vo THE MICHIGAN DAILY MACY DAY:_ u PutsI 'rospective tudens 'Soft Seats' [our Pharmacy College In Theatre .armacy Day" at the Univer- . d by the pharmacycol- « egins at 9 a.m. today with Is'sponsoreds the phith a film "In answer to the many com- ration and coffee for the 140 lege, star at ta film plaints and requests of the Uni- school students and advisors and an intod ory t versity students, the- Cinema bed to be attending. Tom D. Rowe, dean of the phar- Guild finally purchased and in- progam or he aywhich Macy college. This will be fob- stalled 'soft seats' in the Cinema program for the day, h lowed by a tour of the college and Guild Theatre," Donna Wickham, a luncheon at the League. '59L.S.A., Chairman of the Cine- or Peat's Sake Speaks on Manufacturing ma Guild Board said recently. rice again the peat moss In the afternoon, the students The seats, which cost the Board et is plaguing the fair city will hear talks on careers in phar- almost $4,400 have been a source inn Arbor. macy, Prof. Rowe said. John Hal- of surprise and delight to the ty police have announced lawell, manager of a local drug- Cinema Guild Theatre-goers this numerous complaints are store, will speak on the retailing semester. The Cinema Guild can g received from residents aspects; Prof. Don. E. Francke, now boast of comfortable, inex- have been bilked by door- chief pharmacist at the University pensive, and enjoyable weekend oor peat moss sale men. Hospital, will discuss pharmacy entertainment for University tu- in Arbor is subject to this work in hospitals; Capt. Lewis nd An Arborckes.t idence game in both the Miner of the Medical Service Guild Gives Money, rig and in the fall. The Corps of the United States Army TeGuild, Give , Mone o hods are the same in al- will discuss careers in government function only to bring inexpensive t every case, a police offi- service.. movie enjoyment to campus. Its noted. A peat moss man Dr. Lewis Stadler will then greater purpose is to giveumoney appear at the door and ask speak on pharmaceutical manu- to various campus organizations he householder would like facturing; Prof. Richard Deno of which are in needof the funds in my enough to cover his the pharmacy college will discuss order to continue their establish- i. If the resident agrees, the educational aspects of phar- ment on campus. ral associates arrive with macy and Gayle Wilson, associate An organization which is in k and peat moss and pro- director of the University admis- such need first petitions to the to dump and spread the sions office will speak to the stu-, Cinema Guild Board. If its peti- tnoss over the lawn. dents about admission to the Uni- tion is accepted, its members hen the job is completed, versity. 'earn'" their money by ushering nent is demanded of from Open to Students and taking tickets at the door of to $150. Since the resi- Following the program, the stu- the, theater during every movie has no idea how much dents will be taken on a bus tour showing for an entire weekend. moss was spread, he usu- of the University campus. Awards Money pays what is asked. "Pharmacy Day," which is open After this 'duty' is accom- he local police warn resi- to any interested high school or plished, the Board awards the or-. s not to buy their peat University student, is designed for ganization as much of the money s from dealers that appear the student who is seriously con- requested as it possibly can. he door, but to buy from sidering a career in pharmacy, It is hoped that with the instal- of the reputable dealers according to Prof. Jere E. Goyan, lation of the new seats, attend- °1n. of the pharmacy college, who is in ance at the Cinema Guild will in- charge of arrangements, crease. Speech Stud Per formancc "Helena's Husband," an histori- cal one-act farce by Phillip Moel- ler, will be the first in a series of experimental plays presented by the speech department, according to Thomas Skinner of the depart- ment. The play, to be presented at only one performance, will be giv, en at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Trueblood Auditorium of the Frieze Building. Admission will be free. Directed by Albert Katz, Grad., "Helena's Husband" presents a humorous account of the abduc- tion of Helen by Paris which started the Trojan War. Accord- ing to Moeller's farce, the whole action was instituted by Menelaus to get rid of his chattering, wit- less wife. The production will be the first in a series of free, experimental plays to be presented by the tnts To Give ? of 'Helena' speech department during the year. Other plays in the series will be presented either in the True- blood Auditorium or the recently converted Arena Theatre in the basement of the Frieze Building., The cast for "Helena's Hus- band" will include Dianne Stol- orov, '60, as Helena; Gordon Ia- pides, '59, as Paris; Joseph Brown, '58, as Menelaus; James War- neke, '59, as Analytikos and Spring Condoyan, '60, as Tsumu. Doctor Says British Like, Medical Ptah About 80 per cent of British, doctors are in favor of so-called socialized medicine and feel that it 'permits them to do a better. health job, according to British health officer Dr. John Scott. Speaking before a general as-, sembly of the public health school on Thursday, Dr. Scott, who is chief medical officer of health for the county of London, England and honorary physician to the Queen, noted that the British sys- tem "allows the citizen who needs medical health services to get them when he needs them with- out having to worry about the bill." Dr. Scott also pointed out that the health service in British schools is- far superior sto that in America. "British school children be- tween five and 15 years of age re- ceive a minimum of four inspec- tions. by doctors - the United States gives, at most, three, in- spections during that period, he said. Doctor Talks On Cancer Variation s What is commonly called cancer is actually a complex family of diseases made up of b.etween 200 to 300 different types, Dr. Howard B. Latourette, chaii*man of the University's Cancer Research In- stitute, told a district training school of the American Cancer Society in Ypsilanti, Thursday. The cancer specialist said that cancer has more than 200 forms and is as difficult to understand and control as life itself. "These diseases differ widely in their characteristics and prog- nosis," Latourette said, "but all have the same fundamental basis, the uncontrolled growth of ab- normal cells." He explained that an increasing number of facts are being un- covered about the causes of can- cer and its effects on patients. Also, scientists are constantly im- proving the methods of detecting and treating this disease. "Using the best methods of treatment now available, many patients can be cured. However," Latourette continued, "the final understanding and control of the whole family of diseases we call cancer will probably come when we understand and control growth and 'life itself." Researher To GiVeITlk Vefik A. Basman, research en- gineer at the University's Willow Run research laboratories, will deliver a lecture, tomorrow at 8:30 a..m. at the Ann Arbor High School. Basman will speak on "The Principles of Television" at this science seminar. It will be fol- lowed at 9:30 a.m. by a three-hour science research program. -J 1 : 4 SHAKESPEARIAN ACTOR -- Sir John G English actor and director, will present hi monologue "The Ages of Man" in the second: University Lecture Series. Gielgud's monodran of Shakespeare's themes of youth, maturity a University Lecture To Present British ielgud, well-known s unique dramatic presentation of the ma is a compilation nd old age. Series A lcto Actor, IU' Television To Present, Talk on Courts. The state's courts system will, come under the surveillance of Chief Justice John R. Dethmers of the Michigan Supreme Court and Prof. Charles Joiner of 'the law school on the University tele- vision series, "Government of Michigan," at 8:30 a.m. today on WXYZ-TV, Detroit.' Joined by host Prof. Daniel S. McHargue of the political science department, they will begin by enumerating the kinds of courts. and their functions in the state. The question of why a person prefers to take his case to one particular type of court, either state or federal, will be discussed. The state's method of choosing judges will be evaluated by the speakers, who will explain the ad- vantages\of appointments and of elections. n _ Latest Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces, Pendants BELOW COST - N o reasonable offer refused! EXAMPLE: Regular $1.04-$3.00 Bracelets . . . NOW 59c Closing out to Handle, only New Forms in Britain's Sir John Gielgud will present his dramatic monodrama "The Ages of Man" Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Sponsored by the University, Lecture Series, Gielgud's recital will be a compilation from Shakes- peare's poems and plays showing themes of Youth, Maturity and Old Age woven into a dramatic one-man show. Gielgud, English actor and pro- ducer, has been acting for more than two decades in England, on the, continent and in this coun- try. He is remembered in the United States for his roles in "The Lady's Not for Burning," "The Imporance of Being Earnest," and his newest - an adaptation of "Media" co-starring Judith Anderson and Florence Reed. Studying drama at various British dramatic academies, he first appeared on the stage of the *0 V III111111flIIli11N1111IDlUllQlq ll pf lpltll ill llNnIQBIDlll il{RDII1GUIf OID Gllfl ill ll llll l aldil gdl lIllfi[II 181 (q il il i81 IIIg9 Qffl f6 i( fN IIII IN lfl llp pill illl l l l l!{ il lllln l11111 1111 1i [ I IIf 1 4111f fI IIIII(Illi(Oilllll llfl l8llf illlll111iIIIIfIl611I11111 11118f lll ilal famous Old Vic theatre in Lon- don as the Herald in "Henry V." After his debut, he played in vari- ous repertories. In 1928 he made his first appearance in New York as the Grand Duke Alexander in "The Patriot." Joining the Old Vic Company in 1929, he played various Shakes- pearian parts including Hamlet, Macbeth, Orlando, Mark Antony, Benedick, Hotspur, Prospero and King Lear. His production of Hamlet achieved the second long. est run on record for this play in London. In 1950 he went to Stratford, Ontario for the Shakespearian festival, where he\ played Angelo in "Measure for Measure," Bene- dick in "Much Ado About Noth- ing," Cassius in "Julius Caesar," and King Lear. His latest play in London was "Nude With Violin" in which he played the same role that was played by Noel Coward in New York. He has just completed di- recting Terrence Rattigan's new play starring Margaret Leighton which is currently playing in London's West End. After com- pletion of the tour with his unique Shakespeare recital of "The Ages of Man," he plans another pro- duction on the Old Vic stage. Continuous Saturday and Sunday from 1 P.M. ENDING TONIGHT' "Like rare vintage champagne,"-Michigan Daily VITUORIO DSICA SOPHIA LOREN in a sly screen delight! L LU L AS b CoMEM nt EWilOR 7 By THOMAS KABAKER DUPONT PLANTS AND LABORATORIES IN 26 STATES OFFER VARIED JOB LOCATIONS Abdul Gamal Nasser is facing a serious problem in his attempts to spread his power in the Near East; according to Prof. George E. Kirk of Harvard University. In the first of a series of lec- tures to be sponsored jointly by the history department and the. Center for Near Eastern Studies, Prof. Kirk discussed "Abdul Nasser and the Arab Nationalist Move- ment." Although the Arab nationalist movement began to affect the West only 50 years ago, it is as old as Islam, Prof. Kirk said. Present. Arab nationalism is mainly a resurrection of the Arab conquests: 1300 years ago, he said. Feeling of. Inferiority As long as the Ottoman Empire remained a major power, the Arabs were not subject to a feeling of inferiority imposed upon them by the Western nations when they began domination of North Africa at the beginning of the century, he said. "But by 1900 the situation was changing," Prof. Kirk continued. "Egypt had already passed into British hands and the Arabic youth educated in Western univer- sities had been inspired by na- tionalism." In hopes of gaining their inde- Nelson Goes To Denmark Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chair-, man of the aeronautical engineer-. ing department, left yesterday for Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will meet with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization A d v i s o r y Group for Aeronautical Research and Development. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MOVIE AVAILABLE FOR A.S.M.E. MEETINGS There's a great demand for mechan- ical engineers at Du Pont. In fact, the ratio of mechanical to chemical en- gineers is just under 1:2. Whether your chosen field is research, develop. ment, plant engineering, production supervision or sales engineering, you'll find a goodifuture at DuPont. If you would like to learn in detail what mechanical engineers do in the chemical industry, arrange to see the DuPont film, Mechanical Engineering at DuPont. It is available at no cost for A.S.M.E. chapter meetings, fra- ternityhouse and dormitory showings. Write to Room 12421 Nemours Build. ing, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Wilmington 98, Delaware. SEND FOR INFORMATION BOOKLET Informational booklets about Du Pont are yours for the asking. Subjects include: mechanical, civil, metallurgical, chemi- cal, electrical and industrial engineers at DuPont; technical sales, research and development. Just name the subject that interests you and send your name and school address to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Room 12421 Nemours Building, Wilmington 98, Delaware. HISTORY DEPARTMENT SPONSORS: Prof. Kirk Discusses Nasser Problem pendence, the Arab nations joined the British against the Turks in World War I, he said. But then Great Britain and France tried to assimilate. these nations as. colo- nies, thus frustrating the hopes of the Arab nationalists. Here began the Arab's struggle with the West for independence, he continued. When, at the conclusion of World War II almost all the Arab nations had gained independence; they formed a loose confederation known as The League of Arab States. "These states did not begin to move toward true unity until the Zionist, movement to reestablish a ;Jewish., state in Palestine, spurred the Arabs to unite against a com- onenemy. Their militaryactions at this time-failed miserably, Prof. Kirk, said'. Ten years ago, ".they were a people who had lost their way., , Nasser's rise to power come with the Egyptian military coup in 1952, Prof. Kirk said. "There was en- thusiasm everywhere fron'i Arab nationalists.. Achieves Success For the first two years, Nasser was preoccupied with the affairs directly concerning the Nile Valley, but by the summer of 1954 he achieved his first success in inter-, national politics by closing an agreement with the British allow- ing for the removal, of British forces out of the Suez Canal Zone. Both Arab nationalists and com- munists attacked this seemingly friendly agreement as neither wanted Egypt to cooperate with- the West, Prof. Kirk said. During this time, events were working against the prestige of the Egyptian regime. Iraq entered into a pact with Turkey over the violent objections of the Egyptian government, he noted, even though Egypt had been the acknowledged leaders of the Arab League. Fric- tion on the Egyptian-Israeli border. near the Gaza Strip added another blow to Egyptian military power, Prof. Kirk continued. DIAL NO 2-3136 LATE SHOW TONIGHT: 11 P.M. It was at this time, Prof. Kirk pointed out, that Egypt sought arms from the Western nations to use against' Israel. The West, of course, refused. But in 1955, Nasser did get arms from the Soviet Union. This was the turning point of his. career, Prof. Kirk said. Egypt had finally received support from a major world power, and this made him the hero of the young' Arab na- tionalists. "It is important to note, Prof. Kirk said, "that this purchase of arms had nothing to do with Com- munism." At this tIme, Nasser was flirting with 'the Soviet ,bloc and jailing Communists in Egypt. Nationalize Canal According to Prof. Kirk, Nasser dispelled any doubt of his leader- ship of the' Arab nations when he nationalized the Suez Canal .'in 1956. His motivations were pri- marily centered on Egyptian gain, Prof. Kirk said. "But his actions were -hailed as a' gesture of Arab independence by nationalists throughout the Arab states, and this victory overshadowed the dis- astrous military defeat the Egyp- tian army encountered during this campaign." A great step was taken toward Arab unity with the formation of the UAR, and the revolution in Iraq has added new strength to Nasser's position as the head of Arab nationalism, Prof. Kirk said. "But now he is faced with a deli- cate' problem. "With the formation of the UAR we may look for a more complete Arab unity than before. But if Nasser pursues his aims of carrying his power throughout North 4frica, he faces tremendous political risks with his questionable military and economic equipment. If he should adopt a more gradualist policy which may offend his strongly na- tionfist backers, he faces a great weakening of his position. "The time may cone when Nas- ser will be following the wave of Arab nationalism and not leading it," Prof. Kirk concluded. FviDIAL NO 2-2513 If you've got a sense of humor (especially about sex) DON'T MISS IA Sunday "The Confessions of Felix Krull" a i Saturday 7 and 9 P.M. Sunday 8 P.M. JAMES THURBER'S "The Male Animal" "'SOMETH ING YOU MUST SEE?!" -Bosley Crowther, N.Y. Times ONE OF THE GREAT ONES! lP ~ acipating in this plan.. wasnn.'vL.'ru a I