Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 4
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njTj A pytm? 'MTf1NTl:AN VVVnNT SZnAY_ SEPTEMBER 24. 1958
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Course Book
Gregg Says'
Claims Low Returns
Delayed Publication
Publishing a booklet of student
opinion on courses and instructors
this fall as planned "became im-
possible" over the summer, accord-
ing to a report Ron Gregg, '60, will
present to Student Government
Council tonight.
Gregg, chairman of SGC's Edu-
cation and Student Welfare Com-
mittee, explained that a low return
of the questionnaires and the ab-
sence of questions dealing with
courset content in these questions
led him tc the conclusion that "the
booklet would be less than we
wanted it to be."
Two thousand questionnaires
came back of 16,000 distributed,
according to Gregg's report.
"Going by survey technique" this
return would have been adequate,
the report continues, "but it did
not meets the stipulation of the
council" that "1he booklet must
have a return of over 50 per cent
of the questionnaires alloted to
that course."
Prof. Hubert Blalock of the soci-
ology department' said last night
the ,return of one-eighth of the
questionnaires was "terrible" for a
survey. But by the method used
it is impossible to tell whether the
results are biased or not regardless
of the return, he continued, since
those returning questionnaires
are selecting their own opinions
for inclusion.
The report does not clarify the
term "questionnaires alloted to
that course"; questionnaires were
passed out in Dousing units with-
out consideration of course en-
The questionnaires were dis-
tributed and $eturned at the end
of the spring semester. Gregg and
Daily Editorial Director' Michael
Kraft, '59, and Associate Editor
David Tarr, '59, were to compile
the .infornzlation.
All three met tpgether only once,
Gregg said, deciding at that meet-
ing on a deadline for compilation.
When the deadline arrived,
Gregg related, he came to The,
Daily twice but could locate
neither Tarr nor Kraft, Co-Editors
of the summer Daily.
He assumed from seeing ques-
tionnaires around that they had
not completed the compilation, he
Parking Space
Now Planned,
Sheil Reports
The parking places sought by
petitioning tenants of the Uni.
versity's Terrace Apartments have
been planned since the middle of
the summer, Francis C. Shiel,
head of the University's parking
committee, said yesterday.
x Monday,. 45 student tenants of
the apartment section on Uni-
versity Terrace Drive drew up a
petition asking the University to
"provide adequate parking facili-
ties for the tenants" of the apart-
This section of the apartments
faces Mary Markley Hall. The
students had feared the parking
spaces would all be used by the
staff of the new women's resi-
Shiel said the tenants would be
given a 20 car space behind Mary
Markley Hall. A new, nearby
parking lot will be built before
winter, he said.
IFC To Start
Fall Rushing
Aid Pro ram
The a n n u a l Interfraternity
Council rushing counselor pro-
gram will begin today in rooms'
3-R and3-S of the Union accord-
ing to Paul Becker, '60E, IFC pub-
licity chairman.
Rushing counselors will be
available from 3 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day through Friday from now
until the end of rushing on Octo-
ber 24.
The counseling service, which
is carried on by members of the
IFC, who are pledged to impar-
Court Refuses
Virginia's Plea.
By The Associated Press
RICHMOND-Another Federal Court rebuff yesterday brought
Virginia to the point of no-return in its plans to seize and keep closed
Norfolk's six white secondary schools.
Chief Judge Simon E. Sobeloff of the Fourth United States
Circuit Court of Appeals removed any question of the state's next
step when he turned down a request for a' year's stay of a United
States Court order directing admission of 17 Negroes to three high
schools aid three junior high
... searches for son .
U Students
Still missing
A Royal Canadian Air Force
plane was to begin criss-crossing
dense bushlands south of Hudson
Bay early today as efforts to lo-
cate two University students --
missing since July 26 - were
stepped up.
Meanwhile, a Quebec provin-
cial police officer offered little
hope for survival of the youths,
Robert Cary, '58E, and Alan Price,
'59E, son of Prof. Percival Price,
Burton Tower carillonneur.
Detective Romeo Courtemanche
said in Montreal that the "general
hazardous conditions" in the Ca-
nadian northlands made it im-
probable that the youths will be
found alive.
RCAF Plane Taken
Prof. Price, in Senneterre, Que.,
said that a party will leave in an
RCAF plane this morning and
may be out as long as 48 hours in
the search.
The plane had been scheduled
to begin combing the country yes-
terday but was delayed in reach-
ing the Senneterre region.
If the pair are not located by
the plane, a ground search may
possibly be organized, Prof. Price
Cary and young Price have not
been heard from since July 26
when they set out by canoe from
Lake Waswanipi near Senneterre
to Rupert House outpost on
James Bay, 250 miles northeast.
Rupert House. announced last
week that the two had not ar-
Has Large Lakes
The region bounded by Senne-
terre on the south and James Bay
on the north is characterized by
several large lakes, countless
streams and miles of thick bush-
Most of the area is uninhabit-
ed, except for a number of pros-
pectors. Cree Indians travel by
plane -- rather than overland -
between Waswanipi and James
Carrying only a small supply of
food, the pair had counted on
living largely off the land. They
included rifles and fishing tackle
in their gear.
The expedition had been
planned since last semester, ac-
cording to a friend and former
University student, Nan Tucci.
M oney Stolen
From Houses
Early yesterday morning large
amounts of money were stolen
No Surprise
The decision 'at Baltimore came
as no surprise to Gov. J. Lindsay
Almond Jr. and Atty. Gen. A. S.
Harrison Jr. They felt the result.
of, the request had been tele-
graphed in advance by Sobeloff's
refusal to stay similar cases in-
volving Warren County and Char-
lottesville schools.
Almond told a news conference
the state law that closes schools
rather than permit racially mixed
classrooms would probably be in-
voked in the Norfolk case tumor-
State shuttering of the Norfolk
schools will affect an additional
10,000 pupils, more than treble
the number already idled by clo-
sure of Warren County's only high
school-at Front Royal, Va.-and
the two schools at Charlottesville.
Provide Bigger Test
And it will provide a far broader
testing of sentiment on whether
no public schoois is preferable to
public schools with a degree of
Almond said his assessment of
state sentiment was that it still
is overwhelmingly in favbrof keep-
ing separata white and Negro
classrooms. He said he felt "we
are making progress" toward de-
vising educational facilities for the
displaced pupils.
He declined to get specific about
his plans and whether his hopes
were pegged to the makeshift
private school arrangements now
being undertaken.
School Board
Asks Test
By The Associated Press
The Little Rock Board of Edu-
cation asked yesterday for a quick
test in Federal Court of an Ar-
kansas plan to lease four closed
high school buildings to a corpor-
ation for use as private segregat-
ed schools.
The board petitioned United
States District Court to say
whether it can legally lease the
buildings. It said it is willing to
do so if the court will absolve the
board from contempt action.
In Virginia, Gov. J. Lindsay Al-
mond Jr. was expected to close
six junior and senior high schools
at Norfolk after a federal judge
rejected a plea for further delay
in admitting Negroes.
The Little Rock action was
called "absolutely unnecessary"
by a segregationist spokesman.
Amis Guthridge, an attorney
and Citizens Council leader, said
the board "is more interested in
seeing the mixing of the races in
our schools than seeing them op-
Phi Gams
At Amherst
The Amherst chapter of Phl
Gamma Delta was recently sus-
pended for two years by the Phi
Gam national convention after
the chapter had pledged a Negro
member early last year.
The suspension, which was de-
cisively passed by the conven-
tion, neans that the Amherst
chapter cannot pledge, initiate or
continue to operate as a national
fraternity, according to Cy Hop-
kins, '59, president of the Phi
Gamma Delta chapter at the
Hopkins, who was a delegate to
the convention held several weeks
ago in Swampscott, Mass., added
that the Amherst chapter would
be known as Phi Gamma Chi dur-
ing the two year suspension.
A resolution that the Amherst
chapter's charter be permanently
revoked failed to pass by a nar-
row margin when a number of
delegates felt this would be too
severe a penalty for the nine vio-
lataions of which the chapter was
found guilty, Hopkins said.
Temporarily Suspended
He explained that the Amherst
group had originally had their
right to initiate temporarily sus-
pended in May of 1957 by Phi
Gam's national executive coun-
cil which looks after the frater-
nity's interests between their bi-
ennial conventions.
At this time ten charges point-
Garnma Delta constitution and
repeated hostile acts toward the'
national executive council were
leveled at the Amherst fraternity.
The Convention found the Am-
herst chapter guilty on all but one
of the charges.
Negro Not Mentioned
Hopkins also pointed out that
none of the charges mentioned
made any reference to the Negro.
Hopkins did say, however, that
"there could have been some rela-
tionship between the pledgingof
the Negro and the action the
Archon and the convention took."
John Roush, '59, president of
Amherst chapter, told The Daily
last night, "I believe the pledging
of ,the Negro member in March,
1957 to be the cause for the Ar-
chons suspending the chapter ini-
tiation rights in May of the same
year." He added that "We think
this is also the primary reason
we were suspended by the na-
Have Been Pledged
Roush also told The Daily that
the Negro member and his entire
pledge class have been initiated
into the local fraternity, Phi
Gamma Chi, and that the group
plans to operate as a local during
the next two years.
When questioned on future
plans, Roush said, "This will be
up to the local fraternity three
years from now."
Hopkins said that a proposal
for local autonomy on member-
ship requirements was brought up
at the convention, but was de-
feated when a majority opposed
Hopkins also explained that a
standing committee has been set
up by the convention to look into
this very area of local autonomy
concerning membership require-
Practice MaIles Perfect
-Daily-Robert Kanner
BUSY PRACTICING-A portion of the famous University Marching Band is shown here during its
practice session yesterday at Wines Field. The 160-piece band, conducted by Prof. William D. Re-
velli, is presently polishing the rough spots in its program to be given during the halves of Saturday's
Michigan-USC game.
SGCI Plans
Bias Rule
A letter from the National Coun-
cil of Sigma Kappa sorority telling
what action it has taken to dem-
onstrate that it no longer violates
University bias regulations will be
read at tonight's Student Gov-
ernment Council meeting.
SGC President Maynard Gold-
man, '59, said a letter from Uni-
versity Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis will also be
read, giving administration ,views
of the situation.
A procedural motion will be in-
troduced, Goldman said, but actual
consideration of the action of
national Sigma Kappa will take
place no sooner than next week.
An interviewing committee will
-be appointed at the meeting to fill
the vacant council seat, SGC Ex-
ecutive Vice-President Dan Belin,
'59, said.
Petitions for the vacant seat can
be taken out in Rm. 2011 of the
Student Activities Building, Belin
continued. He pointed out that the
new member will be able to vote
on the Sigma Kappa question.
A tabled motion to recommend
Ron Gregg, '60, Phil Zook, '60, and
Sue Rockne, '60, as choices for the
vacant student seat on the Univer-
sity Lecture Committee will be
Council members have now had
time to suggest other choices if
they wished.
RejeC t&e
Adas eination Said
'Political' by Democrats,
WASHINGTON 01P) - Democratic National Chairman Paul M.
Butler asserted yesterday that Sherman Adams resigned as a matter
of political expediency and not on moral grounds.
Adams, President Dwight D. Eisenhower's top aide, told the na-
tion in a dramatic radio and TV broadcast Monday night that al-
though he was bowing out he "did h
no wrong" in, accepting expensive
favors from Bernard Goldfine, a
Boston industrialist.
Answering Adams in a second
nationwide broadcast last night,
Butler said in a prepared speech
that his task was not a pleasant
one because "No American enjoys
talking about impropriety in pub-
lic office.
"No American relishes the dark
end of a long career in public life
whether it concerns a member of
his own political party or a mem-
ber of the opposition party," But-
ler said.
The Democratic chief added,
however, that he wished to reply
to political accusations made by
Adams and detail "some of the
facts glossed over without com-
ment by Mr. Adams."
Earlier Republican National
Chairman Meade Alcorn had de-
picted Adams as a guiltless man
who voluntarily had become a
martyr to unfair political attacks
made against him.
The two national chairmen
spoke out as reports circulated
that President Eisenhower plpns
a speedy appointment to fill the
White House void caused by
Adams' decision to retire.
Two Attack
Ike's Stand
LEXINGTON, Ky. (1) -- Two
southern governors criticized Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower today
for what they called his uncertain
stand on integrating schools.
But, as the Southern governors
conference headed toward final
sessions, it appeared doubtful the
governors could agree on a positive
stand themselves.
Tennessee Gov. Frank Clement
said he might introduce a resolu-
tion reaffirming states rights and
state responsibility.
Clement at a news conference
criticized the President for vaca-
tioning instead of trying to help
solve the segregation and other
problems facing all the governors.
Clement said President Eisen-'
hower should meet with all gov-
ernors and seek "honorable solu-
tions" to problems that affect this
country at home and abroad.
"I am merely emphasizing anew
what I think is the President's re-
sponsibility," Clement said. "I
would tell him, in all respect, that
he is not carrying out his respon-
Arkansas' Gov. Orval E. Faubus
jabbed at the President for using
federal troops at Little Rock last
year to force integration of Cen-
tra; High School.
If President Eisenhower and
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
want integration, they should send
their children to integrated'schools,
Faubus said.
He said Nixon has takhen his
children from integrated schools
and placed them in private insti-
"If these people would practice
what they preach instead of try-
ing to force integration on us,"
Faubus asserted, "they would set
an example for the whole coun-
Faubus told a news conference
a federal law ordering integration
would be unconstitutional.
The statement referred to a
suggestion that the integration
issue should be resolved by Con-
gress inmmediately.
Iolb Leaves
T1 '_
UN Rejects
For Year
Margin in Assembly
Narrowest in Years
For United States
The United States succeeded yes-
terday in again getting the United
Nations to sidetrack the question
of Red China's membership.
But the margin of victory Was,
the lowest on record.
By a vote of 44 to 28 the 81-
nation General Assembly approved
a United States proposal to post-
pone the issue for another year.
Nine nations abstained.
Last year the vote was 48 fpr,
27 against and six abstentions.
Reject Request
In approving the United States
proposal the assembly rejected In-
dia's request that the Assembly
open full-scale debate on Red
China's representation. It also de-
cided against considering any pro-
posals for excluding the Chinese
Nationalists or to seat the repre-
sentatives of Peiping.
By its vote the Assembly en-
dorsed the action of its powerful
steering committee. It approved
the United States proposal by a
12-7 vote last Friday.
This time the United States had
the support of slightly over 54 per
cent of the UN members on the
postponement iove.
It compared with 71.6 per cent
in 1954, 70 per cent in 1955, and
a little, over 59 per cent= in 1958
and 1957. The drop in 1956 and
1957 was due to the increase in
the UN membership by 21 nations,
including four Soviet bloc and six
Asian nations.
Fights Singe-Handedly
Perhaps one of the most signi-
ficant developments in the As
sembly debate this year was the
fact that the United States fought
almost single-handedly for its pro-
Almost all the speakers in the
debate that opened yesterday
morning were from the nations
either opposed to the United States
stand or abstaining.
Britain, Canada and New Zea.
land were the only speakers who
favored the United States position.
According to the rules the dele-
gates were not supposed to get
into the meat of the issue. But the
debate ranged wide and included
the formosa crisis.
Soviet bloc speakers accused
the United States of aggression ii
supporting the Chinese Nation-
Club TO, hold
Far Eastern x
Panel Tonight
The Political Issues Club will
hold a discussion on "United States
Far Eastern Policy: Has It Failed?"
at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 3KLMN of
the Michigan Union.
* Prof. Robert I. Crane of the
history department, Prof. Preston
W. Slossen of the history depart-
ment, Prof. Singer of' the political
science department and Prof. Ar-
nold S. Kaufman of the philosophy
department will be the panel
U.S., Russia
Ex c g
Exchange 404
Grad Students
American and Soviet university
students will be exchanged for the
first time, according to an an-
nouncement, made by the State
Twenty candidates for doctoral
degrees from nine American uni-.
Daily To Hold Staff Tryout Meetings
Although these two young ladies
have gladly given their all, you
need not go this far to enjoy the
benefits of working on The Michi-
gan Daily.
As a member of the editorial,
b'usiness, sports or photography
staffs you will be In. . . on world
and campus news... on the sports
scenes . . . on the behind the story
life of the University.
Join now and enjoy the glory
that comes only from being recog-
nized as a staff member of the
widely reputed campus news sheet.
It's time to lose your psychic
inhibitions and let your true jour-
nalistic talents come to the fore.
Stop wasting your skill on insigni-
ficant term papers and doctoral
But judge for yourself: Try one
of our smoother, milder, no-ex-
perience-necessary tryout meet-
,. .
....... .