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September 25, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-25

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

Da tr


Bee Page 4




$1,000,000 GRANT:
'U' Flint Branch
To GetLibrary

j _ _..

The University's Flint branch and Flint Junior College will receive
a new million-dollar library building next year, Harold Dorr, Dean of
State-wide Education, said yesterday.
Flint millionaire philanthropist C. W. Mott yesterday gave a
million dollars to finance construction of the building.
Mott, who also donated a million dollars in 1957 for the building
now housing the Flint branch of the University, yesterday duplicated
- his original gift. The money was

r11os Sent
To Halt Guns
In 'Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon W) - Leba-
non's new militarist president,
General Fuad Chehab, rolled out
heavy tanks and troops yesterday
to stop spreading gunfights that
killed 19 persons in' the heart of
Scores were reported injured in
wild flurries of shooting, bombing
and car burning.
Lebanese forces had orders to
shoot to kill in a decisive show of
armed strength on Chehab's first
full day in office.
United States troops were rolled
out between clashing Christian and
Moslem factions, in the hopeful
role of peacenakers and to protect
American residents.
Chehab is officially Christian
' ut there is also some Moslem
background in his% family. He took
office yesterday as the newly
elected president, succeeding Ca-
Mille Chamoun, a Christian.

given to the Flint Board of Edu-
cation who accepted the gift from
the Mott foundation. The building
will be a part of Flint's College
and Cultural Center, also the site
of the Junior College and the Un-
versity's college.
Open Art Center
This past summer an art center,
with studios and exhibits, a plane-
tarium and a little theater were
opened in the Cultural Center,
Dean David W. French of the Uni-
versity's branch told The Daily
last night.
Last October the Mott Memorial
Building, which. officially houses
the branch school, was dedicated-
the realization of a dream which
began in 1946 with Dr. Alexander
G. Ruthven, president emeritus,
'who predicted the branching out
of the University.
Construction Starts Soon
Construction on the new library
is expected to begin.this year, since
some preliminary architectural
work has been done, according to
Dean French.
"We have been planning for
a joint library for'esome time," he
said, "but were not expecting our
good fortune so soon."
The libraries of the University
branch and Flint Junior College,
have been sharing the same head
librarian with the hope that they
would be able to consolidate in th l
future, Dean French said. Pur-
chasing of books has even been
with an eye toward this goal, he
Phoenix Board
To Visit .Plant
in Oak Ridge
The University's Phoenix Project
Board of Governors will visit the
United States atomic energy facili-
ties in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on
October 2, Roger Leatherman, as-
sistant to the director of the
project announced yesterday.
During the one-day visit, the
group will tour the facilities and
then meet with Atomic Energy
Commission representatives. In-
cluded in the discussion topics will
be the scope of the Phoenix Project
researcn work and plans for col-
lecting the necessary funds to
carry on this work.
Private planes have been offered
by one of the 'major motor car
corporations, Leatherman said.
Transportation is being handled
by James Zeder, vice-president of
an automobile corporation.

Shoot MIGs,
Seek More
TAIPEI, Formosa {I)-National-
ist Chinese Sabre Jets swept back
over the Formosa Strait today in
search of more Red Chinese Migs
to add to the 10 reported shot
down yesterday in a giant jet air
Two more of the Russian-made
fighters were possibly destroyed
and three possibly damaged in the
swirling conflicts that raged over
more than 400 miles of the strait.
More than 100 Migs and 32
Nationalist planes were involved,
the Air Force reported, but nine
Nationalist planes did the damage.
Capt. Chien Yee Chiang was
credited with sending two Migs
screaming down into the sea and
the blazing guns of eight other
pilots brought down one each, the
Air Force said.
The toll was the greatest air
'triumph in Nationalist China's
history and one of the world's
greatest jet air victories.
On another front Nationalist
Air Force transports scored again
with a successful air drop at 8 p.m.
on Little Quemoy, six miles off
the Red China mainland and two
miles west of Quemoy. There the
improving supply picture is threat-
ening effectiveness of the Com-
munist artillery blockade.
Adm. Liu Hoh-Tu (CQ), Na-
tionalist military spokesman, said
a Red plan to lure the Nationalists
over the mainland backfired.
All of the Sabres and their
American-trained and equipped
pilots returned safely.
Re ortFire
At Hospital
Four fire trucks rushed to the
University Hospital at 11:05 p.m.
last night to put out a smoking,
short-circuited compressor.
"The only trouble, was in a
small compressor on the seventh
floor," P. H. Wenk, Ann Arbor fire
captain reported.
"It was short-circuited and
smoking," he continued. "All we
did was unplug it."
The fire department dispatched
a fog-making truck, two pumpers
and an aerial ladder truck to the
Although the machines proved
unnecessary, Capt. Wenk explained
that it was a'justifiable precaution
in view of the possibilities.
"The hospital's fire drill worked
excellently," A. R. Kurtz, night
business manager of the hospital
"If there had been a real fire,
it would never had had a chance
to develop into something serious,"'
he added.
He said that there had not been
any recent alarms at the hospital,
"but we maintain a complete fire
"Everyone was notified, nurses,
supervisors, ambulance drivers and
others, andthe firemen wre con-
ducted to the scene of the fire
within five minutes of the alarm.
The fire department reported
there was no damage to' anything
but the compressor.


Council To Reconsider Idea
Of Course Evaluation Boo





HIds Right
To Regulate
Own Affairs



Student Government Council voted to reconsider the concept of
a Student Course Evaluation Booklet when they directed the Course
Evaluation Committee to make a report of its plans and alterna-
tives at last night's Council meeting.
The report, to be made to SGC "as soon as is possible," asks
the committee to particularly study the possibility of expanding and
improving the course descriptions of the various college catalogues.
The approved motion was substituted by SGC Executive Vice-
President Dan Belin, '59, for the motion of Daily Editor Richard
Taub, '59, to dismiss the course4

evaluation book committee. TheM
motion was subsequently with-
Not Criticizing
"My motion is in no way a criti-
cism of the committee," Taub
said. He indicated that he was
against the whole concept of a
course evaluation booklet.
Under fire from Council mem-
bers as to future plans for the
booklet, Chairman of the Course
Evaluation Bonk Committee Ron
Gregg, '60, said, "if we handed out
questionnaires, we sould put out
the booklet."
The $150 spent on the project
would not be wasted, according to
Gregg, as the information derived
from last semester's question-
naires could still be used.
Kessel Refutes Claim
Gregg's claim that the Council
stipulation of a 50 per cent re-
turn of questionnaires per course
was a main reason the booklet
was not published was refuted by
David Kessel, ,Grad.
Kessel said that although the
Council had discussed the matter,
no figure had been formally set.
In a retraction, Gregg said that
it had been a committee and not
a Council ruling.
Reporting on the financial sta-
tus of the SGC-run Student Book
Exchange, Council Administrative
Vice-President Jo Hardee. '60, es-
timated the SBX stands to lose
about $50 on sales of $5000.
She said that the problem was
the difficulty in building up a
large stock of books over the sum-
mer, rather than a lack of inter-
est on the part of students.
The Council approved Nov. 11
and 12 and March 10 and 11 as
dates for the respective fall and
spring all-campus elections, as
chosen by Elections Director
Richard Erbe, '61.
An investigation of the short-
ening of library hours will be un-
dertaken by the Education and
Student Welfare Committee, Lois
Wurster, '60, reported.
SGC gr'anted the Wolverine
Club permission to stage a pep
rally as a sendoff to the football
team as it leaves for the Michigan
State game at East Lansing.

May. Stop
Air .Search
Rough weather today threatened
to ground search efforts for two
University students believed lost
in the north Canadian wilderness.
A Royal Canadian Air Force
plane flew for nearly ten hours
yesterday over Quebec bush coun-
try but turned up no sign of the
youths, Robert Cary, '58E, and
Alan Price, '59E, son of Prof. Per-
cival Price, University carillonneur.
They have not been seen since
July 26 when they left Lake Was-
wanipi, .some 200 miles north of
Montreal, en route by canoe to
James Bay, 250 miles northeast.
Prof. Price arrived Monday in
the village of Senneterre, Que., to
observe and join in search at-
Air Search Begun
The air search swung into action
yesterday at 8:30 a.m. A 40-mile
stretch of the rugged Waswanipi
River was carefully scanned twice
during the day by the RCAF plane
-with no result.
Detective Louis Patenaude, of
the Quebec, provincial police and
one of the organizers of the search,
expressed some doubt that the
plane would be able to fly again
today, Montreal police reported.
Calling the Montreal post about
6:30 p.m. yesterday, Patenaude
said heavy skies and rain might
well delay the plane's departure
from the town of Amos, Que., early
this morning.
Ground Search Uncertain
He said it was uncertain whether
or not a ground search will be
organized if the pair are not
spotted from the air.
Prof. Price had previously indi-
cated he might make the 250-mile
canoe trip to Rupert House him-
self if the air search continues
to prove fruitless.

... to speak tonight

Senator Javits
To, Talky Here
At YR Meetin
Senator Jacob K. Javits (R-
N.Y.) will speak at a "fund-rais-
ing" meeting at 8:30 tonight in
the main lecture hall of the Rack-
ham Building, according to Wil-
liam E. Lacey, .'61L, president of
the campus Young Republicans.
Senator Charles E. Potter (R-
Mich,) and Representative George
Meader (R-Mich.), both of whom
are seeking re-election, and Jason
L. Honigman, Republican candi-
ds'te for Secretary of State will
al'.;o speak.
Before the Second World War,
Sen. Javits wrote articles on a
liberal political and economic phi-
losophy for the Republican Party.
During the war, he served as an
Army major.
In 1946, Sen. Javits was elected
to Congress, where he served for
three terms. He was elected both
as Attorney General of New York
and to the Senate in 1956.
Sen. Javits has worked in the
areas of foreign affairs and civil
rights while serving in both
branches of Congress. He was a
leader in the Senate fight over the
bill which set up the President's
Civil Rights Commission.
He has also been active in Sen.
Potter's re-election campaign.
Negro Awaits
State Decision

-Daily-Allan Winder
POLITICAL ISSUES-Prof. Preston Slosson of the history depart-
ment discusses the possibility of United States recognition of Red
China at a Political Issues Club meeting last night.
Slosson Suggests 'Sale'
Of Red China Approval
The first Polit al Issues Club meeting of the semester broke out
into hot discussion ast ynight over whether Communist China should
be recognized by the United States.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department proposed dip-
lomatic recognition with certain specific reservations. He suggested
the possible "sale" of United States recognition in return for the
safety of Formosa and the Communist's pledge to refrain from any
future intervention in South Korea and Indo-China.
Not Implying Approval
"But," Prof. Slosson added, "recognition does not necessarily im-
ply approval" of Red China's past or future actions. The United
States could always withdraw its
recognition if the Communists vi- A -U- d
olatedrany one of the pledges, he Gov. Alm on
Commenting on. the rapidly delays Closm
developing crisis over the Nation- L eav
aist Chinese held islands of
Mtuand Quemoy, Prof. RobertI M ixed Schools
Crane of the history department
cited military experts as saying
the defense of the much disputed RICHMOND, Va. 0)-Gov. J.
offshore islands has not . been Lindsay Almond yesterday held
demonstrated necessary for the off closing six Norfolk high and
defense of Formosa. He added the junior high schools.
United States is committed to The delay will allow the state
maintain'stability in the Far East to accept a. Federal Appellate
and cannot ignore the 'feelings of Court's offer for an immediate
the uncommitted Far Eastern na- review of a lower court order for
tions. desegregation of the schools, with
It is these feelings that should 10,000 pupils.
be taken into consideration be- Virginia law clamps shut any
fore the United States takes any school integrated by court order.
drastic course of action, he But the state is seeking a one-
added. year delay in integration of the
Agree With Slosson - Norfolk schools, and Chief Judge
The remaining two panel mem- Simon E. Sobeloff of the United
bers, Prof. Singer of the political States 4th Circuit Court of Ap-
science department and Prof. Ar- peals said yesterday he would try
nold S. Kaufman of the phiiloso- to get the full court together to-
phy department tended to agree morrow or Saturday to hear the
with Prof. Slosson's method of appeal.
bargaining for recognition. The Norfolk schools, their de-
braiingfoeconterin .o layed opening now scheduled for
Durng he ate dicusionMonday, may have their opening
from the floor, one student in- date set back again unless the
quired whether Red China would Circuit Court can decide quickly
pay such a high price for United on the merits of the appeal.
States recognition. The state may seek a review at
Prof. Crane countered that the the same time of a request for a
Red Chinese would feel con- one-year delay in the desegrega-
strained by the uncommitted na- tion order for Warren County
tion's opinion in the Far East to high school at Front Royal. No
accept the United States' offer. such effort appeared to be in-the
Public discussion on the present works at this time in the Char-
United States Far Eastern policy lottesville case, however.
was described as being in a state The Front Royal school, with
of "stagnation" by Prof. Kauf- 1,000 pupils, and Charlottesville's
man. He laid the blame not only Lane high school and Venable
to the present administration but elementary school, with a com-
also to the voting public. bined attendance of 1,700, already
have been ordered closed by Gov.
Navy Polaris At Norfolk's Norview high
school students staged a quiet
demonstration with a hand-let-
Blows A part tered banner declaring "We want
Norview to open now.' An- esti-
CAPE CANAVERAL (P) - A mated 200 students gathered
lightning-fast Navy Polaris test about 1 p.m. and dispersed some
rocket was blown apart high over 30 minutes later after 159 had
the cape yesterday, raining flam- signed a statement with the same
ing debris back on the launching appeal.
The sleek rocket was deliberately D 58
destroyed by a range safety officer rectory
when it straved off eourse and

Daily Encourages Students To Join Staff


Sorority Constitution
Fits Requirements
Says Vice-President
National Sigma Kappa resolve
at its summer Convention to abid
by the rules of colleges where V
has chapters, according to a lette
read at last night's Student Gov
ernment Council meeting.
The resolution reserved for th
sorority "the right to regulate it
ifiternal affairs privately," an
said the college rules must nc
violate Article III, Section IA c
the Sigma Kappa Constitution,.
A letter from Vice-President fe
Student Affairs James A. Lewi
said the Dean of Women's Offic
had checked the sorority constitu
tion and that "Sigma Kappa meet
the requirements as stated in ou
published regulations."
Establish Committee
Hearing these letters, the Coun
cil voted to establish a committe
of League President Bobbie Maie
'59, Daily. Editor Richard Tau
'59, Scott Chrysler, '59BAd, Pan
hellenic President Mary Towe:
'59, and SGC President Maynar
Goldman, '59, to make recommen
dations on Council action regard
ing the status of Sigma Kappa
Alpha Mu chapter on this campu
The committee will "report a
soon as possible," according t
the adopted motion.
Until the committee reports bac
and some action is taken, Sigm
Kappa remains guilty of violatin
the University's 1949 reguatio
that all organizations admitte
since then must not have dis
criminatory policies.
Suspend Chapters
SGC found the sorority guilt
in 1956 when chapters at Tufts an
Cornell were suspended afte
pledging Negroes.
The National Sorority was give
until last July's convention by SG
to remove discriminatory practice
The committee set up last nigt
(The following is the text of
a letter regarding Student Gov-
ernment Council action 'd
local sigma Kappa received by.
James A. Lewis, vice-president
for student Affairs, from Na-
tionai sigma Kappa. on sep -:
tember 10, 1958)
Dear Mr. Lewis:
I am quoting below the
Resolution passed by the
National Convention of Sig-
ma Kappa, held in June 1958,
which the National Council
was instructed to forward to
the Student Go v e r n m e n t
Council of- your University.
This is being sent to You for
this purpose.
"National Sigma Kappa
shall abide by the University
or college rules and regula-
tions now governing the re-
spective 'campuses on which
it has a chapter, reservng
the right to regulate its in-
ternal affairs privately, in
accordance with the univer-
sity or college rules and regu-
lations, provided that such
rules and regulations must
not be in violation of the
Constitution 'and By-laws of
Sigma Kappa as set forth in
Article III, Section 1A."
Very truly yours,
The National Council
of Sigma Kappa
Margaret Taggart
Secretary-Treasurer '
will present the Council with altei
native courses of action to follov
including withdrawal of recogni
tion if they are found still i
violation and noo action if they a
found no longer guilty.
The letter from Vice-Presider
Leawis rnrrhwerd h renitin

Tryout meetings for anyone in-
terested in joining the business,
editorial, sports or photography
staffs of The Michigan Daily will
be held tonight at 7:15 p.m. and
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Business tryouts will gain ex-
perience in meeting and working
with people, obtaining and com-
posing advertisements, along with
receiving a general background in
"what makes a business tick."
In addition, business staff mem-
bers become acquainted with the
merchants of Ann Arbor and gain
experience in handling responsi-
bility which will be valuable
throughout one's lifetime, accord-
ing to Carol Hecht, '59, Daily As-
sociate Business Manager.
Business staff tryouts work for
two or three hours a week and
work in the various departments
of the business staff. This includes
display advertising, classified ad-
vertising, circulation and account-
ing departments.
People who join the editorial

. s


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