"My Need Is Greater Than Yours" Ghe ichganBatl Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ben Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" 11211,,,,,. rsI I 1 .. %' , _. j If f 'F. 1 Ir' M s K r AT THE CAMPUS: 'Street of Shame Generally Uinpie THE CURRENTCampus' Theater "quality film" "Street of Shame," depends upon the drawing power of Machiko Kyo, Japanese star of "Teahouse of the August Moon," and a lurid title to lure in unsus- pecting freshmen and others not frightened by English and Japanese dialogue. Those attracted solely by the title or by the previews are apt to be disappointed; fans of Machuko Kyo's past performances un- doubtedly will be. "Street of Shame" could perhaps have been an above average film, for its makers produced "Rashomon" and "Gates of Hell," two films Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SEPTEMBER 23. 1958 f NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER ,, :, calendar Committee Provides Frame For Future 'U' Growth HE CALENDAR committee wrapped up a successful job at the end' of this summer .h the presentation of its final calendar ommendations to University President Har- z Hatcher. The calendar committee had put many hours since December, when it was ,rted, and the end result was a competent, owledgeable job. lincoln's saying might be adapted to read ou can't-please all of the people all of the ie," and the rephrasing would certainly ply in the case of the committee's recom- nded calendars. There will be some grum- rg about the shortened examination, and ier calendar innovations may be distasteful some University members. Undoubtedly displeasing to many, perhaps all, iversity students will be classes scheduled r Saturday afternoon and the noon hou. is may mean the end of the "in by ten, out two" schedule, and the end of that extra ir of sleep on Saturday mornings. But this Ls recommended by the committee only if, d when, necessary. STUDENTS, especially- lower classmen, will just have, to ,accustom themselves to un- usual, often-inconvenient class -hours, for the University cannot easily ask the, Legislature for more classroom space without making the most efficient use possible of what already exists. Students will have little justification for their complaints, however,,for little unfavor- able comment was received last spring by the- committee when it invited interested persons to comment on calendar proposals. But if students look more closely, they might findI that attention has been given to studentI problems, notably those of Christmas and sum- mer jobs. University students would have a , week before Christmas to work anad get out several days earlier in June to 'start summer job hunting., In fact, the overall design. of the calendar' is what may be hoped for in the future from the University-provision for growth combined with concern for the student. The calendar committee is to be congratulated for providing a framework for the .future academic years which will help to achieve these objectives. -LANE \VANDERSLICE Red China and the UN CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Red China Recognition Likely By WILLIAM S. WHITE HE UNITED STATES is so anxious to win the cold war that it is ignoring the purpose' the United Nations. 'o lose a seat on the Security Council to a nmunist nation is considered by the State partment as a major setback in the cold r Yet this country is making a fool of itself he eyes of the rest of the world by not rec- izing Red China. 'he unsoundness of, this position is empha- d by the contradietion brought out by the is in the Formosa Strait. In a recent state- at to the United Nations General Assembly, retary of State John Foster Dulles called crisis issue "a simple one-armed ag- ssion." ggression, as it. Is used in the United Na- is, occurs between nations, yet the United tes, in allowing Nationalist China to hold seat in the Security Council, holds the p0- on that there is only one China. IS TIME for the United. States to make up s mind. Is there one or are there two nas? f there is only one China,- then the United ,tes in interfering with an internal affair of ther country-just as it did in Lebanon, ere the U.S. so nearly avoided humiliation. [owever, in the area of foreign policy, a na-; i should view the world as it is, not as it uld be. Realistically this means the United ,tes should admit that if there is just one China, Red China, which controls the bulk of the country deserves the Security Council Seat. Even if there were two Chinas, a proposition disputed by both the Nationalists and Commu- nists, Red China should still get, the Security Council seat. That seat is for China, not For- mosa, and there is a good reason for this. When the United Nations was formed, and dedicated to peace, the Security Council was designed to make the UN more realistic than the now defunct League of Nations. The founders were aware that without full co-- operation of the- major powers, the UN could not work. THEREFORE, the Security Council was or- ganized with the major powers holding per- manent seats and having the power of veto. Even the veto is reaistic because if a major power refused to follow the dictates of the UN these dictates are worth little more than they paper they are written on. The League failed in part because a major power, in this case the United States, was not a member. Ironically, it is the United'States again which is endangering the new peace or- ganization, but this time by excluding China as a world power. The administration, by pre- venting a major power from having its say in' the UN, is hindering the organization's chances to fulfill its purpose-world peace. -JOHN FISCHER (EDITOR'S NOTE: William S. White, The Daily's newest colum- nist, is the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning biography "The Taft Story" and the best seller, "Citadel: The Story of the United States Senate." Until he began writing his three-times-a-week c o l1u m n this year, he was Chief Congres- sional Correspondent for The New York Times, having joined, the paper in '1945. Born in DeLeon, Texas, White attended the Univer- sity of Texas, joined the Associated Press in 1927, and soon transferred to the Washington Bureau where he began his career as a political correspondent.) WASHINGTON - There is a spreading conviction here that the end result of the Far East crisis must be either major- war or a success for Communist China's almost psychotic cam- paign to muscle her way into the United Nations. Since major war is a nearly un- thinkable last resort, many are reaching the conclusion that the galling and terrible dose of Amer- ican recognition of Red China must be swallowed sooner or later. This is reported not gladly, only factually. Recognition is the ultimate course being increasingly asked by some of our best friends among the Western allies. A considerable number of influential American politicians ,particularly a m o n g the Democrats, are looking sadly and reluctantly and almost fur- tively in the same direction. "Furtively" is used because the United States Government, through both the executive de- partment and Congress, is mas- sively and repeatedly ,committed against acknowledging the exist- ence of a bandit regime. Thosenow speaking privately for a change in this policy are unimpeachably anti-Communist. And some of them, in both the foreign diplomatic and the Amer- ican political communities, are actually quite conservative- in their general political thinking. To ask the United States to rec- ognize Communist China is to ask us to accept an unexampled dip- lomatic humiliation-and an un- doubtedly cynical accommoda- tion. These are the people who killed thousands of troops in Ko- rea. These are the people who made unrepented war on the United Nations itself when the UN was fighting for collective se- curity in Korea. These - are the people who conspired in the Com- munist seizure and theft of part of what used to be French Indo- China. And these are the people who long ago drove our National- ist Chinese ally, Chiang Kai-shek, out of mainland China' and now distantly besiege him in his last island refuge of Formosa. * * * ALL THIS is 'conceded by these foreign friends - and by those American politicians who now be- lieve it must be faced up to - who press this bitter thing upon' us. Still, they point out that there is a mania in the determination of Red China to bludgeon the world into giving it a quasi- respectability by way of UN mem- bership. _They are convinced that Pei- ping will set the world aflame, in a nuclear flame of total world war if necessary, before it will be long denied this mark of "face." They believe that even the Russians, who are not notably sensitive about such things, are becoming Q Yuemoy Too IRAN, GREECE, Berlin, China, Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, Hungary, Syria, Cuba, Indonesia, Algeria, Lebanon, Iraq, Quemoy.-. In color and quality each sepa- rate crisis differs from the others, but they are identical in substance. The. response of most of the cus- tomers is an unchanging automatic reflex of their fixed ideas: just leave a blank for the place name, and the same editorial could be used everytime, the same recording could do for every speech. The Softs say: "Negotiate, concede, give way!" The Hards-the few wpo can make themselves heard-say: "Resist!" So with Quemoy. Day by day the appeasing chorus swells. There is really no need for Peiping and Moscow to pump out propaganda, because our Softs are saturating the communications channels with the Communist arguments and slogans. -National Review alarmed at how far Peiping might be prepared to go. They acknowledge that recog- nition would mean the end of any kind of hope for Chiang beyond the hope of remaining on For- mosa with our support. They do not admit, however - and this is the whole, kernel of their argu- ment -- that all this need mean the loss to the West of Formosa itself as an anchor in our securi- ty line. They are suggesting that per- haps we could agree to neutralize the small off-Formosa islands - Quemoy and so on - but accom- pany this with an all-Western, and not merely American, procla- mation that any Communist as-. sault on Formosa itself would. mean that we would all go in to- gether, to the end, against that aggression. They suggest, in a word, that the undeniably "heavy loss of American prestige involved in recognition need not mean any net loss in American-Western power. On the contrary, they say, this kind of settlement would put, our Western allies actually on our side for the first time in the For- mosa Strait. They are not with us there now, by any means. * * * THIS IS THE sort of proposal, wise or not, that is going to be, increasingly heard in Washington by the time the new Congress as- sembles in January. How that Congress may respond, should the Administration itself shift ground on recognition in the meantime, no one can say. One thing, however, may be re- garded as absolutely certain: the Senate's heretofore monolithic objection to any kind of recogni- tion will be significantly, though not necessarily critically, weak- ened. The very heart of that ob- jection has been in a hard Re- publican core centered around Senator William F. Knowland, the Republicandfloor leader. Mr. Knowland, now a' candidate for governor of California, will not again be in a position to sup- ply an adamant anti-recognition leadership. The power equation on the issue, in consequence, will be measurably altered. (Copyright, 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) which fuse the best in Japanese art with the Western motion pic- ture technique. Unfortunately, however, the producers seem to have been undecided whether to produce a Japanese art film or an American expose and the result is a product which does not please many most of the time. With the exception of one brief boudoir shot, quad-men may as well stay home. As it stands, the film contains some fine Japanese techniques including an eerily effective elec- tronic musical score. It is often difficult to judge a foreign film of this type when a few scattered guffaws break out after an in- nocuous subtitle. Although the better films ordinarily rise above this handicap, "Street of Shame" usually does not. * * * THE MAJOR weakness of "Street of Shame" arises from the handling of its topic, life in .the houses of legal prostitution in Tokyo. It poses as a "message" film, yet too often sniggers about its subject in the style of a typi- cal "B" movie. The plot revolves around the lives of several girls' in "Dream- land", a typically garish estab-' lishment. Each girl's situation is but a stereotype of that of various familiar American "dance-hall" girls. One finds the girl who is saving money to get married, the self-sacrificing and aginghmoth- er supporting her son, 'the wife with a husband ill with T.B. and a young child which needs its milk, and Machiko Kyo playing a tough young runaway. THIS description,overlooks the element of social protest-'inserted rather. obviously for the most part, but handled with savage ef- fectiveness when the owner of the INTERPRETING: Diatribes By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst HE WASHINGTON adminis- tration has received Nikita Khrushchev's latest diatribe, opened it, read it, sent- it back marked rejected, and is now pre- paring to answer it indirectly. Together with leaks of bad news from the negotiations' with Red China at Warsaw, the whole thing is being widely assessed as in- creasing tensions and worry about war. To cooler heads, however, it still looks more like a part of the long- term propaganda battle. The United State reopened ne-. gotiations with Red China not with any real hope of obtaining agreements, but in the desire to find out what the communists are really after. Whatever the results, they can hardly be grounds for surprise. Neither is the tone of the re- jected Khrushchev letter. The language exchanged be- tween Moscow and Washington had been increasingly undiplo- matic. The President's last reply was exceedingly tough. He im- pugned Khrushchev's motives and accused him of trying to present an "upside down" picture - in other words, of lying. The type of Khrushchev's reaction could easily have been anticipated. KHRUSHCHEV'S reply was, however, more than a mere "you're another." The points it belabored regarding America's military posi- tion far from home are old, but they are also tried and successful propaganda among people who see imperialism in every act of the powerful western nations. The real need for answering it despite its diplomatic rejection, however, lies in the points it ad- dresses to America's 'sturdiest allies. Those are the points having to do with Washington's support of Chiang Kai-shek's policies and the refusal to- recognize the Red Chinese regime. All over the world, and especi- ally in Britain, those policies are being represented as ill-founded and shortsighted. One reason for this is that the United States, so accustomed to present its actions against a back- ground of principle rather than bedrock practicality, frequently fails to search its own mind and describe its motives frankly.' There is an analogy between supporting Chiang and his 600,000' soldiers on Formosa and one of Reviewers 0, A meeting of those interested in reviewing movies, music, drama, art, or literature for The Daily will be held at 7:15, Thursday, Septem- ber 25 In the Student Publications Building. old reviewers are also in- vited to come. house self-righteously protests the effort to ban prostitution by de- claring that the houses are a vital supplement to the social welfare efforts of the nation. The relent- less economic hold with which the house grips each girl is pictured with slight variations. Machiko Kyo as "Mickey" the toughest girl in the house is no exception; she runs away from home because she can no longer stand her re- spectable father who hides behind a wall of money to wallow in de- bauchery. Only the girl content with money for its own sake an. willing to exercise every deceit to obtain it escapes to lead an "hon- est" life. The final shot of the first pa- thetic attempts of a young girl to earn her :way focuses the message of the film. The effort, ill-timed, is unfortunately too late. -Dait Wolter - '1 LETTERS to the EDITOR e *tS'** J.,., -"c -rr .%CSWflr f,.Vr"'.- JUST INQUIRING , by Michael Kraft How Sacred Football? yyam . ',,4K"e4r, t 4f1." ! ' c:S". mv:+a "y: "y""'r} ""' ''' d'C3"::v;"r:,'sr,^nAy°s G M1."'.^".": .s,.."? ;fi:.^ +r. : 4 'w r '':..i".:S'G 'a "" ti-.+. ., 'i"::ti!:{s .o r s":'1'.". 's+. 'S":::.::e.} .4 «Z'd: :sv:ti i..... . .shW«v,. ) THOSE EVEN casually interested in aca- demic. affairs, the variety of new courses ig offered this fall joins the list of doctoral ds titles to prove that specialization is firmly, ained in the University's pattern 'of opera- or those interested in other matters, a quiet >al announcement at Friday's football prac- provides evidence of the same thing. For University now has a man working full, e in the now specialized task commonly rred to as "recruiting." fter coaching the freshman football squad 23 years, Wally Weber yesterday turned his I duties over to Don Dufek, assistant back- I coach, enabling full time concentration on handling of prospective Michigan football yers. It has been suggested that the still un- ounced replacement for retired baseball ch Ray Fisher, reportedly Detroit Tiger, ch Don Lund, will eventually fill Dufek's kfield job. EBER IS KNOWN as a man of many words and the survivor of many banquets. Few bt that he can fill the job of wining, dining impressing prospective athletes and their parents. Yesterday, sitting in his office instead of pacing the practice field, he said his job will enable a more full coverage of the "entertain- ment and public relations" aspects of recruiting. He also described the job as providing more time for the "greater problem of evaluation" that has -come with the Big Ten policy of tenders which allow offers on the basis of need. The competition process fir athletes is stif- fened, because each prospective player can be aided only to the amount of difference between what his parents can contribute to his educa- tion and what the average total basic cost is at the Big Ten school. With each institution allowed to make. 100 tenders of aid offers a year, and with, football getting only part of it the problem of evaluating an athlete's poten- tial is increased: especially when other schools may offer a larger portion of his need. The way Weber's job is described down at the athletic department, it's a question of need . . the work of evaluating -and impressing prospects is too much for several coaches to handle haphazardly on a part time basis. A couple weeks ago, Indiana announced they were appointing a full time recruiter. As some- one quipped, it's not a case of Michigan keeping up with the Hoosiers, it's a problem of Michi- gan and Indiana trying to keep up with the rest of the Big Ten. AND THAT'S precisely the trouble with Web- er's new job, the specialization and concen- tration represents the result of the mad athletic merry-go-round. Of the 100 offers of athletic aid Michigan may offer, -the football team gets only part .. . how large is something they claim is "our business" but it has been estimated that last year, about 25 were receiving financial' aid._g One man to find some 25 boys represents an almost ridiculous emphasis when compared to the ratio between the non-existent academic recruiter and the other 23,000 students. Integration:. To the Editor: I AM sometimes quite disturbed at the lack of real insight on the' part of many people who are "on the band wagon" for integtation. The attitudes and opinions of People who are not really close to the situation (e.g. the editorial in September 18 issue of The Daily) are often as detrimental as those of the radical segregationist.: The spirit of the law- on'inte- gration is to provide equal educa- tional facilities for all people in' the United States. The objective of this law is a dream, and this dream may partially become a re- ality by integrating some schools, but in other cases this means de-' feats the goal because of bitter emotional conflicts. If a person were commanded to eat a pound of fudge every day, this ;person would resent the command and would eventually grow to dislike fudge. This is analogous to the re- sentment that is growing in the South. -When people have been taught to hate since they were born, learning to love is not an over- Blight process. Many people will die with this prejudice firmly en- trenched in their minds, and this is why integration may easily take 55 years in some parts of the country. Even if integration does take this long, the segregated people of this era will be no worse off than the people in rural areas that are deprived of educational advantages because of sparse pop- ulation, and their descendents will enjoy acceptance as well as equal facilities. The real progress in integration is not being made by'Northern' aggressors but by Southern edu- cators and ministers who are close enough to see the real prob- lei and the best solution. The solution is through understand- ing and educating, not through war. -Parker Beebe DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for Which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1958 VOL. LXVI, NO. 6 General Notices Student Organizations. Registration "of student organizations planning to be active .during the present semester:n .should be completed on or before Oct. 10. Forms are available in the Office of Student Affairs, 2011 S.A.B. Privi- leaes such as the "use of the Organiza. Lion Announcement colu'mn in The Michigan Daily, use of meeting rooms in University buildings, assignment of S.A.B. facilities, etc, are available to THE WORLD TODAY: Administration Awaits Pressure , Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor EL KRAFT JO 'rial Director UN WEICHERR City Editor W ASIHINGTON-TheEisenhower Administration is now waging a war of nerves at home and abroad. Overseas, it's against the Red Chinese. At home, it's against state governors who are trying to pre- vent integration of public schools. In both cases it's administration policy not to fire the first shot- real abroad, legal at home - in the hope pressure will win'the day. President Dwight D. Eisenhower has warned the Chinese Commun- ists not to get so tough as to try to take the Quemoy and Iatsu islands by force. * * * THE GOVERNORS of Arkansas and Virginia, acting under state laws,, have closed public schools state and federal governments-- appear to be looking at each other over the barricades, waiting for the next move. This leaves the people of Ar- kansas and Virginia somewhat be- wildered as. to what to expect next. They're no more bewildered than Washington newsmen, who've been wondering the same thing and get- ting no answers. That is, until last week. Atty. Gen. Rogers flew up to a conference with President Eisen- hower at Newport, R. I., last week, and met with newsmen. * * * IT WAS THEN he unveiled the Administration's wait-and-see at- titude on the closed schools. significance more fully appreci- ated." Governor Orval Faubus may al- ready be feeling pressure from the white parents of Little Rock but he said this had nothing to do with what he did last week. This is what he did: he shoved ahead-from October 7 to Septem- ber 27-the date on which Little Rock voters will ballot on whether they want racial integration of all the public schools. He's just closed all the public high schools in Little Rock. * * * THE LONGER Faubus waited for the voting, the ,stronger the pressure might become. But the reason he gave for setting the voting ahead was this: n DAVID TARR Associate Editor CANTOR................Personnel Director WILLOUGHBY.....Associate Editorial Director k JORGENSON..........Associate City Editor BETH ERSKINE. ...Associate Personnel Director JONES ......................... Sports Editor RISEMAN.......,......Associate Sports Editor LEMAN..............Associate Sports Editor ARNOLD...........Chie Photographer Business Staff I