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October 16, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-16

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Where to Next?
APPARENTLY FATE caught up with Michigan in the fourth quarter
of the Navy game last Saturday. It was only natural, however,
since the Wolverines had been tempting it for three long weeks. The
story was the same against Southern California, Michigan State, and
then the Midshipmen-every game Michigan outplayed its opponent
in the first half, or the first three quarters.
Then the roof would fall in. Southern Cal rushed back with two
late touchdowns, but failed to convert for enough extra points, thus
bowing, 20-19. Michigan State waited until the second half to counter
against the spirited Wolverines, but were able to tie the score at 12-12
by game's end.
But the roof really fell in last Saturday. It looked like the same
story as the MSU game, except that Navy had the last minute punch
which failed both the Wolverines and Spartans. The result-a 20-14
victory for the Midshipmen.
Tle reason-Michigan tempted fate once too often. Second-half
letdowns can sometimes be afforded, when a team has a big lead.
But none of Michigan's leads have been big enough. The Trojans
scared Michigan, the Spartans disappointed Michigan, and the Mid-
shipmen beat Michigan. There ought to be a moral there somewhere.
The trouble last Saturday was obvious. Michigan didn't have the
ability to score when it was needed. The team marched all over Navy,
but not over the goal-line. The first two games the Michigan scores1
had come on breaks. Against Navy they didn't get any breaks.
Advatages Lost.
BUT THE BIGGEST TROUBLE which has plagued the Wolverines
all season is an inability to take advantage of the breaks. Granted,;
they scored on two breaks against Michigan State and a few others
against Southern California, but there were many other chances when
they didn't capitalize. There was one occasion in particular against
the Spartans when Michigan failed to score after blocking a punt on
the MSU six-yard line. Then there are the seven big times last Satur-
day when Navy yielded deep into its territory, but the results never'
made the Michigan half of the scoreboard.
Although Southern California failed, Michigan State and Navy have
proved that the team that doesn't play the entire game doesn't win.
When State came back last week-the result wasn't too drastic. In the
first place it was expected, or one might say, Michigan's lead .wasn't
expected. Besides, the 'M' team didn't lose that game. However, the
Navy comeback, and the subsequent Michigan loss should be enough
to put the lesson across-letups spell defeat.
The letups this year are a little different from those of the past.
In the first place, Michigan is playing a more solid game of football.
The trouble is not entirely the offense, which has shown some good
plays and some very talented backfield men. Although they have not
taken complete advantage of all scoring opportunities-they have
provided a margin every, game, which would have been sufficient if
the defense had held.
Also different from the past, the trouble is not in the line. In
fact, Michigan's 1958 line has been the high point of the team. They
have played both offense and defense with spirit and strength. This, of
course, leaves one sore spot to absorb most of the blame. If a weak
link must be picked out, it is the pass defense. Against Michigan State,
it was a long pass play that kept the Spartans from stalling on the
big 97-yard scoring match that tied the game. Last week, of course,
it was the pass defense that allowed two of the Navy touchdowns, and
especially the last dramatic toss that "put the light out.*

H alf back Harper
Tops 'M' Punters

-Daily-Peter Anderson
PUNTER CAN RUN, TOO-Michigan halfback Darrell Harper
(center, in dark jersey) lunges forward with the ball despite the
presence of Navy players on all sides. Harper, who has punted for
a 46.4-yd. average in three games this season, is praised by
Wolverine coaches for his improved offensive and defensive play.
A TO"Tops Phi Gamn

The booming punts of halfback
Darrell Harper in three games this
year have already served a warn-
ing to Michigan's Big Ten oppon-
ents that the Wolverines have an-
other great kicker in their fold.
"He could be one of the great
ones," said Line Coach Jack Blott,
who handles the kickers.
Harper, a second-string tail-
back behind Brad Myers, has been
punting for a 46.4-yd. average in
three games-one of the finest.
starts in Michigan history.
Last year's top collegiate punter,
Dave Sherer of Southern Metho-
dist, finished with a 45-yd. pace.
The recognized major college rec-
ord is 49,3-set by Kirk Wilson of
UCLA two years ago.
All-Around Improvement
While the Wolverine coaching
staff is well satisfied with Harp-
er's kicking game, they are equal-
ly happy about the big junior's
improvements in carrying out
backfield chores.
"That Navy game was Harper's
best performance since he's been
at Michigan," said Backfield


Coach Bump Elliott. Against the
Middies, the 194-lb. tailback ex-
ceeded his complete 1957 statis-
tics on offense.
"He's improving on defense, boo,"
added Elliott, who also rates him
"our best passing tailback."
But it is those punts that have
Michigan fans beaming about the
likable ex-all stater from Royal
Oak. Surprisingly, Harper never
got a chance to punt in high
school until the final game of his
senior year.
He was "discovered" at Michi-
gan in pre-practice kicking ses-
sions by Blott, who noticed his
terrific knee snap.
Herrnsteii Operated On
In other football news, Captain
John Herrnstein was operated on
for his knee injury yesterday and
his condition was listed as "good."
Dr. Robert W. Bailey, who per-
formed the operation, was re-
ported to have said Herrnstein
would be able to resume his col-
legiate baseball career next spring.
The Wolverines spent time yes-
terday setting up defenses to stop
Northwestern halfbacks Willmer
Fowler and Ron Burton, a pair of
speedsters who have contributed
much to the Wildcats' early suc-
cess this year.

Another note on Extracurricular Competence .
Fear of being elected "Treasurer" has caused more than
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Fear no more! You, too, can acquire the potent reputa
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near-campus branches of Ann Arbor Bank. Our people have
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You'll learn about checking accounts .. . savings ac-
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It's easy - and you'll enjoy the warm welcome and
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Alpha Tau Omega counted twof
touchdowns in the second half to
score a come-from-behind 20-8
victory over Phi Gamma Delta in
a Social Fraternity "A" football
game at South Ferry Field yester-{
All of ATO's points came on
passes from Herb Deromedi-two
of them to Don Dahm for touch-
downs, one for a TD to Jim Foley,
and one for the extra points to
Ernie Richman.
In an Independent grid battle,
Gomberg Older Element scored a,
touchdown on the second-to-last
play of the game to beat Rabble-
Rousers, 8-2, at Wines Field.
In other fraternity games, Doug
Orvis threw two TD passes to Don
Mertz as Alpha Sigma Phi blanked
Phi Sigma Kappa, 14-0. Beta
Theta Pi tied the score in the
closing minutes and then went on
to beat -Theta Delta Chi, 9-8, in
Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta and
Chi Psi scored easy victories over
Sigma Nu, Tau Kappa Epsilon and
Phi Epsilon Pi by respective scores
of 36-0, 68-0, and 46-0.
Wolf Shunter scored both touch-
downs as Delta Upsilon downed
Theta Chi, 12-8, and Ken Beer-
thius scored a pair to pace Tri-
angle to a 20-8 win over Delta
Kappa Epsilon. Alpha Delta Phi
blanked Phi Kappa Psi, 12-0, in
another fraternity "A" game.
Psi Upsilon blanked Zeta Psi,
6-0, and Kappa Sigma shut out
Pi Lambda Phi, 8-0, in "B" ball
and Phi Delta Theta won from
Delta Chi by forfeit in a sched-
uled "A" game.
Among the independents, Bean
Two Sports
Hold Meetings
Squad meetings will be held to-
day for the varsity baseball and
freshman basketball teams.
Coach Don Lund will meet with
all those interested in going out
for baseball in the Athletic Ad-
ministration Building basement at
4:30 today.
All freshmen who wish to try
out for the freshman cage team
are invited to meet today at 7 p.m.
at Yost Field House. Candidates
are requested to bring their own

towners downed TEP, 16-8, Fred-
erick House shut out Zips, 6-0, and
Newman Club trounced Kappa
Alpha Psi, 30-0. Commuters and
Hard Core both made safeties
stand up for 2-0 victories over
Owen Co-op and Meat-Choppers.

The person who wins this week's Michigan Daily Grid Picks
contest will receive two free tickets to "The Defiant Ones," currently
showing at the State Theater.
To enter, clip the below list of games, circle the winners, predict
the Michigan-Northwestern score, and send the entry to Grid Picks,
420 Maynard, before Friday midnight. Entry blanks are also provided
at The Daily. Each contestant is allowed to enter only once.

Subscribe to
The Michigan Daily


MICHIGAN at Northwestern
Illinois at Minnesota
Indiana at Ohio State
Iowa at Wisconsin
Michigan State at Purdue
Alabama at Tennessee
Auburn at Georgia Tech
Penn State at Boston U.
California at Southern Cal.
Harvard at Columbia


Duke at Notre Dame
Maryland at North Carolina
Navy at Tulane
N. C. State at Wm. & Mary
Washington State at Oregon
West Virginia at Pittsburgh
Air Force at Stanford
UCLA at Washington
Kansas at Oklahoma
Vanderbilt at Florida

"Your Best Bet -Call A Vet"
NO 3-4545 NO 2-4477 NO 3-5800

Must Learn Defense...

ERE CAN BE little doubt that Michigan will concentrate on pass
defense this week. Northwestern has a top-notcl quarterback in
Dick Thornton, who specializes In "the roll-out option type 'of play.
The fact that the weakness is pass defense rather than line defense
as it has been in the past is cheering. When the Michigan line was
weak, little could be done, since a coach can't teach a man to gain
20 pounds and get "tougher," However, pass defense can be learned--
and must be If Michigan is to have a successful season.
This brings up the inevitable question-where to next? 'he Big
Ten season is really underway now. Michigan has one tie to its credit,
and six rugged games to go. There are apparently no pushovers in
the Conference this year. Indiana and Northwestern, traditionally the
"losrs" haven't been losing quite as regularly or as easily. In fact,
the Wildcats haven't lost at all, and are ranked ahead of Michigan
in the weekly polls.
So far Michigan has a very even record-one win, one tie and one
loss. At least coach Bennie Oosterbaan can't worry about his squad
going any further down. They will have to level off somewhere-of
course, the question is. where.

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you would like to have your pic-
in the 1959 Michiganensian,
you MUST sign up by Friday, Oct.
17. Make appointments at the Stu-
dent Publications Building, Oct. 16
and 17 from 2-5 P.M.

OSU Coach

,t' ,



CHICAGO M - - The Big Ten
Commissioner today r e bu k e d
Coach Woody Hayes of Ohio State
for his recent charges that grid
officials have permitted "dirty
Commissioner Kenneth L. (Tug)
Wilson released a statement in
which he accused Hayes of doing
a "disservice to college football by
his broad charges which leave the
public with an impression that col-
lege football is dirty, for this is
not a fact."
Earlier this week, Hayes said
collegiate defenses "are getting.
away with a lot of dirty football."
New York 4, Boston 4 (tie)


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