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September 15, 1958 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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International Center Provides Home

OTHER CULTURES - Food, costumes and other items from all
over the world are ssembled by the University International stu- -
dents eachi fall for the World's Fair.

Providing a "home away from
home" for international students
and an opportunity for American
students to become acquainted
with students anM customs of
many countries, the International
Center sponsors many events to
enable the interchange of cultures.
Working closely with the Center
is the International Students As-
sociation, which Is composed of all
the University's foreign students
and all American students who
are interested.
The Center, located behind the
Union, starts its program each fall
with an orientation camp at Camp
Storer near Ann Arbor. For three
days before registration, interna-
tional students hear panel dis-
cussions concerning campus life.
Each evening a social program is
Week Scheduled
Early in November the Center
and ISA hold International Week.
During the week various programs
representing different cultures are
presented. Last year Eleanor
Roseveltcandpu CarlaSandbur
Friday evening of International
Week most of the University's 20
nationality clubs 'take part in the
World's Fair, which features dis-
second and third floors of the
In the Union Ballroom an inter-
national talent show is represented
several times throughout the eve-
Clubs Affiliated
The nationality clubs, most of
which are affiliated with ISA, are
the African Union Club, the Arab
Club, the Brazilian Club. the Chi-
nese Student Club, the Greek Stu-
dents Association, the Canadian
Students Club, the India Students
Association and the Indonesian
Also represented are the Israeli-
American Students Club, the
Japanese Students Club, the
Korean Club, the Latvian Club,
the Pakistan Students Association,
the Philippine-Michigan Club, the
Thai Associatidn of the University
of Michigan, the Tut'kish Students
Club, the Ukraiian Students
Club, the Hawaiian Club, the
Puerto Rican Club and the Scan-
dinavian Students Club.
Climaxing the week is the Monte
Carlo Ball.
Student Comments
After the International Week
last year, an Indian student said
that he thought the fair was a
"wonderful opportunity to bring
the cultures of the world to the
Americans and other nationalities
and further their understanding of

the ,world. This will contribute to
peace much desired over all the
At Thanksgiving Americans are
invited to share their holiday with
a student from abroad. For many
of the newcomers, this is the first
introduction into home and family
life in this country. Often these
visits are the foundation for
friendships which last long gfter
the student's stay in America ends.
One Brazilian girl said that she
was surprised on such a visit to
find that Americans like to have
animals around the house.
Tours Planned
Besides many parties given for
the international students at
Christmas, there are tours of Chi-
cago, Washington and New York.
Returning from the Washington-
New York trip tired, but happy
and appreciative of the mnany
kindnesses' shown her during the
tour, one student said that she
found "Washington a city with a
heart and New York a city without
patedrn a ock Unitd Natin
meeting last spring. The all-day
affair was the largest of its kind
in the United States.
Show Presented
Many of the talented foreign
and the northern part of the
Lower Peninsula with the Inter-.
national Show Tour.
Featuring acts from several
countries, the talent show Is also
given on campus after the vaca--
The International Ball Is held
early in May. For this and the
Monte Carlo Ball in the fall Amer-
ican students are given an oppor-
tunity to get international blind
More than 500 of the Univer-
sity's 1500 international students
attended.- International Students
Day in Lansing during the spring.
Hundreds Attend
Hundreds of students from 31
colleges and universities through-
out Michigan toured an automo-
bile plant, a metropolitan news-
paper and the Michigan State
University campus.
The Conference of thes National
Association of Foreign Student
Advisers brings many distinguished
visitors to campus each spring.
Last year 28 cultpral attaches
came to the Conference.
Throughout the year, teas are
held every Thursday afternoon at
the International Center. Here all
students are invited to meet stu-
dents from other countries and
foreign visitors on campus. Inter-
cultural entertainment Is featured
at some of the teas.

WASHINGTON TOUR - Students from different countries
around the world eagerly plan a tour to Washington D.C. and
anticipate the things they will see there.

Week-end tours to various cities
In Michigan are held thyoughout
the yer
'" Thank You'
On returning from a trip
through several small Michigan
communities, a Turkish student
wrote, "I liked very much Ameri-
can country, American people and
American home. I am very happy
now. I am not homesick now.
Thank you very much, every
American people."
Other participants in the tours
agreed that these insights into
American life did much to broaden
their knowledge and understand-
ing of the United States.
The Center will arrange to have
foreign speakers sent to any local
group who is interested. piany of
the students give illustrated talks
about their country.
Visitors Come
Throughout the year many f or-
eign visitors come to the Univer-
sity. Their program is arranged at
the Center.
The showcase in the Interna-
tional Center lobby provides stu,.-
dents with an opportunity to see
everyday articles and works of art
from other countries. Internation-
al students provide objects for the
display which is changed every
two weeks. Each display features
one country.
A newsletter containing news
particularly concerning the inter-
national student is published sev-
eral times a year by the Center.

Counseling is provided to the
students at the Center and all
business concerning their~passports
is conducted there.
The ISA sponsors cultural pro-
grams at various times during the
year. One popular program last
year explained the courting sys-
tems of several foreign countries.
Debates between students repre--
senting different nationalities are
open to all the campus. Some of
the debates center around political
topics and others are of a humor-
ous nature.
The nationality clubs compete
in the ISA sports program which
includes soccer, badminton, volley-
ball and baseball.
Classes Sponsored
ISA sponsors dancing classes
which feature Latin American
and American ballroom dancing.
Open to all students, the classes
have an international flavor as
couples from all over the world,
some in native tress, learn to-
Last year the classes were di-
vided into sections for unattached
students and others for couples.
.Most of the nationality clubs
spionsor public programs during
the year. These may take the form
of speakers, celebrations of na-
tional independence days, cultural
programs pr movies.
SThe Center Lounge, complete
with a piano, television and small
library, Is open to all students at
all times.

CRAFTS DISPLAY -- Throughout the year, crafts and everyday
items from different countries are shown In the showcase in the
lobby of the International Center. Pictured Is part of last year's
Arab display.

p - II


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