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October 16, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-16

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SGC Selects Haber
To Fil Vacant Seat
Former 'Political Issues Chairman
Favors Stimulating Student Ideas
Robert Allan Haber, '60, was apointed to Student Government
Council last night.
His selection was announced following an executive session of the
Council with no constituents or secretary allowed. Haber's appoint-
ment filled an SGC vacancy existing since May due to the resignation
of Bert Getz, '59BAd.
Haber, who has served as chairman of the Political Issues Club,
said he favors continued work by the Council in stimulating student
Invitation Plans Revealed
Union President Barry Shapiro reported last night that the Forum
Committee, which he heads, is drawing up plans to invite well-known

Meet Today
To Review

SGC Ruling
The Board in Review of Student
Government Council will meet to-
day to consider the SGC decision
which found Sigma Kappa sorority
in violation of University regula-
The meeting, open to the public,
will be held at 7:30 pm. in Rm.
303 of the Student Activities Build-
The sole function of the seven-
member Board, composed of stu-
dents, faculty and administration,
is to review SGC decisions. Today
will be the fourth time the Board
has met in the four-year history
of the Council, each time uphold-
ing the Council ruling.'
Representing the University ad-
ministration on the Board in Re-
view are Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon and Dean of Men Walter B.
Dean of Music School Earl B.
Moore, Assistant Dean of the
Literary College James H. Robert-
son and Assistant -Dean of the
Medical School Robert G. Lowell
are faculty members sitting on the
Serving as student representa-
tives on the Board are SC Presi-
dent Maynard Goldman, '59, and
Stan Levy, Grad., who was re-
cently appointed to fill a vacancy.
If the Board in Review sustains
the Council decision, it is pre-
sumed that SGC will rule on the
future status of Sigma Kappa
sorority at its next meeting.
Price May
End Search
A fresh crust of ice on Quebec's
Nottaway River may have ended
any last-ditch attempt to find
Alan Price, '58E, missing in the
Canadian Shield since late August.
Quebec Provincial Police, who
have officially withdrawn from
the search, believe Price drowned
in a canoe accident with his com-
panion, Robert Cary, '58E, whose
body was recovered in the river
last week.}
Apparently, a single person is
left to carry on search efforts-.
Price's father, Prof. Percival Price,
University carillonneur.
Prof. Price arrived at McLeap's
Camp-where the Nottaway flows
into James Bay-ten days ago to
help identify Cary's body and to
organize a final search attempt.
Because of communication dif-
ficulties, little information has
been since received from Prof.
The camp's short-wave trans.-.
mitter reported, however, that he
will be forced to leave the area by
this weekend, when the camp is
scheduled to close for the winter.
Cary's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Cary, returned to their
Roselle, Ill., home this week after
spending several days in Ann
Arbor, with Mrs. Price, and in
Cary Journeyed to Moosanie,
Ont., the closest point of contact
with McLean's Camp, where he
identified his son's body, appar-
ently last Wednesday.
The remains were then flown
back to Rupert House, near the
camp, for burial in a small Catho-
lic cemetery.
Harvard's Krk

" authors, scientists, political sci-
entists and other thinkers to cam-
pus during a week or two week
period next spring.
It is possible, Shapiro illustrated,
that a noted writer would attend
English classes during the day,
eat in a dormitory, sorority or
fraternity, and meet other stu-
dents in an informal reception.
Faculty" opinion thus far is
strongly in favor of such a pro-.
gram, Shapiro said.
The Council decided without.
vote to assist the administration
plans to invite freshmen legislators
to the campus.
They will reserve the right, it
was assumed, to work out a means
of exposing older legislators to
the University as some Council
members have said they wish.
Accept New Rules
Rules to govern petitioning and
voting for November's elections to
the council were discussed and ac-
Petitioning opens, tomorrow;
forms may be obtained in, the SGC
offices, Student Activities Build-
ing. They must be returned bear-
ing 350 student signatures by Nov.
- In a major rules change, the
council decided no incumbent seek-
ing re-election may begin cam-
paigning until the first non-mem-
ber petition comes in.
Give MSU
TV Channel
EAST LANSING ()--Michigan
State University announced yes-
terday it has received permission
from the Federal Communications
Commission to begin construction
of television station channel 10 at
The FCC permit stipulates con-
struction must begin by Nov. 3,
A spokesman for the school said
the State Board of Agriculture
expects to let contracts for con-
struction Oct. 24.

A gency
TO Come
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower indicated
yesterday it may be some time be-
fore he decides whether to let the
new civilian space agency skim
off the cream of the Army's space
talent and installations.
The final decision will be his,
President Eisenhower told his
news conference. But the question,
he said, has not come before him
yet and won't until it's studied.
The reported plan to break up
the Army's space-missile team,
built around a group of German
scientists who came here after
Worl War II, brought cries of pro-
tests from the scientists them-
selves. One predicted mass resig-
nations if the plan is carried out.
Asks More Personnel
Officials said yesterday Dr.
Keith Glennan, administrator of
the space agency, had asked Sec-
retary of the Army James A.
Brucker to turn over about 2,100
missile scientists and engineers
employed at Redstone Arsenal at
Huntsville, Ala. They said he also
asked the Army to surrender thie
entire facilities and personnel of
its let propulsion laboratory at Los
The No. 1 United States space
scientist, Dr. Wernher von Braun,
director of the Army ballistic mis-
sile agency at Redstone, com-
mented: "It would- seem some-
thing less than prudent to risk
the dissolution of such an asset at
a time when the national security
and prestige demand a unified ef-
fort to achieve and maintain su-
premacy in rocket and space tech-
Another former -German mem-
ber of the team which helped the
United States produce its first
space satellites, Dr. Ernest Stuhl-
inger, said: "If the team were split
up this way it would have the con-
sequence that many of us-that is
key people--would lose interest in
staying with either of the two
halves and would acceptpositions
at some other place."
Work Coordinated
Official army spokesmen said
the. purely scientific space work
conducted at Huntsville was so
closely co-ordinated with military
weaponry that loss of key space
experts could undermine the de-
velopment of such prime projects
as the Zeus anti-missile missile.
When asked about the plan at
his news conference, President
Eisenhower said he had directed
all interested agencies to recomr-
mend what should be taken over
by the new agency, the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-,
tration. But. tlis, he said, has not
even come before the space agen-
cy's advisory commission, which
President Eisenhower heads.

Won't Press
Ike Pledges
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged
yester'day he would not press
Nationalist China to reduce its
85,000-man garrison on Quemoy.
But he.said he believes it illogi-
cal to keep so many troops on the
shell-torn island. "We are not
going to coerce or try to coerce an
ally about something in which we
believe their very existence de-
pends," he said.
President Eisenhower spoke. out
at a news conference, backing up
Secretary of State Dulles' remarks
Monday that the United States
would allow Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek, to decide for himself
what to do with his Quemoy forces.
President Eisenhower left open
the possibility that Chiang, with.
United States, approval and per-
.haps some persuasion, might vol-
untarily decide to cut back his
troop strength asa means of eas-
ing the Formosa crisis.
Dulles made clear the United
States favors such troop reductions
on Quemoy and Matsu but not as
a. concession to Red China. He
explained it Monday in these
"The question is whether given
the number of forces that are
there is it more effective to have
them in their present numbers on
Quemoy and Matsu or to have a
greater number on Formosa which
could have greater flexibility or
greater range of action under cer-
tain contingencies and they could
go back to Quemoy if the necessity
WUS Drive
Nets $200
The World University Service
Bucket Drive netted approximately
$200, Carol Holland, '60, chairman
of the drive, said yesterday. ,
The one-day drive, which in pre-
vious years has collected between
$1,000 and $2,000 on the University
campus, was sponsored by Student
Government Council.
- Miss Holland gave "lack of edu-
cation of the campus in regard to
the aims and program of WUS" as
a main, reason for the small
amount of money collected.
When a full report of the drive
is presented at the next Council
meeting, Miss Holland expressed
her hope that SGC will vote to
appropriate $40 to the drive com-
mittee to cover expenses. "In this
way the full collected amount may
be sent to World University serv-
ice," she explained.
This is the first time in two
years that the WUS Bucket Drive
has been held independently. Pre-
viously it was incorporated into
the Campus Chest drive.

Social support for- research in
science and the humanities is lack-
ing because of an outmoded prag-
matic view of education, Dean
Rodger W. Heyns of the literary
college said yesterday.
The pragmatic view has provided
a great impetus to education in
this country, he said, but it has
been confined to more directly,
vocational fields.
Values Not Learned
The great majority of the United
States citizens-college graduates
included-have not learned some
of the most important values of
an education, Dean Heyns said.
In the process of education "we
have not communicated the basic
values of education," the literary
college; dean maintained.
Speaking before a.speech assem-
bly, Dean Heyns said he did not
favor "a total indictment" against
vocational motives, but that the,
Court Blocks
Private Use
Of Schools
ST. IOUIS ,()--A federal ap-
peals court again yesterday ex-
tended its temporary order block-
ing the use of Little Rock's public
schools as private, segregated in-
Presiding Judge Joseph W.
Woodrough of the special three-
member panel ,of, the Eighth
United States 'Circuit Court: of
Appeals announced the order will
remain in force- until the court
made its final ruling. He added
that would be "as soon as possible."
The court used strong language
in Its formal- order which was
broadened to include not only the
school board but all others who
might try to block integration
through the private school plan.
The court took several hours to
prepare the order after the hear-
ing. It used 600 or more words
and set out the order had to be
extended to protect. what racial
integration had already been ac-
complished in the Little Rock
The Little Rock school board
was attacked at yesterday's hear-
ing by two Negro attorneys who
charged it was irresponsible and.
trying to evade an integration
order of a federal court. The gov-
ernment joined in the attack on
the board.
"Sooner or later something will
have to be said to this school board
about carrying out the orders of
this court," Wiley Branton of Pine
Bluff, Ark., said in arguing for
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
"The school board is well aware
of the procedure it should follow
but it has decided to go along with
Gov. Faubus."

pragmatic concept should be sup-
plemented by a wide view of man's
"One of the essential qualities
of a man is that he poses questions
for himself and attempts to an-
swer them," he said. "Man at his
best is an inquiring creature."
Research, as the clearest expres-
sion of this quality, should be en-
couraged, he said.
Dean Heyns pointed out that in
appropriations for higher educa-
tion research was usually one of
the first items cut.
He criticized people who were
"seduced by an economic criterion
for measuring the quality of edu-
Reflection Needed
Part of the cost of a good uni-
versity is not spent in formal in-
struction of students, Dean lHeyns
said..A good university must give
its faculty time to reflect, he main-
The University does none of its
functions of research, teaching
and service well unless it does all
of them well, he, said.
"What are you studying?" really
means "what are you studying to
be?" under the present pragmatic
concept of education, Dean Heyns
said. This view holds an education
is valuable because it brings. an
increase in earning power, he said.
In state universities, a projected
enrollment increase has always
been the best way to get more
money, he observed.
"It is a frequently observed
fact," he said, "that a research
project must be slanted toward a
practical goal to receive a grant."
Bomb Parts
Sent to FBI
By The Associated Press
Parts of the crude bomb which
blasted the oldest Jewish temple
in Peoria, Illinois were sent yes-
terday to the laboratories of the
FBI in Washington.
Experts there will try to deter-
mine where parts of the bomb
originated. It is obviously a home-
made weapon of a bit of piping
filled with black powder.
FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover sent
another progress report on the in-
vestigation of the bombing to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The White House declined to pro-,
vide any information regarding the
contents. At his news conference
the President again condemned
the bombings.
President Eisenhower said he
would continue to speak out-
against such violence "well know-
ing that the police power is cen-
tered primarily in the state." At
the same time, he said that the
Federal Government would be "do-
'ing what we can and making cer-
tain" that the facilities of the
Federal Government asked for by
local police agencies and governors
will always be available.

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Break Off Diplomatic Relations

Social Support for Research Needed

Music Sclhool Crowded;
Students lope for Funds
Crowded classrooms, lack of practice space,. and rushing all over
campus to aiive at lessons on time are common experiences to music
school students.
Also common to these students is the hope for legislative funds to
start construction of the already planned new building with complete
music facilities. The University has recognized this need and for the
third year has placed the requestt

for this state appropriation in top
priority on its capital outlay
At present the school is using
facilities in the music school on
Maynard street, Harris Hall, part
of the speech school in the Frieze
building, classrooms in the educa-
tion school, Hill Auditorium, Bur-
ton tower, Lane Hall and space.In
three churches to accommodate
the limited enrollment of approxi-
mately 550 students, Earl V.
Moore, dean of music school, said
The school is primarily lacking
enough practice facilities in one
area to allow each student to
study as much as is necessary. The
school can offer its students only
enough space to fulfill one-third
of their practice needs.
Consequently, all available prac-
tice space must be assigned to stu-
dents for specific hours, Dean
Moore explained. Any room not
in use by the assigned student
fifteen minutes after the hour is
open to any student,he added.


Otters Taken

,nUnversit oo
Two otters were transported to the University Exhibit Museum
Zoo from the Detroit Zoo last week and can now be seen along with
- the rest of the zoo's animal family.
The otters were born seven years ago in the Detroit zoo. Because
. of their rarity, they are quite expensive, costing about $350 apiece.
, "New methods of hunting and trapping make the otters scarce,"
Irving G. Reimann, director of the Exhibit Museum said.
Make Wonderful Pets
"If otters are caught at a young age they can be tamed and make
wonderful household pets," he added. "They are very compatible with,
dogs and children."
The University Zoo's menagerie also includes one fox, two bears,
five raccoons and two de-scented skunks. "All of these animals are
native to the state of Michigan," Reimann said.
The animals are kept on a scientific diet. All are fed once a day
with the exception of the otters who are fed both in the morn-
ings and evenings. The otters eat horsemeat, cod liver oil, diced car-
rnts. natmea1 n hrewers' vast Once a week thev nre fed their

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