Ujl* ti4ligan aifg Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Now All We've Got To Do Is Sell the Doggone Things" 1_.__- ~- -- ~r P P .1 ~~?~ "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" AT THE STATE 'Big Country' Simply Shown THE WORD "big" has been used and misused so frequently in Holly- wood advertising in the past several decades that its value as a descriptive term is at present almost negligible. Superceded by such terms as "huge" and "gigantic," "big" has not only shrunk to the commercial meaning of "just a little below average" but has been used on the other side of the billboard as a term of critical derision. Nevertheless, "The Big Country," the film currently showing at the State theater, is most accurately described by just that humble adjective. Expansive in concept and in length, it is not a great film, but is simply in all respects big. "The Big Country" is, to begin with, a serious western - one fol- lowing in the paths laid by "Shane" and "High Noon" but deviating Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ Administration Faces Bare Facts: 'Emperor' Chiang Has No Clothes A THE FORMULA FOR PEACE in the Formosa Straits proposed by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was a long time coming. But now the administration admits what its critics at home and abroad have been pointing out all along, that it is foolish for Chiang Kai-Shek to place one-third of his troops on the off-shore islands, only three miles from the mainland. And the even more obvious fact that Chiang's return to the mainland is "highly hypothetical" has now been conceded. This at last puts the administration in a position where it can justify its stand to the large number of dissatisfied Americans, and likewise justify it to the other nations of the world, T IS NOW POSSIBLE to lay down the law to Chiang, telling him to forget this "mainland" stuff, and to lay down the law to the Comi- munists, telling them hands off Formosa. Such an ultimatum would have the backing of the American people now, and of our allies. And, more practically, it is militarily feasible this side of all-out war. And from Vice-President Nixon's blast about wire service and New York Times reports that mail on the Formosa mess was running four to one against the administration can be set aside, although the man's confusion of free- dom of the press with poor thinking might be remembered in 1960. So at last things are looking up in the For- mosa Straits, or at least until yesterday. THEN CHIANG issued a statement rejecting the plan, and his foreign ministry called Quemoy and Matsu indispensable shields to Formosa. And a lesser Nationalist official claimed recent unrest within Red China shows 100 per cent sympathy for Chiang. This is an obvious though foolish reaffirmation of the old cry of "retake the mainland." All this puts it squarely up to the administra- tion. Having now admitted that the Emperor has no clothes, the United States must stand behind this, not buy him more invisible raiment. -THOMAS TURNER rx } i 7C c - - ~ p 1 tJ 1 J ilia r * . taU -ty 1 N AS Evolution Overlooked in Little Rock Copyright, 1958, The Pulitzer Publishing Co. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Bill Mauldin of the St. Louis-Post-Dispatch is temporarily substituting for Herblock who is absent because of a death in his family.) R ATIONALITY in Little Rock hit a low ebb this week. While the educational fortunes of over 4,000 white and colored students hung in the balance, the federal government and the state officials continued their deadlock and forced all of the city's four high schools to remain closed. The newest chapter in the story of Arkansas's fight to maintain legal segregation involved the use of a private corporation to operate the Little Rock schools. When the Supreme Court, in a direct order, forbade the use of public institu- tions as a means to violate a court order, the "Corporation" began maneuvers to circumvent the Federal Courts.9 Dr. T. J. Raney, president of the Little Rock corporation, asked for the use of private facili- ties to operate the high schools on a private, segregated basis. He also requested monetary contributions to maintain these facilities. SEGREGATIONISTS throughout the South have responded with large contributions, but their efforts will probably be in vain for the teachers employed by the Little Rock school system have agreed to comply with the Federal Court order and abstan from working for the corporation. Legally, the Courts have closed all exits and have set down an almost point-blank order that integration be commenced, not with "all de- liberate speed" as stated in the Brown decision of 1954, but "without further delay." If the temporary court order restraining use of the high schools by the corporation is made per- manent on Monday, the sole route open to the segregationists will be to use the private facili- ties. IN THE LONG RUN, the supremacy of Federal Law will be maintained but the results that the justices, the NAACP and the vast numbers of people, both in the North and the South had hoped to obtain will not be effectually realized. Their desire to see integration forced upon communities socially unprepared for this move has met with a type of defeat that comes when reality is neglected. Reality, in this case, demands that the pro- integration groups become cognizant of the fact that integration will proceed in the slow, evolu- tionary manner that has characterized other changes in the American social strata. The same type of process was witnessed in Tennessee and even in Arkansas where the vociferous dis- tress of Orval Faubus didn't interrupt a peace- ful transition. During the year-long struggle waged against integration in Little Rock, the efforts of Faubus to discredit Federal Court orders have become more and more flagrant. THE DESIRE of the Federal Courts to main- tain their legal supremacy has also become more pronounced. But the fact that some ef- fective temporary compromise might be reached was neglected in the rush to maintain individual positions. Slow, evolutionary change is the hardest thing to be aware of in a high speed American community but it is undoubtedly the most realistic mode of operations. Too bad this wasn't realized before Little Rock, Orval Faubus and segregation became negative household worlds. --CHARLES KOZOLL STRIKE DEADLINE NEARS: Salaried Employees Remain Key Issue By BARTON HUTHWAITE Daily Staff Writer AN ESTIMATED 300,000 Gen- eral Motors Corporation work- ers across the nation will leave their jobs at 10 a.m. today If a settlement is not reached in the GM-United Auto Workers con- tract negotiations. Approximately 8,000 local union demands bogged down the settle- ment of contract negotiations as of last night. Another issue on the GM bargaining table still to be ironed out is extra supplemental unemployment benefits for work- ers on "short work weeks." Both the UAW and GM ex- pressed very little hope that these issues will be resolved before the strike deadline this morning. GM officials tend to view the strike deadline as "purely aca- demic." Unauthorized strikes at strategic GM plants throughout the country have slowed produc- tion considerably thus taking most of the punch out of the UAW's call for a general strike. UAW PRESIDENT Walter P. Reuther had hoped for an early settlement in the simultaneous Chrysler Corporation negotiations in order to bolster the union's bargaining position with GM. But Reuther's strategy was hindered by Chrysler's resistance to the demands of salaried em- ployees even though an agree- ment was reached late yesterday with hourly employees. So far, Chrysler negotiators have resisted any special conces- sions to the white collar em- ployees who are asking for an ex- tra eight cents an hour, participa- tion in the company's "thrift- stock" plan, improved severance pay, liberalized sick pay and lay- offs by seniority instead of job classification. Involved in the is- sue are the office and engineering employees represented by the UAW and the problem of these salaried workers stands as one of the last remaining blocks in the settlement of a'Chrysler contract. *', * * THE MAJOR stumbling block in the salaried workers contract negotiations is the p r o p o s e d "thrift-stock" plan. They were of- fered the stock plan in the 1955 contract settlement but took a Supplemental Unemployment Benefits plan instead. Now they want both. Under the "thrift-stock" plan, the company would match employees' invest- ments in Chrysler stock. For example, a Chrysler work- er has $10 deducted from his pay check by the company. Six dol- lars would go into U.S. savings bonds, the other $4 would be in- vested in Chrysler stock. Chrysler would then match the $4 in stock. As a result, the em- ployee gets $6 in government bonds and $8 in company bonds. Chrysler negotiators have stub- bornly resisted union demands for this plan in the contract settle- THE SENIORITY problem is acute at Chrysler because the company has done most of its moving of operations within the last two years. Ford Motor Car Company and GM relocated their plants in earlier years. Approximately 13,000 Chrysler workers with 10 to 15 years of seniority are laid off in the De- troit area and some 2,400 with more than 15 years seniority have been laid off. White goflar severance pay de- mands call for even better in- creases than in the Ford settle- ment. Chrysler has offered the same plan as incorporated in the Ford contract but union negotia- tors are pressing for even more. Although Chrysler is maintain- ing its resistance to salaried workers' demands, the UAW ap- parently decided that it was not worth having the 70,000 hourly employees strike to win extra benefits for the white collar group. An additional 14,000 unorgan- ized white collar workers are list- ed on Chrysler pay rolls. Special concessions to the unionized of- fices workers and engineers would go far in convincing the 14,000 to join the UAW ranks. Chrysler's resistance to the sal- aried workers' demands can be, in part, accounted for in light of the UAW's efforts to unionize all the company's white collar work- ers. ment. from them in the manner of its equally expansive predecessor, "Giant." Whereas in the former two films, emphasis was placed upon plot rather than setting, in "Giant" and "The Big Country" directors have tried to unite the two in a cause and effect relation- ship, operating under the assump- tion that big pictures of a big land give rise to concepts of big prob- lems and so forth. It is, one might suppose, an attempt at a broad sort of symbolism. THE PLOT of the film is in- teresting but not in any sense re- markable. Jim McKay (Gregory Peck) an Eastern sea captain comes to the far west country to marry a girl he had met in Bal- timore. Falling into the middle of a feud between the girl's pros- perous father and the Hennes- seys, a clan of local "trash," he finds his gentlemanly code of be- havior apparently meaningless in this yet barbaric land. Eventually, of course, civiliza- tion meets the west and conquers it. Unable to communicate his values to either his betrothed or her father, McKay leaves the girl (Carroll Baker) and attempts to handle problems in his own way. By buying up a disputed piece of territory, he forces settle- ment of the feud; through the deaths of the two patriarchs in- volved, expiation of past violence is finally accomplished and three big hours are over. The main flaw of the film, other than its slightly excessive length, probably rests in the over-simplicity of the story and its presentation. There is much fine acting, but little real char- acter development or revelation in the picture, and the general out- lines of the plot are obvious and predictable from the first fifteen minutes of the film. -Jean Willoughby INTERPRETING: Red Troops Kept Bu1#1sy By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign News Analyst' Russia and Red China express outrage at the use of American and British troops in the Middle East. But they have never hesi- tated to use their armed forces as instruments of policy. A glance at the accompanying map proves the point. Soviet armed forces impose mili- tary rule in both East Germany and Hungary. It is doubtful if the Communist regimes there could last for a day if the Russian troops were withdrawn. * .* * Chinese Communist forces im- pose military rule in North Korea. Communist Poland, which de- sires to maintain its independence of the Kremlin while remaining Communist in form of govern- ment, is a particularly helpless victim of the threat imposed by Soviet armed forces. Some Soviet troops are located on Polish soil, nominally to protect Soviet lines of communication with East Germany, but actually as a threat against too great an inde- pendence of Moscow by Warsaw. To back up this threat to Poland there are troops whose bayonets point east in East Germany and others in the Soviet Union whose bayonets point west. Poland is in between. * * * Soviet troops threaten another Communist country, Yugoslavia, from across the Hungarian border. They are a reminder to the stub- bornly independent Tito that should he go too far in his de- fiance of the Soviet Union he might have to answer on the battlefield. In times of particular stress the Russians increase their troop concentrations. Thiscthreat is a common Rus- sian weapon. Soviet forces are located in the Transcaucasus and in central Asia on the Soviet bor- ders with Turkey and Iran. From time to time the Russians rein- force these divisions or hold troop maneuvers to drive home their potential threat. Soviet forces also could take over weak Afganistan in a day. In the Far East, Communist China has used its troops as policy weapons against Burma, advanc- ing them into areas in North Burma claimed by Communist China. * * * Communist Chinese forces also continually threaten hoth Nation- CINEMA GUILD: Right Wins, Kazan T oo! N ELIA KAZAN picture, "Panic On The Streets," is the current attraction which can be seen in the newly-cushioned comfort of Cinema Guild. Kazan has utilized the talents of an outstanding cast, including Jack Palance, to produce a nervewracking "chase" movie which transcends the usual cliches to become a strong link in his chain of fine motion pictures. In ordinary hands the story of the attempts of a city health of- ficial to find the murderers of a pneumonic plague carrier before they also spread the deadly plague through the country could result in cheap melodrama. Certain qualities, including a. sensitive use of photographic tech- niques, an artistically controlled musical score: and almost sicken- ingly realistic locations, are auto- matically associated with a Kazan picture. Technical virtuosity is a strongpoint, but this alone does not explain why "Panic On The Streets," although overworked as a term, is universality. Beneath the simple frame of the plot Kazan weaves a complex mesh of human relationships together which all are affected by the basic conflict between knowledge and ignorance. From Richard Widmark, the har- assed, but dedicated public health doctor and his neglected wife, Bar- bara Bel Geddes, to the co-oper- ating police chief, Paul Douglas, attempting to prevent sure disaster which could be triggered by short- sighted politicians and journalists, this opposition is found Jack Palance, small-time racka- teer, most dramatically illustrates the inherent folly of ignorance as he first seeks to obtain his share of the smuggled loot (plague), and then blindly flees his only salva- tion, the doctor and police, spread- ing death both silently and violent- ly on his way. The obiquitous great chase ac- tually heightens an almost un- bearable level of tension through a masterly use of dramatic irony. This characteristic found through- out, justifies the use of the tag, universality, as the film's most striking characteristic. -Dan Wolter DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Dailynassumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1958 VOL. LXIX, NO. 14 General Notices Regents Meeting: Oct. 24, 1958. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Oct. 14. Women's Judiciary council has opened petitioning to all registered University organizations andrdepart- ments sponsoring first semester acti- vities at which a 45 minute extension of women's hours is desirable. Petition forms may be acquired at the Under- graduate Office of the League and must be turned in at that office no later than 2:00 p.m., Oct. 8. Petitioning parties will be advised of an interview date by women's Judiciary Council following filing of petition. Events which have traditionally been granted 45 minute extensions and which do not have to petition include: Chamber music concerts, Choral Un- ion Concerts, Drama Series, Extra Con- cert Series, Junior Girls' Play, May Festival, Music School Productions, MUSKET, Oratorical Society Lectures, Soph Show, Speech Department Pro- ductions, Stanley Quartet Concerts, and Varsity Athletic Events. International Center Tea: Thurs., Oct. 2, 4-6 p.m. at the International Center. Open House: The Audio-Visual Edu- cation Center extends an invitation to the faculty and staff to attend the Center's Open House Thurs., Oct. 2, from 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Fri., from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fri., Oct. 3, from '7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. A tour of the center, film presentations will be the highlights, followed by refresh- ments. The following student-sponsored so- cial events have been apprved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for 1 TODAY AND TOMORROW: old Nixon Revealed By WALTER LIPPMANN ON SATURDAY, Vice-President Richard Nix- on issued a statement saying that he had been shocked when he read the morning papers. There had been a news story carrying the infor- mation that out of about 5,000 letters received at the State Department, 80 per cent were critical of the Administration's policy at Que- moy and Matsu. Nixon was shocked because there was so much opposition and he was even more shocked that the bad news had been published. In fact, he was so shocked at the publication of the news that he promptly accused the sub- ordinate official who gave it to a reporter of a "patent and deliberate effort . . . to sabo- tage" the policy of the Secretary of State. This is a very serious charge, and it is one which cannot be passed over lightly. For here we have the Vice-President denouncing as , sabotage what was in fact a truthful answer to a legiti- mate question asked by a responsible reporter in the course of quite normal and standard news- paper practice. On questions of wide public interest it is a very common practice of the American press to ask the White House, the Departments, and the members of Congress what their mail shows about public opinion. Yet suddenly Nixon pro- fesses to be so shocked at such a news story that he can think of no explanation except to accuse a helpless official of what, were there any truth in the accusation, would be a high crime against his country. So we must ask whether Mr. Nixon presumes to say that the reporter had no right to ask the question about the State Department's mail. He will not presume to say that. Then what does he think was the duty of the State Department official? Should the official have refused to an- swer the reporter's question? Or should he have lied to him? NIXON MUST NOT MAKE such reckless and unfounded accusations against innocent On the substance, it is, of course, true that foreign policy cannot and should not be con- ducted by counting the letters which reach the government. It is true that the right policy is often unpopular and that governments which let themselves be governed by opinion polls are weak and are very often wrong. But it may also be true that the policy of the government is wrong and that those who criticize and oppose it had better be listened to respectfully and carefully. That happens to be true in this case. For no one can pretend that the Adminis- tration has so clear a policy on the offshore Islands that the policy is not open to genuine debate. The policy is, in fact, not yet determined and In the country, especially among the informed and experienced in foreign affairs, the debate in proceeding. All the signs point to a mounting conviction that the Administration has blun- dered into trouble, and that it needs help to extricate itself. Mr. Nixon says that "what is at stake .. , is the whole free world position in the Far East." That may be true. But if the whole free world position in the Far East has come to be at stake in Quemoy, then they have much to answer for to the American people and at the bar of history who allowed the whole free world position to be staked on so absurd a thing as the offshore islands. IF WE LOOK beyond the angry words which are being exchanged, the actual situation has for the moment at least been stabilized. There is no evidence that the Communists mean to invade Quemoy. There is good evidence that we do not mean to= allow Chiang to draw us into an attack upon the mainland. If so, there is also going to be time for a' debate in this country on whether and how our China policy should be revised. The debate will turn first of all on how to disengage Chiang's army and oourevcne m tencn ar- l-le AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Peters Displays Flawless Technique THE EIGHTIETH annual Choral Union Series opened last night in Hill Auditorium with a concert by Miss Roberta Peters, coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, who was received by an enthusi- astic audience. In general, the first part of the program was not too successful. Miss Peters showed remarkable vocal and technical ability, but left much to be desired in interpreta- tion. She offered a beautiful voice, well controlled, but seemed con- tent to slight emotional identifica- tion. She displayed little sense of style in the aria "I Follow With Gladness" from Bach's St. John Passion. Similarly, Miss Peters showed little awareness of what she was singing about in the Schu- mann Lieder, although her voice was effortlessly lovely. The inserted number, "Morgen," by Richard Strauss, only com- pounded her errors of communica- tion. The following number, "Amor," by the same composer, was better suited to her vocal temperament and partially coun- teracted the effect of the preceding songs. Beautifully done were Handel's "Sweet Bird" and Meyerbeer's aria from Dinorah, "Ombre legere," a show piece of no great substance which released Miss Peters from any obligation beyond exhibiting her voice to its fullest advantage, Aiken's touching "Music I Heard With You," set by Richard Hage- man. The Debussy and Ravel songs were enjoyable, especially the "Air de Feu" from Ravel's seldom-heard "L'Enfant et les sortileges." Miss Peters' performanceof "Una voce poco fa," suffered from an over- florid and slightly cute interpreta- tion. Miss Peters is a well-trained singer with a beautiful voice. Dur- ing the entire program, she showed no signs of fatigue and her techni- cal performance was flawless. Her enunciation was clearly projected to the uppermost regions of Hill Auditorium-not the easiest hall in which to perform. Her program, although not particularly well- planned, was enjoyable on the whole, and proved an excellent opener for the Choral Union Series, despite the fact that the encores ranged from the innocuous'to just plain embarrassing. Mr. Trovillo, the accompanist, and Mr. Crebo, who played the flute obbligati, were no more than adequate. Perhaps the full effect of their contributions would have been better enjoyed if they had spent a few minutes together be- fore the performance to agree on pitch. -Mary Lewis Every Night