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October 11, 1958 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-11

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,Y, C

Tax Experts Discuss

ley of the University of Southern
California, he related, "We have
become a glorious nation of grand
'goof-offs.' We want a long coffee
break in the morning, a leisurely
lunch hour, a long coffee break in
the afternoon and we want to be
home at 5:00 p.m.
"I am not opposing the eight-
hour day and the coffee break
battle was lost a long time ago;
I am saying that we Americans'
must again learn to work when
we work and work with the ob-
jective of getting the job done
Efficiency is essential to and
the very heart of capitalism. It is
what makes capitalism superior to
all other economic systems. The
individual and the individual firm
are what makes the system work.
We must rediscover in America

EMC Votes
To, Abolish
Class Level
Eastern Michigan College's 5,-
000 students have voted two to
one to abolish freshman, sopho-
more, junior and senior class
levels for all except academic pur-
poses, effective next September.
Class officers for each of the
four class 'levels presented the is-
sue to the student body complain-
ing about the lack of volunteer
help in preparing for class dances
or socials, according to a college
The officers attributed this
apathy to the fact that a large
number of the Ypsilanti college's
students start school in the spring
or summer sessions and therefore
do .not feel a part of the fall class
in which they academically be-
Freshman English Remains
While students will still take
courses such as freshman English,
the new law abolishes social func-
tions on a class level and provides
for the establishment of a special-
ly selected all-college social com-
mittee to handle such affairs.
In advancing several reasons
for the end of traditional class
structure, William C. Lawrence,
vice president for student affairs
at Eastern, stressed the fact that
class divisions in most colleges are
losing cohesion because of con-
flicting influences.
"At Eastern Michigan, for ex-
ample, residence halls house stu-
dents from all four. class levels,"
he said. "There is al much closer
feeling between the residents- of
one hall than between those who
share the same year in college."
Several extra-curricular activi-
ties have also successfully com-
peted with class levels, according
to Lawrence. Groups like the Wo-
men's League, Student Council,
Men's Union, and fraternities and
sororities on the Eastern Michi-
gan campus hold the students'
outside interests.
Credits Sputnik
.Lawrence also credited the
Sputnik and other current events
with changing the attitude of to-
day's students.
"Getting a college education is
'a much more serious business
than formerly," he said. "Modern
students are also considerably
more sophisticated than their pre-
World War II counterparts. They
don't tend to get excited over 'Joe
College' activities," he added.
Lawrence did not feel, however,
that the new system, once effect-
ed, will seriously curtail social
activities. Instead, he believes
that a comparable number of so-.
cial functions will recruit the ef-
forts of the whole student body,
not only those of a few over-
worked people, and will draw a
larger, all-campus attendance.

(Continued from Page 1)
Provincial police, who had aided
search efforts during the past two
weeks, also left Moosanie 'yester-
day, en route to Montreal, Dowell
IdentifieI by Teeth
It was not immediately known
how Cary's body was identified.
Dowell said ,identification was
made before a set of dental rec-
ords wired from Ann Arbor had
arrived. An initialed belt buckle
may have provided the clue, he
The,23-year-old Cary and Price.
21 years old, were described as
"big, rugged outdoorsmen" by Otto
Scherer, '59, commodore of the
University Sailing Club. Cary
headed the club 'last year and
Price was to have been installed,
this semester as vice-chairman.

"It all seems sort of impossible,"
Scherer continued. "They both
knew how to forge for themselves."
Began Search in September
The pair left Lake Waswanipl,
270 miles north of Montreal, about
July 26, bound for Rupert House
-250 miles to -the north.
During the middle of September
the Prices, having not heard from
the students, sent ahead a search
message to North Bay provincial
It was then discovered that the
pair had never arrived at Rupert
Prof. Price arrived in Senneterre,
Que., a village north of Lake Was-
wanipi, Sept. 22 to help organize
search efforts.
The hunt, carried on by Royal
Canadian Air Force planes, mount-
ed police, and various trappers and
Indians in thearea, produced no
results until last Friday.
Body Found Last Week
At that time a body, unidenti-
fied, was pulled from brush along
'the shore of the Nottaway River,
ten miles south of McLean Camp
at the mouth of the river. Part of a
canoe was also found.
The information was relayed to
Det. Louis Patenaude in Senne-
terre from mounted police in
Moosanie, just over the Ontario
Prof. Price and Patenaude flew
to Rupert House Sunday to identi-
fy the body.

-Daily-Robert Snyder
BUSH ,REGION-The artist's sketch above shows the section of
Northern Quebec where a three-week search for two University
engineering students has been carried, on. The students,. Robert
Cary, '58E, and Alan Price, '59E, left Waswanipi Lake Aug. 26 on
a 250 mile canoe trip to Ruipert+ House outpost on James Bay, 5qO
miles north of Montreal. Cary's body was recovered .ten miles
above the mouth of the Nottaway River last week.

Body of Student Identified in Canada

Five To Visit
CPA Meeting
Five business administration
school professors are planning to
attend the American Institute of
C er t if i e d Public Accountants
meeting in Detroit, which opens
They are Professors Herbert F.
Taggart, Herbert E. Miller, Wil-
liam A. Paton, Samuel R. Hep-
worth, and Robert L. Dixon.

U'.Allows Students To Teach in Home Towns

... explains tax problem

these fundamental truths," Dean
Ross said.
He warned that inflation is
"the most important economic
problem confronting this nation"
and that it is "the cruelest and
most' arbitrary tax of all.
The four economists' talks on
the "Michigan Tax Crisis" mark
the first time the Press Club has
devoted an entire meeting to one
subject. Sessions will resume at
9:30 a.m. today with a report
"The Michigan Tax Study Com-
mittee" by Prof. Harvey Brazer of
the economics department, direc-
tor of the committee's research.
Read and Use.
Daily Classifieds

The University offers an oppor-
tunity for "home-minded" stu-
dents in its education school to
fulfill their student teaching re-
quirement while living in their,
own communities.
The program was set up in the
Fall Semester of 1956. It allows
undergraduate students working
on their teaching certificates to
live in one of the graduate resident
centers (Detroit, Flint, Grand
Rapids, Battle Creek, and Sagi-
naw) and elect from twelve to
sixteen hours of credit.
The student teaching assignment
is worth twelve credit hours, and
any additional hours which might
be needed for graduation can be
taken inextension courses offered
at the graduate residence center.
Program Begins
The "at home" teaching pro-
gram is actually older than 1956.
Originally it was only an eight
credit hour opportunity, and the
amount of time devoted to contact
with their students and working
with their supervising teachers
was much less.
Since September, 1956, however,
the hours of credit have increased
and the time spent in working
with the children has doubled.
For each of the twelve hours of
credit received, the student teacher
spends two hours per week in the
There are definite prerequisites
in applying for away-from-campus
student teaching. The studeit in-
terested in elementary education

should have completed basic foun-
dation courses such as the philos-
ophy, history and sociology of.
education, and educational psy-
In addition, an elementary
methods course, an art education
course and a music education
course are required.
Most Complete Courses
The secondary school teacher
should have completed similar
basic foundations courses on the
secondary level, and also a special
methods course.

"We believe that -.with these
courses as a background, the stu-
dent is ready to try his learning
out in the classroom," Lowell W.
Beach, coordinator of the program
at the elementary school level said.
If a student wishes to participate
in this program, he or she should
submit his application for a,fall
semester assignment during the
previous May; those wishing to
apply for the spring semester, dur-
ing the previous January. The ap-
plication is reviewed with the stu-
dent's 'methods' teacher and the

Western, Policies, Institutions
Interest, Polish' Intellectuals


stuid +onk(y-

Block 'M' Set
To Greet Navy
Block "M" will be 'on hand to
welcome the Navy football team
during halftime today.
Its first stunt will feature a sal-
ute to the midshipmen showing
an anchor, followed by the Navy
mascot, the goat. A skeleton will
appear in the card section as the
band plays "Dry Bones." .
With musical accompaniment,
Block "M" will show two white
minstel hands against a black
background. The song will be "He's
Got the Whole World in His
As the band leaves the field, the
cards will be flipped into a beating
drum with the caption, "Thanks.
to the Band."

-A true interest in Western dem-
ocratic procedures and Institu-
tions is evident in the attitudes
of Polish intellectuals, Prof. Paul
G. Kauper, of the law school, re-
Only recently returned from an
international legal meeting in
Warsaw, Prof. Kauper said there
is reason to hope that a more
democratic political structure may
develop in Poland. over the years.
"I doubt if Communism as a
political philosophy will ever be
accepted by the people general-
ly," Prof. Kauper notes. "Polish
'deviationism' since October, 1956,
is an indication of the country's
temper and thinking," he con-
"In addition, Poland is predom-
inantly a Catholic country," Prof.
Kauper said. "Attendance at
church services reflects a genu-
ine devotion to their faith and to
the Church."
He reported that the small
farmers who represent a very im-
portant part of the Polish econ-
omy have not been attracted to
the Collectivist farm idea. Indeed,
the collectivist farm program has
been virtually abandoned since
1956, according to the professor.
"Although the g o v e r n m e n t
maintains control over the press,
as evidenced by the lack of West-
ern newspapers and literature,
the people do talk freely and one
does not get the impression of a
feeling of personal insecurity," he
"There is a growing interest in
attracting tourists to Poland, and
as far as one can tell on the basis
of a short visit, there are no sub-
stantial restriction on liberty of

movement and observation on the
part of visitors," Prof. Kauper re-
Prof. Kauper attended a week-,
long meeting on "The Rule of
Law in Socialist States," under
the auspices of the International
Association bf Legal Science. It
was hosted by the Polish Academy
of Science.
'U' TV Series
To Feature
The University television series,
"Government of Michigan," at
8:30 a.m. today on WXYZ-TV,
Detroit, will feature a discussion
of lobbyists and the legislators.
state Rep. George W. Sallade
will present the views of the legis-
lator with chain store represen-
tative Wilfird F. Doyle present-
ing the lobbyist's viewpoint. Prof.
Daniel McHargue, of the political
science department, will preside.
The program will attempt to
answer the question of whether
lobbying is an essential aspect of
a representative government and
whether or not it is a force for
Rep. Sallade will explain the
problems confronting a legislator
who cannot be in constant con-
tact with all his constituents,
forcing him to rely on people with
special interests for information.
Doyle will discuss the services
rendered by the lobbyist, point-
ing out that the great majority
of lobbyists are honest and that
all must register with the govern-
ment before they may approach
legislators with their information.

student's supervisor in. education
Once the application is approved
the University arranges an inter-
view between the student and the
supervisor of all directed teach-
ing in the Detroit area. 'All the
necessary contacts in arranging
the desired teaching location for
the student are then made.
Responsible to Supervisor
The students in the Detroit area
are directly responsible for their
activities to the supervisor. He
visits them in their classrooms
and also meets with them inr a
two-hour seminar discussion twice
a month.
Student teachers in parts of
Michigan other than the Detroit
area are supervised directly by
their own school principals. They
are required to come to the Uni-
versity at least twice during ,the
semester in order to discuss their
activities in their individual
The University is always'in con-
tact with the principal of the
school or the supervisor. In this
way, it can be aware of the pro-
gress of the student teacher at all
times during the semester.
Popularity Gaie
Figures prove that this program
has been gaining in popularity.
In 1956,.six students took part in
the program, and the following
spring, twelve students enjoyed
the opportunity.
In the fall semester of 1957, nine
students participated, and during
the next semester, there was a
total of eighteen student teachers
away from Ann Arbor.
With twenty-one students par-
ticipating in the, program during.
the current semester, It can be
seen that student interest has
greatly increased and may con-
tinue to do so.


Congregational and. Disciples Guild,
after game 'Cider Hour,' Ot 11, after
game, 524 Thompson St.
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
Oct. 12, 7:00 p.m., Congregational_
Church. Student Panel: "Our Summer.
Service Experiences from Tunisia, to
San Francisco."
Unitarian Student Group, Oct. 12,
7;00' p.ms, First Unitarian Church.
Speaker: Grey Austin, "The Use of Folk
Songs in the Social Movement."
Young Democrats, Board meeting,
Oct. 13, 7:30 p.a., 3516 SAB.

ENGLISH: Mhan who smokes
two different brands of cigarettes

F I'

ously, this poor fellow hasn't heard
about Luckies. Why? Elementary.
Any man who smokes the genuine
+ > article wouldn't touch another
{ Y brand with a ten -foot cigarette
X holder. With Luckies, you get the
honest taste of fine tobacco. Why
settle for less? (The man in ques-
tion is a Cigamist. Don't let this
ENGLISH: false hair-do ,happen to you!)
for teen-age girls
SPEAK THINKLISHI Put in a good word and MAKE $251
( Here's the easiest way yet to make money! Just put two
words together to form a new one. Example: slob+lobster=
"~E SLOBSTER. (English trans: shellfish with bad manners.)
. We'll pay $25 each for the hundreds of Thinklish words
judged best-and we'll feature many in our college ads. Send
your Thinklish words (with translations) to Lucky Strike,
Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose your name, address,

-N.Y. Times

" _", _

NO 2-2513

w w w w ww .. - - - w W w


THE fRANKESr..jwt.:?
y:. p ................

Cintena juiI4
Saturday 7 and 9 P.M,
Sunday 8 P.M.4




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