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September 23, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-23

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t I




Two 'U' Students
Missing in Canada
Prof.,Price Joins Search for Son;
Volunteers Comb Hudson Bay Area
Two University students-one the son of Burton Tower carilloneur
Prof. Percival Price-were still missing last night in the Canadian bush
regions south of Hudson Bay.
Prof. Price arrived yesterday afternoon in the village of Senneterre,
250 miles northwest of Montreal, to join search parties already comb-
ing the area for the students, two weeks overdue on a 500-mile canoe
If necessary, he will make the same trip by canoe, looking for his
son, Alan, '59E, and Robert Carey, '58E, of Rosedale, Illinois.
Lost in River Area
The pair are assumed to be somewhere between Lake Waswanipi
near Senneterre and the Rupert House outpost on James Bay-a 250
---mile chain of rivers and port-





All -Time

... as private schools?

Armed Riot
Breaks Out
In Lebanon
BEIRUT (P) - Shooting broke
out in Beirut last night on the eve
of the inauguration of a new pres-
The speaker of Lebanon's Par-
liament said the situation is "very
serious" in the wake of the dis-.
appearance of a Christian Pha-
langist (CQ) newspaper column-
ist, Puad Haddad.
Two persons were reported
killed in the new outburst that
threatened to shatter the uneasy
calm that has prevailed since
Gen. Fuad Chehab was elected
president July s G.
Barricades Go- Up
Road barricades were set up in
the city.
The shootings occurred in the.
Phalangist area of the city.
Earlier, some Phalangists with
machine guns set up posts out-
side Beirut and demanded the re-
turn of Haddad by midnight. The
Phalangists are militant support-
ers of outgoing President Camille
Chamoun, who was serving his
last hours in office.
At first the Phalangists accused
the rebels opposed to Chamoun of
kidnapping Haddad.. But Pha-
langist leader Pierre Beymayel
told the Associated Press tonight:
Aid to Communists
"Haddad was kidnaped by a
mysterious hand which sought to
arouse the city again and destroy
the possibility of a compromise.
This could only serve the inter-
ests of the Communists, who are
determined to perpetuate our
Geymayel said he did not blame
the rebels, "Since it is not in their
interest to make trouble at this
In the past few days of feud-
ing between Phalangists and
rebels over Haddad's disappear-
ance about 400 persons were
seized by both sides in. revenge
Woman Sues
AU' Regents,
Hospital Staff
Mrs. Dorothy M. Brown of Port
Huron has filed suit for $325,000
against the University Regents,
three 'University 'hospital doctors
and two anesthetists, claming that
she may have been dropped from
an operating table while anesthe-
Named in the suit are Drs. Ed-
ward J. Klapp, Jr., G. H. Long and
D. F. Watson, the Regents, and
the two anesthetists, Ruth Payne
and assistant head nurse Kathleen
A hearing was held in the court
of Washtenaw County Circuit
Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., Sept.
9. The court ordered the defend-
ants to produce books, letters,
records and other documents per-
tinent to the case by Sept. 30.
Mrs. Brown's attorneys claim
that when she 'awoke after the
operation on April 16, 1956, she
was paralyzed in the left hand and
arm and from the chest down. The
suit alleges that "unfortunately
something just went wrong" and
the University Hospital will not
explain exactly what happened.

They apparently turned down a
guide's offer to accompany them
on the trip, according to Detective
Louis Patenaude of the Quebec
Provincial Police.
IThe journey was described by
Patenaude as "one of the roughest'
in northern Canada." A great
number of "bad" rapids and port-'

... two weeks overdue

ages make travel extremely diffi-
cult, he added.
Chances Only Fair
He said, however, that prospects
of finding the pair remain "fair."
Contacted late last night in
Senneterre, a village of about 4,000
persons, Patenaude said that Royal
Canadian Air Force planes would
comb the area by air today.
If the students are not located,
Patenaude revealed that Prof.
Price will make the trip by canoe,
accompanied by, a guide.
The students left Batchelor
Lake, 110 miles north of Senne-
terre, on July 26 in a recently pur-
chased 16-foot canoe.
No Communication
They stopped at an outpost on
Lake Waswanipi where 'young
Price mailed a letter to his Ann
Arbor home and then set out for
Rupert House, 250 miles away.
Mrs. Price said that her son had
told her he would not be able to
contact Ann Arbor again until
they reached their destination
about Sept. 1.
Patenaude said that the students
carried a ten-day supply of food.
However, he added, they have
fishing gear and could conceivably
"live off their catch indefinitely."
Prof. Price, who was traveling
last week in Montreal, contacted
the Royal Canadian Mounted Po-
lice there, with regard to the
canoeists' whereabouts.
Had Not Arrived
Next, Rupert House announced
that the pair had failed to arrive.
An RCAF plane, searching the
region Friday, spotted several
canoes between Batchelor Lake
and Waswanipi, but reported none
on the lightly-traveled stretch be-
tween Waswanipi and Rupert
House. Patenaude said a helicopter
is now being sought, in addition to
the plane.
Price is 21 years old, Cary 23.
A professor of campanology,
Prof. Price has been University
carilloneur since 1939.
Student Plan
Draws 5,000.
Approximately 5,000 students
have applied for the Student-Gov-
ernment Council's Student Health
Insurance Plan, according to Scott

Faubus Sets
For Schools
LEXINGTON, Ky. ()-Gov. Or-
val Faubus said today he expects to
reopen high schools in Little Rock
next Monday, or possibly later in
the week, after a vote on the ques-
tion of admitting Negroes.
The Arkansas governor made
the statement at the Southern
Governors Conference.
He has proposed a plan for
operating the schools at private
"We don't anticipate any legal
difficulty," Faubus said, "but there
could be litigation brought by the
Federal Government. If they want
to tie everything up and keep the
schools closed further, that will be
their responsibility."
Florida's Goy. Leroy Collins
brought the integration contro-
versy squarely before the governors
earlier today in a speech suggest-
ing that it become "the first order
of business' of Congress next Janu-
The referendum, required under
state law, will be held Saturday
to determine whether Little Rock
citizens prefer to reopen the
schools on a private, segregated
Students Yell,
At Little Rock
LITTLE ROCK (gp) - An esti-
mated 200 shouting students dem-
onstrated on the governor's man-
sion lawn yesterday against any
integratalon of racially-torn Cen-
tral High. School.
They poured out of about 40
automobiles which formed a five-
block-long caravan. The cars
drove down business streets and
around the state capitol building
"Two, four, six, eight. We don't
want to integrate," the students
chanted in pep rally style.
After the demonstration, the
caravan headed back to town but
broke up when one automobile
struck a pedestrian, R. L. Mc-
Goodwin, 67 years old. The victim
suffered fractures of both ankles,
police said.
Fred Jolly, 17 years old, Central
High senior and spokesman for
the group, said, "We just wanted
Gov. Orval Faubus to know. that
even if some students are opposed
to him, we feel that the majority
of both Hall and Central students
are backing him 100 per cent."

demonstrate that it is no longerC
guilty. A letter from the National
Council of Sigma Kappa is now
in the hands of SGC, Council
President Maynard Goldman, '59,
confirmed, telling what action
was taken at the convention.
Goldman declined to reveal the
contents of the letter before to-
morrow's meeting.
A letter from Vice-President
for. Student Affairs James A.
Lewis will also be read, Goldman
said, containing administration
At no time has the national or-
ganizataion admitted it violates
University regulations. The ex-
pulsion at Tufts and the suspen-
sion at Cornell were characterized
only as for the "good of the soror-
ity as a whole."
Given No Information
The then-president of the Cor-
nell chapter told The Daily from
Ithaca in 1956 that despite per-
sistent efforts she had "found
nothing" which the national or-
ganizataion was using to justify
its actions. She could think of
nothing in the record of her
chapter, she said - other than
the pledging of a Negro - to ex-
plain its suspension.
Cornell Dean of Women Doro-
thy Brooks wrote National Sigma
Kappa at the request of Presi-
dent Deane W. Malott, asking in-
formation on "specific areas
wherein you deemed the chapter
to have been in error."
On Brink
William W. Hoffa, '61E, Leon-
ard A. Brunette, Jr., '61, Alan
U. Bowland, '61E and William
Knapp, '61, said it was just a
gag, but the Niagara Falls
Police didn't think so.
The police found the four-
some about a mile above the
brink of the falls Saturday with
a big wooden barrel and signs
which read: "Today 3:00 Barrel
Knapp said they were only
trying to draw a crowd. "It was
just a gag, honestly," he said.
"We were just going to send the
barrel off by itself."
The boys, on a sightseeing
trip, were given a stern lecture,
escorted to the Canadian bor-
der, and sent back to Michigan
by way of Canada,

"The slspension of our chapter
at Cornell was entirely a matter
of internal management," was the
reply of National Executive Sec-
retary Margaret Taggart.
Made Secret Visit
Then it was learned that Edna
B. Dreyfus, former Sigma Kappa
national president, had visited
Cornell the year before, "appar-
ently in secret" as Cornell Daily
Sun editor Andrew Koplind put
it, "to find out what was going
She contacted neither the ac-
tives of Sigma Kappa nor the
University administrataion, ac-
cording to Kopkind, and because
of this, President Malott sent a
second letter to the national or-
ganization. The only reply was a
41-word letter backing the pre-
vious stand.
One Suspended, One Expelled
The Cornell local had pledged
one Negro, a junior and was sus-
pended. The Tufts local had
pledged two Negroes, both fresh-
men and as Barbara Busch, '57,
the local president here at the
University pointed out, was "fi-
nancially weak." It was expelled.
Sheila Schwarpz, president of
Thalia sorority at Tufts Univer-
sity, which was the Sigma Kappa
chapter expelled, told The Daily
last week her group has never
been told the reason fo" the ex-
pulsion, beyond "fore the good of
the sorority as a whole."
Dean Katherine J e f f e r s of.
Jackson College, Tufts' school for
women, said her office had never
heard anything else.
After Daily Editor Richard
Snyder, '57, had brought the ac-
tions of nataional Sigma Kappa;
to the attention of SGC in Sep-
tember, 1956, a fact-finding com-
mittee was established.
Debated Four Hours
The Council heard the report of
this committee and debated four
hours before 600-700 people in
the Union Ballroom before voting
12 to five that the sorority did not.
"meet the conditions for manten-
ance of recognition."
Continuing to meet initial re-
quirements for membership which
in the case of Sigma Kappa, in-
cludes not having discriminatory
policies is one of the conditions
for maintenance of recognition.
A 1949 ruling by the Committee
on Student Affairs, precursor of
See COUNCIL, pag'e 2

PLEADING HIS IGNORANCE-Sherman Adams pleads "I am
ignorant of the rules and regulations" in answering a question
by congressmen in Washington about his relationship with
Bernard Goldfine, Boston industrialist, during a June 17 inquiry.
Adams Resigns Position
As Presidential Assistant
WASHINGTON (RP) - Sherman Adams, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's right hand man and Bernard Goldfine's long time friend,
resigned under fire tonight.
*.. . I have done no wrong," he said in a dramatic TV-radio
appearance broadcast across the nation. But he added, "I must give
full consideration to the effect of my continuing presence on the public
Adams acknowledged three months ago that he accepted costly'
favors from Goldfine, a Boston textile magnate, at a time when Gold-
fine' was having trouble with fed- '
eral regulatory agencies. He denied
using any influence in Goldfine's
But pressure for his departure
has been building up. It reached aB ylg ra
new peak after the Republicans By Algerian
took a thorough licking in the
Sept. 8 Maine election. GOP candi- T"
dates in many states complained T errorism
that Adams, the austere former
governor of New Hampshire, had
become a political liability. PARIS Eli- Political tensions
Inoj aptcihildeisi. to and violence built up today in
In annoaming his decision to France and French overseas ter-
quit, Adams said "a campaign of ritories, six days before the vote on
vilification by those who seek per- Premier Charles de Gaulle's pro-
sonal advantage by my removal PemerFChar e all'r
from public life has continued up Tected Fifth Republic.
to this very moment. The most sensational' develop-
"These efforts, it is now clear, ment was a story of Algerian mass
he be e intneditoesroyeatrocity as told by the French.
have been intended to destroy me Algerian rebel partisans ap-
and in so doing to embarrass the peared to be increasing their sabo-
administration and the President tage efforts in Franc'e itself.
of the United States." An explosion ripped through a
The 59-year-old White House big auto tire and rubber goods
aide did not say who had vilified plant in the suburbs of Paris. Two
him. Most of the pressure for his persons were killed and 21 injured.
resignation has come from mem- Laboratory experts said tests
bers of his own party who are indicated the blast had been set
going into a tough election fight off by saboteurs.
in November. Algerian Nationalists opened a
The man mentioned most in re- campaign of sabotage, bombings
cent weeks as a possible successor and shooting on the French home
to Adams is Fred A. Seaton, Sec- front Aug. 25, striking first at
retary of the Interior. industrial targets. Fourteen French
If President Eisenhower is going police and soldiers have been slain
to retain the present staff set-up since then.
at the White House he probably In Algeria, French authorities
will act quickly to fill Adams' said the bodies of 400 to 500 Na-
shoes. tionalist rebels were found.

SGC To Consider
Sigma Kappa ,Case
The two-year period given Sigma Kappa sorority to remove "dis-
criminatory membership policies" has expired.
At tomorrow's meeting Student Government Council will begin
consideration of whether or not- the national sorority still violates
University regulations. If the group is found guilty recognition will
be withdrawn, leaving the University's chapter unaffiliated. '
The action in 1956 was taken after Sigma Kappa chapters at
Cornell and Tufts Universities had been suspended and expelled after
pledging Negroes.
Given Until Convention
In finding Sigma Kappa in. violation of University rules, SC
gave the national sorority until after its convention this summer to

Flint College
Lists 402
In Classes
Budget Cut Keeps
Student Total Down
In Freshman Class

The number of students enrolled
in residence credit courses atthe
University this semester reached
the record figure af 23,508, accord-
ing to Edward G. Groesbeck, direc-
tor of the Office of Registration
and Records.,'
Of this number 402 students
enrolled in courses at the Univer-
sity's Flint College. This compares
with last fall's figures of 23,166
enrolled 'at -Ann Arbor and 351
attending classes in Flinft.
Budget Holds Down Total
The increase in enrollment of
residence credit students would
have been much larger if it hadn't
been necessary to reduce enroll-
ment in most areas due to budget
Additional students could b.
accepted only in those areas where
an increase =could be made with
minimum additional expense,
Groesbeck added. t
In addition the admission of
out-of-state students was closed
by August 15. This is the earliest
date in history for the closing.
Freshmen at Same Level
This fall's freshman class (of
3,071 is approximately the same
as the estimated 3,049 of last
spring, Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis said yes-
terday. .The estimate was derived
from approximate figures of the
freshman class of each college.
The literary college enrolled
1,944 new students -and 657 fresh-
men entered the engineering col-
lege. The architecture and design
school admitted 105, thilo only 16
entered the natural resources
Other college freshmen classes
Include 32 in the school of educa-
tion, 64 in the music school, and
28 in the pharmacy school.
Extension'Total Not Known
Final statistics on the enroll
ment in the University's extension
courses will not be known until
registration for these courses is
completed in two weeks, according
to Director Everett J. Soop.
Budget restrictions have forced
the Extension Service to reduce
the number of non-credit courses
offered in the Upper Peninsula and
to eliminate the courses offered i:
Report UAW
Chrysler PactE
Near Signing
DETROIT (R)-Chrysler Corpo-
ration and the United Auto Work-
ers reportedly moved toward con-
tract agreement yesterday with
some indications a three-year pace
might be wrapped up by tonight.
UAW President Walter Reuther
led his negotiators into a meeting
with Chrysler after polishing up
details of union counter-offers on
some contract issues.
General Motors, which like
Chrysler is negotiating under
threat of a UAW strike, also met
with the union and reported slight
progress in working out wage dif-
ferential problems --touchiest in
the General Motors contract.
Doug Fraser, administrative .as-
sistant to Reuther, said one of the
most difficult problems at Chrysler
involved seniority, with the union
demanding more consideration be
given workers with top years in a
given plant. He said the UAW was
not seeking company-wide senior-
Health Service

Dean Calls Housing Situation. 'Normal'



There is only a "normal surplus" of students in men's temporary
housing, according to Assistant Dean of Men Karl D. Streiff.
"We are moving people out of temporary housing today," Streiff
explained. There are about 65 men in the temporary quarters on the
ninth floor of South Quadrangle, he explained.
"After a week from today," no temporary housing is expected in
the residence halls, John M. Hale, senior resident director of the
men's residence halls, explained. He described the situation as
"We wait until the first day of classes to assign rooms to tem-
porary housing dwellers," Hale explained. This process began yes-

terday. There are always some
students assigned rooms who do
not show up to claim them, he

-to the men's dormitory system.
The women previously- housed in

* ~ i . f



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