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October 03, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-03

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VTOL .' LIX. N.15



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UAW-GM Reach.
Contract Terms,
Agreement Settles Wage Inequities;
Gives Short Work Week Provision
DETROIT (P)-United Auto Workers and General Motors Corpora-
tion announced at 9:49 p.m. last night they had reached agreement on
a three-year contract, less than 12 hours after GM plans across the
country went out on strike.
Louis G. Seaton, GM Vice-President-Personnel, called it a "sound
and Pair" -pact.
Ends Bargaining
The announcement ended nearly 36 hours of continuous bargain-
ing broken up only by occasional lunch breaks. The general economic
features of the GM pact followed the Ford Motor Car Company and

To Report
OUn City Plan
The Urban Renewal committee
will make their report to Ann Ar-
bor's City Council Monday night
with recommendations to the
general principles to be followed
in the renewal project.
Last night, the committee final-
ised their recommendations on
zoning and, traffic flow through
the renewal area. The area ex-
tends roughly from Depot St. to
Division St. to Catherine to Ash-
ley St. and back to Depot.
May Adopt Proposal
If City Council adopts the rep-
ommendations of the committee
zoning of the area will be revised
to. make it all residential with the
exception of a portion at the
south along Catherine.,
This "block" of commercial area
will, by blocking off one street,
enable a shopping plaza to be
constructed which would take
care of some of the merchants
that might nove out of the resi-
dential area, Iobert Babcock, of
the city's planning department,
xaid; y
Block Off Street
With the street blocked off and
the parking area enlarged there
would be room for 20 to 25 shops
and 120 to 125 parking places.
Committee members stressed
the need to "buffer" the residen-
tial areas from the commercial
ones. A key point in this buffer-
ing, Babcock said, is the Farmers
eo Zone Streets
"If the committee can't acquire
it," he continued, "it must be
zoned commercial and will be
difficult to block off."
The committee's recommenda-
tions and subsequent action on
them must be completed by Dec.
15, Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof.
Samuel J. Eldersveld of the po-
litical science department, em-
phasized, if the City Is to meet
government specifications.
Gain Federal Support
In the Urban Renewal program,
the federal government pays part
of the costs of improving "sub-
standard" sections of a town. To
get this financial support the
town must meet rigid specifica-
tions with regard to the nature
of the improvement to be made,
plans for the care of families dur-
ing construction and so forth.
Final plans must be submitted
within two years of submission of
the initial application.
For Ann Arbor, the period will
be up Dec. 15.
Ask Release
Of Americans
H:eld by Reds
States yesterday asked Communist
Czechoslovakia to promptly release
three American soldiers who
crossed the Czech border.
The tate Department made
public diplomatic note delivered
Sept. 25 to the Czech Foreign
Ministry at Prague.
The three soldiers are Pfc. An-
drew A. Bellrichard, Nekoosa, Wis.;
Mt. Cole Youngert, Detroit; and
Specialst 4/c John F. Kennedy,
Philadelphia, Pa.
The U.S. note also referred to
the recent two-week detention of
Army Master Sergeant James E.
Cole, Connesllsville, Pa. It said he'

was foreeid Into flephoslovoario at

"Chrysler .Corporation settlements
agreed upon earlier.
Provides Settlements
Seaton said the agreement pro-
vided for wage. inequities settle-
ments in GM's Chevrolet and Fish-
er Body divisions. The wage in-
equity issue had been a major
stumbling block in the new nego-
The contract agreement must be
ratified by Monday, Oct. 20.
Seaton said:
"This agreement represents. a
meeting of minds. It was arrived
at through the give and take of
the bargaining table.l
It should mean for employes in
GM plants across the ountry three
good years of stability.
Accepted By Union'
"The basic economic proposal
that we made to the UAW on Sept.
20 wps accepted by the union. A
number of contract changes have
been made inthe new agreement."
Seaton said the agreement pro-
vided for short work week compen-
sation similar to agreements
reached between the union and
Ford and Chrysler. The short work
week was the second major stum-
bling block between the UAW and
To Continue Talks
Seaton said union and company
negotiators would continue talks
on local grievances.
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther stressed the agreement was
national in character and that
local units are authorized to con-
tinue thieir strikes until the com-
pany and union come to term on
local. problems.
Represents Progress
"This contract represents very
substantial progress for workers
and their families," Reuther said.
"It is good for GM workers and it
is good for the country because it
is non-inflationary in' character."
When the strikers walked out,
the shutdown of GM's automotive
division which turns out half of
America's cars, was completed
within an hour.
Little Rock
Pflan Ready
I7TTLE ROCK, Ark. (P) - A
private school plan leader said
yesterday white high school stu-
dents may be in classrooms next
But Negro leaders said they ex-
pect the private school plan to
"eventually collapse."
Dr. T. J. Raney, head of the
Little Rock Private School Cor-
poration said financial contribu-
tions are mounting rapidly follow-
ing an appeal for funds.
"The way offers of money and
buildings have been coming in,"
he said, "I think we can see our
way clear to open private schools
on private property sometime next
The plan excludes Negro stu-
dents and several Negro leaders
said today they knew of no plans
to educate Negro children if the
private schools open.
Clarence Laws, field secretary
for the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People, said last night:
"We think this (private school
plan) is an attempt to- fool the
people and we believe eventually
the whole thing will collapse."
Cubans Warn
U.S. Citizens
HAVANA (P)-The United States
embassy last night reported some
American firms operating in Cuba
have been threatened with so-
called retaliation unless they con-

tribute to certain revolutionary

Urges Plan
To Hinder
LITTLE ROCK (P) - Attorney
General Bruce Bennett yesterday
revealed a plan aimed at stamping
out ac'tivities of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People in all southern
Bennett said he had written
senators and representatives of 14
southern and border states urging
them to join the attack.
Form Local Groups
He said his plan would include
withdrawing tax deduction privi-
leges of the NAACP's legal defense
and education fund and the for-
mation of local committees to exert
economic pressure against integra-
tionist elements.
The Attorney General said he
had "long -contended that the
NAACP organizations are at the
foot of our racial problems, and
the only way I can see to restore
our people to peace and tranquility
is to neutralize those organiza-
Calls on Attorneys
In addition to appealing to
southern congressmen to aid his
plan, Bennett said he would ask
all Arkansas prosecution attorneys
to "vigorously prosecute every law-
yer and individual who should file,
assist, recruit or urge others to
bring integration lawsuits in vio-
lation of the criminal laws of our
Cites Other Steps
He added:
"I urge every local police officer
to make arrests under our vag-
rancy and inciting riot statutes of
those who come into their com-
munity under ,suspicious circum-
stances and who appear to be
attempting to divide our people."
To Enact Laws
Other facets of the six-point
plan include enacting legislation
to prohibit an increase in wel-
fare payments for additional ille-
giimate children to persons al-
ready receiving aid for one child;
and adoption of local ordinances
aimed against the NAACP.;
Bennett charged that NAACP
attorneys "have run rampant
throughout America stirring up
litigation, recruiting plaintiffs, pit-
ting race against race, making
surveys to see where its next target
would be-all under the guise of
'defending' and 'educating' certain
Denies Ties
Several hours after Bennett re-
4aled his plan,'NAACP Secretary
Laws issued a lengthy statement
denying that the NAACP had
Communist ties or sought to stir up
Laws said Bennett's "smear cam-
paign" would be a "vicious attempt
not only to deny Negroes their con-
stitutional rights but even their
legal remedies for winning these
The Negro official said there
could be no doubt Bennett knew
his plan was unconstitutional and
doomed to failure.
Soviet Blasts
Not Detectable
TOKYO ('P)-The Soviet Union's
two new nuclear blasts yesterday
were either so small or so far away
they could not be detected by
Tokyo's usually sensitive and alert
meteorlogical bureau.

Ship Planes NM
To Chinese
For Airdro A new
" p tensive
TAIPEI, Formosa ()-A United school si
States campaign began rolling yes courses:
terday to give the Nationalists the versity.
muscle to break Red China's The p
blockade of Quemoy. Prof. Fi
The first five of 16 promised departmi
flying boxcars arrived for duty on A
airdrop missions. They will be He wi
manned by Nationalists. on:
Sea Convoys Rigged 1) "A
Sea convoys' were being rigged dent. Pi
with new equipment to keep sup- gram wi
plies going to the offshore island up colle
despite heavy seas that now play school.s
ally to the Red Chinese blockade. gested w
Red mainland guns rained 5,580 dents fi
shells on Quemoy during the than fo
morning, the Nationalist Defense
Ministry said. Most of the shells
were aimed at one area. This mayFr
have been a landing beach, indi-cg eeo
cating another Nationalist convoy
was moving in.
.More Supplies Dropped
The Nationalist Chinese Minis-
try said only that more supplies
were dropped to the Quemoy garri- 10
son.. The airdrop was carried out
by old C468s, which can carry
only about a third of the cargo ALGI
of the flying boxcars. mier Chi
Promise Boxcars promise
The 16 promised flying boxcars weary A
could unload on a single trip al- France 1
most half the 350 tons of sup-, ment fo
plies needed dai by Quemoy. future.
When the flying boxcars will be- "Fran
gin their run to Quemoy was not the Pre
indicated. But informants said in, thec
Chinese pilots could learn to fly Orleans"
them in 50 hours. "They
Adlai Urges m ig
Oran fo
to powe
He ad
OAKLAND, Calif. ) - Adla and Orl
Stevenson last night renewed his elecspe
demands for a change in policy voted ov
toward Quemoy and castigated onstitu
Republicans for "squandering the cal
treasure of good faith" he said
was built by Democrats.~ The m
The twice-defeated presidential 'geria's I
candidate spoke at a Democratic confiden
rally in Oakland Auditorim. himself.
Stevenson repeated his de- from fo
mands made Tuesday night in Los misery b
Angeles that the Eisenhower ad- bellion.
ininistratio nmake it clear that De G
"we do not and will not support take pla
any ambitions" Nationalist Chi- eastern
nese Generalissimo Chiang Kai- years ag
Shek has against the mainland. rights fo
"We should make it clear the Moslems
United States is not helplessly en-
tangled with Nationalist China, So fa
that it is still master of its des- nounced
tiny, free, responsible and reso- passwor
lute." leadersC
Stevenson said the United the vast
States should make it clear that "Thei
we will fight to defend Formosa that Alg
but "the offshore islands are an- France,"
other matter. leansvill

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il Starts School Advisory Plan

w program-the most ex-
of its kind-designed to
e the bright Michigan high
tudent with tougher, better
is now starting at the Uni-
program will be headed by
'rank Copley of the Latin
Advise High Schools
ll advise State high schools
ccelerating" the bright stu-
rof. Copley said the pro-
ll probably assist in setting
ge-credit courses in high
Another alternative sug-
was to have superior stu-
nish high school in less
ur years.
inch Say
yerian Lot
ERS (R)-- French pre-
arles de Gaulle yesterday
d a better lot for rebellion
Algeria in a union with
but made no flat commit-
or the territory's political
ce is engaged in Algeria,"
mier told a cheering crowd
central Algerian town of
will have their destinies
Makes Trip
aulle landed yesterday
at La Senia airport near
r his fourth trip to the re-
territory since his return:
r last June.
ddressed crowds at Tiaret
eansville in his first pub-
eches since the French
te - including Algeria -
verwhelmingly for his new
Lion last Sunday.
led 'Confidence' Vote
massive " yes" vote of Al-
Moslems is regarded as a
ice vote for de Gaulle
Many see him as a savior
ur years of bloodshed and
born of the nationalist re-
aulle's main address will
ce todayin Constantine in
Algeria, the city where 15
go he first spoke of equal
rr Algeria's eight million
Remains Quiet
x de Gaulle has not pro-
the word integration, the
d of Algeria's European
who hope' to incorporate
territory into France.
referendum vote proved
eria wants to remain with
de Gaulle said at Or-.

2) Providing more difficult spe-
cial sections of regular high school
Offers Full Program
The program will be the first
full-time advisory service to high
schools in the nation.
"It doesn't make a great deal

. . . chief advisor
Riots Back
British .Rule
NICOSIA, Cyprus () - Vio-
lence spread last night in protest
against establishing British Prime
Minister Macmillan's plans for
local self-government on Cyprus.
A British civilian was killed on
Larnaca's waterfront boulevard.
He was the first fatality since the
Greek Cypriot underground
"Eoka" launched its new offen-
sive Wednesday, first day for the
British plan.
Two gasoline bombs were
thrown at- a British patrol near
Yialousa village in eastern Cy-
prus without causing casualties.
In Limassol, three British serv-
icemen and a Turkish-Cypriot
policeman were wounded by a
bomb thrown onto the veranda of
the Acropole Hotel.
A bomb was also thrown from a
speeding car near divisional police
headquarters in Nicosia's Cypriot
It caused no damage.
In the Kyrenia district masked
bands killed a Greek Cypriot in
Kazaphan village, and blew up
an electric power station in the
Meanwhile, ,today's scheduled
meeting of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization's permanent
representatives on the Cyprus
question has been postponed to
Monday, informed sources said

of sense to do something at the
college level without strengthening
the educational opportunities in
the state's high schools," Prof.
Rober C. Angell, director of the
Honors Council, said.
Next February will be the full-
time starting date for the program.
Prof. Copley is now studying
problems involved in establishing
the program. After February, the
program will run full-time during
the school year, and half -' time
during the summer months.
University To Help
Prof. Copley will work with the
Honors Council'and the Bureau of
School Services in advising state
high schools. Departments of the
University will also help in setting
up specific courses, Prof. Copley
The University will invite other
state universities and coleges to
provide advisors for specific pro-
gram areas, Prof. Angell said.
Gives Grant
Establishment of the program
was made possible by $28,600 pro-
vided by the Carnegie Corporation.
The money is over half of a grant
made to Honors Council by the
Carnegie Corporation.
Prof. Copley said recent experi-
ence proved that ignoring the
gifted student was a mistake. "The
'short changing' of the gifted
adolescent has been shown to be
the most unfortunate, not only
for himself, but for society," he
"It is this 'short-changing' that
we hope to correct."
Gromyko Asks
Middle East
UN Debate
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko yesterday called for a
new full-scale debate on the Mid-
dle East situation to speed up the
withdrawal of United States troops
from Lebanon and British forces
from Jordan.
In a hurriedly-scheduled speech
before theUnited Nation's General
Assembly, the Soviet foreign min-
ister accused the two western
powers of deliberate stalling.
Condemns Intervention
He said their continued presence
in the two Middle East countries
must be resolutely condemned.
Gromyko declared that the
threat to peace in that area had
been by no means removed by U.N.
Secretary General Dag Hammer-
skjold's recent peace mission.
The report of the Secretary Gen-
eral on his efforts, he said, "con-
tains a large dose of artificial
Gromyko further described Ham-
marskjold's report as one - sided
and said his conclusions presented
an 'upside down picture.'
The Soviet foreign minister sug-
gested withdrawal of United States
and British forces should be put
on the agenda of the 81-nation
assembly as a separate item.'
However, when questioned by
Assembly President Charles Malik
(of Lebanon), Gromyko declined
to say whether he would back his
suggestion with a formal proposal.
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge said speeches of this
kind show "Mr. Gromyko's, con-
tempt for the United Nations."
He called Gromyko's statement
"'100 per cent villification" and
"mere billingsgate" turned out by
the Moscow propaganda factory.
Ike Requests
Strategy Talks
WASHINGTON (Al)-- President;

Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday'
called a White House strategy con-
ference for next Monday to try to
build a fire under the Republican
congressional campaign.



By Secretary;
States Standr
Basic Policies Remain
In Effect for Chinese
Despite Strategy Shift
WASHINGTON ()- Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles sought
to reassure Chiang Kai-Shek yes-
terday of continued United States
support for his Nationalist China
Dulles sent a message to For-
mosa in the wake of Chiang's out-
Tuesday against statements by
Dulles the day before.
Situation Confused
Dulles said yesterday he wanted
to straighten out confusion com-
pounded - what he called "an
exaggerated idea of a shift of
position on our part . . . misin-
terpreting the misinterpretation."
The secretary ,made this com-
ment as he took a plane for his
Duck Island retreat on Lake On-
tario, not to return to his desk
until Tuesday.
Crisis 'Eased'
His departure was interpreted, as
a sign of confidence that the For
mosa crisis has eased sufficiently
for him to take a few days off.
Dulles did not deny any shift in'
policy. Although his news confer-
ence remarks three days ago were
widely interpreted that way, state
department officials said it was
more a shift in emphasis than a
shift in policy.
Basic Policy Remains
They said this basic policy re-
mains: No appeasement of Re
Chinese aggression but willingness
to negotiate peacefully, support by
arms if necessary of the existence/
of Nationalist China on Formosa.
, But two things Dulles said Tues-
day hit Chiang particularly hard
and caused him to reply with such
expressions as: "Incredulous
completely incompatible with our
stand ..does not sound like him."
Explains Statement
These two were:
1) That it would be foolish to
keep large Nationalist forces on
the coastal islands if Red China
agreed to a dependable cease-fire,
as it was foolish to put them there
in the first place.
2) Chiang has no chance. of
driving the Communists off the
mainland by his own steam, and
there is no United States commit-
ment to help him do it.
Eisenhower Backs Dulles
President Eisenhower backed
Dulles up at his news conference
Tuesday, but the President paid
deference to Nationalist pride and
emotionalism about the Quemoy
and Matsu islands.
Dulles, and the state department
in a statement issued about the
same time, paid deference, too, to
Nationalist sensitivity. Neither
blamed any misunderstanding on
Chiang. Rather they attributed it
all to certain unspecified interpre-
tations of what Dulles said.
Proj ect Grants
For Research .r.
Grants for 40 different projects
totaling $936,894 have been.
awarded by the United_ States'
Public Health Service -to support
basic medical research at the Uni-

With the current grant, the
University ranks sixth in the na-
tion in. total awards to research
institutions from the USPHS. It is
exceeded by Harvard, Johns Hop-
kins, UCLA, ColunWbia. and NYU.
The study of schiaophrenia di-
rected by Dr. Ralph W. Gerard
and Dr. Norman Rosenzweig re-
ceived the largest single grant. It
was a grant of $145,187.
Among some of the other Uni-
versity studies supported by the
present grants are the study of.

Juvenile Delinquency Drops in County

An informal meeting of the Political Issues Club last night heard
Willard Maxie of the Ann Arbor juvenile court report that delin-
quency is generally on the decline in gang-free Washtenaw County.
At the same time, he warned that the county is understaffed in
the field of social work, having an average of three case workers
available for every 80 problem children.
Trouble Centers in Willow Run Village
The only traces of any gang development within the county
center in Willow Run village, where several "group offenses" have
been reported, Maxie admitted.
However, he explained, there is no real evidence of "anything
constituting a gang."
Maxie placed a large portion of the blame for nationwide juven-
ile delinquency on heavy urbanization.
Notes Racial and Ethnic Tension
He noted racial and ethnic tension along with family strife as
two effects of urbanization which contribute to delinquency.
The group heard an hour-long tape recording of Edward R.. Mur-
row's "Who Killed Michael Farmer?", which analyzes the gang slay-
ing of a crippled boy in New York last summer.

N~ ~

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