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October 03, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-03

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014 r 4rtgan zaIdy
Sixty-Ninth Year

"Wiaen opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
College on Credit --
Salvation or Bugaboo?
THE DIRECTOR of the College Entrance Ex- HOWEVER, if Mr. Moon's second statement
amination Board's Scholarship Service, -that credit financing may be the salva-
Rexford Moon Jr., recently made the rather tion of our educational economy - is also pre-
cryptic prediction that credit financing will scient, then education in the United States is
be necessary to send most students to educa- slipping into somewhat of a precarious posi-
tional institutions and that the "recognition tion. For credit financing may turn out to be
of indebtedness will become a fact of college- more of a bugaboo than a salvation.
going life." There doesn't seem to be much doubt that
He was not lamenting. students will have to resort more and more to
Indeed, Mr. Moon seemed jubilant. He added borrowing, as tuition and fee payments spiral.
that "credit has been a tremendous stimulant
to our industrial economy~and it may be the But can the nation be sure that its citizens
salvation of our educational economy." will display a willingness to borrow their way
Mr. Moon's first statement might well be through school? How many persons want to
prescient. The United States Office of Educa- meet the skyrocketing cost of education, even
tion expects college costs to double in the next on the installment plan? How many look for-
decade or so. At the same time, rising enroll- ward to being loaded with debt when they
ment, will probably create more competition graduate from college?
for the campus Jobs which students will need Ultimately, is it even safe to take a chance
even more than they do today. on the public's willingness to meet these de-
To counteract this and to give education at mands, when brainpower is so vital?
least a temporary boost, Congress last month Apparently, Mr. Moon and the Congress
passed the National Defense Education Act, think it is safe to take the chance. Perhaps
a $900,000,000 bundle of cash awards for the they are right.
country's colleges and universities. One-third And, of course, perhaps they are wrong.
of the sum went for the supplementation of they a Yng
student loan funds. -THOMAS HAYDEN
Student Burn at Fiddling
NIVERSITY music students burned last the Music School James B. Wallace. However,
Sunday afternoon while the administration the building will be open for practice Sunday
of the School of Music fiddled, afternoon during the rest of the term. Wallace
Approximately fifty students attempted to said that there is usually a sign in a noticeable
enter the music school to practice for their place stating this.
Monday classes, and were told to leave the Obviously, the students who tried to enter
premises by the University Security Police.
Comments such as "they can't do this to us" the school did not see anyunotice to this effect.
and "going without practice is like not being They considered the closure permanent due to
able to look at the textbook over the weekend the recent budget cut by the state legislature,
for a course on Monday" were voiced not only overlooking the possibility of admistration
to The Daily staff but to many friends enrolled fiddling'
in other schools of the University. Jumping to conclusions is never justifiable,
The faculty has never scheduled practice but with the legislature's past history, what
hours on the first Sunday afternoon of the else can one expect? '
school term, according to Assistant Dean of -ANN EICHLER
JUST INQUIRING ... by Michael Kraft
Th e Tight Generation
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He'll Show 'Em "
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Death of a Salesman
A First-Rate Oener
ANN ARBOR Civic Theatre opened its 29th season last night with a
powerful production of "Death of a Salesman." Although the Ar-
thur Miller play is an ambitious undertaking for any group, the Civic
Theatre handles the material with remarkable competency.
Cast in the lead role of Willy Loman, Jerry Sandler turns in
a masterful performance. "Salesman" is essentially a character study
and Sandler ably handles the quick changes from a bragging, confi-
dent businessman, to an irritable, temperamental husband, and finally
to a fun-loving father.
He delivers his lines with an intensity which could get monoton-
ous and overpowering except for his well developed sense of timing and
control. He outshines by a large margin.the rest of his cast but their
performances are by no means inadequate.
Barbara Sandberg as wife Linda is too young and fresh to be cast
as an old woman and even if her make-up and costumes were properly
executed, her girlish voice would give her away. But she provides the
show with valuable contrast when her gentle interpretation is placed
alongside Sandler's highly emotional.style.
THE DRAMATIC ABILITY of Don Catalina and Tom Leith in
the roles of Willy Loman's sons comes through best near the end of
the show when they play several scenes alongside Sandler.
The salesman's struggle to be "well-liked" and the brief satisfac-
tion he finally attains when he learns that he has at least the love
of his son is emphasized, but sensitively by the Civic Theatre group.
Basic misunderstandings among the members of Willy Loman's
family are almost resolved at one point in the show but by then it
is too late and therein lies the tragedy of "Salesman."
Since the action of the play takes place within a day or so, the,
flashback technique is used to fill in vital scenes from the past. Al-
though the technical changes are intricate, the cast and production
crew flow from scene to scene with only the slightest break in con-
tinuity. For this, director Ted Heusel desei ves much credit.
Lighting and scenery help to accent the gloomy mood suggested
by the script. The set is functional but colorless. Single overhead spot-
lights are used for the flashback scenes.
By opening the season with such a high quality performance, the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre has set a standard for itself which may be
hard to match ini future offerings. However, if they succeed, Ann Arbor
audiences are in for some first-rate dramatic entertainment this year.
"Salesman" will run tonight and tomorrow night at Lydia
-Fred Steingold
To The Edito,-




Copyright, 1958, The Pulitzer Publishing Co.,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Bill Mauldih of the St.. Louis-Post-Dispatch is temporarily substituting for
Herblock who is absent, because of a death in his family.)

f JNixon Shifts
WASHINGTON -Vice-President basic face than it has
Richard M. Nixon is now mov- 1954.
ing all bit openly, in fact if not What the Vice-Presid
in form; into the top operating undertaking, as the aln
leadership of the Republican party Republican Presidentia
in succession to President Dwight in 1960, is just the sor
D. Eisenhower. sided and subtle task t
And the Vice-President is slowly to his great-and ea
turning that party back toward of expertness.
its old orthodox partisan attitudes First, he wishes to c
and away from its ambiable rela- publicans' prospective
tionship with the Democrats under November. He has no se
Mr. Eisenhower. ent hope of actually bri
This is not, however another a Republican Congres
of those "new" Nixons so often tory. This is one of the
discerned. For there never was any objective and realistic
"new" Nixon. There has been only of our time, and he a
one Nixon-but a Nixon whose wht yiwell what is p
progressing skill as a professional At the same time
politician has taught him when to Asteyandel
be "tough" and when to go along and steady-handed poli
with the essentially unpartisan ilerwhot is aware tha
line of the Eisenhower tenure. imminent disaster can
*. * * reversed-as has happe
IT HAS BEEN Nixon's actions own career. So if a mir
in these various non-tough periods befall and the Republi
that have caused many to view ally regain Congress
him as a "new" man. The truth is course, would be a wel
that has has been, and still is, dividend.
simply a man of varying tactics to * * *
suit varying situations, as are NEXT, Nixon wants
nearly all highly capable politi- himself the indispensab
cians. those Congressional R
Indeed, the Nixon who is now who Rio survive with h
out on the campaign trail in aid thus - and understand
of the Republicans in the Novem- would bind them unus
ber Congressional elections is more to him as President. if
nearly the basic Nixon than at he himself reaches 1
any time since he undertook a House.
similar job in 1954. He is return- Third, he is presenti
ing, that is to say, to his "tough" as increasingly the spok
side. And the face of the party the orthodox part of th
he is presenting is more nearly its can party. That section

to High Gear

RECENTLY a Sunday magazine featured a
long article on the "Beat Generation,"
complete with a guide to "beatnik" phrases in
an attempt to inform the general public about
the current group of "oddballs."
Of course this is a valuable public service,
for labeling is a great American pastime. Per-
haps it is merely a reflection of our practical
"scientific" bent, as the crowds at football
games are a carryover from the pioneer days
when men matched muscle and brain to
wrestle something. from the opposing forces.
But in any event, we've had the "Lost Gen-
eration" of the Roaring Twenties and we've
passed quickly from the automotive age to the
nuclear age and are now, according to the
dreamy-eyed men with the rocket plans in
their pockets, virtually in the space age.
All this, however, is a lot of work for a gen-
eration that is "beat" and doesn't care about
this world or the prospect of exploring other
ones. But those who are "beat" in this coun-
try or "angry young men" in usually tranquil
England are only a fringe group of near-
lunatics and have little in common with the
ordinary members of society who wear blue
jeans only around the garden, buy commercial-
ly rolled cigarettes and may have never been
in a car that seats only two people, let alone
handled a motorcycle.
SO, IN ORDER to preserve at least the tra-
dition of labeling things, and in the spirit
of the scientific method necessary to keep up
with the Russians, it has become necessary to
find a new, more applicable name for this
After careful observation, the only conclu-
sion is that we are members of the ""night
Generation." For those who are reaching to-
wards their hips or wondering what's left in
the cupboard, it shouldvb~e quickly added that
these observations were not made only on Sat-
urday night. The tightness is actually less com-
mon then.
For it's not a tightness that would alarm
the Women's Christian Temperance Union, but
rather, the American Civil Liberties Union.
It's a tightness of lip and a tightness of mind
that inhibits this generation from reaching out
and offering their words or thoughts, or even
THE REAL THEME song of this generation
first reached these ears through the som-

ber notes of a French horn player. He hunched
over in his chair to illustrate his point: "Amer-
ican orchestras are tight, they bend close to
their instruments and squeeze out the notes,
afraid to make a mistake . . . and they only
get a small sound."
But at least they can be heard.
This is also called the "silent generation."
However, this description only fits the
symptom. A southerner, Harry Golden, editor
of the "Carolina Israelite" and author of "Only
in America", refers to the "silent majority" in
the South that realizes racial segregation can
no longer be maintained. They are silent;
they keep their views tight within themselves.
U NFORTUNATELY, this .is not a regional
phenomenon. Some attribute this to Mc-
Carthyism; too many people said what they
felt and associated with whom they pleased
back in the groping depression years. But in
the "certain" 1950's when every true American
knew there was a Russian spy under every
wastepaper basket and the State Department
was honeycombed with Red agents, there was
little sense in talking about things or express-
ing ideas.
For who knows when another Joe might
arise to check with the neighbors and ask
about past associations? Who knows when we
might get into a cold war with the Dutch and
those innocent games at the neighborhoodj
bowling alley turn out to be expressions of a
subversive desire to knock over the existing
But may old, one hundred per cent red,
white and blue Joe rest in peace. Although he
may have contributed to the tightening of lip
and thought, he alone could not have scared
America into tightness with his own little
hatchet. As the traditional married man will
traditionally verify, a person who wants to
talk can't be prevented from doing so.
HOWEVER, many of those who do talk keep
a tight grip on what they could say. Tele-
vision, for example, continually smooths off
the sharp edges of scripts or scenes that might
puncture the thin skins of minority groups.
Nor is the majerity ignored. Various ratings
systems are used to tell how many people
watch a particular show, and since the major-
itY must rule, the huge number- of Westerns"
galloping around indicates that audiences con-
sist mainly of horses or ese a close four-legged
The same concern for what others say is
true in other areas; pollsters question Ameri-
cans on everything from what politicians they
will vote for to what brand of pablum they
feed their kiddies. Perhaps people are just so

been since
dent is now
nost certain
Al nominee
rt of many-
hat appeals
cut the Re-
losses in
erious pres-
inging about
sional vic-
most coldly
knows per-
ossible and
he is a cool
itical gam-
t seemingly
ed and even
meed in his
acle should
licans actu-
that, of
come extra
s to -make
le leader to
is help. He
dably so -
ually close
and when
the White
ng himself
kesman for
he Republi-
cis still the

party's authentic heart, It has
been wholly overshadowed in the
Eisenhower years.
By 1960 the Republican party
will be in no sense an Eisenhower
organization. It will have reverted
to something closely resembling its
pre-Eisenhower structure - and
Nixon will be identified with that
kind of structure.
Undoubtedly, too, a part of his
present campaign design is to try
to neutralize what has been per-
haps the most damaging single
criticism of him. Many have long
felt that while he has an almost-
matchless, litmus-paper ability to
sense public feelings he has tended
merely to reflect rather than to
lead and create these public feel-
In this lies at least a partial
explanation of his recent harsh-
and indeed extreme-denunciation
of State Department subordinates
for alleged "undercutting" of Sec-
retary John Foster Dulles by dis-
closing that public mail has been
running against our China policy.
* * *
NIXON has been hurt by this
episode in the eyes of those who
regarded it as a denial of the
democratic theory of government.
Yet-and apart from the fact that
what he said on his personal re-
sponsibility was demonstrably dar-
ing, however unwise-his net gains
in this affair will exceed his losses,
from where he stands.
For it has helped to refute the
old charge that he only follows and
never riskily leads.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Objections . .
To the Editor:
THERE are two objections which
must be made to a recent Daily'
editorial titled: "Sorority Issue
Calls for, Ethical Action."
It is asserted that "This group
(local Sigma Kappa) has broken
a University rule," and that it
therefore "deserves to be punished
by the University."
The motion put to SGC on De-
cember 5, 1958, and which will be
repeated tonight, asked: "Does
National Sigma Kappa meet the
conditions for maintenance of
recognition . . ." After the viola-
tion was decided, the 1956 Sigma
Kappa Study Committee included
in the preface to its recommenda-
tions the phrase: "The committee
recognized that the local chapter
was innocent of anything except
representing a national group
whose policy violates University
It now becomes necessary to re-
consider the extent to which the
local chapter is responsible for the'
policies of the National organiza,
tion. But to be unaware of this
part of the official record is to be
unaware of a part of the entire
In the portion of this editorial
contained in the last four para-
graphs, the writer, after conclud-
ing that "an honest, careful ex-
amination of the unembellished
facts . . . can only result in a
negative vote," claims that elected
members of SGC "ordinarily"
vote unethically. They vote, it is
said, in a manner "guaranteed to
bring them enough votes to keep
them in office for the longest
In this regard, it would seem
that a vote "for Sigma Kappa" is
to be construed as a vote sacri-
ficed to popular opinion, and a
vote "against Sigma Kappa" is a
vote distilled out of an honest,
careful examination of the unem-
bellished facts.
This is an extremely unfair
conclusion, for I know that the
members of SGC have given this
Sigma Kappa situation long and
careful thought, and that their
conclusions are not always influ-
enced by'the expediencies of cam-
pus politics.
It is not unlikely that there are

members of the Council motivated
by desires which depart from the
ideals of democracy. But I do not
believe these individuals are
necessarily typical of the group.
The arbitrary decision is made
that Council members who dis-
agree with this editorial writer's
interpretations' of the issues are
therefore dishonest. Is this con-
clusion a "matter of abstract
principal?" A "right action that
justifies itself?"
--David Kessel
Warning ,
To the Editor:
Burgle, burgle, little thief,
You have caused the Tri Delts
In the windows, out the door,
What the heck did you do it for?
Early on a morning dreary,
While sleepy eyes were still quite
In every room you left your
Taking money in the dark.
Sly one-yes-you got away ..
The Law will catch you one fine
For your crime we have no piety,
You are an enemy to society!
Is it thrills or fun you seek,
As into houses you break and
Father image or sibling rivalry?
Or perhaps you harbor hostility.
Whatever motive you conceal,
For crimes the police will soon
Take warning, prowler in the
We just came down to tell you
that we're rugged but right!
--Delta Delta Delta
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General .Notices
Open House: The Audio-Visual Edu-
cation Center extends an invitation to
the faculty and staff to attend the
Center's Open House Thurs., Oct. 2.
from 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Fri., from
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fri., Oct. 3,
from 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. A tour of
the center, film presentations will be
the highlights, followed by refresh-
Late Permission: Women students
who attended the Choral Union Con-
cert at Hill Aud. on Oct. 1, had late
permission until 11:20 p.m.'

is still the

SGC's Audiences, Review Board

Daily Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY night's Student
Government Council meeting
demonstrated a hard truth: the
audiences depend solely on the
issues discussed.
On the night of Phi Sigma Sig-
ma's request for recognition last
spring, for example, the Council
chambers in the Student Activi-
ties Building were fille to over-
But the crowd consisted almost
entirely of prospective Phi Sigma
Sigma's, who showed little inter-
est in the curious way in which
debate skirted the issue of the
new sorority's effect on integra-
tion efforts. The girls waited pa-
tiently, and when the unanimous
vote in their favor came, they
broke into applause.
- *
AT WEDNESDAY'S session in
the Union Ballroom, there were
an estimated 300 persons present,
including 7no doubt, many who
were genuinely interested in find-
ing out what SGC members felt
about Sigma Kappa. But many
more showed their attentiveness
and open-minded attitudes by
paying little attention to what
was being said.
They waited untilI TF Presi-

And when the roll-call vote was
completed and Sigma Kappa was
found still in violation, the audi-
ence hissed.
.* * *
JUST WHAT does this suggest?
First, only people interested in
the issue discussed showup for
SGC meetings. Second, those who
are interested rarely have an in-
terest beyond that of the "vested"
What is missing is any real
awareness and curiosity on the
part of students concerning edu-
cation. For the University's stu-
dent government has powers few
others do, and could be a real
force for student welfare. No stu-
dent came to tell the Council
what he thought of the calendar
committee's reports when they
were discussed last spring; nor
was any comment from the stu-
dent body forthcoming on SGC's
sincere if curious educational ef-
forts such as the course evalua-
tion booklet, or the reading and
discussion program.
* * *
SINCE it seems likely the Sigma
Kappa question will soon be re-
solved, some serious thought is
now in order as to what SGC can
do that students would like to see

Or was the administration try-
ing to avoid a fuss and would it
now feel reversal of the decision
unwise because of the uproar it
might raise?
Or is there realization on the
part of the Board that unless the
Council is allowed to make its
own decisions for the most part,
it will become an administrative
arm of the review board, handling
small items such as calendaring
events but having no real power.

Senimore Says .. * *

- I~ -

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