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October 15, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-15

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"We Have a Kind of 'Two-China' Policy
Of Our Own"

L7g r Airhigatt Bagly
Sixty-Ninth Year

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

A University Code:
Checkiist for Discrimination

RECENTLY SGC's Human Relations Board
moved to look into formulating an anti-
discrimination code to be recommended to the
Numerous people around the University have
been yelling about discrimination for a long
time. Some of the shouting has had effect, as
evidenced in the administration's examination
in the residence halls: and some of the shout-
ing has merely echoed and echoed and echoed.
A code drawn up here would follow the lines
of the Fair Educational Practices Code pre-
sented recently by the University of Illinois.
Concern there, as among members of the Hu-
man Relations Board, centers on the tangible
meaning of such a statement.
WILL A written code be a sort of- condensed
hot air, with similar lack of substance?
Illinois' Daily Illini says: ". . . as with any'
such policy, the interpretation of this Code by
the individuals affected is of much greater
significance than the adoption of it by a con-
trolling group."
But adoption could and does have a more
immediate significance.
It is a sign of fight against segregation.
Since the battle against discrimination has
centered around the school systems, it seems
appropriate for the higher institutions of edu-
cation, the universities, to publish a definite
stand on the matter.
A document stating exact University policy
serves as a guide acting as a checklist for prog-
ress against discrimination.
r W PEOPLE here are aware of the Univer-
sity's attitude toward discrimination in all
areas. There are several fields where, checking
by the Illinois code, the University's regula-
tions seem inadequate.
The most striking statement in the Illinois
code provides that "room assignments are not
made on the basis of race, creed or national
origin." Nowhere does this University make
any such statement. Further, the University
probably would not make any such statement,
even given the opportunity -- officials here
instead have told parties interested in housing
that "we try to make the students living in

the residence halls happy. Our application
blanks ask for background information, and
we try to match up people with compatible
Perhaps a committee drafting an anti-dis-
crimination code could bring pressure to bear
on the University's administration to say what
Illinois administrators have officially stated.
Or, if a weaker statement goes into effect, it
could be a reminder of the work against hous-
ing segregation still unfinished.
ANOTHER INTERESTING point in the Illi-
nois Code reads: "The problem of restric-
tive clauses in the constitution and by-laws of
student social organizations is primarily a stu-
dent problem and therefore should be solved
by the students concerned. However, the Uni-
versity encourages student organizations to
eliminate qualifications based on race, creed or
national origin."
In this area, the University is both ahead
and behind Illinois. No fraternity or sorority
may be reactivated here on campus, according.
to a 1949 Regent's by-law, if it prohibits mem-
bership in the organization because of race,
religion or color. This is a decisive action.
But the action does not eliminate bias clause
and bias policy practices in the established
fraternities and sororities. Several fraternities
still have bias clauses which are not being ac-
tively opposed. The sororities, Assistant Dean
of Women Elizabeth A. Leslie reports, have
BESIDES what might possibly be done by an
anti-discrimination code here, several defi-
nite and tangible accomplishments are likely.
As in the Illinois statement, it could "en-
courage student organizations to eliminate
qualifications based on race, creed or national
origin." It could "encourage non-discrimina-
tory practices in commercially operated romo-
ing houses," ... "encourage persons operating
private recreational facilities (and all those
who serve the general student body) to accept
all students on an equal basis."
Whetper or not the code would be imme-
diately effective, its long-run persuasive in-
fluence makes its adoption worthwhile.

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Educators Advocate School Reforms

tation by the players, though the
slow movement had proper poetic
feeling and considerable dash was
mustered for the finale.
BENJAMIN LEES' S e c o n d
Quartet has more immediate me-
lodic appeal than most contem-
porary chamber music, which in-
clines toward the austere and ex-
perimental. There is an intriguing
satirical edge to the vigorous first
movement which contains as well
some moments of fine lyrical feel-
ing. Despite a promising begin-
ning, however, the development
has a certain monotony. It is,
however, the Adagio, a movement
of haunting nocturnal beauty,
which raises this quartet above
the commonplace. Here lyric,
brooding passages are alternated
with strident, dissonant chordal
textures in a way that is not new
but always effective. The extend-
ed solo passages by first violinist
Gilbert Ross were played in a
fine; clear tone and Mr. Courte's
viola was also very advantageous-
ly displayed.
The final movement is cast in
a bright, busy form which is not
sufficiently distinct from the first
movement, though some interest-
ing developments mid-way are
redeeming factors. This work may
not be avante-garde enough to
satisfy the most ardent modern-
ists, but it provided agreeable, so-
phisticated listening.
* * *
DEBUSSY'S Quartet in G mi-
nor was the occasion for the even-
ing's finest performance and most
colorful tonal feast. Like the
Beethoven, this is a transitional
work, written in the Fr'anckian
cyclic form, but strongly prophet-
ic, especially of the langorous An-
dantino of "Afternoon of a Faun,"
the work immediately following
the quartet. The kind of incred-
ibly polished performance given
by the Quartetto Italiano two sea-
sons ago is out of the Stanley's
reach, but this was tasteful, vir-
tuoso playing of the first order.
Under less than knowing inter-
pretation this music can suggest
an image of Oscar Wilde contem-
plating a lily.

Debussey Highlights
Quartet Concert
PRESENTING the first chamber music concert of the season, the
Stanley Quartet appeared last night in Rackham Lecture Hall with
a program ranging from early Beethoven to the very contemporary
Benjamin Lees.
Opening the evening was Beethoven's Quatret in D Major, Op. 18,
No. 3, perhaps the most Mozartean of this first set of quartets. The
delicate gaiety, the gentle, wistful shadows, particularly as found in
the Andante, are strongly reminiscent of the essential style of Beetho-
ven's great predecessor. It is a mark of real artistic distinction, of
course, to be in a position of favorable comparison with Mozart. Some
unusually faulty intonation marred the otherwise admirableinterpre-

to the
To the Editor:
U.S.?What's all this fidilli&
do? Another gime-gime drive,
trying to squeeze the hard worlk-
ing udiversity student out of an-
other dollar. Look at some of these
things W.U.S. plans to do (pure
unrefined sob appeal): $52,170 (10
Cadillacs) for TB wards in Hong
Kong, Japan and Korea; $240,000
(How many TV's) for Hungarian
student loans in the U.S.; $548,740
(All those new suits) for refugee
scholarships in Europe; Etc. Etc.
Wait, before you reach for the
tear glass, look at their glorious
past made nice and rosy as all
things of the past can be made.
1923 - Libraries restored after
earthquake in Tokyo.
1939-Relief to Finnish, Polish
and Spanish exile students.
1956-Aid to Hungarian refu-
Give a cent to world under-
standing to a student-run organi-
zation for students? Well, maybe
I'll give that but the other ninety-
nine cents goes to Brigitte and
popcorn. World University Service,
find you help elsewhere, we're too
poor here, our multi-million dol-
lar library even had to suffer
shorter hours for a spell.
-Don Smith, '59E
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to a letter in Thurs-
day's Daily. The members of
Alpha Phi Omega wish to apolo-
gize for any inconvenience caused
by our failure to have our office
open as expected. Due to very
heavy academic responsibilities,
we have been unable to arrange
work schedules.
The office will be open. next
week, so that we may again pro-
vide the university community
with our usual services.
--Karl. Liewert, President

The Last Weapon

S THERN segregationists still have one
method of attack thAt may win in the inte-
gration battle.
This method is violence.
As was questioned recently, is integration
"worth bloody riots and hatred which is now
being engendered in the South?" This point
is now the segregationist's hope, but it is not
new. Vestiges of this idea still remain in areas
-where the symbol KKK still strikes fear in
many hearts.
This form of attack was first used by the
South during Reconstruction, when -violence
scared northern "carpet-baggers" and other
Negro sympathizers=- many of whom were
blameless of the Southern charge that they
were there only for their own gains.
VIOLENCE has served to allow the Southern
white to regain control of the South and

keep the Negro under his heel.
By using this measure whites were able to
regain control of the Southern legislatures and
enact laws to punish the Negro if he ever got
out of, hand. Laws are enacted, for example,
that allow a Negro to be sentenced to die for
the theft of $1.95. A glance at the record shows
that no white man in recent years has been
sentenced to die for stealing.
But sometimes a Negro can't be convicted
of anything, and the white supremists return
to the cruder tool of violence in the form of
lynching. Emmett Till did nothing criminal,
so he had to be murdered.
Delaying legal maneuvers, are failing in the
Integration controversy, and now the South
must decide whether to give in or resort to
their main weapon -- violence.

An Economic Dream'

Associated Press Education Writer
EVER SINCE Sputnik I threw its
harsh spotlight on American
public schools, a carping refrain
has been heard o'er the land:
"Our schools are too soft. There
are too many soft and silly courses.
We need fewer frills, and more of
the good ol' three R's."
In the initial heat of battle, ex-
tremists on both sides took stand-
and-die positions, and belabored
the opposition with facts, figures
and fancies.
Now, a year later, there seem to
have been some sobering second
thoughts. The extremists are still
with us, of course. But more and
more the charges and counter-
charges are being boiled down to
two basic questions:
Are the American people de-
manding too much of their
schools? And have the schools,.in
trying to meet these demands,
bitten off more than they can
s * *
Parents wail, "Our kids aren't
disciplined in school." And the
teachers wail right back, "Parents
expect us to educate their children,
and train them as well."
Who's really to blame?
Dr. William G. Kvaraceus of
Boston University, a longtime stu-
dent of juvenile delinquency, says
it's all part of the American cul-
ture of "worklessness."
"Hard work is going out of
style," he says. "And hard work
is discipline. School is about the
only place where hard work is a
way of life, and the schools are
among the few places that still
teach discipline."
If today's children aren't being
disciplinedin the home, as many
teachers claim the American par-
ent is abdicating to the school his
responsibility for raising his chil-
dren properly. If he says "let the
school do it"-and gets away with
it - the school program becomes
jam packed with life adjustment
That in itself may stand as a
good example of the changed pat-
tern of American education. It
used to be you got life adjustment
at home and education in the
THE OREGON Education Poli-
cies Commission recently took note
of what may be the new American
way of life:
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torialgresponsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
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ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices forSunday
Daily due at 2:00 pn. Friday.

"In a busy world ... of mothers
working, and fathers serving the
god of success, children are being
overindulged to assuage the guilt
feelings of adults. They are over-
fed, overdoctored and overallow-
anced ... they are kept from what
should properly be expected of
them by parents whose need is to
overprotect. Schools become pri-
marily havens of peace for these
children, secondarily a place to
get an education.
"Much of this has come about
through 'social drift,' through an
unwillingness on the part of some
adult members of society to as-
sume mature parenthood. It should
also be noted that many adults are
demanding that the schools get
tougher, while they ask shorter
hours for themselves."
Take the case of frill courses-
the real nub of the "too soft"
It's true, to the chagrin of many
Americans, that some of our pub-
lic high schools really have courses
in such things as basket weaving,
fly casting, telephone etiquette,
"How to Behave on a Date," and
folk dancing.
These courses may seem hard to
defend, and few educators will even
"These are the ridiculous excep-
tions," they tell you. Don't con-
demn the entire public school sys-
tem on the basis of a fe isolated
All right, but how about the
not-quite-so-frilly courses? How
about Consumer Education, Family
Relationships, co-ed cooking, cer-
amics and nutrition? Are these
courses preparing American youth
to meet the problems of world
leadership in the space age?
This touches a sensitive point
with most educators.
"It certainly wasn't our idea,"
they say, "but the pressures are
terrific. The schools have to be
what the parents want them to be.
And American parents showed long
ago that they want the schools to
be more than just a place to learn
Latin, Greek and Calculus."
* * *
DR. RUTH STOUT, President of
the National Education Associa-
tion, was asked if she thought the
schools were being asked to do too
big a job. Her answer typified the
changing attitude of many educa-
"Yes, I suppose they are," she
said. "And I suppose the schools
have been guilty, in a sense, for
taking on the extra burden."
"On the other hand, it seems to
me that the schools must do what
is not being done elsewhere. If it
isn't being done, then we have got
to take it on and do the best we
Perhaps American parents, by
demand or default, are getting
only what they ask for. Perhaps
the schools have assumed too much
responsibility for the American
In the view of at least one ex-
pert, the parents and schools alike
must share the blame.
Dr. Douglas S. Ward, Dean of
the School of Education at Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio, said
hundreds of school districts across


One would be for "youth services,"
the other for "schools."
"Youth services" would provide
guidance, counseling, proms, pep
assemblies, all athletics, essential
health, social and recreational
And the "schools, -Dr. Ward
says "would return to the im-
portant business of providing well-
rounded educational programs,
which was their original and still
most important purpose, with
teachers performing the profes-
sional tasks for which they are
trained . . . High quality teaching
and learning, adapted to students
of various abilities and vocational
interests, would,, again be the
schools' main business."


-John McLaughlin

Slippery Rock Freshmen Rebel

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
exchange of letters and comments
published by the student newspaper
is reprinted from "The Rocket,"
of State Teachers College, Slippery
Rock, Pennsylvania.)
"Dear Editor,
HAVE JUST about had it. I
came to college to get an educa-
tion, an education that some day
will be used to teach high school
students chemistry and .mathe-
matics. But do I get an educa-

RITAII"' ex-foreign minister, the Right
Honorable Anthony Nutting has a wonder-
ful dream.
In his speech here last week, he described
Kruschev's political and economic offensive
aimed at wooing the noncommitted countries
of the world with Russian rubles and techni-
cians, and then explained his formula for the
West's counterattack.
Citing the opening of the St. Lawrence Sea-
way as a great aid to trade relations between
the United States, Canada and the European
countries, he launched his proposal by explain-
ing, " . , but the physical channel for trade
will not be a success if trade is still frustrated
by American tariff policy."
"If the West is to surmount the Communist
challenge, I believe that productive capacities
will have to be joined together in a free trade
area embracing the whole Western world."
This is the dream,
IN SUPPORT of his hypothetical "free trade
area," Nutting explained the payment union
established by six countries in Europe to stimu-
late trade without the complications involved
in inter-country money exchange and credit.
Under the European plan, each country pays
75 per cent of its debts in gold or dollars to a
common pool and 25 per cent is retaned as
credit applicable for trade in all countries
participating in the pool.
The plan, which has been in existence only
for a year, now includes 160,000 people. Due to
an increase of interest from Great Britain and
middle eastern and southern European coun-
tries, the trade plan is expectbd to include the
phenoilenal number of 290,000 participants in
twn v .a

lose all hope of salvaging the economically in-
secure nations that are rapidly fading behind
the Iron Curtain.
There is only on vilain in the scene-only one
big factor is preventing Nutting's utgpian West
from coming into reality. The whole problem
lies in American tariff policy.
America's tariff regulations are protecting
the inefficiency 9f American industry and pre-
venting the free exchange of goods that would
benefit both Europe and the United States, ac-
cording to the ex-diplomat.
IT SEEMS that Mr. Nutting has failed to note
an important consideration in setting up his
simplified version of the most complicated eco-
nomic problem facing the world today.
Granted, opening our markets in a free trade
alliance with the countries of Europe would
help to strengthen trans-Atlantic relations and
would help the countries now forced to compete
with us in world markets. By joining in such
a program, the United States would un-
doubtedly strengthen its ties with Europe.
But, while increasing our good will in the
Atlantic countries, opening our markets would
serve to sever, rather than cement relations
with the countries who would not be included
in the union. They would have to either con-
federate with Russia or be reduced to trading
with the "left-over" countries struggling be-
tween the two alliances.
IN ORDER to compete with the Trans-Atlantic
trade block, the noncommitted countries of
the world would have to look to Russia for
economic assistance. So, instead of winning the
struggle for the noncommitted countries of the

tion? Hell. NO! I was 'allowed' to
purchase with $2.06 of my hard
earned government issue a nause-
ating green tie, a size 7% green
dink with white letters neatly
stitched to the front, and, last but
not least, a sign measuring 81/2 by
5%i inches with the following
neatly printed in green ink: 'I am
a humble freshman enrolled at
State Teachers College, Slippery
Rock. I am going to work hard,
play hard, laugh much. I am a
Freshman and my name is CEN-
SORED. My home town is CEN-
Everywhere I go, on campus or
off, I must wear this green com-
bination. This in itself is not too
bad, but the nonsense attached to
the 'honor' of wearing the green
is just too much.
I am literally sick at the thought
of throwing forty dollars worth of
books onto the ground at the
command of some 'intelligent' up-
perclassman who yells 'AIR RAID.'
This same sick feeling hits me
when I am forced to kneel in a
twenty-dollar pair of trousers and
shoot at imaginary airplanes. I
personally feel that this hazing is
not only destructive but also to-
tally unnecessary. I do not believe
that this hazing accomplishes the
purposes which supposedly justi-
fies its existence on campus.
--A Freshman"
"Dear Freshman,
In answer to your letter, we
would like to begin by asking
you a question. Is your quest for
knowledge and an education
really being hampered by Fresh-
man Regulations? We don't see
how as you still go to all of
your classes and have just as
much time to study, and prob-
ably more, as any upperclass-
Your main point of discussion
seems to be monetary. You knew
when you came here that college
was not free. Is $2.06 too much
to pay for that equipment which
marks you as a member of
YOUR class? Think it over.
These regulations may not
serve their purpose and may be
destructive: that is not for us

"Dear Editor,
ALTHOUGH the upperclassmen
enjoy initiation, I, a freshman
think that they are unseemingly
immature, wasteful, and utterly
ridiculous. When I graduated from
high school, I was told that-I was
an adult. Now that I am in col-
lege, I feel as if I were back in
junior high school. Everytime I
adorn myself with those horrible
green outfits, I look like a circus
performer on display. Every fresh-
man must be prepared to answer
the request of any Tribunal mem-
ber; this includes clearing tables
at the Grill, picking things from
the ground that have clumsily
dropped, and tipping your little
green dink everytime they want
to laugh. At the present time I
find that I could walk out of this
college just as fast as I came into
it, and I would if it were not for
my parents. They have spent a
considerable amount of money
for this first semester, therefore I
cannot disappoint them. While my
father is at home earning money
for my second semester, I am
throwing my books on the ground
and falling -on my knees every
time one of the authoritative
members of the Tribunal sum-
mons. If this display is an ex-
ample of the intelligence of the
students in this college or any
other one, I probably made a
mistake when I chose a teaching
-A Freshman"
"Dear Frosh,
We must say you present a
very poor attitude. In the first
place we can't thank you for
saying that we have low intelli-
gence simply because you have
been submitted to the same
treatment we were submitted to
three years ago. We do think
you have some good points in
your aigument. We agree that
you did graduate from high
school.' Is it possible that an
adult sometimes participates in
good clean fun? -Of course, it
is easy to say this is not good
clean fun, but do you know
what some of our sister colleges
do for initiations? Have you
been to Grove City this year?


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