, has centered his cam-
paign for a sixth term on charges
that President Eisenhower and his
administration are responsible for
the unemployment crisis in the
Referring to the "Eisenhower
recession," Gov. Williams assures
auto industry and industrial work-
ers that their economic troubles
can be traced to the President and
not his office.
"All of our major troubles in
Michigan can be traced to this one
cause-failure of Republican lead-
ership to maintain the nation's
Gov. Williams has accused GOP
leaders in Michigan of spreading
"falsehoods" about unemployment
in Michigan, alleged loss of manu-
facturing state taxes, and a de-
clining economy.
But despite Bagwell's energetic
campaigning across the state dur-
ing the past months, his chances
against the nolitical nowerhouse

Editorial Staff
orial Director

City Editor

Associate Editor

,E CANTOR.......-..........Personnel Director
N WILLOUGHBY. Associate Editorial Director
.TA JORGENSON.......... Associate City Editor
ZABETH ERSEINE...,.Associate Personnel Director
N JONES...... ...............Sports Editor
ML RISEMAN.............. Associate Sports Editor
:OLEMAN . . . ..... .nssociate Sports Editor
TID ARNOLD.................Chiet Photographer
---.- a. -

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