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September 24, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-24

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"There's Something Wrong with This Ouiz Show Too"

Sixty-Ninth Year






"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Adams Sacrificed i Struggle
For Republican Political Prestige

~i! f
40 (II
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Adams is no more. Adams' political death
did not come as a sudden surprise to the nation.
Political pressure brought on by an overdose
of personal ignorance- and indiscretion forecast
his fate shortly after the cold, efficient adminis-
trator appeared before House influence investi-
gators several months ago.-
Once described as the President's -"hatchet
man," Adams himself lost his scalp to the
Republican candidates for Congress ,.. . GOP
hopefuls began clamoring for his resignation
ever since disclosure oP his relations with
wealthy Boston industrialist Bernard Goldfne."
The clamoring grew into a tulmult after the
Republicans suffered a rout in Maine's first-
in-the-nation election Sept. 9.
Republicans cannot expect a sudden upsurge
in the voting trend with Adams' departure.
While GOP candidates may give a sigh of relief
and rejoice somewhat, they cannot expect to
reap additional votes and prestige. The damage
done by the Adams-Goldfine case will not be'
repaired by the presidential assistant's delayed
departure. They can only use it as a scapegoat
on which tio shift the burden of their defeat if
they should happen to lose.the upcoming elec-
THE NAME Sherman Adams meant little to
the pulklic before the recent Congressional;
disclosures. "Sherm," as his friends called him,
was the picture of the stiff, hard-working,.
blunt-talking New EIglander. His integrity was
niever questioned during his 20 years of service

to the State of New Hampshire and the United
States. His political record went unquestioned
unitl recently.
While governor of New Hampshire, Adams
concentrated on economy for himself as well
as the government. He even carried his lunch
to work with him after taking a salary cut to
become governor. When he took time out to
play golf,, Adams visited semi-public courses
instead of the exclusive Concord Country Club.
Whether Goldfine's influence extended be-
yond making several inquiries about Goldfine
cases pending before the Federal Trade Com-
mission and the Securities and Exchange Com-
~mission is known only to Sherman Adams him-
self. His resignation certainly cannot be taken
as an admission of his guilt in the Goldfine
case. It demonstrates only the power and in-
fluence the Republican party can bring to bear
on members of their GOP.
OTHER GOVERNMENT officials, on the state
and national level, will probably find them-
selves in the same position as Sherman Adams.
Some will refuse any connection whatsoever
with outside influences. Others will make the
same mistake or mistakes as Adams did. But
few will have to face the public abuse as
Sherman Adams will be remembered by many
as the man who was forced to resign his govern-
ment post for the welfare of the 'nation. Few
will, remember him as the man shoved into a
political grave by the hands of his own party.

Khrushchev Turns
On Soviet Unvwersities
Associated Press -News Analyst
ONE OF NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV'S unadmitted purposes in proposing
a radical reform of the Soviet school system is to liquidate Soviet
universities as centers of intellectual ferment among Russian youths.
Hg proposes to do this by turning them for the most part into night
and correspondence schools.
The Moscow press announced Sunday that the Presidium of the
Central Committee has approved Khrushchev's "work while you study"
scheme, to be put into effect over the next three or four years. The
full membership of the Central Committee and the Supreme Soviet, or
parliament will be called upon to.
endorse it later:;N E P E IG
One purpose in the proposed INTERPRETING:
change is economic. The change
will make it, possible for the UP" I-
Kremlin to mobilize for manual .S. .u' ,...he
-labor millions of boys and girls
from 14 to 17 years of age. The
mobilization will help make up It:W ar a'w
for the impending acute shortage
of young men and women due to
the drop during World War II in By . 1M. ROBERTS
the birth rate. Associated Press News Analyst
This wart line fall in the birth ,NDICATIONS of stalemate in
rate means that in the next five the Warsaw negotiations with
years, without adoption of sope- Red China over the Formosa Strait
thing like this school measure, situations are pushing the United
there would be about five million States toward -an appeal to the
fewer young people entering the United Nations for which it has no
labor force and armed forces than great appetite.
there were during the past five For a time it was hoped that,
years. whether any agreements resulted
Under the Khrushchev, plan or not, the Warsaw talks and other
after the seventh or eighth verbal exchanges would gradually
grade almost all children, except cause a lessening of the tension,
those exceptionally gifted and in- on the theory that even a war can
tended to become scientists, will be talked to death.
be put to work at manual labor on There is a growing feeling now,
farms and in factories. They will however, that the Chinese Reds
be forced to continue schooling, if intend to keep on with the form
at all, at night classes and by of war in which they are now
correspondence. indulging for the very purpose of





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.. .By John Weicher

yand the Faculty
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OFFEEB..BLACK_ By Richard Taub
SigmaKappa's New Phase

letter from Natiornal Sigma Kappa sorority
an expectant council and a two year period
waiting will come to a' close.
It was two years ago that Sigma Kappa was
)nd in violation of a University regulation
hich prohibits recognition of any organiza-
on practicing discrimination according to race,
ligion or creed in chosing its members.'
At the time, the council gave Sigma Kappa
Vo years, or until its next convention to show
tat it was no longer violating the regulation.
LOT HAS HAPPENED since then and given
the transitory nature of student bodies,
ere are many new faces on campus.:
Over that time, several myths have been
gii up concerning the. violation, and these;
yths need correcting. The first and most
)pular of these is that a group of radical
.dependents took, the bit in their teeth and
ppressed a minority of affiliates on the Coun-
1. Nothing could be further from the truth.
GC was then composed of a. clear majority of
filiates and more affiliates voted against
igma Kappa than for it. They were:
Carol DeBruin, a member of Delta Delta
elta sorority and then president of Panhel;
Sue Arnold, a member of Kappa\ Kappg
gamma sorority and president of the league;
Roy Lave, a member of Theta Ki fraternity;
ad then president of the Union;
Janet Neary, a member of Pi Beta Phi
rority, and later to be an SGC vice-president;
Janet Winkelhaus, a member of Chi Omega
rority; and Ann Woodard, a. member of
amma Phi Beta sorority.
In all fairness it should be pointed out that
le five who voted that Sigma Kappa was not
violation were affiliated, although it is
teresting to note that three of the five were
embers of 'fraternities with discriminatory
auses. Those five men were:
Tim Leedy, a member of Psi Upsilon fra- ,
rnity and IFC president;
John Wrona, a member of Sigma Chi fra-
Scott Crysler, another Sigma Chi;
Mal Cumming, a member of Alpha Tau
mega, later- to be IFC vice-president; and
om Sawyer, a member of Phi Gamma Delta
The final vote was twelve to five.
NOTHER POPULAR misconception concerns
a distinction between the local chapter and
Editorial Staff
Eitoria 1 Director City Editor
Associate Editor
LECANTOR .......... ... .Personnel Director
AN T WILLOUGHBY. Associate Editorial Director
ATA JORGENSON ........Associate 'City Editor
IZABETH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director
SAN JONES ......«.......... .Sports Editor
JRL RISEMAN. . Associate Sports Editor
COLEMAN ...,............Associate Sports Editor
AVID ARNOLD.........,.....Chief Photographer
Business Staff

the national sorority. "Why penalize the local
for something the national did," the saying
goes. While such distinctions are sometimes
valuable or necessary, this just is not one of
those times.
University regulations are quite clear on this
point. A group of students may get together
and form a local organization. For this, they
need University recognition. If the group then
wishes to affiliate with a national fx aternity pr
sorority, the University must then recognize
the national.
Sigma Kappa began as a club, Eskasia. This
group was recognized by the University. Then
when it affiliated with National Sigma Kappa,
again approval was necessary and the national
had to file its constitution with 'the Dean of
Women's office, and go through other recogni-
tion procedures.
Dean Bacon made this clear at the first
Sigma, Kappa hearing. The University recog-
nizes the national, she said. It's the national's
name, the national's ritual and, as they never
let the University forget, it is the national's
money, she pointed out.
THERE IS ONE unfortunate aspect of the
problem. The University regulation only
restricts those groups which were recognized
after the rule was passed in 1949. This means
that other groups recognized before 1949 are
free to discriminate as much as they wish, and
unfortunately many of them do.
But the regulation was passed to prevent
the establishment of any more discriminatory
groups on campus. Apparently, the Committee
on Student Affairs, 'which passed the resolution,
and the University president who approved the
regulation made the assumption that all groups
would act in good faith. Apparently in the case
of Sigma Kappa, the assumption was invalid.
So for almost two whole years, Sigms, Kappa
was' allowed'. to operate on this campus in
normal fashion although it was violating Uni-
versity regulations for that period of time.
The group was permitted to rush, pledge and
participate in all University activities, as
though they were any University group in good
BUT THIS TWO YEAR period is about to
come to an end. With the reading of the
letter tomorrow night, SGC is committed to
deciding on a course of action.
Ultimately, there can only be two such
courses. On the one hand, the letter may clearly
show that Sigma Kappa is no longer violating
the rules. In that case, the issue is dead. Sigma
Kappa will be just another sorority.
The other possibility is that the letter may
not prove to the Council that Sigma Kappa has
changed its policies significantly. If this is the
case, the Council will have no choice but to
withdraw recognition from the national.
In this latter instance, however, SGC will
be obligated to do all it can for the local group..
That would mean helping it to affiliate with
another national or helping to gain financial
backing as a local sorority.. -
However, even if that decision is still some
way off, a new phase in the standing of Sigma
Kappa sorority will begin tonight.-
VlA1.E d1 l A ' _ - t 7I

ANOTHER all-time record num-
ber of students enrolled at the
University this fall-23,508, to be
exact. Meanwhile, the University
budget has been cut by over one
million dollars from last year.
In itself, the budget cut need
not conflict with a rising enroll-
ment. It might be possible in
theory to cut the non-academic
areas of the budget sufficiently
even to afford a small rise with a
reduced budget. However, this is
not the case; 207 faculty and staff,
positions have been eliminated,
raising the student-faculty ratio
from about 13-1 to about 14-1..
THERE ARE a number of con-
siderations which go into deter-
mining enrollment in a given year,
not all of them academic concerns.
For one. thing, housing must be
found for new students, particu-
larly freshmen. In past years,
dousing shortages have played a
great role in keeping enrollment
down. However, with the comple-
tion of Markley this fall, space
suddenly became available for
several hundred new students, at
a time when funds to provide in-
struction for those students were
Given this peculiar set of cir-
cumstances, the University was
faced with -a choice of empty
dorms or crowded classrooms.
Neither alternative is particularly
desirable, and perhaps the crowded'
classrooms is the lesser of two

evils. But there are other aspects
to be considered.
-~* *
RESIDENCE HALLS, once built,
become permanent fixtures, and
there is a tendency to utilize them
as fully as possible. If the Uni-
versity has space for so many
thousand students on the Hill and
in the quads, it will want to find
so many thousand students to live
there. Thus a certain basic enroll-
ment is presupposed for a given
year and for a given :period of
years for a long time to come.
In addition, it is less expensive
per' capita to utilize available facil-
ities to the fullest. Certain basic
costs involved in maintaining resi-
dence halls either do not increase
as the number of students housed
in them rises, or the costs may
increase at a slower rate. Food
and other expenses which are
approximately the same per stu-
dent, regardless of the number of
students, make up a good share
of the cost, but so do compara-
tively fixed expenses such as heat-
ing. As a result, it is relatively
easy and inexpensive to continue
to utilize residence halls at or near
capacity in a lean year.
Unfortunately y for the faculty,
the economics of residence hall
management leaves them with the
problem of providing instruction
for about the same number of
students as last year, with a sharp-
ly cut payroll. In this situation, the
only' solution can be expanded
classes where possible - "where

possible" generally meaning in the
multiple-section courses, thus hit-
ting the freshmen harder than
other classes,, and introducing
them to intellectual challenges in
a harried, impersonal atmosphere,
despite ,the best efforts of faculty
FROM ANOTHER standpoint,
the completion of Markley this
year and its attendant result on
enrollment may be unfortunate.
To state legislators in Lansing,
unable to judge the quality of
University education simply on
grounds of distance, the fact that
the University was able to'enroll
a record number of students de-
spite a million dollar budget cut
will stand out in sharp contrast,
to administration statements that
every dollar of the requested 37
million was essential and would
impair education. To them, the
budget c t and record enrollment
may indicate .the University was
crying wolf last spring.
The University will no doubt be
able to marshal an impressive ligt
of reasons why it needs more
money next spring, but these may
well fall on deaf ears, as the legis-
lators remember fall enrollment
figures. The result may be another
year of ope'rations on a thirty mil-
lion dollar appropriation, with at-,
tendant disasters, simply because a
new dormitory was opened this fall
and more students were.-admitted
to take advantage of the extra

-* * *
behind the overhaul of Soviet edu-
cation. But the political motives
behind it are probably stronger.
During 1956 under the de-Stalin-
ization program advanced that
year by Khrushchev theret was a
letup in repression. As a result
much discontent with Communist
dictatorship came to light among
Soviet university students. Intel-
lectual ferment rose to a high
pitch. It became apparent that.
many or most students were un-
happy about the Soviet regime.
The Soviet government after
the lesson of the Hungarian re-
volt lost no time in taking dras-
tic steps to keep Soviet students
under control. But Kremlin leaders
became aware they had a long-
term problem on their hands. The
Soviet dictatorship appeared to be
digging its own grave by providing
too much 'education for Russians.
* * * .
THE KREMLIN'S answer to the
problem, expressed in various,
shifts during the last two years.
and now particularly in this new
over-all change, is to abolish uni-
yersities as places where large
numbers of students study and live
together for periods of five years
or more. From now on if he is
hard-working enough to complete
two to three years of high school
and three years of higher educa- ,
tion at night and correspondence
courses the ordinary Soviet youth.
desirous of completing his higher
education may, if he is lucky, be
given a leave of absence for only
two years of full-time study.
It's Nikita Khrushchev's hope
that this and the associated
changes he has recommended will
so change the setup and the at-
mosphere in the Soviet educational
system as to destroy the creative
exchange of new political ideas
among Soviet students and make
them submissive and obedient
servants ?f the state.

promoting more talk. Eventually
they will have to have it.
THAT RAISES the. question of
whether they would be invited to
attend a full-dress debate onrthe
issues, ac, they were- once before il
the early days of the United Nam
- Yesterday's debate was a differ-
ent matter, in which the Formosa
issue was dragged in as a side-line
to the question of Red Chinese
membership. Even the Russians
facing certain defeat, didn't seem
too interested.
.There has been some hope that
this would be the only discussion
required in the UN. But Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles' reser-
vatidr- of the right to a formal
debate if the Warsaw talks failed
has been accepted as a sort of half
promise. There is also the con-
sideration that if the United States
does not bring it up when all hope
for Warsaw is gone, then someone
else will.
When it is, it will not make any-
body very happy except perhaps
the Communists who enjoy turning
the UN into a propaganda forum
at every opportunity.
THE BRITISH, hoping for the
same U.S. defense commitment for
Hong Kong that has been given for
Formosa, are trying to keep as
quiet as possible because of strong
political opposition at home to the
American position.
'Some delegations which are de-
voted to the welfare of the UN
itself are not enthusiastic this
time, as'rthey sometimes are, of
following the usual General As-
sembly routine in such cases. That
routine is to wind up debates on
such issues by asking Secretary
General Hammarskjold to under-
take a mediation mission.
This procedure has worked well
to hold the.lid on some boiling
pots, as in the Middle East. But
Hammarskjold has not been too
successful in his mission to Jordan
and the United Arab Republic. In
Red China. he might be received
merely as the representative of an
organization which has blackballed
Nevertheless, the effort to talk-
the war to death will be continued,
and the UN seems to be in for it.
The Daily Ogicial'-Bulletn is$ an
offiial .publication of the Univer--
sity of ichigan for wich The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519. Administration. Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
'Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General notices
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic will be
held Thurs., Sept. 25 only from 8:00
a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.mi.-4:45 p.m.
in the Health Service, Students are
reminded that it is not necessary to
obtain their regular clinic cards. Pro-
ceed to Rm. 58 in the basement' werq
,formstare available and cashier's rep-
resentatives are present. The fee .for
injection is $1.00.
The U. of M. Student Debaters, spon-
sored 1;y the Dept. of Speech, will hold
their first meeting of thie fall semester
in Rm. 2040 Frieze Bldg. on Thurs.,
Sept.. 25, 4:00 p.m, and 7:00 p.m. These
two meeting hours ar' designed so that
most students wishing to participate
in varsity debating ti fall iay sign
up at- one or the other of the meetings.

Adams, Other Issues Point to Parties' Problems

Daily Staff Writer'
N DOUBT about it, issues spell out political fate, and fatalities.
Recent primaries reaffirm the importance of domestic issues.
Areas hard hit by the recession, a South determinedly South and de-
terminedly segregationist, the Adams-Goldfine blowup, all are loom-
ing up to make the political fortuntellers' guesswork less than haty.
Some domestic issues will cripple the Republicans, others are a Demo-
cratic liability.
Counting up GOP assets, National Republican chairman Meade Al-
corn predicts a Southern Democratic split. There will be a third party
in the South, he says, "Conservative Southerners are being driven from
the party and they no longer have a home in it."
A truth does lie beneath his rose-colored predictions. In most South-
ern states, the "conservative" and "moderate" Democrats, placing their
primary hopes on a solid segregationist stand, have triumphed over the
"liberals." A coalition of Texas "conservatives" and "moderates" easily
turned bacl the "liberal" wing (supposedly backed by Northern labor)
in primaries in that state. In florida, the more rigid segregationist,
Senator Spessard L. Holland proved victorious over Claude Pepper, a
"liberal" who served as senator during New Deal and "Fair Deal" days.
So it goes so far throughout the Deep South. A segregationist South and
a more liberal North may not mix.
THE DEMOCRATIC party, because it has withstood inside pressures
before, may have only a case of indigestion, but it is possible that it
may not be able to stomach its conflicting interests.
But at this moment domestic issues or rather a particular domestic
issue, are uppermnost in the Republican mind. Whether or not Sherman
Adams' retirement will heal GOP injuries is a matter of more than a lit-
tle speculation at this point. Michigan's state chairman Neil Staebler
had this to say about the Adams exit:
"The pain from Maine apparently has become toQ much for the Re-
publican party to bear. But the political toothache will remain despite
the belated extraction of Mr. Sherman Adams from the White House.

Maine, former Republican stronghold, signaled a bad Republican de-
feat, one which undoubtedly prompted the presidential aide's resigna-
ALONG GOP party lines, Adams, out of the White House now or not,
is serving to accentuate the right-wing' left-wing party split. In the,
past half dozen years Eisenhower's moderates have held control, but the
doubts which now, reflect upon Eisenhower himself and the realizatipn
his somewhat battered coattails go into the closet in two years, weaken
the control. Stronger elements in both wings may refuse to listen to the
moderates or agree on party compromises.
Each party has its issues, its headaches, and its election problems for
November. To each its own..

Senirnore Says.
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