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September 15, 1958 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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Ak iAan



' ;

Sixty-Eight Years ofEditorial Freedom


I ,









r' Expects
f 23,700,
ighth Straight Rise
'redicted by Lewis


University officials predicted to-
day that this fall's enrollment will
reach a record level, of 23,700,.
marking the eighth straight year-
of rising enrollments.
James A. Lewis, University Vice-
President for Student Affairs, said
the increases will be at the .gradu-
ate level and latest estimate is
that 23,291 students will register
this week in Ann Arbor and an-
other 400 will enroll at the Flint
Enrollment is expected to be
held to a figure only slightly above
last fall's 23,166 level, despite in-
creased application pressure, be-
cause of ,the reduced University
budget and the resulting elimina-.
tion of 207 faculty and staff posi-
t rns.
Lewis said the freshman class
will hA the same size as last year'sj

.., with 'U' 42 years
Dies .here
Pr of. Emeritus John L. Brumm,
a member of the faculty for 42
years and first chairman of the
journalism department, died Aug.
116 at the age of 80.

'U' To Offer
New Course
About Asia
Set as First in Nation
For Undergraduates
The University will offer an un-
dergraduate course on Asia start-
ing this sepnester -- the first such
course in the country.
The course will enable students
to study Asia on the same basis
as Europe has been traditionally
studied, according to Prof. John
W. Hall, of the history department.
Previously, such courses had been
offered only at the post ,graduate
level both here and at other uni-
The two-semester course, "Asia
I and Asia II," will meet for two
lectures weekly, being divided into
three recitation sections. The
course may be elected by 60 stu-
Reasons for Course
Prof. Hall says that not only
Asia's increasing important role in
the world but its more frequent
contact with the West warrant an
undergraduate course of this scope
and level.
Prof. Hall served as chairman of!
a nine-man committee which has
laid the groundwork for next Sep-
tember's trial year.
The course is backed by a grant
of nearly $27,000 from the Carnegie
Corporation of New York.
The. first semester will examine
East-West problems, survey basic
features of Asian societies and give
some introduction to the study
of civilizations. During the sec-
ond semester, students will study
problenis of culture contact and
change, and study more intensive-
ly the literature of East-West
problems and the modern history
of Asia and the West today.
Getting Material Difficult
As' no ,textbooks for such a
course exist at this time, some dif-
ficulties have arisen in gathering
materials, particularly in areas'
like Communist China. The diffi-
culties have been solved through
European sources.
Several university professors will
give the lectures, with one or more,
student assistants appointed to
gather materials and help in course
Geography of the three main re-
gions to be covered-the Near East,
Southern Asia and the Far East-
will be illustrated by use of maps,
slides, movies and charts.
An intensive evaluation, includ-
ing comments by students, will be
undertaken in the summer of 1959,
prior to second trial period.
The members of the nine-man
planning committee have spent a
total of 43 years in Asia.

'Print Full Name





y ,of the Adr
ports that a'PP
chool are run
her than last
increase int
and physical

a general

I extend a most cordial wel-
come to you and wish you hap-
piness and sucess in your life'
and work at the University of
Alichigan. May you. achieve in
full measure the real purposes
of an education.
You will find these purposes
directly transmitted in the
classroom; they are reflected
to a marked degree beyond the
laboratories, classes, and li-
braries -- in the general at-
mosphere of the University
All the possibilities of intel-
lectual and spiritual enjoyment
are yours for the taking. Help
yourselves continually and gen-
erously to them.
President -

nient in 1947 he served as chair-'
man of the journalism department.
He foun~ded the Michigan Inter-
schdlasti ePress Association, and
served as directed of the organiza-
tion from 1923 to 1947.
Fund Established
- The association subsequently
created the John Lewis Brumm
Scholarship Endowment in his
honor. The fund pays the tuition
for one semester of one high school
senior who intends to study jour-
nalism at the University..
Prof. Brumm also served as sec-
retary-treasurer of the University
Press Club of Michigan and was
elected an honorary life member
of the club upon his retirement.
He wrote several plays and a
number of reports on aspects of
journalism, and edited the Michi-
gan Alumnus from 1918 to 1920.
Pays Tribute
Prof. Wesley Maurer, present
chairman. of the journalism de-
partment, said of Prof. Brumm,
"He devotedly served the Univer-
sity .. ,by integrating journalism
with liberal arts courses.
"His criticism of newspaper and
of advertising drew obstructive op-
position, but he insisted that pros-
pective journalists held to their
ideals longer if they were chal-
lenged to improve practice and,
Prof. Brumm is survived by his
wife, the former Clara Moffett, a
son, two daughters, and six grand-

Voluntary student health insurance will be available this
under the sponsorship of Student Qovernment Council.
The student policy covers hospitalization and treatment
incurred within a year after an accident, up to a maximum of_$
Hospitalization due to sickness i scovered up to $18 per da
120 days. If the insured student is confined to the University Infirn
the policy provides $12 per day for 120 days in atddition to -the 15
hospitalization the ' niversity pro-
- The policy costs $14 per student, D Offers
with maternity benefits an addi-
tional $11. * *
The student and spouse rate Training, F
comes to $43.50, or $54.50 if ma-
ternity coverage included. Insur- The door is open.
ance for student, spouse and All University students are
children costs $52.25 with $63.25 come to join The Daily staf
including maternity benefits. h ---,I

are shown in the Administration Building where stuaents may
pick themup.t
StudentsAgain Offered
Health Insurance Plan


LU. school
a redu
e wel- proprh
f. presen


t All doubling has been eliminated
and numerous vacancies are re-
r, ported through the women's sys-
a tem. In addition, Jordan Hall has
been closed for the year for reno-
1 Graduate students occupy one
- See FRATERNITY, page 6

The program provides protection
to all students applying for cover-
age $24 a day on and off campus,
including vacations.
Miscellaneous expensesrsuchaas
x-ray examination, laboratory
tests, anesthesia, use of operating
room, ambulance service, tempo-
rary surgical appliances, servicesI
of a registered nurse and visits of
a physician in case or illness not
requiring surgery are covered up'
to $1,000 per illness.,

Those who work at The Daily n-
enjoy an educational experience, dividua
meeting intriguing, often inter- rollmer
nationally known people, covering the abi
interesting lectures and learning handle
what's going on throughout cam- dents.
Many staffs are open to pro- A r4
spective Daily tryouts: editorial, for me
sports, business, photography. difficu:
provide professional training and the cox
experiences valuable in all walks uate pr
of life. Seve

ME .
sa 1
407; -classes utose.
gt!5, , ,:,,n .rr -erly'Con usion as
e ish'', W71 Ovide zwmest


For one-half of this year's fresh-
man class, the orientation confu-
sion is over.
For the remaining half, it is just
Through the summer orienta-
tion program, approximately 1,450
of 2,900 freshmen, were oriented,
registered and otherwise classified.
The rest still face the mass of ma-
terial that means Orientation
The lucky ones who pre-regis-
tered during the summer have al-
most completed the process.

Hall because they are accustom
to Grecian pillars and see noth
but a large glass expanse cal
the Fishbowl, they too have a l
precedent to which to appeal.
The ordeal in Waterman Gy
nasium is an ordeal to everyc
not just to freshmen. The wind
corridors marked off by ropes,
bewildering jigsaw of desks, tab
and windows, are things it is
most impossible to become used
The IBM process, hailed as
saviour, seems merely to cr
another roadblock to the Me



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