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October 21, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-21

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LZUA, No. 30

Humphrey Raps,
'Outmoded' GOP
00to ems
Tells Democrats 'Election OCurs,
But Cautions' Against Deweyitis'
In a fighting speech at the Union last night, Senator Hubert
Humphrey, (D-Minn.) attacked the Republican administration calling
them a group of "tired, timid, sick, old men."
He described Secretary of State John Foster Dulles as "closer to
the Metternich tradition than any living mortal."
Speaking to an enthusiastic audience of second congressional
district Democrats, he declared, "We have this election if we don't
falter. We are engaged in a holding operation. I don't believe we are
going to get any more votes from
nw on."
Cn no Cautioned Against "Deweytis,,
He cautioned the partisan audi-
ence against falling prey to
H ikes R ules "Deweyitis" and becoming over-
Sen. Humphrey asserted that the
collapse of leadership in the ad-
roy Prk in , ministration on foreign affairs is
the number one issue in the cur-
rent campaign.
By JOHN FISCHER "Our people know intuitively,
An increased requirement for instinctively that something is
fraternity parking was added to wrong," he said. "This country is
a proposed off-street parking or- in trouble today because its lead-
dinance by City Copcil last ers are not aware of what's going
night. ,on in the world."
According to the new wording Our nation is in a rut, he de-
of the ordinance which passed first Blared, and we need the Demo-
reading last night, fraternities
mxust provide one off-street park-
iang place for. each three ;beds .in
the house. The,'change also, sep-f
arated requirements for fraterni-
ties from those for sororities..
No change was made in the pro-
vision for sororities which requires
them to provide two spaces, for
each three guest rooms or one for
each.six beds, whichever is larger.
Requirement Same'
The requirement: for fraterni-
ties was formerly the same as that
for, sororities.
William Cross, assistant dean
of men for fraternities, said the
ruling will "hurt because the
houses don't have that need It
seems to me to 'be a" little too = ;4....~
heavy because, in reality, they
won't need this many"
Cross recommended a ratio of '.
one space per five men as a more v .
reasonable figure. SEN. HUBERT HUMPHREY,
Most Live Out ... criticizes GOP
"Since most of the men who
have cars are seniors and live cratic party to get us out of it.
out," he explained, '"these are the Our leaders can't understand anti-
ones with the most cars." colonialism; they don't feel the
The Council also approved a emotions and forces that are at
change removing the controver- work in the world.
sial clause which ,made the pro- Need New Emphasis
posed ordinance apply 'to all "We not only need a new em-
houses "altered to an extent of 50 phasis, but a re-orientation," he
per cent or more of its assessed said.
value." The Senator made a strong stand
The Ann Arbor Board of Real- for continued and increased dis-
tors, in a letter last week, said cussion of foreign policy. "I would
this clause would' "drastically cur- consider myself unworthy of pub-
tail" an individual's "right to im- lic trust if I disagreed with cer-
prove his property." tamo developments in foreign policy
Impossible to Meet and did not speak up,'" he said.
It said that since these require- Sen. Humphrey called on his
ments would be "virtually impos- fellow Democrats to back a great
sible to meet in much of the city," program for peace.
this clause would "substantially
confiscate individual's land and;
property." .F ra0ce Sa s
The letter emphasized "econom-
ic chaos" that would result from
the passage of such an ordinance.
Anpc hearlng on the or- 0 y UN
dinance will be held in Council
chambers at ?:30 pam. Nov. 10,
dust before the regular City Coun- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)-
cil meeting. Nations yesterday it will not be auto
worked out in Geneva for suspensi
Jules Moch, the veteran Frene
any agreement signed by the Unit
Segregated' .Union, would be one "drawn up w
and not applying to her. As to her
Open future support of such a document,
S h o it actually comes into existence,

In Li e R k her support will depend upon cir-.
In Li le oi cumstances which I shall not treat'
at greater length today."$
LITTLE ROCK ()--After seven Set Meeting Date
weeks of idleness, white high Representatives of the United
school students yesterday regis-
tered for classes at three different Uiates, Britain and the Soviet
schools, all of them segregated. Uon will meet in Genevr sOse-
National Association for the Ad- sion of tests under a control sys-
vancement of Colored People were tem already worked out by East-
considering possible court action West nuclear experts.
against the newly opened private Moch told the 81-nation political
high school for white seniors in committee France will go ahead
Little Rock. with plans for testing nuclear
"We've been working on it all weapons unless the agreement
weekend," said NAACP Counsel calls also for reduction of stock-
Thurgood Marshall. piles of existing A-bombs and H-
"We're fairly well decided what bombs.
we're going to do, but we're still "If such a agreement should not
digging into the situation, and I be reached, France would not re-
don't want to say anything further nounce a weapon which other
just yet." , countries already possess and the
About 300 of an expected 500 nunlber of which they would in-
students registered at the newly- crease," he declared.
created Little Rock Private -High Proceed To Tests
School, opened with funds donated - "She, too, would then proceed
from people throughout the na- to tests which she wnuld make

Ike Blasts
In Speech
In the hardest hitting political
speech of his current campaign-
if not of his entire political record
-President Dwight D. Eisenhower
declared last night the Democrats
can offer "only deadlocked govern-
ment-government that wages war
on itself."
President Eisenhower flew into
California in a frank effort to end
feuding between thetop Republi-
can candidates - Senator William
F. Knowland, who is running for
governor, and Governor Goodwin
J. Knight, who is after Knowland's
Senate seat.
A crowd estimated by Los An-
geles police at 75,000 gave the
President an enthusiastic welcome
-complete with showers of con-
fetti and paper streamers-as the
presidential motorcade moved
through downtown Los Angeles.
Sounds Unity Appeal
President Eisenhower sounded a
unity appeal early in his address
at the Shrine Auditorium.
"Let's have no more family
bickering-fancied or real," the
President urged. "It just helps de-
feat what we want."
In a speech prepared for his first
of three appearances on behalf of
Republican candidates for key
posts in California, the President
"Either we choose left-wing gov-
ernment or sensible, forward-ook-
ing. government-spendthrift gov-
ernment or responsible government
-overpowering federal government
or government kept close to home
-frustrated, stymied government
or efficient government able to
keep its promise to America."
Endorses Tactics
Then he went on, in an all-out
endorsement of the campaign tac-
tics of Vice-President Nixon,
which have been criticized by some
"If only all of us go full out, as
our fine Vice-President, Dick
Nixon, has - we together, will
achieve victory."
President Eisenhower, until now,
on a coast-to-coast campaign
swing that began last Friday
morning, has avoided mentioning
either his own party or the Demo-
crats by name.
But tonight he lit into the oppo-
sition under the label of "the
Democrat party" - a label that
many members of the opposition
Uses "Other" Name
They insist on being called the
Democratic Party.
Turning to foreign policy, a
major issue in the 1958 campaign,
President Eisenhower said that
under the Republicans, "during six
years of serious international
stress, America has remained at
peace'" - and that today from
Lebanon to Quemoy "those in the
world who would do us harm know
that America will not be bullied."
Not Bound,
A rms Pact
France served notice on the United
omatically bound to any agreement
on of nuclear weapons tests.
h negotiator on disarmament, said
ted States, Britain and the Soviet
ithout the participation of France

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PROPOSED FOR NORTH CAMPUS-The artist's model shows the Fluids Engineering Building as it will appear when completed..
The center section is now completed and in use. The wings to the left and right are being planned for completion in 1960, and the
University is seeking $2,180,000 for this project. The wing to the right will house the lakes study unit in which models of various bodies
of water will be used. The penthouse on the left portion of the structure will house a wind tunnel for teaching purposes.

_- .
- .


Fall Election
To Decide
On Revision
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of 10 articles; written by
Prof. Arthur W. Bromnage of the
University's political science depart-
ment for the Associated "Press on the
question of calling a Constitutional
Convention. That issue will appear
on the Nov. 4 ballot.)
Michigan's future will be in-
fluenced by the voters' decision in
November on whether to call a
convention to revise the state's
Constitution. This question is so
vital that the voters are assured
in the present Constitution of an
opportunity to pass on it every 16
The last time the question came
up under the mandatory rule was
in 1942 when the -country was at
war. Constitutional alterations did
not seem urgent and the decision:
was no. Although the legislators
put the question on the ballot
voluntarily in 1948, the outcome
was the same. What will happen
this year?
A Convention, once the voters
summon it, reports to them-not
to the governor, not to'the Legis-
lature. It has to be responsible to
the people, as the people have to
be responsible for calling it.
With an obligation to submit
recommendations to popular re-
ferendum, a Convention is not
just a study commission. When its
proposals are ready, a majority of
those voting on them at the popu-
lar referendum is sufficient for
their approval or rejection.
To get the changes accepted is
actually easier than to get a Con-
vention called. This is because the
Michigan Constitution requires
that, to summon the Convention,
there must be a majority of all
votes cast in the election. -
More people are apt to vote for
See MICHIGAN, page 3

Fluids Project Lacks
Facilities To Fill Needs

"The first unit.of the Fluids
Engineering Building just partially
satisfies the needs in that area,"
Associate Dean of the engineering
college Glenn V. Edmonson said
Discussing the second unit of
the building for which the Univer-
sity is seeking $2,180,000 from the
state legislature this year in capi-
tal outlay appropriations, he said
the Fluids Engineering structure
Indicate End
To Recession
has climbed almost three-fourths
of the way back from the recession
low as measured by total output
figures,,the latest government sta-
tistics showed yesterday.
A 440 billion dollar rate for
gross national product--all goods
and services-in the third quarter
of 1958 was revealed in the Octo-
ber "Economic Indicators" pub-
lished by the Senate House Eco-
nomic Committee.
This was an 11 billion dollar
jump above the 429 billion annual
rate in-the second quarter of this
The committee said the 440 bil-
lion figure for the July-August-
September period was a prelimi-
nary estimate by President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's Council of Eco-

has always been conceived of as a
The first unit on North Campus,
which was occupied this summer,
cannpt provide the needed facili-
ties without the remaining por-
tions of the structure, Edmonson
explained. "The engineering col-
lege has thought the first unit is,
and always was, a part of the total
$4 million project," he added.
Houses Teaching Area
The second unit of the building
will house a teaching area for the
aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, a section for model studies
of lakes, an air pollution facility
for study of air contaminants,
smog and weather, added office.
space and additional computing
room area.
"This additional space is over-
due from $he standpoint of need,"
Edmonson said. He termed present
laboratory space "obsolete." The
new building will house heavy lab-
oratory equipment for which there
is no adequate area at present, he
Built Years Ago
New fluids such as nuclear engi-
neering have been instituted since
the current engineering facilities
were built over 30 years ago, he
said. Much of the engineering lab-
oratory space is thus obsolete, he
The building was planned for
1970 in terms of the number of
students it could accommodate and.
in space for faculty and graduate
student research, Edmonson noted.
The first unit of the Fluids Engi-
neering Building is , a $2 million
structure currently in use on
North Campus.
Ideas Made Practical
"New ideas in teaching" will
also be made practical because of
the new structure and equipment.
"A modern wind tunnel for teach-
ing purposes" is planned for the.
See FLUIDS, page 2 ,

Franklin J. Shepherd, Township
Supervisor for Ypsilanti. yester-
day charged that the Township
Board has shown almost exclusive
favoritism to the Willow Woods
Development Corp.
Ernest Landry, a partner in the
Willow Woods Development Corp.
strongly denied this, calling such
statements "slanderous and un-
The statements have grown from
a controversy stemming from the
improvement of the Willow Village
area by the Development Corpora-
Shepherd investigated the houses
that are being sold and claims that
they are overpriced and that the
builders are getting more than the
profit they should, considering that
these are supposed to be low cost
Cites Difficulty
On the other hand, David Cam-
bell, one of the assistant managers
for the Macway Construction Com-
pany, said that the it was difficult
to even keep the cost down to
$10,000 because of the high cost of
labor and materials.
It was, he continued, necessary
to cut down on the size of the lots
and leave out certain Improve-
ments such as curbs, -gutters and
storm sewers in able to keep the
price down so that Willow Village
residents would be able to qualify
for FHA loans to purchase these
fmTells of Complaints
Cambell said many of the com--
paints about te housing were
made by "a few, hotheads who like
to see their name in print."
He added that most of the people
who have purchased homes there
are satisfied and feel that they
have adequate housing.
George A. Currier, a former
building investigator for Ypsilanti
Township, stated that he was fired
because he would not approve
poorly constructed housing in the
Willow Village Area, and in one
day condemned eight straight
Explains Rejections
"Human errors" cause most of
the rejections, Cambell claimed. He
noted that when you are building
hundreds of houses it is only
natural that some "cracked floors"
or "bad lumber" will turn up.
"These were quickly corrected,"
Cambell added.
On November 13, 1958, the
groups representing the Negroes
and the Willow Woods Develop-
ment Corp. will defend their state-
ments in court.
Actor Gilgud
To Perform

Dulles' Talk
With Chiang
Seen Cause
Red Artillery Breaks
Fifteen-Day Cessation
Of Straits Hostilities
TAIPEI (P)-Red China's siege
guns barked out an end to its
self-imposed cease-fire around
Quemoy yesterday, laying a. grave
new situation before Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles in his
talks with Nationalist China's
Chiang Kai-Shek.
At a stopover in Fairbanks,
Alaska, Dulles termed it a tragedy'
that the Communists had decided
to return to a "warlike disposi-
The Reds broke their 15-day
cease-fire by, pouring in more
than 11,000 shelns on Quemoy and
other islands in two hours and 45
Later their guns turned to the
Tan Islets, a few <miles off the
Red island bastion of Amoy.
Nationalist supply ships caught
at Quemoy beaches when the-
barrage opened were slightly dam-
aged, the Nationalists said.
Answered Fire
The reinforced Nationalist gar-
risons on Quemoy answered the
Communist fire.
There was no report, however,
on the intensity of the return fire.
The Communists tried to blame
the end to the cease-fire on the
United States. A Peiping broad-
cast said United States warships
escorted Nationalist supply ves-
sels to Quemoy in violation of the
set of rules set up by the Commu-
nists in' establishigg their cease-
There is widespread feeling in
Taipei that the Communists used
the presence of an American ship
in the general area as a ready-
made excuse to resume bombard-
ment on the eve of Dulles' arri-
The Nationalist Chinese have
called all of the Red actions a
campaign to drive a wedge be-
tween the United States and Na-
tionalist China.
May Reduce Strength '
Nationalists see the cease-fire
termination as putting a crimp
in United States talk of lpersuad-
ing Chiang to reduce Nationalist
troop strength in the offshore
islands as a means of coaxing Red
China to make the cease-fire per-
The Communists originally pro-
claimed a one-week cease-fire to
begin Oct. 6, provided United
States warships did not take part
in Nationalist convoys. Later they
extended it for two weeks under
the same conditions.
Nationalist gunners, reinforceds
with heavy howitzers during the
cease-fire period, held their re-
turn fire for one hour "to see if
the Communists would stop," the
defense ministry seid
Then the Nationalists began
laying down a barrage on Com-
munist territory starting at 5 pm.,
the ministry reported.
Thailand Junta-
Sta ges Cou
BANGKOK, Thailand ()-Tie
military junta that seized power
in Thailand 13 months ago staged
another successful coup yester-
Premier Thanom Kittikachorn

and his cabinet resigned and the
military group headed by Marshal
Sarit Thanarat imiediately pro-
claimed martial law.
An announcement said Sarit and
his followers had successfully
seized power.
Soldiers carrying automatic
weapons and bayonets moved into
key positions near government and
army buildings. There were no re-
ports of violence.

nomic Advisers.
The all time
reached in the'
1957 with a 445
nual rate.
Output then
in the slump to
first quarter of

output peak was
third quarter of
billion dollar an-
dropped sharply
426 billion in the
this year.


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Effigy Floats on High
Football Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's effigy floated in a light breeze
.4 over the Diag yesterday, apparently the work of irate students in a
protest over Northwestern's victory over Michigan last Saturday.
But John Tirrell, General Secretary of Alumni Relations, said that
there was "not one" voice of dissension reported to his office against
the veteran coach.
The dummy was strung by rope from a tree in front of the
General Library from early morning to about 12:30 p.m.
- .The cloth-stuffed effigy, complete with a painted face and "Ooster-
baan" written across the front, was first seen in West Quad Sunday
Occurred for First Time
"This is the first time we have heard of anything like this happen-
ng," said Les Etter, Athletic Publicity Director, speaking for the
Athletic Department. He said the Department did not hear about the
incident until the dummy was taken down.
Oosterbaan has been head coach for 11 years and has been with
the athletic department since 1927. Tirrell was quick to quench reports
of any anti-Oosterbaan sentiment among the University's alumni.

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