I IUJ~ lii i~ku.P 1u1~Zt~A.A Twelve'U' Grads Study Under Wilson Grants Twelve University alumni are These scholarships carry a livi among the thousand prospective allowance of $1,400 for single si college teachers entering graduate dents, with increments for d school this fall who are recipients pendents and also pays the to of the Woodrow Wilson National cost of tuition and fees. Fellowships. A student must be nomina1 University students chosen from by a faculty member. this year's fellowships distin- Interested students may rece guished themselves academically.: more information about the f The recipients are Richard T. lowships by consulting a facu Booth, John S. Denton, Jr., Peter member or by writing directly Eckstein, Patrick C. Fischer, Inge- the Woodrow Wilson Natio borg M. Hogh and James D. Is- Fellowship Foundation, Box 6 bister. Princeton, New Jersey. Others continuing their studies for advanced degrees are Robert VialV n L. Kyes, David C. Schuman, Charles C. Sims, Carey G. Wall, Jerome C. Wells and Nancy M. A out Overus Willard. ing the need for college teachers, Antibiotics recently gave the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation $25,000,000 Antibiotics should be used sp so, that this foundation could aid ingly, warned Dr. A. Burgess V outstanding first - year graduate surgeon at the University Medi students. Center. -Daily-Robert Kanner FLEETINd GLANCE-Michigan fans went wild when Brad Myers raced down the field for the Wolverine's last 6 points. The score- board looked like this during the third and fourth quarters, but the scales were balanced in the fourth quarter, when Michigan State evened the score. DAILY OFFICIAL BULE1 The Daily Official Bulletin 'is an A * able in Room 150, School of Bus. official publication of the Univer- cadmi c on. Admin. sity of Michigan for which The Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Mon., Michigan Daily assumes no edi- n y seinsMo. Detroit Edison Company Scholar- toral responsibility.' Notices should l hips. Two upperclass scholarships for bsnDA'YEWRCTEN formwh. av topetd1958-59to ea scin. heolher, har avilable ore be eni TYEWITTN for t offclee wil be serveaty 3:30 hae to Stuet hoPScopee a es Smith will speak on ndThe Velocity Dis- 1n- y chrol e are ila for tribution and Stability of a taminar application. Applicants shall be resi- ing, i eiwSuetGvr- ilb vialeutlOt 5a e wn of h7sat f Michian. o onple. mng before 2 p.m. the day preceding Swirling Flow,."des teao.AB.pltn tc f-d scholarship the applicants, should have Daily 'due at. 2:00 p.m. Friday.' United States Rubbe opn Foun- completed' at least one year of study in latyon Scholarship: U ute men the College of Engineering and shall be UD A ,ng OCTOBs R ,n 195d wo ave comped r gleatu to ears ajoringineitherMech. or Elec. Engi- VOL . CTmBER o. 195 of clleeat ted tversithandwho aare neeing.Theotherscholarshipiopen VOL.yXIXo.nmn lving a eare ter i ndustya are tostudents.whoAhavecompleted at least r planningea cgreer in inrusry9are ell-done year attherUniversity in a fies rngible to apply for the UnitedStatesoncyaragtheo Universiarntyin, daiel rdrideneral NotceRubber Company Foundation Scholar- shaseconomcaconting ,n.Th b ess y TtioS ships. Applications or this scholarship anadwiersnedministration. The Board sin Review, Student Govern- will be available until Oct. 15 at the ahwardill besemeter fesand anpl- ment Council, in accordance with regu- Scholarship ,Office, 2011 S.AB. Recipi- Alwainaof $75 forilboksandtheSpplis lations establishe d by the Board in Re- ents of this scholarship must be willingas Blicatin;e, il aB atCthe t chl view, a meeting has been requ ested by to assume a mordl obligation to repaya ars)-de 2de.O.. one of its members, to review actionl at least-25% of the scholarship- award apiain taken by Student Government Council within 3 years after graduation. Aea- at its meeting ofGOctober 1, 1958 with demic record, participation in campus Placem ent Notices respect to action Eon Sigma Kappa in affairs, and financial need will be orderto determine if further consid- among the factors considered in mak The following schools have listed eration is required in view of Regental ing these awards. J teaching vacancies with the Bureau of policy or administrative practice hor Appointments for the 1958-59 school policy. The calling of this meeting op- School of Business Administration: year. They will not be here to interview erates as a stay-of-action u.ntil such Students seeking admission to this at this time. time as the Board in Review makes its School as graduate degree candidates Belleville, Mich. (Van Buren Public determination. Thetime of the meeting in the summer session or spring semes- Schools)-"6th.grade. will be announced. ter mustRtake the Admission Test for Fraser Mich.-st grade. SGraduate Study in Business on Nov. Milford, Mich.-2nd grade. hEach individual must make his own St. Clair, Mich. (St. ClaF River Area LectIre d I- application to the Educational Testing Schools) -Mentally Handicapped. A .Service, Princeton, N.J., to be received For any additional information con- Science Research Club: The October in that office not later than Oct. 25, tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 meeting will be held in the Rackham r1958Applications for the test and test Admin. Bldg., NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m., ATues., Oct. . general information bulletins areavail- 489. program :N "IGY; in the Antarctic" ,James H. Zumberge, Geology, -and ; :trber 10 . s.iety for Advancement of "Control of Radiation Exposure in DidB, agnostic Radiology." Walter M. White.r house, Radiology. Dues for 1958-59 ac- OR A sp GuAT IO N NO TICE S n cepted after 7:10 p.m.O u. University Public Lecture, auspices of C __*".'_'_____rne S}:"mr b,era ,at 'on the D epts. of Fisheries and Zoology.r W We n n D s G detingxO, .ct. 7, : . , ae.. "Propagation of Fish for Food in In-. (Use of this column for announce- Public Relations Comm. of SGC, donesia and Africa." Dr. Marcel F uet, ments is available° to officially recog- Meeting - all. interested are welcome- Director, Section of Hydrobiology, nized and registered organizations only. Oct. 7, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1548, Student Groenendaal-Hoeilaart Research Sta- Organizations planning obe active for Activities Bldg. tion, Belgium. Mon., Oct. 6, 4:00 p.m., the current semester sould register * .* Nat. St. Aud. not later than October 10. Forms avail- S.A.M. (Society for Advancement of able, 2011 Student Activities Building.) Management),' Signup for Membership women's Resear eClub " will meet at -Membership fees may be paid at ei- 8:00 p.m., Mon., Oct. 6, W. C nt. Room, Congregational and Disciples Guild, ther 255 W.E. or 150 B.A. Officpi on or Rackham Bldg. Velma Pickett of the Bible Study,. Oct. 5, 9:30 a.m., Guild before Oct. 7. Linguistics Program will speak on House. * . * "Linguistics, Literature,and Life G In H among the Mexican Indians." Congregational and, Disciples Guild, Wolverine Soccer Club, organization- . ., P Oct. 5 7:00 p.m. Mayflower Rm.; Con- al meeting, Oct. r2 7, 8 p.m., Rm. 3R Public Health Asembly: "Historical g n rc er. Union. and Social Background, of the Modern Mrs. Fred E. Luchs, "Opportunities in Public Health Movement I." Nathan the University Community," Anthropology Club, picnic, Oct, 12, 1 Sinai, Prof.! of Pub. Health and Direc., * * * p.m. Dexter-Huron Metropolitan Park. Bureau of Public Health Econom~ics. Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, Oct. Grads and undergrad concentrates and. Mon., Oct. 6, 4:00 p.m., School of Public, 5, 2:00 p.m., Meet in back of Rackham faculty invited. Reservations 12-1, Oct. Health Aud. Bldg. (N.W. entrance). 6, 7. Walking right into the COLLEGE and CAREER WOMEN'S WARDROBE . NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK OCTOBER 3 to1l .>A ,- We salute the Business Women of our Community our eanideof suits, Smartly styled walking suits, costume suits with the coats trapeze and short boxys and chemise that can go from class or business to games and dates. Sizes from 7- j / * " t i . i i ; I Partners in Plaid "riparti" Walking Suit Perfectly mated and matched to your town or country needs. Strikingly vivid 100%. wool plaid drap-backed, coat, Milium lined, and slim 3-gored skirt, completed with a matching, ch^- -c..aA n... r." "ill I, L ! ItA I (I 1 I I