ADVERTISEIU = E MICM+GAN DALI[LY ADVERnSEMM-Tr ADVERTISEMENT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTISEMENT ENS, WOMENS FASHIONS COORDINATED:_ Shaggier, Bulkier Sweaters Take Over for Fall OE Ivy League Styles Remain Popu Despite Trend to Conservatism ., Womens The latest fashion designs this ear are merely a continuation of trend which began a few years go - that of hiding the fem- zine figure as best as possible. And this year the extreme has een reached - designers have nally succeeded in taking the irves out of sweaters. Long lines, shaggy and mohair abrics, and bulky knits are the chic" styles of the day which are ,st replacing the traditional assic pullover and cardigan yles. Chemise Reiterated The 1958 fall edition of the weater must be 22 inches long efore it can pass as the latest ;yle. The longer line reiterates le chemise style and fits loosely bout the waist and then nar-. )ws at the hips. Vest sweaters, "Perry Como" ardigans, crew neck varieties, and ren the classic cardigan have all een stretched to the new length. he only style which remains at shorter length is the bulky, aist-fitting vest. Replacing the traditional crew eck, shetland+ cardigan is the ew style of the "Perry Como" Neater. The new variety comes, ther in the bulky, shetland fab- cs or in softer fur blend syn- etics. (For the uneducated: this yle is a new name for the V- .cked cardigan). Several of these new sweaters n be purchased with a separate wool insert for the V-neck to be worn as a regular sweater and not as a cardigan over a blouse. Vest sweaters (sleeveless cardi- gans) are another innovation of the fashion designers for this year. This style comes both in the new long. length or the shorter waist length. Perhaps the latest news in sweaters is the new shaggy and bulky f a b r i c s used. 'Hairy' sweaters are becoming widely ac- cepted fashion on campuses, throughout the country. Mohair' blends are used to produce this long hair effect in the fabric. Styles Copied Heavy bulky wool knits are now being fashioned into all the latest styles. Cable stitching and un- usual p a t t e r n s make these sweaters fashionable. Also .in the latest styles are the new 'Euro- pean' patterned sweaters. These patterns are copies of (or imports of) patterns found in sweaters of the 'Scandinavian countries. Brilliant colors are a necessity, according to designers. Vibrating shades of blue, orange and red lead in colors used, with the new soft shade of olive (or fashion- ably speaking, 'avocado') green taking a close second. The styles of last year have not been forgotten, however. Shetland crew necks and cardigans are still basic and useful in any collegian's wardrobe. A new innovation in this sweater is the bateau neck- line and .a few of the shetlands are being shown with the rolled collars. Classic pullovers and cardigans are still being sold as basic items to the wardrobe. New styles are now available in cashmeres, fur blends and synthetic fabrics. The high waisted 'empire' look has been added to some of these softer fabric sweaters. If the fashion designer's ideas are fully accepted on campus, feminine figures will be noticeable on only certain days (when the classic sweaters are worn) - but for the most part they will be hid- den behind bulky, loose-fitting sweaters. Mens Although the sweater for the well-dressed man on campus has been the crew-neck for the past few years, this year the cardigan is giving it a run for the money. This fall's sweater mania among men is bringing out everything from double-breasted cardigans to madly plaided pullovers. The wool tends to be shaggier than usual and the colors are a little bolder. The cardigan, particularly the three-button version popularized by Pat Boone, is seen on campus in solid colors or with a narrow stripe down the edge. There is also an equally popular four-button version, and both styles come in either light-, medium- or heavy- weight yarns. They also come in either sleeveless or sleeved ver- sions. Pullover Basic The non-cardigan, or pullover,, is the most ,basic, and therefore the most variable of styles. The crew-neck, which was once knit only in rather subdued colors, ap- pears now in bold stripes and bold- er color combinations. Fabrics are the attention-get- ting element this fall, with' the rising popularity of the shaggy mohair, and other. Shetland and3 brushed wools which appear in the styles this fall. One striking example of the "new look" in pullovers is a combi-, nation - knit of red, white and black yarns, which produces an interesting tweedy effect.; Warmth Provided; The heavier knit sweaters are meant for outdoor wear, and they provide the warmth necessary for pursuit of active hobbies such' as1 skiing, skating, winter-time Arb- going, etc. Many of the sweaters show the European influence in design and color combinations. One Italian import is a bulky, black-and-white, ski sweater, with stripes two inches wide, and a thick, semi-turtle- neck collar. Another European design is a plain-necked pullover in an exotic1 -Daily-Robert Kanner MATCH MATES - These "look alikes" are not twins; they merely go togeher. Crew necks like these are availablein various designs and colors. loW is THETIME . With fraternity rushing over black and gold knit which gives the effect of tiny squares. The same interesting combination of black and dull gold is used in an- other pullover, this one with fine gold stripes running through the wide black strips. The neckline is knitted in a V-pattern, using the colors of the sweater in broad stripes. - Stripes Featured The ski sweaters come 'in every- thing -from stripes and checks to blanket patterns, as illustrated by one Danish sweater, knit in red, black, and white. The effect of the pattern is reminiscent of a Navajo blanket, and it is quite striking. The so-called "Scandinavian" design is still popular, in sweaters both bulky-knit and relatively, light-weight. Many of these come with matching ski caps and mit'- tens, and don't have, to be worn exclusively for skiing. Not quite a sweater, and yet not exactly a shirt, are the polo shirts, sometimes called, logically enough, a sweater shirt. Knit in most yarn combinations, it is generally light- er-weight than most cardigans or pullovers, and still heavier than the original polo shirt. Some sweater shirts have added buttons along with the extra weight to heighten the resem- blance to the sweater. Previously available only in solid colors, mostly white, they are now being produced in the same stripes and patterns as their ."full-fledged sweaters. The sweater shirts, as well as the "bulkies," are showing a par- ticular interest in the collar detail. Everything from the classic shawl collar to a convertible collar, to the continental collar, introduced a few years back. One problem .which .men have not been able to solve yet, however, is the plagarism by women. When the crew-neck was first intro- duced, it was snapped up by style- conscious coeds, and the bulky knits are destined for the same fate. ' For the lucky male who has .a talented girl-friend, it should be fairly easy to acquire a custom- made bulky sweater. For those who are not so fortunate, though, the Ann Arbor shops are well-equipped this fall to supply them with any-; thing (literally) in the way of ready-made sweaters. The Ivy Leage, scorned'in the midwest for its low-power football and high-power professor, has nonetheless given us many valu- able items of apparel, such as sad- die shoes, khaki pants, hip flasks and raccoon coats. Most devastating, however, of ivy contributions, is "ivy league. clothing," according- to a Univer- sity sociologist. who wished to re- main anonymous. A random sample of students leaving the Undergrad Library re- vealed seven tweed sports coats and a four button worsted suit, as compared to one cutaway, one pair of bib overalls and two leotards. The last were both worn by a coldblooded coed. Clothing Typed Ivy apparel can be analyzed most effectively, however, when divided into types of clothing. Only; a few students, for example, go to the extreme of the sopho- more found in the Union men's room, pulling up his Edwardian tweed socks. The suit would naturally begin the rundown of clothing, being most stable. The chemise is only the faint faraway echo of a beau- tiful song and the empire look. is back instead, but the men who escort the wearers of the afore- mentioned costumes will be quite safe in last year's ivy league suits. There are always changes in men's wear and this year has proved no exception. The belt in the back having descended. the social scale to that of the motor- cycle Jacket, has been abandoned by the fashionable suitmakers.' Constancy Note But the suits, whether tweed, flannel, worsted or some more quad-like fabric, for the most part look the same., And the old reliable blue-flannel1 blazer with brass buttons is back again too. In the past few years a double-breasted version has ap- peared beside it in the Ann Arbor- shops, although this remains most popular with retired British army officers. The past few seasons have also seen the introduction of dark brown, dark.olive, oxford grey and striped or plaid blazers, which have failed to supplant the stand-t ard-blue Job despite the beautiful buttons many sport. laen Popular These blazers are for the most par worn with off-color slacks, gray with the navy blue, blue with the grey, dark brown with the brown and so on. Some students wear blazers with khaki twill pants, but these may be discarded when fashion is being discussed. Taking a hint from the blazer and, slacks combination, some clothing lines this year feature suits in which the coat has metal buttons like a blazer and one of the pairs of slacks is striped in a darker tone of the same color. These combination suits, how- ever, are more closely akin to the station wagon of the exurbanite than the bicycle of the student.. When the ivy-minded student, not to be confused with the stu- dent whose mind is merely musty, removes his sportcoat or blazer he dons inevitably a sweater. The IVY LEAGUE -- Although the Lvy League fashion does not dominate this year's styles in men's clothing, it still remains popular In jackets, topc ts, Iacks and sweaters. now is the time to relax with a fine Pipe* i sweater may be a furry shetland a corded bulky - knit,, a wild- striped cardigan or a white tennis pullover alb Jack Kramer, but a sweater it must be. -' 'Shirt Dirty?' Sophomores and juniors will have discovered the prime ad- vantage to wearing a sweater: the shirt underneath can be very dirty, just so it has a button down collar. Other ivy essentials include the aforetomentioned shirt. Oxford cloth is of course prefered, and it is available in various stripes as well as solid blue, buff, grey and white. Foulard and Paisley patterns, those clever borrowings from the British which combine uncombil- able hues, have found their way into. sport shirts with a vengance, although the ivy purist night pre, fer them on his tie. Wardrobe Qoncludes And the ivy wardrobe concludes most naturally with the feet, en- cased first in sweatsocks and then in either moldy tennis-shoes, run- down loafers or mirror-polished cordovans. An alternate way of .concluding the description is with the om- nipresent raincoat, worn by male and female alike, which is used to conceal or at least obscure the major portion of the remaindeir of the ivy wardrobe as it billows- about the wearer on all occasions. NEW ERA London Made. The rich mellow walnut finish accentuates the beauty of this pipe's fine briar . . . any perfect briar, which undergoes long sea- soning, is used. 0Every detail is perfect, from the fittig of the hand-cut mouthpiece, to the bev- elled edge of the bowl. PHEHISTORIC. London Made The handsome, rugged surface of the bowl offers these smok- ing advantages in addition to its smart appearance: Lighter weight, the soft surface briar has been removed; cooler smoking, the rough surface offers a larger area to radiate the heat. " Black Vulcanite handcut stem and dark finish briar. SPORTSWEAR SCENE: Sweaters Lead in Appeal APIPE Cs EN TE 1209A South VIliversity - Ph. NO 3-6235 Open 'til 8:30 on Wed., Thur. and Fri. nights In men's sportswear, sweaters are the thing this year. Black is the influencing color this year. This year students no- tice very few light colored sport shirts and coats. Shirts are main- ly miniature checks, stripes or plaids. India Madras and foulard with button down collars should predominate. In polo shirts, long sleeve jersey knits of dacron or orlon are in style. Sports coats, predominate in stripes and muted plaids. Blazers of blue, gray or olive remain very popular. Slacks have dropped the pleats and back pockets are either plain or have a flap. Coming up are new side buckles and ranch-type pockets. In dressy sports slacks, gray flannel rates first while cot- ton chinos remain the most pop- ular slacks in more informal wear. Waist-length jackets appear to be most popular this season, with the most popular selection having a bright plaid lining. Reversibles with attached hoods are also seen around. Zippered jackets still pre- dominate. Car coats are dropping pegs; they're using bone buttons now. Duffer style is the most popular. Fur trim will be the most promin- ent feature this year. New sportswear will not be as loud this year and will allow men to- show more individuality in taste. r. AO TH.E STYLE MAJOR CREATES NEW STYLE MASTERPIECES IN Entire stock of FALL CLOTHING Suits formerly were '49.50 to $65.00 Sport Coats were .24.95 to ;42.50 NOW REDUCED .... . . THE MAN-TAILORED SHIRT 7n eta _:;.."::_} I4'. This vilirant madder print is just one of the mnany man- tailored shirts by Gant of New Haven available at Camelet Brothers. ' i They all exhibit the authentic, properly flared i button-down collar, with extra-long tails, generous shoulders and sleeves. Sizes 1 0-16. from $5.50 A 1r. S J:... a . .', - x r o y:,"?l- Ws trim, straight;~ natural shouldered, lap seamed, hook vented. and above all else it is exceptionally t comfortable ... to give you complete style confidence.! See this authentic "natural" masterpiece in muted-tone stripes, casual chevron weaves and rich solid tones 5950 o $69 NEW HAVEN MODEL SUITS4 3 OFF A It ___1_ - .1*- - F t. r+ 9 9 I t I