THE MCHIGAN DAILY FVA~n Glub-Glub's Fav'orable, LOUISVILLE, Ky., UPF) -- Two college professors who did research on baby babbling say sounds that resemble "I'ma ma" mean discomfort. "It's an unhappy utterance,", Dr. Ray Bixler said. "A cry of distress," Dr. Harold Yeager added. It means Mother should come running. A change may be in order, or it's dinnertime. "Baba, dada, gaga, dididid and glub-glub are happy sounds," they added. They beleve "mama" was the first spoken word - probably shortened from the natural crying sound "mamamainama," The University of Louisville phychologists did extensive re- search on the subject, even inqluiring of foreigners. In any langu- age, "ma ma" means the same, they wrote in the current issue of psychological reports. _ORGANIZATION NOTICESi :d }."d ~ ..i,".":r". ,knv z s . ,:"............" i.%.. c. "i****,*,',! o Are you proud of your personal office . .. p1 f }:. : {::: 4: t- DY Cngregational and Disciples Guild, luncheon and discussion, Sept. 26, 12 noon, 525 Thompson St. Congregational and Disciples Guild, cook-out supper, Sept. 26, 5:45 p.m., 524 Thompson St. * * s. Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Sept. 28, 2:00 p.m., meet in back of Rack- ham ,(N.W. entrance), Graduate Student Council, meeting All departmental representatives are Rackham Building, West Conf. Room. urged to attend, Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m., International Student Associataion, membership social and dance, Sept. 28, 8-12 p.m., Lane Ball.. Judo Club, practice session, Sept. 27, 9:15 a.m., wrestling room -- Intramural Gym. Wesleyan Guild, outing to Island Park (wear sports clothes), Sept. 26, 8:00 p.m., meet in Wesley Lounge. Young Friends, meeting,. Sept. 28, 7:15 p.m., Friends Center, 1416 Hill St., Speaker: Prof. George Mendenhall, "The Ideas' of Early Christianity." * *s Lutheran Student .Association, after- the -game hot-dog roast, Sept. 27, 5:30 p.m., meet at student center -Corner of Hill & S. Forest St. Collegiate Hairstyling a Specialty!! * 12 BarbersI *,No Waiting !'Air Conditioned WELCOME ---- The Daseola Barbers near Michigan Theatre You woudn't shoop at the bargain toter in search of furnipwe for your personal office - but you'd' certainly. give a thought to economy. and still , ' mand comfort, beauty and efficiency. ':ham's whyr it will pay you-"to keAmu how beautiluI?4 yucan refurnish your office -- with STEELCASL, Phone or stop in today. kt will amaze you 'how little it actually costs to have a truly fine Steelcase office dw* wiLl pictwre you ad Your buine% at yo best. B T C U SIN SS EQ UIP MENT COMPLETE OFFICE PLANNING I I I Sine 1908 MORRI LL'S 314 South' State NO 3-2481 Phone Enjoy Complete Food Service at PARROT RESTAURANT "Serving a Better Mewl for. Less BREAKFAST --- LUNCH- DINNER 11 u1 TheMcignDaily Hours: 7 A.M.-.7 P.M. Monday thru Saturday On, State Street I'II fj I11 eveing to remember .{°r{.,arp:o~;.:yc,":;"?', ?";{i":g«". ?;';4:;5 :3,s~rw+:.:; ??{;,viq: r.x :r.5 .;.rr,, y ,* .r.'9..a .} A distinctive treat L The Hillside Inn for the finest in charcoal broiled steaks and featuring many rare dishes. 41661 PLYMOUTH ROAD GL 3-4300 ' L li Yiy1 { F. ww, ;yti ' rF:'++3 MGERMAN RESTAURANT offers / the BEST in ,Dinners also COMPLETE CARRY OUT SERVICE 203 E. Washington Open daily 4 P.M.-midnight Closed Sundays CHUCK WAGON,.. Extends A hearty welcome to the University students His restaurant is .open to YOU from 9 A.M. to l11 P.M. Fine Salads & Sandwiches -- PIZZA CLOSED TUESDAYS THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT auu4 , line 9 "' offers you a taste treat of a traditional I Ital ian'dish 2045 PACKARD Catering at Your Home or Hall NO 2-1661 Henry Turner, Prop U IPIZZA! ." + M ti ' '" el a. II The Finest in Downtown Dining * PRIME STEAKS " TURKEY & CHICKEN * SEAFOOD, will. be serverd daily in "THE DUCHESS 'ROOM" from 11 A.M. to 1 A.M., II Expertly prepared by our'special. pizza pie maker and baked, in new modern ovens to give you the "best tasting pizza in town." TAKE-OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE r ii BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE U Is 11 II' 11 11 I 11