fI C, 4V ffrhlgatt Daily Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND'MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHtGAN .when Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth win Preval STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ Nasser Goes Too Far, Gives West Its Chance GAMAL ABDEL NASSER has gone too far, uncommitted. Other states have already shown The recent decision of President Bourguiba that they are discontented with the strong of Tunisia to quit the Arab League because of pressures that Nasser is using. Morocco's King fear of being oppressed by the United Arab Mohammed V has expressed the feeling that Republic looms as a break that may eventually Morocco and Tunisia must remain side by side. swing many of the Arab countries into active Now is the time for the other Arab States support of the West and its policies. to weigh carefully the advantages and disad- Before, Nasser was able to picture himself as vantages qf close ties with Nasser. If they are a person who was to save the Arab countries ever to break off relations, the time is ripe. from the imperialistic actions of the United One nation has already decided to break away, States and its allies; this he can no longer do. and others might. If this is the case the Western He has now shown the world just what type of world will no longer have to deal only with leadership he is offering. Nasser when concerned with the Arabs. Nasser's leadership will not be the symbolic type of which he spoke when the United Arab TUNISIA MAY BE the start of an Arab force Republic was being formed. It seems now that that is not behind Nasser but will be pro- his main aim is to further his influence West. Bourguiba has already stated that his throughout the Arab world by whatever means feeling lies with the West. are necessary. Up to now he has been successful. These states can not fight Nasser without president Bourguiba's actions have now Western aid and support. Tunisia is a small brought the policies of Nasser to the forefront. country with very little financial strength. At The Arab countries can not deviate from the the present time it is receiving a little aid from policies of Nasser and still be in his good graces. France, which recently gave Tunisia its free- dom and next to none at all from the United NASSER EVIDENTLY FEARS that any solu- States. A country the size of Tunisia can not tion toward independence is a move against hope to withstand the power of the United him. He thinks that the only way to keep the Arab Republic without help from the West. Arab States behind him is to follow a policy of Unless the United States immediately gives domination. This policy, it now appears, is one aid to Tunisia (and to any other Arab States that will not work in all cases, that rebel against Nasser), this country will lose The next step is up to the rest of the Arab possibly its last chance to build ties with the States, both those who are now in the United Arab States., Arab Republic and those who are as of now -KENNETH McELDOWNEY U Budget Needs Attention TO: The Legislators study facilities. Student pressure - not new RE; The University Operating Budget Request funds - extended the hours to their previous THE UNIVERSITY'S proposed operating length, forcing administrators to cut funds budget for 1959-60 is now at your doorstep, from another area in order to finance last awaiting careful scrutiny and then a careful year's level of operation. decision on its fate. It is your prerogative to These changes indicate a snag in the meth- read it, to pass certain parts of it, to approve f od of appropriations. The problem, as the Uni- it totally, or to reject it and appropriate what- versity sees it, is in the legislative processes, for ever you desire, your method of figuring the budget appropri- Taking the latter alternative, and then tell- ation on a per capita (so much per student) Ing school administrators, "we are sorry, but basis is quite illogical. the State has no money for higher education," Primarily, when you allocate a set sum to is becoming a customary practice of yours and educate each student, you ignore the different prospects for change this year seem dim. Then, costs involved in teaching at various schools. once again, University officials, or lobbyists as For example, to educate a chemistry student you have forced them to become, will return to requires expenditures for equipment as well as campus and attempt to maintain educational for maintenance of that material. But to in- standards on an "austerity" budget. struct the literary college student, the basic However, it is respectfully suggested that expenditure is in maintaining classrooms. before doing this, you at least examine the ALSO FORGOTTEN are the different levels most likely results of this action. And once at which the University operates teaching you see the damage that is done, why not look programs. Costs in teaching a graduate stu- into the reasons for the lack of funds? dent involved the maintenance of research Last year, you cut the University's request equipment which the undergraduate doesn't by seven million dollars and assumed it could normally use. operate on a mere $30,000,000. A good look at Perhaps the basic problem of finding funds operations on this campus illustrates the in- lies in the State's mixed-up tax structure. This adequacy of the appropriation. In essence, you problem also needs .careful surveillance . . . forced the administration to eliminate 207 fac- but the effects of remedying the tax problems ulty and staff positions. Consequently the stu- will not be realized for at least another year, dent-teacher ratio went from 13 students to and by then enrollments will be swelling be- every teacher to a new height of 14.1. yond proportion. Meanwhile, the University budget needs at- CROWDED classrooms show the educational tention and help this year. Discarding the per effects, and fewer classes are being offered capita means of figuring the appropriation because of the ten per cent cuts in all the would give the University a more equitable sum University's departments. . . . then it will be more feasible for the Uni- Furthermore, the operation of one of the es- versity to wait for a new tax structure .*. sential parts of our educational system - the patiently and, for a change, hopefully. library -- was curtailed, reducing available --JOAN KAATZ INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Bipartisan Bickering "Of Course, If I Had The Top Job I'd Act Differently" WITH THE MATCHMAKER Michigan Theatre Much Wilder Now ACCORDING TO one of the characters in Thornton Wilder's "The Matchmaker:" "You're having an adventure if - in the middle of it all - you wish you were sitting safe at home. But if you're sitting at home wishing you were out having an adventure, something is wrong." Broadly interpreted, this means that if you are sitting in the theatre watching this film and you wish you were home sleeping, you are clearly not having an adventure, and if you are home sleeping and wish you were out seeing "The Matchmaker," you ought to get married. Wilder's story is full of brief "asides" tothe audience which-were probably more effective in the stage version but are pretty cute in the film, too. The plot is one of those impossible to relate affairs, so- phisticated way up out of the reach of the Rock and Roll gang but com- ]CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Nixon Ignores Bipartisanship By WILLIAM S. WHITE A DEEP AND BASIC cleavage between the "regular" and "modern" Republicans is clearly emerging as the Congressional campaign nears its close. So, too, is a division similar in kind but not nearly so great in degree among the Democrats. The separating factor is the con- cept of bipartisanship in foreign policy. How much bipartisanship should in fact be practiced when people are running for office? This is the question that draws the lines of division. Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, who is progressively be- coming more identified with the regular than with the modern- Eisenhower wing, has, in effect, abandoned bipartisanship. Though he later agreed with Mr. Nixon that criticism needed at least "to be answered," President Eisen- hower has declared that "foreign policy ought to be kept out of partisan debate." Mr. Nixon has plainly said exactly the opposite. And he is acting accordingly. THE VICE-PRESIDENT is ex- plaining that the President's re- sponsibilities as a national leader are one thing and that Richard M. Nixon's responsibilities as the leader "in a political campaign" are quite another thing. It is in- teresting, parenthetically, that Mr. Nixon has thus formally laid claim to what he already held in fact- the directing headship of the en- tire Republican campaign. More interesting and more to the present point, however, is the light this sheds on what are, for this purpose,. two Republican par- ties. Mr. Nixon is speaking the language, almost right down to the ground, of the orthodox Republicans. Their late leader, Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, thought bipartisanship was pre- tentious nonsense-and would say so when provoked. "The business of the opposition," he used to declaim in his dry, nasal voice, "is to oppose." And he no more hesitated to attack a foreign policy in charge of the opposite party than he did the smallest domestic bill. Mr. Nixon has not gone quite that far on the, other side of the coin, nor-do the bulk of the present regular Republicans. He and they, however, are im- bued witha spirit that could not, be more different from that of Mr. Eisenhower and the rest of the moderns. The President and his people are always uncom- fortable at the injection of foreign affairs into national party politics. The Vice-President and the "regu- lars" in general are not in the least so troubled. * * * ON THE CONTRARY. They led a violently partisan attack on the Truman Administration in the same field. And beyond doubt this was a critical force in ending 20 years of Democratic contol of the White House. Nobody knows this better than they do. Accordingly, they are profoundly sensitive to Democratic attacks on them in the same area now because they are so completely aware that this sort of thing, now or in 1960, could lead to their own destruction. They hit back at what they fear most - and in practical politics quite soundly fear, In a word, they play the game to win. Thus, the distinction between the regular and modern Republi- cans is, if in a rather vague way, the distinction between a tradi- tional and a liberal view of poli- tics. But the distinction between the Democratic foreign policy bi- partisans and those who do not really believe in it is quite another matter.; * * IN THAT PARTY there is no liberal versus conservative division. Rather it is one primarily of age. and background. Most of the older Democrats, whether liberal or con- servative, genuinely support bi- partisanship, because they have a mellower view of the world and a more mature sense of proportion. It is almost in every case the young Democrat who breaks bipartisan- ship-though, unlike the Republi- can old guardist, he tries to con- vince himself that he isn't doing it. To see how little Democratic bi- partisanship is related to what is liberal or what is conservative look at the case of Harry S. Truman4 Mr. Truman certainly was a "lib- erasl" President. But Mr. Truman is still backing bipartisanship, how- ever much he dislikes the Eisen- is being said now about ths erst- while liberal here by some younger Democratic liberals in private is about as harsh a's anything the Republicans used to say. Such language! (Copyright, 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) prehensible to college people who Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Adminis- tration Policy. A scholarly investigation of the origins of Wilder's play is out of place here; hardly a serious ob- stacle. The idea came from an 1835 play by John Oxenford called "A Day Well Spent." This was enlarged into four acts by Johann Nestoy and produced in Vienna in in 1842, titled "Einen Jux Will Er Sich Machen," which means al- most anything. Wilder has con- sistently lifted the best lines out of Nestoy's play, added a new character, changed the names of the characters, and has come up with a rather gay affair. * * * THE STORY relates some ad- ventures of a small-town shop- keeper who travels to New York to seek a wife. Aided by a self- styled matchmaker (Shirley Booth) and hampered by his two simple-minded clerks (Anthony Perkins and Robert Morse), the shopkeeper (Paul Ford) meets a millinery lady (Shirley Mac- Lane), loses her to his chief clerk, but marries the Matchmaker and that is the end. Robert Morse is the only hold- over in the cast from Broadway, which is fortunate because he is pretty good. Shirley Booth is sort of pretty good too, but in a quiet way (is anyone following this?) Anthony Perkins isin a rather off-hand way sort of pretty good, also, as far as you can tell. The film is in Vista Vision (means that the cameras are fo- cused carefully) and black and white; a pity, for color would have helped brighten up everything. After deep consideration and careful analysis, the critical theatre-going crowd is advised to go see "The Matchmaker." Full of subtle humor and clever lines, it is a riot of fun and frivolity. -David Kessel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for Which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1958 VOL. LXVIII; NO. 28 Lectures Conference: Training Conference for Michigan Hi-Y-Tri-Hi-Y Youth Legisla- ture will meet on Sat., Oct. 18, 9:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. at the School of Bus. Admin. The meeting is sponsored by the Institute of Public Administration. Sir John Gielgud, noted British ac- tor, will present his new solo drama "Shakespeare's Ages of Man" in Hill Aud., Tues., 8:30 p.m. as the second number on the University Platform At- tractions series. Tickets will be on sale (Continued on Page 5) can figure out James Joyce, T. S. ETTERS to the EDITOR Government ? . To the Editor: IN MY HIGH SCHOOL, we had a Student Council. It was a fine organization: it set the dates for the annual Halloween carnival, it set up a new recreation room, it purchased new curtains for the auditorium-all under the direc- tion of the faculty. No one was ever ambitious enough to label it a Student Government; we all knew that whatever power it pos- sessed was only lent to it by the school authorities, and that its chief value was as a liaison com- mittee. At Michigan, I was proudly in- formed, things were different, Students were treated as adults. We even had our own government, with a considerable amount of autonomy in student affairs. I was led to believe that the University practiced a policy of laissez-f aie, that it allowed the Student Gov- ernment Council to make im- portant decisions. . The issue at stake is not only the recognition of Sigma Kappa; it is the status of Student Government Council. The precedent established in this case will determine whether SGC will remain a governing body or will revert to a mere liaison group-an admirable function, but hardly worthy of such an impres- sive title. -Linda Kanner, '61 Testing To the Editor: AN EDITORIAL by Charles Ko zoll viewed nuclear test sus- pension as a dangerous policy prospering from public apathy. Several observations, which if cor- rect are as important as human survival, should be made. The pressure of so called "neu- tralist groups" forcing "the sub- mission of United States govern+ ments" represents a remarkable show of public concern. Scientists, including those prominent in the study of radioactivity, have sparked this interest. Our Allies, whose peoples have already tasted man's genius for destruction, have also looked upon the United States for leadership in the suspension of nuclear tests. The vitality of publi concern for this view has actually turned the tide in molding United States policy. Such concern should force Mr. Kozoll-who values live human endeavors - to reexamine the issues. Nuclear explosions are becoming increasingly harmful to human health, especially to genetic con- stitution which means the health of our children. Equally important, is the issue of the United States' most effec- tive way to maintain leadership in a peace-seeking world. How much historical evidence do our allies need to realize that armament races may postpone attacks but ultimately lead to wars? Respon- sible leaders, struck by this pos- sibility, dare to envision a new congept of international control over weapons which threaten existence itself. If their efforts fall short of utopia and offer no more than a respite from the dangers of nuclear explosions, this is no trifle. If Mr. Kozoll's worst fears about Soviet propaganda advances in the fringe areas come true, I would prefer to learn about changes in the propaganda war from news- papers than to discover the density of radioactive fallout by sticking my head out of an underground shelter or by eating contaminated food. But, of course, this is a mat- ter of choice. --Marc Pilisuk, Grad. Understanding.. To the Editor: AS A MEMBER of the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation of Atlanta, I appreciate the concern indicated in the editorials of Octo- ber 14th. Having lived in both the north and the south I am familiar with the problems involved. Both your editorials made a plea for laws and law enforcement which are highly commendable. However, as anyone close to the' I IN FRANCE, ALGERIA: De Gaulle Strengthens Leadership Position By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE POLITICIANS are in a big hassle over who is playing partisan politics with Ameri- can foreign policy. They nearly all agree it's a reprehensible thing to do. This, they say, is a time of great crisis for the great affairs of this great republic, when its great people must present a front of great unity for the world to see. This field of agreement begins to fall apart when it comes to determining what is a parti- san approach to foreign policy and what isn't. Well, says former President Harry Truman, he wouldn't think of doing to President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles what they did to him and Dean Acheson in 1952. But when it comes to domes- ~' tic affairs, such as the recession which he says the Republicans caused and did little to stop, and which he seems to think is contin- uing - that, he says, is another matter, and he can be partisan about it. VICE-PRESIDENT Richard Nixon says he doesn't like to bring it up, but the Demo- crats are accusing his party of all sorts of things, and he thinks it only fair to remind p1eople that the Republicans have done great work for peace whereas the Democrats failed all along the line and got us into a war. The former President doesn't mention that America's economic stability is vital to her sys- tem of alliances around the world. Her re- covery from the recession is a political factor among her allies. Her ability to launch new supports for world trade is just now as import- ant to the British Commonwealth as military cooperation with Britain in the Middle East. The Vice-President doesn't say what sort of world President Eisenhower would have had to try his peace policies in if Harry Truman hadn't awakened one Sunday morning in 1950 to the full necessity of defending South Korea. South Korea was the first nation established under the sponsorship of the United Nations and the collective security- clauses of its char- ter. THE TRUTH of the matter is that the Tru- man and Eisenhower administrations have, over a period of 13'years, used the same basic nrincinle in fa hvrioantin. Pr naion nn in n- By RALPH LANGER Daily Staff Writer EVENTS this week have alle- viated fears that French Pre- mier Charles de Gaulle did not have the backing of his army and that this would lead to trouble in the newly formed Fifth French Republic. Thursday, rightist groups at- tempted to display strength in Al- geria by defying Gen. de Gaulle's order to withdraw the army and civil servants from Algerian poli- tics. They flunked. A big question regarding Gen. de Gaulle's leadership was the position the army would take in a crisis. It was not absolutely sure the hard-core professional soldiers who run the army would stand behind the premier. * * * HOWEVER, the army followed Gen. de Gaulle's order and re- signed from the public safety committee, father of the May 13 revolt against the Fourth Repub- lic. Only a few civilian extremists resisted the order, striking and demonstrating in an attempt to gather support. Finally, they Patn ^ff +ti a - - - a a - a_.. de Gaulle in May, voiced approv- al of the leader's move. THE FRENCH call Gen. de Gaulle "Le Grand Charles," or "Big Charlie" in English slang. "Big Charlie" received the sup- port of 80 per cent of the eligible voters in that country and shows signs of becoming the leader France has been searching for. Gen. de Gaulle has formed the Fifth French Republic, a long heraldedrevent. The French, lack- ing a strong leader for a decade, now think they have found him. In the recent constitutional elec- tion they voted overwhelmingly in favor of "Big Charlie" who is 67 years old and stands six feet four inches, a full head and shoulders above most of his coun- trymen. The French voters and the voters in the lands under the French tricolor have put their faith in de Gaulle's stature-.. as a leader. De Gaulle said, after receiving the results of the constitutional election, France has shown her "will for the renewal of France." The French people have always pendence theme advocated by many and which has caused four years of fighting. He is obviously depending on the majority who voted for his constitution to back him again. Whether they will or not is a big question mark in the future plans for the Fifth Repub- lic. De Gaulle will undoubtedly lose tremendously if the extremists gain enough votes to usbstantial- ly support an Algerian independ- ence movement. This is, accord- ing to observers, highly unlikely. De Gaulle appears to be on his way if he can maintain control of the situation., If he does the miracle of "Le Grand Charles" will be complete. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor MICHAEL RAFT AJO Editorial Director HN WEICHER City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor DALE CANTOR......... . Personnel Director JEAN WILLOUGHBY.......Associate Editorial Director BEATA JORGENSONE........Associate City Editor ELIZABETH ERSKLNE. ...Associate Personnel Director ALAN JONES -. -----............... Sports Editor CARL RTSE!MA. - --A .c.n Q-4. Vm ._ - I 7