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October 14, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-14

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
Cornell Sima Kappa Returns National Ci

















Cornell Group Cuts
Ties Completely,
Renounces Procedures, Principles
Of National; Organize as Local
The suspended chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority at Cornell Uni-
versity voted unanimously last night to return its charter to national
Sigma Kappa, breaking completely all ties between Sigma Kappa and
the local group.
In the statement issued to the national organization, the local,
now know s Chi Gamma sorority, justified its action saying "We
cannot agree with the principles and procedures under which Sigma
Kappa operates.
Chi Gamma will continue to operate as a local organization, ac-

Army Ordered Out of Politics

cording to the Cornell Daily Sun.
Lambda Chi
At Hamilton
The Hamilton College chapter
of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity
reported last night that its char-
ter had been revoked because it
insisted on a policy of non-dis-
crimination in membership.
Timothy W. Scholl, chapter
president, said that its dispute
with the national organization be-
gan in March after it had adopted
a resolution stating that it would
not restrict membership "for any
reasons of race, religion or color."
Scholl cited the national fra-
ternity policy as that "qualifica-
tions for membership are to be
acceptable to the general frater-
nity, to believe in the principles of
Christianity and to be of the
white of American Indian races."
'Not Test Case'
The purpose of the resolution
wad to state the policy of the lo-
cal membership and not to force
a "test case," Scholl said.
Scholl said there were no op-
posing votes in the local chapter
on the resolution.
Bruce Johnson, '59E, president
of the chapter here, said last
night h voted to revoke the chap-
ter's charter because "they re-
fused to abide by the membership
requirements" of the national
Sat on Review Body
Johnson sat on the special com-
mittee that reviewed the Hamil-
ton case atthe national conven-
tion held? in Montreal last sum-
National Lambda Chi Alpha
president Tozier Brown called the
Hamilton resolution an "act of
secession ."
"The Hamilton men have -re-
fused to accede to a vote of the
membership of a voluntary or-I
ganization," he said.1
"There was some q u e s t i o n
whether Scholl used the Hamilton
chapter for his own personal
gain," Johnson said.r
'Active' in Senate
"Scholl was quite active in thea
Student Senate at Hamilton andt
influential in having their cam,
pus adopt a 100 per cent rushing
program prior to the chapter's
resolution of policy."t
He was elected president of thet
Student Senate after his chaptert
voted not to abide by the national
fraternity's membership code,
Johnson said.,
Scholl admitted he drew up thea
resolution but denied it had any
connection with the 100 per cent
rushing plan.A
Cle Criticizesp
Housing Fundsz
SAN WPA m TC'C') IIJ'i TT it a

The members intend to occupy the
same house as they did when af-
filiated with Sigma Kappa. The
Cornell paper reports that a
transfer of ownership from the
local Sigma Kappa alumnae cor-
poration to. the University is be-
ing contemplated.
Attitude Instrumental
The Chi Gamma president indi-
cated that the national's attitude
toward the chapter, "particularly
as evidenced during the conven-
tion last summer," was instru-
mental in the local's decision.
The national organization had
rejected an application for rein-
statement of the local at its con-
vention this past summer. The
chapter had been under suspen-
sion since July 1956 "for the good
of the sorority as a whole." The
action was taken by the national
shortly after the local group had
pledged a Negro.
"So what," . Student Govern-
ment Council member Scott Chry-
sler, '59BAd, said when advised of
the action at Cornell. "It is in-
teresting, but has no effect on
anything that we've done here."
Refers to SGC Vote
He was referring to the recent
SGC decision which found Na-
tional Sigma Kappa in violation
of University regulations.
"Here is new evidence that
Sigma Kappa was acting in 'bad
faith,' " SGC treasurer Mort Wise,
'59, explained. "The Board in Re-
view should definitely look at this
very carefully and realize exactly
Fred Merrill, '59, gave two in-
terpretations to the C o r n e 11
group's move. Either they don't
want to have anything to do with
a national which discriminates,
or they are tired of being "held
In abeyance," he explained.

PARIS OP)Premier Charles de
Gaulle yesterday told the French
Army to get out, of politics in
Algeria at once.
He said his order was to clear
the way for free elections Nov. 23'
in the North African arena of a
bloody continuting four-year-old
rebellion against French rule.
The action was Premier de
Gaulle's strongest against the mili-
tary leaders who organized so-
called Committees of Public Safety,
in Algiers after the political-mili-
tary revolt there May 13. That
uprising paved the way for Premier
de Gaulle's return to power.
Cannot be Candidates
He ruled that no French, mili-
tary men or civil servants could
be candidates in the parliamentary
balloting. He also said persons
who had held military or govern-
ment posts within the past 12.
months could not run.l
His.orders were in a stern letter
to Gen. Raoul Salan, French com-
mander in Algeria.
One of the leading early mem-
bers of the Algiers Committee of
Public Safety was paratroop Maj.
Gen. Jacques Massu. Salan him-
self, though in sympathy with theC
committee's aims, never joined it.l
Soustelle Dominateds
The dominant political figure
behind the Algiers movement wasx
Jacques Soustelle, now de Gaulle's
information minister.t
De Gaulle's letter to Salan said:
"The moment has come for thef
military to stop taking part in any5
organization which has a political
character, whatever may be the
reasons which, under the excep-

Increased Library fines
To Take Effect Oct. 27
Stiffer library fines for overdue books and a rule providing for
possible suspension from school for any student who attempts to steal
a book will go into effect Oct. 27, Frederick H. Wagman, director of
University Libraries; said yesterday.
The libraries, hard-pressed by budget cuts, were forced to take
these measures to make more of their books available to students,
Wagman said.
The new rules provide that any student "who willfully mutilates,
defaces, removes or attempts to remove" any library book will be

tional circumstances which swept
Algeria since the month of May,
motivated their participation.
Nothing will. henceforth justify
their belonging to such formations.
order them to withdraw without
De Gaulle said he insisted on
holding free elections in which
all persons could take part regard-
less of their political views.

- "The only persons excluded wil
be those who participate in terror-
ism and, because of this fact, ar
liable to prosecution," he said.
"The objective to be achieved F
the discovery, freelyaobtained o
an Algerian political elite," de
Gaulle went on. "In this manner
the void which has opened the way
for the leaders of the rebellion may
be filled."

receives strict orders
I Itegration
I Suported
preme Court yesterday knocked
down appeals for reviews of three
cases stemming from school inte-
After wishing Associate Justice
Harold H. Burton health anduhap-
piness in his retirement, the high
Denied Louisiana school officials
review of a decision striking down
a requirement for a certificate of
eligibility before admission to state
institutions of higher learning. .'
Refused the 'Delaware State
Board of Education review of an
order to draw up a plan of deseg-
regation for all school districts
which have no admitted Negroes.
The board had contended that;
under Delaware law the power to
effect desegregation lies not with
it but with local school boards.-
Denied Arkansas Gov. Orval E..
Faubus review of an injunction
barring use of National Guards-
men at Little Rock's Central High
School a year ago last month.

In Bombing
ATLANTA P)-Police disclosed
yesterday they are questioning
three men held on a suspicion of
vagrancy charge about a massive
dynamite blast at the Jewish
Detective Capt. R. E. Little said
two were members of a group of
five arrested in July on charges of
picketing the Atlanta Journal-
Constitution with anti-Semitic
placards and one was a brother of
a picket.


punished by either a $100 -ne,<
suspension from the University,
or both.
New fines for overdue books will
1) Twenty-five cents a day for
two-week books.
2) Twenty-five cents for the
first hours of overnight books and
50 cents for each additional hour.
3) Twenty-five cents additional
if a book is returned late and im-
mediate payment is avoided.
The new $100 fine coupled with
possible suspension was instituted
to protect the books in the Under-
graduate Library from a small
minority of students, Wagman
The action was taken in an
attempt to reduce the high per-
eentage of books stolen in the first
semester of operation, he said.
Twenty per cent of the library
books used by undergraduates
were returned after they were due,
Wagman said, which necessitated
the increased fines. He said the
large percentage of overdue books
meant that some students were
seriously inconvenienced by not
getting the books they wanted
It was the first time since 1906
that library fines have been raised.

Citizens IHit'
Parking Plan
Criticism last night in an open
hearing on the proposed change in
Ann Arbor's off-street parking
ordinances was called "some of
the most destructive in the Coun-
cil's history" by Councilman Rus-
sell J. Burns.
Multiple (more than two) family
dwellings must provide one and
one-third parking places, and
'rooming, boarding and lodging
houses, club rooms, fraternities,
sororities, dormitories and other
similar uses must provide "two
spaces for each three rooms or
six beds whichever is greater."
All students manning buck-
ets for the World University
Service fund drive are to meet
at 7:30 p.m., tonight at the
Student Activities Building.

Tuition To Brin
Additional Fund
e Nelson Calls Sur 'Minimum'
Possible Request for 1959-60
The University filed a request for a state appropriat
7 of $36,788,270 for its 1959-60 operating budget in Lansing, .-
_ terday. The total operation costs at the, University next e
will be about $46,000,000, University Vice-President"and dir
tor of the Dearborn Center William Stirton said last nig
Approximately ten million dollars will be found in stud
fees at all class levels, he added.
This request represents a "minimum budget" in contr
to last year's austerity budget, Lyle Nelson, director of U
versity Relations said. Last
year, the University requested
an appropriation of approxi- GVoerno
mately $37,000,000 and re-
ceived 30 million dollars forPr m t
1958-59 operations. T ",.
This year's budget request, rep- f,
resenting an increase of $6,788,270 U ',Institut
over last year's appropriation, in-
cludes estimated operation costs
for both the Ann Arbor and Flint By THOMAS HAYDEN
campuses. A separate request was The shadow of the Universit
filed for operations at the Univer- planned Institute of Science a
sity's Dearborn Center. Technology began to take sh
Wage and salary increases of again yesterday as Goy. G. Me
$3,155,278 are being requested. nen Williams declared it one
This was made necessary by the his chief objectives in this fa
salary increases in business and legislative struggle,
industry as well as wage increases Gov. Williams said he intend
in other education institutions, to "keep pounding" for the Ins
the request stated. tute which last year fell victim
Big Ten Wages Up the state legislature's auster
InmostoeBig Ten sbudget.
"In most of the Big Ten institu- Included in the r e qu e ste
tions plans have been made or are budget filed by the University
being made to request a 10 to 20 Lansing yesterday was a desi
per cent increase in salaries, Nel- appropriation of $850,000for I
son noted. Institute, considered an off spri
Also included in the request was of the Sputik scare.
$1,284,798 for increasing the fac- Goh. Williams had lasty
ulty and supporting staffs. "We recommendedastatewide pa
hope to maintain the present ratio gram emphasizing "all aspects
of approximately 14 students to scientific eduication, includi
each faculty member and possibly teaching, curriculum changes a
to reduce it to 13 to 1," Stirton expansion' ofufacilities"
said. , To meet this plan, theUni
Provisions are being made for sity proposed toestablish, the Iy
normal growth enrollment with- stitute for the purpose of' " mob
out setting any specific increase -.adfcsn t ear ~n
Intn umbe oftuenmt Uni zng and focusing it resourc
vityhenumernostunt.hUni-and those of the state, upon t
versity President Harlan Hatcher urgent national need for accelo
The third major item in the ,a scientific education a
budget request increase is $1,216,- The Institute expected to
453 for plant operations, equip- ceive additional funds from buy
ment and rehabilitation of pres- ess addtrand from b
ent bidns ness and industry" and from ti
etbuildings. Federal government.
Dearborn Request Separate F The University asserted it a
A separate request of $580,000 ready had the staff for such'
was filed for operational costs at program -- staff; knowledge a
Dearborn Center. "If the request knowhow.
Is fulfilled, 'the Center will be In operation the institute w
staffed and ready to begin opera- to' carry on most of its wo
tions next fall when the buildings through the schools and depar
are completed," President Hatch- ments of the University "by ma
er said. ing grants to faculty and staff f
Classes will begin in the literary projects and activities."
college program, the cooperative _
engineering program and the co-
operative. business administration
program of the Center, Stirton W orld News
said. The request will enable a
"minimum" number of students d
to enroll at the Center and will
i n c 1 u d e "many non - recurring
costs," he added. By The Assoiated press >
He cited funds to start a libraryT A d
as an example of non-recurring BERLIN - An East Germa
costs. Communist court has convicted
The difficulties the State may youths of ttreason because th
encounter in fulfilling the re-. publicly advocated reunification
quests are due to many factors, Germany through free elections.
Stirton said. State revenues are
not improving as rapidly as de- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - TI
sired, state deficits are increasing Soviet Union declared yesterd
See 'U', page 5 a new United States-backed dit

- _



Air Force Speeds New Moon Project.

WASHINGTON (M)--United States Air Force scientists speeded
work on a new 'round-the-moon project yesterday within hours after
Moonrocket No. 1 fell short and plunged to flaming destruction.
Unofficial word from the Cape Canaveral, Fla. launching site was
that the new try would be made between Nov. 8 and 11, when next the
moon is closest to earth in its 28-day orbit.
Pioneer, man's first moonbound missile to crack through Earth's
atmosphere, soared to an unheard-of 79,120 miles before plunging back
to unobserved disintigration over the South Pacific early yesterday.
Failed To Disappoint Scientists
This space-pioneering venture failed to disappoint scientists in
that it groped only one-third of the distance to the moon. It reinforced
their confidence that they can "shoot the moon" and, eventually, reach
the planets and even the center of this "universe," the sun.
They were talking, too, in terms of sending human beings out into
space--a possibility less remote than' before in view of radioed data
from the short-lived Pioneer indicating that radiation danger decreases
as a missile forces farther and farther into space.
Maj. Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, chief of the Air Force Ballistic
Missile Division, said this new information "will be of great assistance
in improving instruments for future space and lunar probes and for
putting man into space."
One More Air Force Chance
The Air Force has one more chance, in the immediate future, to
try putting a flying laboratory like Pioneer in the vicinity of the moon.
It has been assigned three such lunar probe shots. The first attempt
failed Aug. 17 when the rocket exploded 77 seconds after takeoff. The

Teachers May
Think as Team
In the future teachers r may,
think as "a team nf minas" z:th

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