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September 27, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-27

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ANN AR.ROR- Mll7HlliAN. NA'1'UiLilAY: ,-ycra i. n .nv 16.p .aavv

VOL. LXIX, NO.10 --- A N.~cS~ nlrat. aa ,..r. . ...._.



Michigan II
'MSquad Rated
Slight Favorite
Both Offenses Feature Single Wing;
Trojan Line Receives High Praise
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan will open its 1958 football season this afternoon at 1:30
p m. at Michigan Stadium against Southern California.
The Wolverines, racked by injuries throughout the pre-season
drills, have been rated a slight favorite by most prognosticators. How-
ever, no fair comparison of the teams can be made.
Team Looks Good
The teams look quite even when one compares notes. Both are
said to be bigger than in past years. Michigan finally has, in Don



US c





Judge Halts-
TV Football
Ticket Sales
A suit filed by Rep. John J. Fitz-
patrick (D-Det.) in Wayne County
Circuit Court seeks to block the
showing of a closed-circuit tele-
vision broadcast of the University's
football game with Michigan State
University on Oct. 4.
The promoters of the closed cir-
cuit telecast, C. R. Smith Enter-
prijses of Detroit and GianTView
television network of Ferndale,
Mich., approached Michigan Union
President, Barry Shapiro last week
asking if the Union were interested
in sponsoring the telecast locally.
Approach Union
Because of the lack of time, the
Union was unable to close a deal.
However, Barry Shapiro,'59, Union
president, said that the Union
was negotiating with a group to
bring a closed-TV telecast of the
Ohio State game into Ann Arbor.
Shapiro declared last night he
was unable to tell at this time
whether the present situation
would interfere with possibilities
for the Ohio State same.
Orders Sales Stopped
Circuit Judge Theodore R. Bohn
ordered ticket sales for the tele-
cast into nine theatres in Michigan
and Ohio to stop' and for the
theaters not to prepare for the
broadcast. The hearing will be at
2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 3-less than
24 hours before the game.
Under law, the hearings cannot
be set any sooner. However, Judge
Bohn explained that he could hear
the case on Wednesday, Oct. 1, if
lawyers for both sides signified
that they were ready to argue the
case then.
No immediate comment wa
available from Rep. Fitzpatrick.
Calls Telecast Illegal
The suit is based on a 1951 law
which states that it is illegal fo
a state institution to televise any
of its programs exclusively over a
closed circut.
University Athletic Director Frit
Crisler said that this does not in
volve the University since th
game is being played in Eas
Lansing under the auspices o
MSU. He added that the Univer.
sity had televised some 3 or4
home games into theatres durin
1950 before this law went int
effect, but dropped the program
as it was highly unsuccessful.
Games Sold Out
The tickets for the game a
completely sold out (Rep. Fritz
patrick has two tickets for th
game, which were given him b
MSU), but National Collegiat
Athletic Association rules forbi
the telecast of regional open-cir
cult television if there are an:
games being played in a 90-mil
There are five such games ben
Officials of both schools ex
'Pressed regret that more fan
may, not be allowed to see th
game via TV or any sort.
Premier Asks
Approval Vote

*Deskins, Willie Smith, and Gerry
Marciniak some linemen in the
230-lb. category.
Southern California, on the
other hand, has Dan Ficca, a 230-
lb. tackle, and Monte Clark, a
booming 249-lb. man on the op-
posite side. There is only one man
in the starting line who isn't over
Michigan scouts Matt Patanelli
and Don Dufek praised the Tro-
jan line highly, saying, "they are
huge . . . that's what wrecked
Oregon State."
Upsets Oregon State
The Southern Cal outfit has the
advantage of having played one
game - in which they surprising-
ly downed the Oregon Staters,
21-0. The Oregon crew were
reigning champs of the Pacific
Coast Conference, and were ex-
pected to be tough again this
The teams also compare evenly
in speed. Both boastsome fast
backs, while Michigan may have
the edge in power. The Trojans'
ground game is wrapped up in
three fleet runners, Willie, Wood,
Bob Arnett and Rex Johnston.
Michigan also has speed in
Brad Myers and Fred Julien, but
these boys are also rugged when
hitting the line. Add to this the,
bruising running of captain John
Herrnstein from fullback and the
passing of quarterback Bob Pta-
cek, and one finds a diversified
offense ready to ,test the Trojans.
Injury Riddled
The condition of many injured
players is the key to Michigan's
chances for victory. Although
only two, centers Jim Byers and
Dick Syring, are definitely lout of
action, there are many other
frontline men who have been in-
jured in the past few weeks.
Of the scheduled starters for
Michigan, Gary Prahst at end,
Deskins at tackle and backs Myers
See POWERFUL, Page 3
s choolBands
r y
VTo Perform
At Halftime
z Michigan high school musicians
- 12,600 strong - from 190 bands
e will join the Michigan marching
t, band on the field during half-
f time performance this afternoon,
- according to Prof. William D. Re-
a velli, Director of U n i v e r s i t y
g Bands.
D Half-time guest conductors will
a include Meredith Wilson, compos-
er of the Broadway musical, "Th
Music Man," and Forrest Mac-
Calister, conductor and editor of
"School Musician."
MacCalister will lead the joint
bands in "Band Boosters March'
e and '"Autumn Leaves."

Regents. List
loan Gifts,
Federal Aid
Daily City Editor
University Regents yesterday
added $200,000 to student loan
funds, while authorizing applica-
tion for an additiona $250,000
from the federal government.
The funds would bring the total
available to $1,900,000.
Two hundred thousand dollars
from the estate of the late Della
Noble of Pontiac was used to aug-
ment the loan fund. The -bequest
brings the total loan funds now
available to2students to approxi-
mately $250,000, Vice-'resident
for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis estimated.
Aid Next Semester
Federal aid should be available
by the beginning of next semes-
ter, Vice-President - for Business
and Finance Wilbur K. PierpontS
told the Regents.
The University will be seeking
the maximum allowed any cob-
lege unde' the new federal aid to
educatio nlaw, Lewis said. The
funds will be distributed on a
percentage basis, with each col-
lege getting a share of the total
funds pr'oportional to its percent-
age of the total number of stu-
dents in the country.
The University stands secondj
among American colleges in loan
funds available to students. Only
Harvard University, with $2,600,-
000, has more.
Demand Rising
Despite this, University loan
funds are being used almost as
fast as they can be made avail-
able, Pierpont noted, In thelast
two years, the Regents have add-
ed more than $500,000 to loan
funds, to meet the rising demand.
Prior to this, loan funds were
more than adequate to meet re-
Regent Eugene B. Power ex-
pressed the hope that a long-term
loan plan could be established,
with repayment beginning three
to five years after graduation.
U Regents
LAccept Giftis
The University Regents accept-
ed gifts, grants and bequests to-
taling $286,957.06 at their meet-
ing yesterday.
From the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, $20,684
was accepted for the Elmer
Gedeon Memorial Scholarships.
Two grants were accepted by
the Regents from the W. K. Kel-
logg Foundation, Battle Creek.
One of $10,000 is to establish a
loan fund for graduate students
in hospital administration and
the other of $8,193 represents the
final payment on the dental
teacher program.
The Regents accepted $12,150
from Miss Mary F. Stevens,
Grosse Pointe Farms. The grant
establishes the Mary F. Stevens
Scholarship and Fellowship Fund
in Science and Engineering.
The fund is to provide two fel-
l lowships of $2,500 each for two
- advance predoctoral students in
e mathematics of the physical sci-
ences, two fellowships each of
f $2,500 for a fifth year of study
in the graduate school by two
t senior men in the College of En-
gineering and $2,150 to be used









S tirton



Ikse Accused-
Of Deception
By Faubus
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. W) -Gov.
Orval E. Faubus accused President
Eisenhower yesterday of joining a
"campaign of deception and propa-
ganda" in the special election in
Little Rock today on the question
of integrating the city's schools.
He said federal officials are try-
ing to deceive the people into be-
lieving they must vote for Integra-
tion in order to reopen the public
. Feelings Run High
The city is electric with race
feeling and excitement over the
Nvote on allowing Negroes to enroll
in all-white schools.
Gov. Faubus, citing actions of
the groups and individuals in the
city who have been urging people
to vote for integration as the only
means of opening the schools, said:
"These facts and circumstances
are, of course, the reason for the
campaign of deception and propa-
ganda that is being waged by the
people of Little Rock.
Cites Reason
"It Is the reason for the issuance
of a statement by Attorney Gen.
William Rogers, and for the issu-
ance of an additional statement by
President Eisenhower."
"These integrationists know full
well their only hope of winning
this election is to deceive enough
of you."
Gov. Faubus said earlier today
that 'his speech would be a "dis-
cussion of the issues" and that he
would not try to persuade people
how to vote.
Faubus Assures Voters
He assured the voters, as he did
in a speech last week, that he has
a sound, workable plan for putting
the public schools under private
operation without allowing Negroes
to enroll.
"I do not get into a situation
without knowing what I am do-
ing," he said. "If what these inte-
grationists say is true, I would
tell you so."
Fear Satellite
Test Failure
The United States fired a "weather
eye" satellite toward space today,
but the chances of a successful
orbit appeared to be slim.
The 72-foot rocket blazed aloft
at 10:38 a.m., EST., but three
hours later there was only a
blanket of silence.
The chances that the U.S. would
successfully blast its fifth satellite
into orbit looked good when it was
announced minutes after the spec-
tacular launching that the rocket's
three phases had performed flaw-

i enter
Branch Set
For Oenig
In Fall '59
'U' Vice-President
- ..To Retain Present
Administrative Post
University Regents appointed
William E. Stirton, vice-presiden1
{ - rof the University, to the positior
of vice-president and director of
the University's Dearborn Center
to become effective Oct. 1, 1958
Stirton's new position involves
-Daily-William Kimball organizing, developing and ad-
ngs to comprise the ministering the Dearborn Center
al classroom building, whicl will offer a work-stud3
gs are scheduled for prgoram in engineering, business
administration and the libera
Continues Duties
rds H ig h His office will remain in Ann
Arbor and he will continue hiQ
duties as vice-president of the
arborn Center will be at A grant of $6,500,000 from the
tirton, vice-president of Ford. Motor Company made the
the Center, said yester- construction of the four building
possible. Work is now under way
and the buildings are expected tc
that the students are be finished by, the fall, 1959.
ere," he continued. The opening of the center wil
d an "intern" program. be delayed until 1960, however
ar and working the rest because reductions in the state
appropriation have caused a lac
of funds in the University's 1958
han a co-operative pro- 59 budget.
ical internship," he ex- Served in Many Posts
Stirton became a vice-presiden
of the University o nJuly 1, 1956
From 1951 until the time he came
gr rgto the University, he served a
vice-president for university serv
le A gainst ices and development at Wan
* m tPrevious to that he had been or
orili ty - the faculty of Cass Technical hig]
school where he was principa



DEARBOIN CENTER-These structures are the skeletons of the four buildi
University's new Dearborn Center. Presently under construction are a genera
an engineering building, a library and a faculty office building. The buildin
completion in the fall of 1959.
Stirtn Sets Dearborn Standaj

"The admission standards of the new Dea
least as high as those on campus," William S
the University and newly appointed director of
"We will have to be particularly certain
correct for the type of program to be given th
Students will study on what Stirton calle
They will be studying ,for part of the yea
in selected industrial concerns, he said.
Explains Program
He stressed that this program is more t
gram. "It can be better compared to a med
plained. The Center, will be and
"arm" of the University, Stirton
said, filling certain needs and re- Ixp
quirements that r, nnot be filled on
campus. L 1at
Designed for Upperclassmen Batt
The school will be only for
juniors, seniors and graduates. Conf
"There is community college in
Dearborn and several others in the B
Detroit Metropolitan Area which

- . to head Dearborn Center
Army Grabs
Burma City
RANGOON, Burma (R) - The
army seized power last night in
a bloodless coup apparently de-
signed to prevent Burma's shaky
government from drifting into the
hands of the Communists.
The well-organized operation
put troops in control of all the
major cities and towns in this.
southeast Asian republic, which
shares a 1,500-mile border with
Communist China.
The Army said it was acting to
preserve democracy and law and
order as well as put an end to
political strife which has pro-
duced most of the trouble in Bur-
ma since the British granted in-
depedence '10 years ago.
Army leaders said one of the
nation's political groups had been
building up secret arms stocks to
wipe out all opposition and take
over the country.


are doing an adequate job," he
"There is no need for us to
duplicate work already being
done," he continued.
Describes Location
The Dearborn Community Col-
lege will be locating their buildings
on land contiguous to the Uni-
versity's, Stirton explained, and
"it is possible that we will share
facilities to some extent."
The Center is being built on a
210 acre plot donated by the Ford
Foundation along with $6,500,000
for the construction of a branch of
the University.
Donated in December
The land and money were don-
ated in December, 1956 and in
January, 1957 the Regents set up
the administrative organization for
the Center.
Presently four buildings are
under constructions - a general
classroom building, a library, an
engineering building and a faculty
office building.
See DEARBORN, Page 3

Charles P. CcCurdy, executive
secretary of the State Universities
Association, advised development1
counselors for the University to1
"utilize every weapon at yourE
command to combat the pressures
for uniformity and conformity in'
our colleges and universities."
Speaking at the Development
Council conference dinner in the
Union last night, McCurdy said
the counsellors must take the of-
fensive side in answering attacks
on state universities.
Cites Challenge
The challenge which develop-
ment counsellors ought to be most
concerned about are those attacks
upon the fundamental philosophy
of the state universities' origin, he
continued. These attacks are
based on the rapidly developing
theory that the state universities
ought not to furnish low-cost
higher education but rather
should charge the student the full
cost of his education.
Details Theory
McCurdy elaborated further on
"higher education enthusiasts"
ramifications of this theory. One
of these alternatives is to let state
and federal government develop
scholarship programs for those.
unable to pay higher fees.
"The only trouble with this is
that no one has yet to figure out
just how much a huge scholarship
program will cost if it is to be an
effective one," he emphasized.
"The next solution proposed by
these high tuition enthusiasts is
the loan fund - buying education
on the installment plan," McCur-
dy said.
Street Fights

from 1944 to 1951.
Graduate of Cass High School
Born in Imlay City, Mich. on
March 20, 1903, Stirton moved t
Detroit in 1914 and was graduat
ed from Cass Technical high
school. He received his bachelor'
degree in electrical engineerin
and his master's degree in physic
and mathematics from the Uni
Hit Blockade
Of Quemoy
TAIPEI, Formosa W) -- Ti
Nationalists cracked the Commu
nist blockade of Quemoy yester
day with another supply .landin
operation under a hail of, Re
The Nationalist Defense Miii
istry claimed the landing wa
completely successful, and a
ships withdrew unharmed.
The convoy of big LSTs steamec
to a point about four miles of
Liaolo Beach.
Then the supplies for the Que
moy defenders were moved in thi
rest of the way- with small am,
phiblous tracked vehicles.
RCAF Hunts
Missing Boys
A Royal Canadian Air Fore
plane ,droned over 250 miles c
bush and lake country in norther
Quebec yesterday, but turned u
no sign of two University student
missing on a canoe trip.
The search will continue toda
for Alan -Price, '59E. and Robei


University Regents Approve Engineering College Appointments

Appointment of an associate dean and of two department chairmen
in the engineering school effective Oct. 1 was approved by the Univer-
sity Regents yesterday.
Prof: Glenn V. Edmonson, a faculty member since 1947, was
appointed associate dean. Succeeding Prof. S. S. Attwood, now dean of
the college, as chairman of the electrical engineering department is
Prof. William G. Dow, a member of the faculty since 1926.
Reappoint Nelson
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chairman of the aeronautical engineering
department since 1953, was reappointed to the same position.
The Regents also reduced the teaching time of Prof. Harry H.
Goode of the electrical engineering department from half-time to

PARIS M) -- Premier Charles
de Gaulle pleaded with his coun-

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