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September 23, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-23

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Lk Su eirTo The Atantic Ocean, S. n un . ......,..
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Yale Singing Group
Tours' Soviet Union


Returned recently from a five
week tour of Russia, members of
the Yale Russian Chorus reported
a warm reception from the Rus-
sians who gathered to hear them
sing Russian and American songs
in the streets and parks of the
Soviet Union.
No exact schedule had been set
up for the chorus. This left -the
Yale singers free to attract crowds
and then speak to the gatherings
on politics and cultural matters.
All the singers spoke Russian.
Describing the trip on their return
home Thursday, they said they left
with a feeling that they had made
some contribution toward a better
understanding of the United
Return With Souvenirs
Russian fur hats and other sou-
venirs which the singers brought
back. also indicated a bettered
American understanding of the
Soviet Union.
Charles Neff, 24, a second year
graduate student at Yale, said,
"The idea was a shot in the dark.
But the crowds came to us, to
listen to the songs and then they
began to question 'us. They were
very enthusiastic. While -some
were critical, they 'were never
Christopher Bingham, president
of the Yale Russian Club, of which
the chorus is an outgrowth, de-
scribed the reception at the street
gatherings as "very warm,"
However, he said, there were
some things that the singers had
difficulty in seeing, such as ob-
taining permission to attend lec-
tures at the Moscow University.
This permission, he said, came'
only on the last day of the visit.
Musical director of the group,
Donald Mickiewicz, said he thought
the experience had brought the;
cultural exchange idea to the level
of the man on the street.

.n.. ..:r. .r.b,..or

Brand New Dam, Seaway Open

A new lake has opened that'
will eliminate the major road-
block between ocean-going ships
and the Great Lakes.
The St. Lawrence Seaway, a
billion dollar dream become a re-
ality, opened this summer with
the explosion of thirty tons of
dynamite. A brand new dam
closed its sluice gates and the In-
ternational Rapids of the St.
Lawrence River were swallowed
up in a new lake.
The partially completed hydro-
electric plant at the lake's mouth
will start shooting power into
homes and industrial plants in
both Canada and the United

Predictions are that the seaway
will one day open the Great Lakes
to ocean-going commerce as far
as Duluth, Minnesota. New indus-
try, new people, and tourists in
flocks are expected to be offspring
of the St. Lawrence Valley and
the Great Lakes region.
The opening of the Interna-
tional Rapids, which extend from
Ogdensburg, New York to Mas-
sena, New York, opened Lake On-
tario to large ocean-going ships.


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U' Prof essor
To New Work
^Prof. William Frankena, chair-
man of the philosophy department,
has contributed to a volume of
"Essays in Moral Philosophy,"
recently published by the Univer-
sity of Washington Press.,
Prof. Frankena, one of eight
philosophers whose works appear
in the volume, wrote on the topic
of "Obligation and Motivation in
Recent Moral Philosophy."
The essays are published "to
stimulate further reflection by
both scholars and general readers,
at a -time of increasing public in-
terest in the questions raised," A.
I. Melden, editor, said.

Another year will be required be-
fore ocean-sized ships will be able
to pass from Ontario to Lake Erie.
An additional two years work re-
main before Lakes Michigan,
Huron, and Superior can expect'
bigger vessels.
An important port problem re-
mains, however. The deep sea ves-
sels will find American lake ports
too shallow to accommodate their
massive hulls.
Seaway backers once hoped the
explosion in July that opened the
International Rapids will also
touch off a campaign for federal
funds to pay for harbor deepen-
been restricted to ships drawing
Until recently, river traffic has
no more than 14 feet and an over-'
all length of 250 feet. The new
lake, after dredges dressed up the
canal, accommodates ships 760+
feet long and drawing 27 feet of{
The giant hydroelectric plant'
will have 32 turbine generators
each kicking out 57,000 kilowatts
at maximum. The generators will1
be equally divided between the,
Power Authority of New Yorkl
State and the Ontario Hydro-

Electric Commission . . . a
strengthening of Canadian-Amer-
ican ties.
The power facilities will take a
full year before reaching maxi-
mum operation however. The St.
Lawrence dam will be the world's
second largest hydroelectric pro-
ducer, topped only by Grand
Coulee dam in Washington state.-
China Clash'
TAIPEI, Formosa (M)-The blaz-
ing crisis in Formosa Strait moved
into its second month yesterday
with the Nationalists pushing
through the Red artillery blockade
once more with supplies for the
News of a supply run to Big
Quemoy by ship and Little Quemoy
by air came shortly after it was
learned here that the Nationalists'
had carried out their first known,
air drop to Big Quemoy Sunday.
Half a ton of badly needed medical=
supplies was dropped by para-

"We were given flowers by mem-
hers of the crowd on some occa-
sions," he said.
Hold Long Talks
s "We started our singing around
8 p.m.," a member of the chorus
explained, "singing American and
Russian songs. A crowd of from
200 to 1,000 would gather and we
would begin discussing American
cultural life and other questions.
"They were interested in our
living standards and in the pur-
chasing power of American wages.
We continued these discussions
sometimes until three{ a.m."
Javits to Give
Major Speech
In Rackiam
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.)
.will deliver a major campaign ad-
dress Thursday in Rackham Hall,
the University chapter of the
Young Republicans announced re-
Also speaking in the main Lec-
ture Hall will be Sen. Charles E.
Potter and Rep. George Meader of
Michigan, both seeking reelection
this fall.
Sen. Javits, although a freshman
in the Senate, was first elected to
Congress in 1946, where he repre-
sented the Inwood District of New
York City in the 80th Congress.
After serving as Attorney-Gen-
eral of the State of New York; he
was elected to the Senate in 1956,
and has led the fight in the upper
chamber for civil rights, which
culminated in the establishment of
the nation's first commission in
that field.
Tickets for the fund-raising ef-i
fort are on sale at County Republi-
can Headquarters and at various
local stores.
for Business
and Editorial

Industry Aid'
Conference, Set,
How industry should aid en-
gineering education will be the
theme of an invitational confer-
ence Oct. 15 and 16 at the Uni-
The conference, sponsored by
the American Society of Mechan-
ical Engineers and the 'Engineering
Institute of Canada, will consist
mainly of three panel sessions:
1) "The Philosophy of Coopera-
tion between Industry and Higher
Education," 2) "Continuing Edu-
cation by Industry in Industry"
and 3) "Support by Industry of
Higher Education.''
University President Harlan
Hatcher will be one of the speak-




Conference Set
The University Development
Council will meet here Friday for
their fifth annual conference.
Featured speaker will be Charles
T. McCurdy, Jr., executive secre-
tary of the State Universities Asso-
ciation, who will discuss the need
for development programs. A panel
moderated by James C. Zeder,
Chrysler vice-president, will review
the Phoenix Project.

French Find
Slain Arabs-
ALGIERS - (P) -- French Ar-
my headquarters announced yes-
terday the discovery of 200 to 300
bodies in a dense mountain forest
100 miles east of Algiers.
An Army spokesman told a news
conference all the dead appeared
to be Moslems of neighboring vil-
lages and said French troops had
found leaflets distributed by Na-
tionalist rebels saying the mass
killing was carried out as punish-
ment for treason.
The reported mass graveyard
was near Sidi-Aibh in the grand
kabilyie area, one of the major
strongholds of the rebels.

Meanwhile, top United States
and Nationalist military chiefs,
wound up strategy huddles and the
ranking American officer, Adm.
Harry D. Felt, scheduled a meeting
with Nationalist leader Chiang
Kai-Shek today.
What the military men discussed
was not disclosed but it is believed
one of the major topics was getting
supplies flowing steadily to the
Quemoys off the Red mainland.
Despite the fact the Nationalists
have run the Red blockade nine
days in a row; the supply needs of
the battered offshore islands was
still serious.
Badly needed are medical sup-
plies. Doctors report that the mor-
tality rate among the Quemoy
wounded is high because there is
no refrigeration for drugs or a
blood bank. Anesthetics are being
Red shelling as the crisis became
a month old was relatively light.
Up to nightfall Monday, the Que-
moys took 3,615 shells, the Na-
tionalist defense ministry reported:
That was the lightest bombard-
ment in nine days.
Since Aug. 23 the Reds-by Na-
tionalist count-have battered the
Quemoy complex with 325,000
shells. It is estimated the Na-
tionalists fired back nearly 11,000
rounds. The Nationalists have
claimed victories in three air bat-
ties and six naval clashes.

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