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September 30, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-30

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Regents Approve Title Revision, Accept Grants

Regents of the University yes-
terday approved revision of the
title of the by-law covering the
Medical School, University Hos-
pital and the nursing school.
The present heading which
reads, "Medical School, University
Hospital, and School of Nursing"
will be replaced by the title "'The
University of Michigan Medical
The name change recognizes the
concentration of buildings within
the same area now that the first
unit of the medical school and a
separate building for the nursing
school are now in use adjacent to
University HoqpitaL.
American Foundation for Phar-
maceutical Education, Washing-
ton, D.C., has given a total of
$5,665 with $5,265 for fellowships
and the rest for an undergraduate
Three grants totaling $5,500
have been accepted for circulation
research by Prof. F. James Conway
of the physiology department. The
donors were: Wyeth Laboratories,
Philadelphia, Pa., $3,000; Marck
and Company, Inc., New York City,
$2,000; and American Heart As-
sociation, New York City, $500.
Two grants amounting to $5,250
from Shell Companies Foundation,
Inc., New York City, $2,800 to be
used for a fellowship in chemical
engineering and $2,450 to be used
for a fellowship in mechanical
Scholarships Given
The Regents accepted $5,000
from the Arabian American Oil]
Company, New York City, to be
used for scholarships for students
from Middle Eastern countries.
An anonymous donor has given
$5,000 to be used for aid for phar-
macy students.
The Regents accepted $5,000
from the Board of Governors of
the Lawyers Club of Ann Arbor,
for the Lawyers Club Rlesearch
From the Social Science Re-
search Council, Inc., New York
City, the Regents accepted $4,450
for the Social Science Faculty Re-
search Fellowship.
Support Research
American Chemical Society of
Washington, D.C., has given $4,500
for the use of supporting research
of "Cyclic Sulfides and Imines" by
Milton Tamres of the Department
of Chemistry.
Forney. W. Clement Memorial
Foundation, Inc., Detroit, donated
$4,000 for the Forney Clement
Memorial Fund which is used to
support the hospital school.
Ford Motor Company, Dearborn,
has given $4,000 to be used under,
direction of Prof. John Kohl,
(Use of this column for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations
only. Organizations planning to be ac-
tive for the current semester should
register not later than Oct. 10. Forms
available, 2011 Student Activities Build-
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
Tuesday Cffee Break, Sept. 30, 4:-
6:00 p.m., 524 Thompson St.
* *' *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
freshman discussion, Sept. 30, 8:00 p.m.,
524 Thompson St.
Deutscher Verein, German Club, all
students interested in the German lan-
guage and culture invited. Oct. 2, 8:00
p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan League.
* * *
Rifle Club, open meeting, everyone
invited who is interested in shooting;
Sept. 30, 7:00 p.m. (EST), Rifle Range.
* * *
Student Gov't. Council, N.S.A. Tours
SGC is receiving requests from campus
organizations for the sponsorship of
National Student Association tours
(European low cost plan for students).
Information may be obtained from Jo
Hardee in the SGC area of the Student
Activities Bldg.
* *
Student Gov't. Council, mass meet-
ing, Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m., Student Acti-
vities Bldg.

_ .J

Transportaion Institute director.
Money will be used to measure
highway surface roughness as a
factor in driveability. Part of the
institute's basic research is di-
rected towards the establishment
of a quality of traffic flow index
as a criterion for both improved
highway design and traffic safety.
The Regents accepted $4,000
from General Motors Corporation
Research Staff, Detroit, for a doc-
toral fellowship in automotive en-
IBM Gives Grants
Two grants totaling $3,200 were
donated by International Business
Machines Corporation, Poughkeep-
sie, N.Y., with $2,200 for a fellow-
ship in chemistry and $1,000 as an
unrestricted grant to the Depart-
ment of Chemistry.
The Regents accepted $3,000
from Rockefeller Foundation, New
York City, representing an out-
right grant to the University in,
appreciation for services rendered
to the Rockefeller Foundation Fel-
Two grants from the Upjohn
Company, Kalamazoo, included
$3,000 for establishment of an

pany, Lederle Laboratories Divi-
sion of Pearl River, N.Y., donated
$2,500 for a one-year fellowship
for "Study of Oxidation of the
Tetracyclines" under the direction
of Prof. Albert M. Mattocks of
the pharmacy school.
Supports Research
Becton, Dickinson and Company,
Rutherford, N.Y., has given $2,500
to continue research in plastic
tubing under the direction of John
Autian of the pharmacy college.
A fellowship in chemical en-
gineering will be provided by the
grant of $2,500 from the Conti-
nental Oil Company, Ponca City,
Parke, Davis and Company, De-
troit, has given $2,500 for a con-
tinuation of a fellowship in phar-
macy for 1958-59. First quarterly
payment of $625 has already been
Gives Fellowship
Solvay Process Division, Allied
Chemical Corporation, Syracuse,
N.Y., has granted $2,250 for a
chemistry fellowship.
The Regents accepted $2,200
from Research Corporation, New
York City, in order to continue for
one year the Frederick Gardner
Cottreell grant for research by
Robert E. Ireland, department of
chemistry, on an approach to the
total synthesis of abietic acid.

From the estate of Maud T.
Lane of Detroit, the Regents ac-
cepted $1,984.18 representing in-
terest on bonds for the Maud T.
Lane Scientific Research Fund,
The Michigan State Board of
Alcoholism, Lansing, gave a grant
of $1,900.08 for research by Dr.
H. Marvin Pollard on the effect of
alcohol on gastric secretion, mo-
tility and appetite.
List Additional Gifts
Other gifts and grants of $1,000j
or more were as follows: $1,600'
from the Boeing Airplane Com-
pany of Seattle for the Boeing
Scholarship; from miscellaneous
donors, $1,575 for the Simpson
Memorial Institute-Special Fund,
in memory of Irving Blumberg;
from Washtenaw County Tubercu-
losis Association, Ann Arbor, $1,500
for research by Professor-emeritus
H. M. Randall of the physics de-
partment. Prof. Randall's research
wild seek to identify through
chemical composition the various
strains of tuberculosis and the
strains which often cause disease
diagnosed as tuberculosis.
From Western Electric Company,
Inc., of Chicago, $1,425 has been
granted for the company's scholar-
ship in engineering. From the Sun
Oil Company, Marcus Hook, Pa.,
$1,400 has been awarded for a
Special fund of the Department

of Chemistry; from Argus Cam-
eras, Ann Arbor, $1,125 for their
employee scholarship fund; from
Foundry Educational Foundation,
Cleveland, $1,250 with $750 for
scholarships and $500 for use by
Prof. Richard Flinn; from Parke,
Davis and Company, Detroit,
$1,250 for surgical research.
The Michigan Lions Eye Bank
donated $1,200 for the Michigan
Eye Collection Center Fund and
Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc.,
Dallas, Texas, gave $1,150 repre-
senting fees for a winner of a
Chance M. Vought Scholarship
and a $500 grant to the University.
Distributes Trust
The Northern Trust Company,
Chicago, gave $1,071.42 as the pro-
portionate share of the final dis-
tribution of the LaVerne Noyes
Trust, for the LaVerne Noyes
Foundation Fund. The Socony
Mobil Oil Co., Inc., New York,
donated a total of $1,050 with $650
for a scholarship in geology and
$400 for the geology department.
The Regents accepted donations
from American Mathematical So-
ciety, Providence, R.I., $1,000 for
the Michigan Mathematical Jour-
nal; from Harrison Jules Louis
Frank and from the Leon Harrison
Frank Memorial Corporation, De-
troit, $1,000 for the scholarships
which are named after the cor-
From the National Association
of Manufacturers, New York City,
$1,660 was granted to establish
the NAM's President's Scholarship
Award Fund;'from the Northwest-
ern Mutual Life Insurance Com-
pany, Milwaukee, came a gift of
$1,000 for the Actuarial Science
Program; C. O. von Kienbusch of
New York City donated $1,000 for
the Graduate School Fellowship
Albert Kahn Associated Archi-
tects and Engineers Foundation,
Detroit, gave $1,000 for a graduate
scholarship in architecture, and
from Mrs. Helen S. Sherwood,
Shaker Heights, 0., $1,000 has been
accepted to establish the George
E. Block Neoplastic Endocrinology
Fund which is to be used to defray
the cost of clinical investigation
and research in the field of cancer.


istry and a
direction of

grant for use by the
of Biological Chem-
$750 grant for blood
research under the
Dr. Ivan F. Duff.

Scholarship Given
A grant of $3,786.40 for the A. J.
McAndless Scholarship has been
accepted from the Lincoln Nation-
al Life Insurance Co., Fort Wayne,
The Regents have accepted
$3,000 from the Sponsors' Com-
mittee Cultural Center Fund No.
291, Flint, in order to establish
the Flint College instructional
Sunnyslope Foundation, Akron,
has given $3,000 to establish an
engineering scholarship.
Three grants totaling $2,800
were donated by Union Carbide
Education Fund, Union Carbide
Corporation, New York City for
the following: $1,000 for a chemi-
cal and metalltirgical engineering
scholarship, $1,000 for a scholar-
ship in mechanical engineering,
$600 for a special fund in the
department of chemical and
metallurgical engineering and $200
for the mechanical engineering
special fund.
Foundation Gives $2,750
From Colonel Robert H. Morse
Foundation, Chicago, the Regents
have accepted two grants of $2,750
with $1,750 going for scholarships
in engineering and $1,000 for
scholarships in business adminis-
The Regents accepted $2,700
from the Raytheon Manufacturing
Company, Waltham, Mass., to es-
tablish a predoctoral fellowship in
electrical engineering.
The American Cyanamid Com-

U' Students Study Britain's
Secondary School System

Great Britain's secondary schoolv
system was studied this summer
by a team of University education
school students who traveled to
England to study its problems and
A class of 29 students enrolled
in Education A-226, "A Work-
shop in International Education,"
headed by Prof. Claude A. Eggert-
sen, evaluated" the complicated sys-
tem by which students are chosen
for British schools and universi-
The amount and quality of edu-
cation a child gets is determined
by examinations given to students
at the age of "eleven plus."
On the basis of the results,
students are assigned to a gram-
mar, a grammar-type or a sec-
ondary, modern school.
The secondary schools, who take
pupils who placed in the top 20
per cent of the examination takers,
prepares students to enter a uni-
versity after six years of study if
they can pass another qualifying
test at the age of 15.
Prepare Students
The grammar-type schools also
prepare students for entrance into
a university but stress technical,
rather than stiff academic courses.

The secondary-modern schools
give the majority of British chil-
dren a general education which
terminates at the age of 15.
This system of selective educa-
tion was developed in Great Bri-
tain after World War II and is
now being openly criticized by
segments of the British public.
Prof. Eggertsen said British soci-
ety's need is to "Get the child to
the mines at 15 or to the labora-
tories at 21." The group's studies
found the educational system an
effective method of filling this
need and supplying Britain with
much-needed labor.
British critics of the system say
it should be simplified by revamp-
ing it to resemble the American
secondary school, which supplies
the student with a general back-
ground with which he may either
enter a university or go to work.
Another criticism of British edu-
cation is that a child's educational
future should not be decided until
he is older than 11 years old.
Prof. Eggertsen described "parity
of esteem," as the policy of paci-
fying with modern schools those
who will not enter a university.





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