RA naT OCTOBER $. 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 16,000 BIKES ON CAMPUS: Firm Files Flying Club I City Police Battle University Bicycle Situation Zoning Suit Open To Stui embership dents, Facul I By KATHLEEN MOORE B~ICYCLES ... problems U Offering Short Courses For Doctors A series of 17 three to five day courses during' the year provide opportunity for physicians to keep up with the latest developments according to Dr. John N. Sheld- on, director of the department of postgraduate medicine. Describing the situation of doc- tors having less and less time to learn of the ever-increasing scope of medical knowledge as a 'vicious circle," he said the department of postgraduate medicine is a meth- od of gathering the maximum amount of knowledge with the minimum of time and trouble. 'U Sends Lectures In addition to programs in the Medical Center, the University sends a series of two lecturers throughout the state to help physicians who are unable to come to the University. These in- structors travel to 15 centers around the state during the fall and spring to lecture on new de- velopments and to hold clinical conferences. Besides keeping Michigan doc- tors abreast of medical advances the department is in charge of training interns and resident phy- sicians. Must Complete Internship An internship of one year must be completed by all doctors after their graduation before they can practice. Specialists then must in- tern for one to five years more as resident physicians of some hos- pital. Part of this plan includes the Affiliated Regional Hospitals Pro- gram between the Medical Cen- ter and 18 Michigan hospitals. The Medical Center sends its graduates to these hospitals who in turn send their residents for the second year of their speciall- zation to Ann Arbor. The bicycle population of the University is somewhere near 16,- 000, Lt. Henry Murray of the Ann Arbor Police Department estimat- ed yesterday. Each year the police are faced with the problem of keeping the bicycles and their riders under control. One of the big problems, Lt. Murray said, is to clear side- walks and building entrances of illegally parked bicycles. Although there is "never any special drive," parking tickets are "given out gradually all along," he explained - a fact discovered yesterday by many students who parked their bicycles at the side entrance to the Frieze Building. Adequate Facilities Provided Lt. Murray said adequate park- ing facilities have been provided. Bicycle racks dot the campus and signs reading "Please do not park bicycles in this area" clearly de- fine building entrances. He point- ed out that students who do not obey parking regulations create a hazard for the entire campus. Dollar fines are issued for ille- gal parking and for improperly li- censed bicycles. Fines for moving violations are the same as those for automobiles. Proper licensing is necessary for the student's own protection, Lt. Murray commented. He said six to ten bicycles are stolen daily. Most Bicycles Returned Police who stop a student on the street often find "he doesn't know what bicycle he's got,"bIt.. Murray continued. Most "bor- rowed" bicycles are returned, but a student whose unlicensed bi- cycle is not brought back has little chance of finding it, he said. He stressed the point that the recovery rate for licensed bicycles is high. . Students may register their bi- cycles and obtain licenses for fifty cents at the City Hall. The City Hall is also the site for the twice-yearly bicycle auc- tion to be held at 10 a.m. today. The auction, sponsored by the po- lice department, will include about 80 bicyclse for which no claims have been made. Housing Bill To Reappear In Congress Controversial issues which pre- vented enactment of a general housing bill in the last session of Congress will arise again next year, according to O. G. Powell chairman of the Realtors' Wash- ington Committee of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. He warned that an omnibus housing bill is almost certain in 1959. The non-controversial regu- lar PHA mortgage insurance pro- grams will require additional in- s'urance authorization, and the FHA Title I home improvement program will expire on June 30, 1959, unless Congress acts to ex- tend it. "We anticipate that tremen- dous pressures will be generated to force into law many of the ob- jectionable provisions of the un- successful -1958 bill, using these. noncontroversial features as a lever," he said. Measures to Re-emerge "Objectionable" measures Pow- ell sees as likely to re-emerge in- clude proposals td make perman- ent the-use of Treasury money for support of mortgages insured by the FHA and guaranteed by the Veterans Administration; setting prices in excess of value by buy- ing them at par.- NAREB supports the special as- sistance functions of the Federal National Mortgage Association, Powell explained. "Under this op- eration, FNMA draws upon the Treasury for funds with which to buy mortgages," he said. Assists Special Mortgages "As originally conceived, this program was designed to assist special types of mortgages such as Sections 220 and 221 whose marketability was uncertain, and the FNMA would fix the prices which would be above the market but not so high as to preclude private money from participa- tion." Realtors will seek "amendments which will widen home ownership opportunities within the frame- work of private enterprise" in next year's housing legislation, Powell said. Among these strengthening amendments will be a "Trade-in house" program of the FHA, he concluded. -Daily-David Arnold THE LINEUP-Bicycles, row upon row of them, can be seen practically anywhere on campus at practically any time. The majority of students are cyclists ' and must obey the same laws that apply to motorists according to Lt. Henry Murray. Ann Arbor police are continually checking for violations and issuing tickets for anything from an illegally parked bicycle to running a red light. Detroit Begins New Method Of Vaccination The Detroit Health Department introduced a new needle-less method of administering Salk polio vaccine, it was announced' yesterday. The new device got its first mass test yesterday at one of De- troit' clirnics, according to Dr.{ Joseph G. Molner, Wayne County Health Commissioner. Instead of poking a hole, the new "needle blasts polio serum; through the skin without break- ing it.".A vial containing enough vaccine for nine shots is attached to the device which operates on compressed air. It needs steriliza- tion only once a day. Dr. Molner said the new meth- od is comparatively painless and makes easier the job of innoculat-I ing children. Dr. Molner also announced 13 new polio cases were reported in Detroit Thlirsday, bringing the city's total to 517 for the year. For the first time in several weeks, there were no new cases in the out-county area yesterday. The new count brings the totalsj to 674 cases and 16 deaths in Wayne County this year.* Interests continue to run high in the polio clinics. Nearly 5,000 men, women and children have; received their first Salk shots in three Dearborn centers.- Says Doctors Lose Prestige A psychiatrist recently claimed doctors are losing their prestige with the public by appearing toa be too successful. Dr. Lewis L. Robbins said the "old-time doctors" were less effi- cient but devoted more attention and time to their patients, gain- ing their "reverence and respect."a Modern doctors, he continued, speedily cure them, giving the public the impression that they are "highly paid and competent technicians" who "lack the human touch." SOCIAL WORK, SOCIAL SCIENCES: Interdepartmental Program Fentiire Vnrirl (,urriculum A suit, seeking to nullify an Ann Arbor zoning ordinance, was filed Thursday in the United States District Court at Detroit. The suit, naming Ann Arbor as the defendent, was brought by the Northwest Park Construction Corp., a Maryland firm which has plans for a five-store shopping center at E. Stadium Blvd. and Winchell Dr. in southeast Ann Arbor.. The suit, brought before Judge Thomas P. Thornton asks the re- zoning ordinance passed by the council last Aug. 21 be declared "null and void, as being illegal, invalid and unconstitutional." One Fourth Left The council action left only about one fourth of Northwest Park's shopping center site with "C" type local business zoning, the kind that would permit the planned commercial development. Northwest Park had acquired 13.3 acres on its site in Jan., 1954. Another parcel was added in Aug., 1956. Northwest Park's suit also asks the court to find the council's 1954 zoning action "was proper, which would permit the plaintiff to- construct" the planned shopping center. According to the suit, the Aug. 21 councilaction "was an arbitrary and unreasonable exercise of power, aimed at one land-owner and not made with the best in- terests of the entire city in mind, and had no real bearing upon the health, safety, public morals or general welfare of the city of Ann Arbor. Actions Termed Illegal The suit claims the action and new ordinance therefore are illegal, invalid, and unconstitutional be- cause the plaintiff is deprived "without due process of law of the use of the land in the manner it had contemplated which was known to the council of the de- fendant for upwards of four years." Northwest Park claims it did everything in its power to co- operate with city officials. Acted On Premise The complaint says leases have been signed and commitments made for leases with respect to proposed stores for the center. It also alleges the council and its agents had "full knowledge" of this prior to the rezoning action. Northwest Park says that acting on the premise it would be able to build on the disputed property, it "spent upwards of $175,000" to develop the property. The expendi- tures included those for land costs, plans, engineering fees, traffic surveys and studies, architectural fees, legal fees and other purposes, according to the complaint. .5[. G.[.L,'G4el 'q I U/.. c The graduate school's interde- partmental doctorial program in social work and social science is now in its second year. First offered last fall, the course features instruction by members of the social work school and the sociology, psychology, social psy- chology and economics depart- ments. "The program is intended to develop persons in one field of social science and an area of social welfare," Prof. Henry J. Meyer, acting supervisor of the depart- mental committee, said. 'Training Is Valuable' "Such training," he added," is valuable preparation for leadership in selected teaching, research, policy development and adminis- trative positions in the social wel- fare field." There are three patterns of study according to Prof. Meyer: 1) Students with a bachelor's degree enroll for one year in the social work school, taking one social science 'course each semester. At the end of thin time he applies for admission to the program through the graduate school. He then continues to take courses in both social science and social work until fulfilling all require- ments for a master's degree in social work and a Ph.D. Must Take Social Work 2) Students with a master's de- gree in social science must enroll in the social work school and ob- tain a master's degree in social work along with enough courses to get a Ph.D. in his particular field of social science. 3) Those students with a mas- ter's degree in social work enter right into the interdepartmental program, taking advanced study in social work but spending most of their time in the social sciences. The key to the program is a series of core seminars and re- search internships designed to integrate the fields of social sci- ence and social work. Integrate Two Fields The doctorial dissertation must show an integration of the two fields, Prof. Meyer said, and should show the practical application of E / X-4 u 9/... v4/V . 1/ v social science theory to a social welfare problem. The program first grew out of an interdepartmental faculty sem- inar and still remains completely integrated through meetings of the supervisory committee and cross - departmental work of the students. The program now holds 14 stu- dents and, because of the novelty, and complexity of the subject, will probably be limited to small enrollment, Prof. Meyer com- mented. F Foundation Finances Program Thefirst five years of this pro- gram are being financed by' the Russell Sage Foundation including both research and training. The grant permits fellowships of from $1,600 to $2,350 to be given; the amount depending on the amount of graduate training the student has had. This grant also includes dependency allow- ances for married students. Read and Use Daily Classifieds U d MEN!" WE NEED YOU To act, direct, produce, socialize in the HILLEL RADIO CLUB --the funniest, easiest way yet to make money! 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