AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY; Q Theatre Notes STATE BY STATE RUNDOWN: Predict Democratic Gains in Elections 4 O By JEAN HARTWIG Ann Arbor theatre-goers will have to curl up with a good book this week, unless they are willing to travel to Detroit for their drama. Wayne State University will open its 1958-59 drama season Friday when the curtain rises on its production of "The Boyfriend" at 8:30 p.m. The lively English musical, that captures the gay frivolity of the roaring Twenties, will be the first in a series of five presentations representing both classic and con- temporary drama. Backed by Research First produced in London in 1953, the clever satire was written by Sandy Wilson who has devoted almost, a lifetime to research of the 1920's era. The story, which features a combined chorus and cast of four men and four women, follows the mishaps of a young English girl who is sent to a boarding school in Nice by her father. An innocent and sweet young thing, she has never been per- mitted to date members of the opposite sex. To confuse matters, she con- veniently meets a young delivery boy on the eve of a school dance. The plot becomes more and more hysterically confused when each pretends to the other that they are poverty-stricken youths, while each is really the offspring of wealthy, noble parents. Songs Unrelated The charm of the production lies in its burlesque of the unorthodox dance sequences and totally un- related songs which were char- acteristic of the '20s. The complete schedule for "The Boy Friend" is Oct. 17, 18, 23, 24 3A NO 23136 and 25. All performances will be given in the Wayne State Uni- versity Theatre. Britain's well-known Shake- spearean reader, Sir John Gielgud is scheduled to present his original "Ages of Man" interpretation at Detroit's Masonic Temple Cathe- dral next Sunday, Oct. 19. The ori- ginal monodrama will be given at 8:30 p.m. and will feature excerpts from Shakespeare's plays. For local drama fans who prefer not to wander from the city limits, the television set will have to suf- fice, at least for this week. TV Program To Compare, City Squares "The Jungle and the Square" will be the topic for discussion on the University's television produc- tion, "Understanding Our World" to be seen at 9 a.m. today on WXYZ-TV, Detroit. Prof. Leonard K. Eaton of the architecture school will contrast the patterns of city squares of Venice and Rome to the big city of today, basing his views on his statement, "The American city dweller has become the forgotten man, lost in a jungle of steel and stone." The University television series "Accent" will focus on "Religion in Postwar Europe" at 9:45 a.m. today on WXYZ-TV Detroit., To Interview Educator Franklin H. Littel, religious edu- cator, representative in Germany for the Franz Lieber Foundation and guest speaker at the Univer- sity's conference on Religion in Contemporary Society will be in- terviewed by Prof. Henry L. Bret- ton of the political science de- partment. Concentrate on Beethoven "Genius," part of the Universi- ty's "Television Hour" seen at 10 a.m. today on WWJ-TV, Detroit, will concentrate on a study of Beethoven,ras an individual and a composer. Prof. H. Wiley Hitchcock of the music school will comment On the life of Beethoven as is portrayed in the composer's notebooks. Beethoven's "Archduke Trio" and "String Quartet, Opus 135" will be played by string groups of the music school. By DOUGLAS B. dORNELL WASHINGTON OP) -- Political signposts across the country, checked state by, state bY the Associated Press, point to strengthened Democratic holds on both Senate and House after the ballots are in Nov. 4. If the omens are right - and sometimes they aren't-the Demo- crats seem likely to elbow Re- publicans out of at least five or six Senate seats and possibly 10 or 12. They have a 49-47edge in the Senate now. And that doesn't count the seat they picked up in the Maine election last month. Lost Maine House Seat The GOP also dropped a House seat in Maine. It might lose an- other 10 or 20 in the November election, or even as many as 30 to 40 or more if there is a tremendous Democratic sweep. The House line-up at the mo- ment is 235 Democrats, 200 Re- publicans, with v4cancies credited to the parties which last held the seats. Nationally, Republicans are talking% hopefully of Democratic over-confidence -Vice President Richard M. Nixon says this is a big GOP asset-and telling them- selves they can retrieve control of the House, at least, if they work hard enough. Interest Low But interest in the election is low over most of the nation, And neither Democrats nor Republi- cans have been able to come up with any massive national issues capable of pulling voters irre- sistibly one' way or 'the other. Certainly there isn't any ques- tion that Democrats will take all the Senate and governor races in the South. They are going into the election with a solid foundation of about 100 Southern House members whose jobs are rock solid. Yet it is a question whether they can jar loose more than one or two of the nine Republicans in the South unless there is a heavy Democratic tide running through the whole country. Two Races Important The campaigns sending up the most fire and smoke elsewhere are those for senator and governor in New York and California. These have colorations that may tint the national political picture in 1960. The experts give the Democrats at least a shade the better of it in all four contests. A pair of ivy league multimil- lionaires are out glad handing and hobnobbing with the common folk in the New York gubernatorial campaign. Democrat Averell Har- riman, who wouldn't say no to the presidential nomination in 1960, is trying for another term. Rockefeller Trailing Nelson A. Rockefeller, the Re- publican, is giving Harriman. a tough fight. He is trailing a bit now, apparently, but the remain- der of the campaign can be vitally important. The Senate race, likely to follow the pattern of that for governor, shows an edge now for Manhat- eral, Edmund G. Brown. And Knight is bidding for the Know- land Senate seat against (Demo- cratic Congressman Clair Engle. Knight seems to be making a stronger showing than Knowland, so the Senate race is rated close. Still, polls, registrations and. the June primary point to a Demo- cratic surge. ' Situation Stable No great upheaval is expected in the California congressional dele- gation, now 17 to 13 Republican. But the Democratsnare likely to pick up at least one seat and might make off with three or four. Electioneering in Missouri and Massachusetts is ringing with 1960 overtones, too. Followers of Sen. Stuart Sym- ington want to build him up for a Democratic presidential boom for two years hence with a thump- ing victory in his bid for reelec- tion. It looks as if he will win easily over a Republican lady lawyer, Hazel Palmer. Missouri House contests may be a standoff, with Democrats and Republicans each winning and losing a seat. Kennedy Driving Democratic Sen. John F. Ken- nedy in Massachusetts is em- barked on a re-election drive geared to get him within five miles of every voter. He is favored over a comparatively unknown Republican, Vincent J. Celeste. In Arizona, Gov. Ernest W. Mc- Farland is attempting to go back to the Senate against the Repub- lican who ousted him six years ago, Sen. Barry Goldwater, It's close, with McFarland slightly in front. The state is expected to elect another Democrat Robert Morrison, as governor. Anything can happen in Con- necticut, a state of ticket split- ters. But former congressman Thomas Dood, Democrat, appears to be well on the way to grabbing the Senate seat of Republican in- cumbent William Purteul. Dem- ocratic Gov. Abraham Ribbicoff is seeking reelection and seems sure to win. He could take from one to four new Democratic House candidates with him if he rolls up a big enough margin. Races Look Safe. Delaware, Vermont and New Hampshire races look safe for the GOP. A Democratic trend is apparent in Indiana. Republican Gov. Har- old W. Handley apparently has dropped behind Democrat Vance Hartke, in the battle for the Sen- ate seat being vacated by Repub- lican William E. Jenner. Demo- crats are favored to pick off at least one Republican House .seat and perhaps three more. In Maryland, the Senate battle is a toss-up at this point. But Democrats are genuinely optimis- tic about putting Baltimore's mayor, Thomas D'Alesandro in the seat of Republican J. 'Glenn Beall. The Minnesota Senate struggle, between Republican Sen. Edward J. Thye and Democratic Rep. Eugene McCarthy looks too close SEN. WILLIAM KNOWLAND ... looks in trouble tan District Attorney Hogan, the Democrat, publican Rep. Kenneth ing. Frank S. over Re- B. Keat- In House races, Democrats have a chanct of picking off a Re- publican seat in New York City and one or two upstate. Knowland, Knight Split Out in Nixon's home state of California, Democrats are glee- fully watching the rift between Senate Republican leader William F. Knowland and Gov. Goodwin J. Knight. Knight wanted to try for an- other term. But Knowland nudged him aside and is the GOP candi- date for governor against the state's Democratic Attorney Gen- LOW SALARY SCALES CRITICIZED: Teachers Insist Times Resemble Colonial Period COtoR by bEix CNMAASGCPO WEDNESDAY "TH E DEFIANT ONES" (Continued from Page 1) trying to support. a family it's a months yet, so let's take some fig- different story. That $120 a week ures for 1957-58 and see how they won't go far. Many families, of work out. course, get by on that much, or Averak Decepeven less-but seldom do they have Average Deceptive to when the wage earner has spent The average salary for all class- four years in college and thousands room teachers was $4,520 a year. of dollars preparing himself for his But right off we're starting with a life's work. deceptive figure. California and O nthe basis of a 40-hour week, New York hire the most teachers, that $120 works out to an even and they pay the highest salaries. $3 an hour. That's a nice round That brings the average up. figure that sounds fairly impressive One out of every four classroom -but here again the figure is de- teachers last year received less ceptive. The teacher who works a than $3,500. In eight states the 40-hour week is a rare bird, indeed. average annual salary of the entire Most surveys show that teachers teaching staff was less than $3,500. work anywhere from 50 to 60 hours In three states--North Dakota, a week on school chores-teaching, Mississippi and Kentucky -- one preparing lessons, grading papers, teacher in three was paid less than taking tickets at basketball games, $2,500 for the school year. The chaperoning dances, and organiz- average for all of Mississippi was ing and supervising outside activi- just over that: $2,525. ties. Average $86 Per Week Below Manual Labor If we use the national average At 50 to 60 hours a week, the of $4,520, it works out to about pay scale drops to $2 to $2.40 an $120 a week for the school year, or hour. That is considerably below about $86 a week if the salary is the pay of the average plumber, supposed to cover a full 12-month carpenter, bricklayer or other period. skilled workman in the building And from here you can take off trades, and even further below the and fly in all directions. pay scale in most other profes- If the teacher is a married wom- sions. an helping her husband make both At the top of the salary scale sits ends meet, that $120 might be con- California, paying its classroom sidered a good salary. teachers an average annual salary But, if the teacher is a man of $5,750. Even so, California is having trouble finding teachers. This year, California needed 7,000 new teachers just to take care of increased enrollment, and an- other 8,800 to replace those leaving the profession. Only Half Choose Job But of 12,160 Californians newly qualified for a certificate, only about half decide to go into teach- ing. Most surveys indicate that two of every three men teachers have to work at summer jobs to make both ends meet. The ratio for women teachers seems to be about one in eight. That takes some of the gloss off the three-month vacation. So does the requirement in many states that all teachers continue to im- prove themselves professionally by attending summer school. Quarter Study in Summer About 25 per cent of the nation's 1,200,000 public school teachers go to summer school every year. Aver- age cost for the normal summer load of six semester hours of work is $350. One former teacher summed it up with this story of his own ex- perience: One year he went to summer school and worked nights in a restaurant to pay his way. The next year he passed up sum- mer school and earned $1,000 sell- ing insurance. The third year he left teaching altogether and got another job. According to census bureau fig- ures published in a 1956 report, tetacher's salaries ranked 141ht teachers' salaries ranked 14th in a list of 18 professions that require a college degree. They outranked in this category only the salaries paid to social and welfare workers, librarians, clergymen and dieti- clans and nutritionists. From another angle, figures from the department of commerce show that the average annual earnings of all persons getting wages or salaries during the 1957-58 school year was $4,302. As mentioned above, the average annual teach- er's salary was $4,520. Corma Mowrey of the National Education Association, citing these figures to a congressional com- mittee earlier this year, said that to be truly professional, teachers' salaries should increase between 50 and 60 per cent higher than the average of all wage or salary earn- ers. On this basis, the national aver- age for teachers last school year would have been between $6,453 and $6,883, instead of $4,520. Mrs. Mowrey struck at what may well be the heart of the matter when she told the committee:. "Teachers' salaries will be at about the right level when the suc- cessful and leading citizens of any community will encourage their sons and daughters to consider teaching among desirable .voca- tional choices." GOV. AVERELL HARRIMAN ...has slight edge to call. Thye has been regarded as a front runner. But the mid- September poll of the Minneapolis Tribune indicated McCarthy had inched out ahead after trailing in July. Nebraska Democrats are ex- pected to run a bit stronger than in recent years. But they aren't expected to unseat Republican. Sen. Roman L. Hruska, Gov. Vic-" tor E. Anderson or any of four Republican House members. ' In New Jersey, a hairline mar- gin in a tight Senate race goes to Democrat Harrison A. Williams over Republican Rep. Robert W. Kean. Kean is campaigning as an Eisenhower Republican. Williams is banking on labor support and the recession to help his cause. Bricker Seems In The consensus is that Ohio Re- publican John W. Bricker will get a third Senate 'term and :the best the Democrats can hope for, in House contests is a gain of one seat. The race for governor is hot and tight and revolving around a right - to - work constitutional amendment. Democratic nominee Michael V. Disalle is against the amendment and seems to have a thin lead over Republican Gov. C. William, O'Neill. O'Neill embraced the amendment. In Pennsylvania, for the first time since 1860 Democrats have a chance of winding up with a gov- ernor and two senators. The only Senate race, for a Republican seat, matches Democratic Gov. George M. Leader against Rep. Hugh Scott, former GOP national chairman. Scott could win - but Leader seems to be slightly ahead right now.' 'U' Polio Center Receives Grant The Poliomyelitis Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center of the University's Medical. Research Center was recently given a grant of $99,113 by the March of Dimes. The grant, which will be used to continue the Center's study on procedures to enablp iron lung pa- tients ultimately to return to clear normal lives, was announced joint- ly by Dr. A. C. Kerlikowski, di- rector of University Hospital and Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation (originally the National Foundation for In- fantile Paralysis). ^ f "PR MT'' , .. '. 1i.1 .t:. :. .. ..,. 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