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October 05, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-05

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Notre Dame. 14 Indiana . . 13
.lH ..6 . West Vir ginia 12

Northwestern 28
Stanford . .. 0

Pittsburgh . . 13



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See Page 4

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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'Board To Review
SGC's Decision
Request Meeting on Sigma Kappa;
Date for Session Not Yet Announced
The Board in Review of Student Government Council has been
called to consider SGC's decision that Sigma Kappa violates Uni-
versity anti-bias rules.
Notice of the Board's intent to meet is published in today's
Daily Official Bulletin, effecting a stay of action on SGC's decision.
No meeting date was announced.
The meeting was called by Dean of Women Deborah Bacon at
the request of local Sigma Kappa President Joan Taylor, '59, and
President Jane Otto of Sigma Kappa's Michigan Province, accord-

Spartans Revive
in Third Quartei
Injury Ridden 'U' Football Squa(
Halts State's Final Scoring Surge
Daily Sports Editor
Special to The Daily
'EAST LANSING - Yesterday's game here lasted thr
minutes and 36 seconds too long for Michigan.
Played before a sellout crowd of 76,434 spectators -
new record for Spartan Stadium - on a breezy but beautif
football day, the 1958 Michigan-Michigan State contest a
most became the upset of the year.
The determined Wolverines 'built up a 12-0 half-tin
lead, and battled bravely to protect it for most of the secor
half before settling for a 12-12 tie with Michigan State.
'M' Squad Beset by Injuries
The rugged Michigan squad, racked by injuries throug]
out the game, couldn't contend with State's depth and t.
brilliant running of Spartan


Fritz Reiner
To Conduct
Under the direction of Fr
Reiner, the Chicago . Sympho
Orchestra will present the fi
concert in the University's Ext
Concert Series at 8:30 p.m. ti
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
This will be the 186th conce
the orchestra has played in A
Arbor since their first appearan
in 1892. It is also the first conc
of their own season.
The overture, "The Corsai
Opus 21, by Berlioz will open t
program. The orchestra will 'a

Wuing to Ruth Callahan, secretary
to SC.
Desires Review of Case
Mrs. Otto had indicated her de-
sire to have the Board meet aft-
er SGC foundSigma Kappa still
in violation last Wednesday night.
The Board in Review is empow-
ered to review any decision of
SGC in the light of administra-
tion or regental policy. It may be
called by request of any Board
itz member.
ny Administration members are
rst Dean Bacon and Dean of Men
ra Walter B. Rea.
t- Deans Hold Seats
Music school Dean Earl V.
ert Moore, literary college Assistant
nn Dean James H. Robertson and
ice medical school Assistant Dean
ert Robert G. Lovell hold the three
faculty seats.
r," SGC President Maynard Gold-
he man, '59, and Stan Levy, Grad.,
lso represent the student body..
The council has established a,
committee to draw up alternate
courses of action regarding Sigma
Kappa's future status, but if the
decision were to be reversed the
group would be dissolved.
~ et Liner~s
Cross Ses
NEW YOR.K (A) . w Rih

--Daily-Robert Kanner
PTACEK TO HERRNSTEIN-Bob Ptacek (49 at left) throws a pass to John Herrnstein (out of picture to right) for a 40-yard gain
early in the first quarter of the Michigan State game yesterday. Blocking for the Wolverines are George Genyk (70), Brad Myers (on
ground) and Gerry Marciniak (at right), while State players are John Middleton (61), Fran O'Brien (72), Jim Chastain (50) and
Ellison Kelly (57).

T o Consider,
Urban Plan
The Ann Arbor City Council will
tomorrow night hear the recom-
mendations of the Citizens Com-
mittee on Urban Renewal on the
standards to be followed in the
City's urban renewal project.
Urban renewal is, briefly, a com-
bined federal, local and neighbor-
hood program directed towards the
replanning and reshaping of a
blighted area of a city.
In Ann Arbor the urban renewal
area extends roughly from Iepot
St. to Division to Catherine St. to
Ashley and back to Depot land
covers about 75 acres.
The intent is to take a neighbor-
hood that has started to decay and
rebuild as much as necessary.
The United States Housing and
Home Finance Agency is the sec-
tion of the federal government in-
volved in supplying funds for the
Roughly, the government pays
about two-thirds of the cost of
To obtain this government sup-
port for the )program, the city's
plans must meet rigid specifica-
tions by the HHFA including relo-
cation of families whose homes are
being rebuilt.
The final plans of the project
are due in the HHFA by Dec. 15.
The Citizen's Committee will
submit their ideas, the result of
almost half a year's meetings, for
See COMMITTEE, page 2

Discovery of Body May Halt Search

Discovery of an unidentified,
body yesterday in the Canadiana
wilderness may bring a grim halt3
to a three-week-old search for
two University students.
Found near the remnants of a
canoe, the body is believed to be
Group To Act.
On Integration
In U.S. Courts
RICHMOND (P)-- Moves to re-
open Virginia's nine integration-'
closed schools and perhaps curtail
the employment of public school
teachers by private education
founders will be made in United'
States courts next week.'
The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
yesterday included Charlottesville
with Warren County and Norfolk
to make its renewed integration
fight cover the entire field of Vir-
ginia schoca closures.
- It filed a motion with Federal
Judge John Paul of Harrisonburg,
seeking the reopening of the two
closed schools at Charlottesville.
A similar motion was filed
Thursday in the Warren County.
case and Friday an attorney said
he would make the same request
in Norfolk's federal court tomor-
Almost 13,000 students are idled
by school closures in the three

that of Robert Carey, '58E, or
Alan Price, '59E, missing fo'r two
months in the bushlands of
northern Quebec.
The discovery was made ten
miles south of James Bay - the
planned destination of the pair.
Flies to Camp
Price's father, Prof. Percival
Price, University carillonneur,
planned to fly from Senneterre.
,Que., this morning to McLean
Camp on James Bay, where the
body has apparently been
Prof. Price, who arrived in Sen-
neterre last week to aid in the
search, was notified of the discov-
ery yesterday by a telegram from
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
in Moose Factory, Que.
The telegram, sent to Provin-
cial Police Detective Louis Paten-
aude in Senneterre, read in part:
"McLean Camp at mouth of
Nottaway River advises one body
and part of canoe found ten miles
south of McLean Camp on east
shore of Nottaway River. Body
not identified but believed to be
either Price or Carey."
Search to Continue
Patenaude wired back a request
to continue searching for the oth-
er student, Prof. Price said last
. He added chances are only
slight that the body may not be
that of his son or Carey, since
other canoeists in the area would
p r o b a b ly be "veterans" and
known to the Mounties.
Price and Carey have not been
seen since July 26 when they left.

Lake Waswanipi, 270 miles north
of Montreal, for Rupert House on
James Bay.
Prof. Price indicated that the
students may have overturhed in
the last of a long series of rapids
or in swirling currents from the
Envo Seen
For Chiang
WASHINGTON (4) - Officials
yesterday discounted-but did not
dismiss-the possibility that the
Eisenhower administration might
send a ?special emissary to For-
mosa to discuss the Quemoy crisis
with President Chiang Kai-shek.
The purpose of such a mission
presumably would be to try to
persuade- sthe Nationalist'Chinese
Generalissimo to swing his gov-.
ernment's views .on the offshore
islands near the Chinese mainland
more into line with the views of
United States leaders.
Specifically, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles feel that Chiang
has too many of his forces com-
mitted to the defense of Quemoy
and Matsu.
Dulles was reported today to
have broached the idea of a special
mission in a conversation in New
York a week ago with John J.
McCloy, banking executive who
formerly held several high govern-
ment positions.

Chicago conductor
play Divertimento, "The Fairy' s
Kiss," Allegorical Ballet by Stra-
vinsky; Interlude and Dance from
"La Vida Breve" by De Falla and
"Suite for Orchestra, No. 1, Opus
3" by Bartok.
The Chicago SymphonyOrches-
tra was founded in 1891 by Theo-
dore Thomas, one of the pioneers
of symphonic music in America.
in 1905 it came under the baton of
Frederick Stock, who conducted
the organization in Orchestra Hall
in Chicago and in many tours for
38 years.
Rener joined the Orchestra as
its music director in 1953. His
career began in opera in Budapest
and Dresden.
The Cincinnati Symphony was
Reiner's first American post; later
he spent several seasons with the
Pittsburgh Symphony.
Arabs Refuse
To Ask Debate
Foreign Minister Mohammed Ah-
med Mahgoub of Sudan said last
night that no Arab government
at present intends to ask the
United Nations General Assembly
for a full debate on the Middle
Mahgoub made his statement
after talking with Foreign Minis-

air liners ushered in the jet age of
transatlantic passenger plane
travel yesterday.
One ship, a De Haviland Comet
TV of the British Overseas Airways
Corp., set a new record time for a
transatlantic passenger plane,
streaking across the 3,500 miles
from New York to London in 6
hours and 12 minutes.
A sister craft, which stopped
for refueling at Gander, New-
foundland, made the London to
New York trip in 10 hours and 20
Pan American World Airways,
which had boasted that its bigger,
faster Boeing 707 would start the
world's first commercial jet flights
across the Atlantic, plans to send
up its first jet flight between New
York, Paris and Rome Oct. 26..

halfbacks Dean Look and Art
Johnson in the second half.
Look, a fleet junior who is also
the top baseball prospect in the
Big Ten, broke the Wolverines'
back at 5:42 in the third period.
Darrell Harper, Michigan's ter-
rific punter, who averaged 48
yards per kick for six tries, got off
a booming 62-yard punt.
Taking the kick on his own 10-
yard line, Look moved behind
great blocking to the western
sideline, and outraced Michigan's;
11 men for a 90-yard return and
the first Spartan touchdown.
Mliss Extra Points
Sam Williams, State's captain
and candidate for All-American
end, missed the first of his two
extra-point tries, and the Wol-
verines still held a six-point ad-
The teams played even for the
remainder' of the third quairter,
and Michigan had a chance to
put a clincher on the game just as
the fourth period began.
The Wolverine line, which
played In s p i r e d ball all day,
crashed in on Look as he punted
from the State 23-yard line. John
Halstead, a s o p h o m o r e-ed,
blocked the punt, and guard
Gerry Marciniak fell on the ball
on tthe ,six-yard line.
'M' Gets Five-Yard Penalty
However, the Wolverines had
been playing defense without a
quarterback, since Jack Zachary
was spelling rugged Bob Ptacek,
who played the entire game on
offense and much of the defen-
sive time, too.
Michigan was penalized five
yards for illegal substitution, and
thus was in a first down and 11
yards to go situation. Halfback
Brad Myers gained four yards in
two plays, and then Ptacek had
a pass intercepted in the end zone
by. center Jim Chastain to halt
the threat.
Long Drive
Chastain ran the ball out to
the three-yard line, from /which.
point the Spartans staged a dra-
matic 97-yard drive for the final
and tying touchdown. Johnson's
knife-like running and Bob Ber-
cich's power up the middle pro-
.vided the key to the long drive.
Michigan was apparently too
tired to halt the determined
Spartans, who were aided by a 15-
yard personal foul penalty and a
well-executed" pass play., from
quarterback Mike Panitch to Wil-
liams with second down and 24'
yards to go from the Michigan 46-
,yard line.
See-PRAHST, page 6 ;
Po lo Cases
S till Risin
DETROIT (P)- Only two new
cases were reported yesterday in
Detroit's polio epidemic, but an

Shiped .Out
Of Lebanon
BEIRUT (P)- The first Unit
States soldiers to leave Lebanon
ship boarded a transport yesterd
in Beirut's tense dock area, whe
government.opponents were ma
ning antitank barricades.
The 1,000 support troops are e
pected to sail today or tomorro
for Bremerhaven, Germany.
This will leave 5,900 Americ
troops in the Beirut area, as cor
pared with 14,000 at pe
strength. The last Marines pull
out earlier in the week.
Mob Rule Evident
Despite new roadblocks, politic
kidnapings and other signs.
growing tension, the United Stal
still plans to have all its fora
out of Lebanon by the end of th
The troops, marching aboard t
transport Eltinge could see a vii
demonstration of the mob rule si
prevailing 11 days after the tak+
over by President Fuad Chehat
new government.
Women and children of t
Christian Phglangist party stoe
at barricades only a block or
from the dock, halting traffic a
preventing workers from reachi
their jobs.
Block Roads in Beirut
Some American Army true
were stopped, but there were
incidents. The women and ch
dren, armed with sticks a
stones, halted the trucks goc
naturedly, then waved them or
The Phalangists were blocki
roads to cut off their part of. t
capital, including the vital po
area, from the rest of Beirut.
Apparently women and childri
were, used, for the jo4 becau
government security forces .he
tate to move against them wil
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Whether Gene
Motors Corp.'s industrial emp:
will get back into production, ei
partially, by tomorrow remaine
question yesterday.
Not a single local strike at.:
plants across the nation has be
settled since General Motors a
the United Atto Workers agre,
on a new three-year master co
tract Thursday night.
LONDON - The Soviet new
paper Sovetsky Flot 'declared y
terday the use of American sid
winder missiles against Red Chi:

'Traditional' Trophy Remains Mystery to Fans

Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-Spartan Stadium may have seated a capacity1
crowd of 76,434 but to the Wolverine fan making his first visit to;
State's stadium it was reminiscent of the home crowd gathered for"
the weekly high school football games.
A table-top tier that seemed to be balanced precariously at a
point where the last row of seats should have ended, added some 25,000l
seats that were lost to view to those gathered in the lower stands.
Set on the sidelines was a two-and-a-half-foot-tallcolorful wood-
carved statue of Paul Bunyan, propped on a six-foot-high base. This
was the Governor's Trophy, sup-
posedly symbolic of the Michigan- They challenged the Wolverines,
Michigan State football rivalry, who were'in pursuit of the jug, to
However, its symbolic value re- beat them the next year for its re-
mained a mystery to most Wol- turn. Since that time it has held
verine fans. First awarded in 1953 a place of honor in the athletic
by Michigan's Governor G. Men- showcases of both schools.
nen Williams to the winner of that Bunyan Hides in Warehouse
classic, the trophy since that time "The Governor's Trophy," how-
has spent almost half itslieever, spent two of its five years of!

terday's game however, leaves
doubt as to the possessor of the
trophy. Michigan doesn't want it
and State's ashamed to take it.
When asked what was to be done
now with the trophy, Fred Stabe-
ley, director of sports information
at MSU, said he simply didn't
Rivalry at Half-Time
The half-time show was marked
by a continuation of the rivalry
that has existed between the
bands. State, resplendent in green
uniforms, tried to match the high-
stepping of the Michigan bands-
"Stadium Travelog," a review of
summer's thrills, was the theme
of the MSU show. The Spartan
band struck up such numbers as
"Come to the Fair," "Go Gallop"

M az

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