ATOMS FOR PEACE: PHOENIX PROJECT See Page 4 Y Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Abr :43 a tj COOL, CLOUDY VOL. LXIX, No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIX PAG De Gaulle's Popularity Wins Vote Experts Temporarily See French Stability By BARTON HUTHWAITE Political observers temporarily predicted Premier Charles de Gaulle's resounding victory for a strong French constitution in Sun- day's referendum as a guarantee ',-that stability- will at last come to a usually unstable France. De Gaulle's personal prestige and his middle-of-the-road Al- gerian policy until after the ref er- endum accounted for the landslide (a margin of almost four to one on continental France) approval vote. Observers believe de Gaulle will probably become president of the new Fifth French Republic. But doubt was cast on France' future when de Gatille vacates the post. Will Work Now "As long as de Gaulle remains president, the new constitution will probably work out the way it was intended," Prof. Roy Pierce of the 'political science department commented yesterday. "Quite likely the constitution could evolve with time like the constitution of the Third Repub- lic," he said. France would then be in the same predicament it was faced with before de Gaulle came to power, and has since 1870. Gives Autonomy The new French constitution strengthens the powers of the president and gives a degree. of autonomy to the executive which it has never had before, Prof. Pierce said. . Under the constitution; the pres- ident will have increased powers including the right to curb the once-powerful National Assembly (now called the parliament) whose Prime Minister will now be' ap- pointed by the President. Only a formal vote of censure by an absolute majority of the Parliament can oust the Prime Minister. ~ Must Resign Seat Anyone who accepts the posi- tion of Prime Minister or sits in the president's cabinet now has to resign his seat in the Parlia- ment. "This is to minimize the 'race for portfolios,' as the French call it," Prof. Pierce said. Included in the 67-year-old de Gaulle's powers, if and when he becomes president, is an article giving .im the right to dissolve Parliamen.t and rule by decree dur- ing "grave" emergencies. Communists Protest French Communists loudly pro- tested against the adoption of the new constitution saying de Gaulle would seize. power and become a. dictaor. But with the exception of the emergency powers article; de Gaulle is not put in the position of a dictator under the constitu- tion, according to Prof. Pierce "Looking upon his past record, de Gaulle has no intentions of destroying the new republic," he continued. To Continue Thor, Jupiter In Production WASHINGTON (M - The De- fense Department said yesterday ' production is continuing on. both the Thor and Jupiter intermediate ballistic missiles. There will be no decision about concentrating on one of these 1,500-mile weapons until comple- tion of "intensive studies," the de- partment said. The Pentagon statement replied to inquiries about a New York Times story that the long lasting rivalry between the Army Jupiter and Air Force Thor hf.d been end- ed with a determination to mass produce the Thor. The defense statement said that both missiles are being produced at preseit to meet "early develop- ment schedules," and that "no decision has been made to stop production of either." Defense Secretary Neil McElroy said last week that both weapons,, intended for 1,500 mile ranges, have extraordinary accuracy but need more testing. McElroy said also "I don't think it makes any sense at all to con- tinue production of both weapons for much longer." nintme President Says 'U' Condition Not Good By JOAN KAATZ "The University is not in the healthiest of states," University President Harlan Hatcher said last night, discussing the effect of budget cuts on the ability of the school to provide for its students' proper education. Addressing faculty members and their wives, President Hatcher gave his annual "State of the University" speech in Rackham Am- phitheatre. He described the situation: at the University in terms of Future of School Systen In Little Rock Undecided C+> 4 MSU Fall Enrollment Decreases The recession and a cut in Mich- igan State University's budget wee given as reasons for the de- crease in enrollment at MSU, by MSU's Vice-President Tom Hamil- ton. Michigan State's fall enrollment this year was 20,549, 181 less than for the fall semester last year. This figure also includes almost 1,000 students who are enrolled in off- campus extension courses for cred- it. This contrasts with the recent announcement of the University of an all-time record enrollment. Enrollment here increased al- most 300, to a total of 23,508. According to Hamilton the drop in MSU's enrollment was, "in ac- cordance with our enrollment plans." He continued, "being un- able to take more students (be- cause of the budget cut), our selective admissions policies were continued and higher academic standards were demanded of stu- dents who wished to continue in the university." Even though there is a more favorable economic outlook, Ha- milton said he believes that many of the students' families continue to be affected by the recession. This is supported by the fact that more than ever students at MSU are seeking part-time jobs, loans and other ways of assuming, at least in part, the cost of a college education. Navy Plane Lost at Sea KEY WEST (AP--A twin-engine submarine-hunter plane with 10 men aboard was reported missing on a training flight from the Key West Naval Air Station last night. A Navy spokesman said the plane left the air station at noon and was last heard from at 3:30 p.m. when it reported operations were normal.- Cmdr. James F. Rumford, oper- ations officer, said the plane would have exhausted its fuel at 9 p.m. Four other planes and six ships began. a search tonight. Rumford said about 20 more planes ,and1 more surface vessels would join the search tomrorrow.- "The plane has just disap-; peared," Rumford said. He said there was no indication that the plane had gone down in; the water or had crashed. The fate of the crewmen was not7 known.- The plane, a P2V sent here a7 few days ago for training in anti-a submarine warfare, was on an instrument-checking mission when, it disappeared, the Navy said. " enrollment adjustments, budget changes, and the amount of cash now available.' Was 'Controlled' Ulu until last year, enrollment has grown in a controlled fashion, President Hatcher said. The con- trols were maintained by the in- dividual units on campus. "This was fortunate in view of the budget reductions by the legislature for the year 1957-58," Hatcher added. This year budget needs to maintain the educational stand- ards of the University were out- lined to the legislature, President PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER ... gives annual address Hatcher said. But under the pres- ent conditions of reduced appro- priations enrollment had to be maintained at last year's level, he explained. Need Classrooms President Hatcher added that funds must be found to initiate the construction of new class- rooms, after the legislatures two year cessation of all new con- struction. ' The legislature counts the num- ber of student heads and appro- priates the necessary funds ac- cording to this figure, he ex- plained. "But this method has only an indirect relationship to the amount of funds needed," President Hatcher stressed. The third factor affecting the University's ability to provide ne- cessary educational facilities is that "cash simply hasn't been put in the state funds, President Hatcher said. The University has not received its monthly allot- ments since mid-August and the September allotment was due a few weeks ago, he explained. Relying on Reserve "As a result the University has been relying on its reserve capi- tal and on student fees for opera- tions during the past month, he said. Following the speech, awards for "distinguished faculty achieve- ment" were presented by Erich Walter, assistant to the president, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- ciology, department, Dean of the literary college Roger Heyns, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the educational psychology depart- merit, and Prof. Lars Thomassen of the engineering college. Court Says Integration To Prevail WASHINGTON () - The Su- preme Court told resisting south- erners and all others yesterday that "evasive schemes for segre- gation" cannot nullify orders of the court. The unanimous opinion pointed straight toward just such things as the lease of Little Rock's four high schools for private, segre- gated operation. Reads Opinion Chief Justice Earl Warren read the 17-page opinion word for word in a quiet proceeding, while in Little Rock the lease plan blessed by Gov. Orval Faubus was still in doubt. Warren didn't name Faubus or any other state official, and he didn't define what was meant by evasive tactics. But the opinion did assert: "The constitutional rights of children not to be discriminated against in school admission on grounds of race or color . . . can neither be nullified openly and directly by state legislators or state executive or judicila offi- cers, nor nullified indirectly by them through evasive schemes for segregation whether attempt- ed ingeniously or ingenuously ... Segregation Illegal "State support of segregated schools through any arrangement, management, funds, or property cannot be equated with the (14th) amendment's command that no state shal deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection 1of the laws." On the surface, yesterday's opinion ruled out every form of resistance - direct and indirect -but no one believed that Fau-; bus and others of like mind had; any intention of giving up. The opinion was unanimous, as have been all of those since the court first ruled in 1954 that forced segregation is unconstitu- tional. The opinion stressed the, thesis that the 1954 opinion "is the supreme law of the land." Quotes Predecessors And in declaring that state of- ficials cannot nullify it, Warren quoted from two of his predeces- sors, Chief Justice John Marshall who served in 1801-35 and Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Jus- tice in 1930-41. The quotations: Marshall: It is emphatically the province and the duty of the ju- dicial department to say what the law is ... "If the legislatures of the sev- eral states, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judg- ments, the constitution becomes a solemn mockery." Hughes: If a governor can nul- lify a federal court order "it is, manifest that the fiat of a state governor, and not the constitu- tion of the United States, would, be the supreme law of the land;; that the restrictions of the feder- al constitution upon the exercise of state power would be but im- potent phrases." Today's session was called to deliver an opinion supporting the court's Sept. 12 decision calling for integration to proceed im- mediately at Little Rock's Central High School. It has not proceeded, however, because of resistance by state authorities. Police Empty Music School Eviction of approximately fifty music students from the School of Music by the police Sunday afternoon was justified, according to Assistant Dean James B. Wall- ace of the music school. Dean Wallace said that the Back-To-Work Movement, Of UAW Gains Momentum. DETROIT (IP)-A back-to-work movement in the auto industry- picked up momentum last night, returning thousands of striking factory employes to the job in response to orders from the United Auto Workers International. An estimated 40,000 General Motors and Chrysler workers, accord- ing to company headquarters and one-the-spot reports, had come back or voted to return since the weekend. This left about 16,000 still idle in General Motors and Chrysler strikes and another 23,000 at Ford because of parts shortages or model NEIL lcELROY ... no war now No Asia War -McElroy HONOLULU (AP)-Defense secre- tary' Neil McElroy declared today he believes the Chinese Commun- ists are not anxious to start a real war. He told newsmen the Warsaw talks between United States and Red China ambassadors induced him to believe the Chinese Reds are unwilling to start V general conflict. "The Chinese Nationalists are showing commendable restraint," he said. "It is paying off in get- ting more supplies to Quemoy." Red Chinese Down Plane TAIPEI P) - A Chinese Na- tionalist transport plane crashed at sea after being hit by Communist antiaircraft fire during a Quemoy supply run, Air Force headquarters said yesterday. The type of plane was not iden- tified, but normally C-46 trans- ports carrying 13 mein have been used in the operations to air drop supplies to the blockaded offshore islands. The announcement said only that the plane crashed during the night and that air-sea operations were in progress. Chinese Deny Peace Talks. UNITED NATIONS (A)-A Na- tionalist Chinese source denied there had been any talks between the Nationalists and the Chinese Communists. A highly placed Asian diplomat told reporters Friday night such talks had gone on in Hong Kong concurrently with the Geneva dis- cussions between Chinese Com- munist and United States ambas- sadors. He said they broke off early this year. The Nationalist source com- mented, "This is a downright un- truth deliberately spread to sow suspicion." changeover shutdowns. Ford al- ready had agreed on a contract with the UAW. UAW President Walter Reuther ordered the work return, declaring continued strikes would hamper the current General Motors and Chrysler contract negotiations. In some instances, however, wildcat strikers rebelled. One of these was at General Motors transmission plant at Ypsi- lanti, where Local 375 strikers voted today to stay out. About 3,900 men have been idle for a week in a seniority dispute. A mass meeting of local 375 occasionally booed UAW Vice- President Leonard Woodcock's pleas to return to work. The vote to stay on strike was announced as 862 to 544. Woodcock, head of the UAW's General Motors Department and a chief contract negotiator, told the meeting strikes at this time took the full effect from the union's 10 a.m. Thursday general strike deadline at General Motors. However, after the vote Wood- cock said the local's decision was not so much an example of dis- agreement with the International as it was a "reflection against management." "They've been asking for this a long time and now they're going, to get it," he said. ,, k Rush Signu Men interested in fraternity rushing may sign up from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. today through Friday accord-' ing to the Interfraternity Council rushing committee. Howard Nack, '60, commit- tee ch'airman, said the sign-up' began Monday in the IFC of- fice, Student Activities. Build- ing, and will end next Monday. S idewinders Down Plane --Red China Meeting Set By Council A mass meeting for all students interested in serving on Student Government Council committees will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Activities Building. Places on the, public relations, education and student welfare, national and international , and student activities committees are open to all interested students, according to SGC Personnel Di- rector Karol Buckner, '60. Positions are also open on the Council office staff. "This is not a tryout program as we have had in previous years," Miss Buckner said. "Students will be put on a committee as soon as they sign up." - Deadline Today is the last day students will have to pick up their sea- son's tickets if they have not already done so according to Don Weir, ticket manager. Board Says Corporation Has Leases Attorneys Instruct Teachers To Avoid Segregated Schools TOKYO (M)-Red China claims one of its warplanes has been knocked down by an American 'Sidewinder' missile fired from a Nationalist China plane. A Peiping radio broadcast heard here yesterday said the ac- tion occurred last Wednesday. It was the first time the Commu-, nists have charged the National- ists were using the United States Navy-made air-to-air guided mis- sile. There has been speculation that the Nationalists were using Side- winders, but Nationalist Air Force- officials have denied the reports. Quoting the New China News Agency, Radio Peiping said Na- tionalist forces launched five Sidewinder guided missiles above the area of Wenchow, Juian and Yotsing in Chekiang Province. Peiping said parts of missiles were found near Wenchow, in- cluding the nose which receives infra-red rays that help guide the missile to its target. The missile parts have been put on exhibi- tion in Peiping. Tension Marks School, Closing, For Norfoll RICHMOND (P) -- Restless stu- dents, police patrols, cancelled football games and closed door emergency sessions of city and state officials marked a tense be- ginning yesterday to a period of closing for six Norfolk schools. The six, three senior high and three junior high facilities with an enrollment of 10,000, were ordered shut down Saturday by Gov. J. Lindsay Almond while he con- siders possible ways of restoring their operation on a segregated basis. Almond acted within the au- thority of the state's massive re- sistance to racial integration sta- tutes. The shutdown came after the city school board enrolled 17 Negro children in compliance with. a federal court order. No major disturbances were re- ported at any of the schools al- though police already on duty at vital points kept students from gathering on Granby High School grounds during the afternoon. City fathers, school trustees and legislators representing the city huddled for 90 minutes behind closed doors. They broke up with- out comment. LITTLE ROCK (1) - School officials in Little Rock, in the grip of complete confusion, refused to say last night whether the high schools would open this morning or remain deserted. T. J. Raney, president 'of the corporation that leased the pros perties today, said attorneys have given him no advice as to what to do in the light of the restrain-. ing order issued by federal judges in Omaha yesterday. The order instructed all per. sons connected with the private school plan not to take "further action to transfer possession, con- trol or operation, directly or ino directly," of the Little Rock schools. Superintendent Sas Yes Superintendent of Schools Vir- gil Blossom told reporters the school board will comply with the order. But Raney said, "I don't have any idea what will be done." He made the statement at 10:20 p.m. (EST) after hours of fever- ish conferences. Asked whether a statement would be issued during the night, Raney said, "I can't tell you. I can't go beyond what I have said -that the attorneys have not given me any advice." Students Seek Answer Meanwhile, nearly 3,700 highe school students and their parents -assured earlier that the schools would open this morning - were besieging newspaper offices and other communications m e d i 4, asking for definite word. It was a situation without precedent anywhere since the passion-filled struggle over inte- grating the schools began, over four years ago. Nobody knew what to do. Now Leased The school board, having leased the buildings to. the Little Rock private school corporation yester- day, presumably' has no further control over them. Hence, Blos- som's' statement that it -would comply with the court order does not necessarily bind the officers of the corporation. Federal marshals tried and failed to serve a copy of the court order on Gov. Orval E. Faubus. Guards at the gates of his pri- vate residence refused to - permit the marshals to enter. Later, United States Marshal R. Beal Kidd said Faubus telephoned him. While this was happening, tw attorneys advised Little Rock high, school' teachers not to vio- late the court order - in short, not to appear in the classrooms today. Nixon Defends Eastern Policy INDIANAPOLIS OP)-Vice-Pres' ident Richard M. Nixon' strongly defended the administration's policy in the Formosa crisis in a speech opening a campaign tour last night. "The whole free world's position in Asia is at stake," Nixon told a rally attended by about 4,500 per- sons in the state fairgrounds coli- seum. He said giving Quemoy, Matsu and Formosa to the Communists would not solve the problem be- cause the Communists "want ns out of the Far East." Nixon said the only way to deal with 'the Communists is froma position of strength and that the United States is stronger militarily tban ever before. World News, Roundup By The Associated Press OTTAWA-Canada has asked the United States to release atomic weapons to the Canadian armed forces. The request was announced today by Maj. Gen. Jean Allard, Vice Chief of the Army General Staff. Gen. Allard told a news conference also that the army has ordered a small number of American Lacrosse ground-to-ground guided mis- siles. Red, with Bubbles . * * 2* WASHINGTON-Chairman Oren Harris (D-Ark.) said yesterday Republican criticism of a House Investigating Committee's handling of a Pittsburgh television hearing "was obviously politically inspired." The criticism was made Saturday by Republican National Chair- man Meade Alcorn who said "the sudden shutdown of the Harris com- mittee hearing after prominent Democrats became involved is a candid confession of the partisan, political mission of the inquiry." * * . * .........._. _. .. .......... . ............ ................ r.. _... _..... .. :? i .. I I '1 Y i