"Gee, If Only We Could Have Closed The Courts" w IMitbigatn iBat Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ..111... "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. sI SEPTEMBER J 1424. .t AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Houseboat' Provides Light Entertainment "HOUSEBOAT," the film showing -in a national pre-release engage- ment at the Michigan, is one of those unremarkable films that a reviewer can neither thoroughly condemn nor heartily admire. Color- ful, innocuous, and graced with some handsome human beings, it is at some moments tender, at other amusing, and at still others as bor- ing as a visiting maiden aunt. All of which is not to condemn the movie. A great many people expect no more from a film than Cary Grant, Sophia Loren and two hours of gaily painted oblivion. This reviewer prefers to put some- thing into a movie and to receive something from it, to sharpen rath- kTURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER Federal Aid to Loan Fund Welcome; But Offers Only 'Pretended Cure' 4111 HERE IS something painfully depressing about the apparently encouraging news hat the University's student loan fund will con be boosted by our benevolent Federal egislators. , The appropriation - its size is not deter- nined - is one offshoot of the recently passed our-year $900,000,000 aid' to education pro-. ,ram. Obviously, the University -- and other edu- ational institutions stand to benefit from the ppropriations. The student here will surely ind it easier to obtain a "long-term, low in- Wiest loan. Federal funds will make it easier n the University's billfold as well as the stu- ent' s. But the whole situataion rings rather dis- rally of a group of beggars receiving daily Ims from a belly-patting benefactor. For although the educataion act affords ame welcome relief to education's problems, it actually offers no more than a pretended cure. IT IGNORES the fact that the nation needs 1) 140,000 classrooms, at conservative esti- mates, 2) 30,000 qualified teachers, 3) pay increases for the present teaching corps. Further, it ignores the fact that over the past twelve months there has been a 3.8 per cent increase in numbers of students entering school and that the first of the Pearl Harbor babies are graduating from high school. The act appropriates less than one million dollars for what is termed "national defense education." Yet another act -- legislated by the same men - appropriates forty times as much for what is called "national defense." But education is the first line of defense in this democracy; nothing could be plainer. While the Federal funds may be encourag- ing, Washingtoh cannot be proud. -THOMAS HAYDEN 4 r. Block Streets for Parking Spaces Sam Aw Irb T Gar., v AN ACADEMIC year filled with problems if an intellectual nature, it may seem trivial worry about parking facilities for student. tomobiles. But to those affected by the k of space, the situation is a phenomenal sance. ast year more than 7,000 driving permits, re. issued 'to students and police estimate at at least a third more were being driven students without permits. Of these a num- r were and are never used during the week. wever, these were usually kept within easy lking distance of campus. These aut'os in the vicinity of campus and, acute shortage of parking places and lots the campus area combine to create a criti- situation. Hardest hit are those students o live some distance from campus and .who ve no choice but to commute. Many say they st leave early in the morning in .order to. id a parking place within walking distance their classef. ['he city's new regulations about parking ly on one side of the street during the night I help to provide additional usable parkinTr >ts but It is only a stop-gap measure and t an end in itself.. N IMMEDIATE, fast program is needed to provide a solution. Such a program might well include blocking off some of the less fre- quently used streets in the campus area. For example ,if the first block of Tappan south { of South University Street were closed at one end, it would provide a number of badly needed. places. Further investigation would probably re- veal a number of streets that could-be closed. off to traffic and used solely for parking. BI closing these streets, the University could ac- complish the two-fold goal of providing park- ing facilities and diverting noisy traffic from around cassrooms and study areas. The cost of such a parking system would be insignificant - the cost of a concrete slab laid across one end of the street and a few signs identifying the lots. With such a plan there will be some diffi- culties, but the added benefits far outweigh them. The City of Ann Arbor recognizes the parking difficulties; City Council's attempts to eliminate the storage of cars on the street1 show, that. But more steps are needed. The city and the University have worked together in the past to solve problems com- mon to both: this is another opportunity to grope with a joint but irritating nuisance. -PHILIP MUNCK CAPITAL (EDITOR'S NOTE: William S. White, The Daily's newest colum- nist, i the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning biography "The Taft Story" and the best seller, "Citadel: The story of the United states Senate." Until he began writing his three-times-a-week c o l u m n this year, he was Chief Congres- sional Correspondent for The New York Times, having joined the paper in 1945. Born' in DeLeon, Texas, White attended the Univer- sity of Texas, joined the Associated Press in 1927, and soon transferred to the, Washington Bureau where he began his career asa political correspondent.) WASHINGTON - The Eisen- hower Administration sees the integration crisis as a fairly long historical process now mov- ing reasonably well in the second of its three great phases. The first phase was defined by the Supreme Court's decision in 1954 outlawing school segrega- tion. The third and last, in the Administration's view, will be a period of active adjustment in, the South. What is now going forward, in phase No. 2, is a kind of domestic cold war between Federal, state and local leaders - a war Presi- dent Eisenhower is determined to keep as polite as possible. The of- ficial directly responsible for car- rying out integration, Attorney, General William P. .Rogers, iden- tifies this as the period in which Southern public opinion is to be brought to accept the inevitability of racially mixed schools. SOUNDLY or not, neither Rogers nor the President is great- ly dissatisfied with the- rate of" this process of acceptance. Neith- er, moreover, wishes to talk, or even to think, just now in terms of Federal force- either in the courtroom or, through the use of troops. The last thing the Presi- dent wants is any repetition, any- where at any time, of last: fall's scenes of Federal troops on patrol in Little Rock. COMMENTARY: Ne Domestic Cold War By WILLIAM S. WHITE The Administration, indeed,into an action at the risk of a very TODAY AND TOMORROW: uemoy Still Muddled By WALTER LIPPMANN has taken as fundamental a de- cision as any since it came to power. This is to put major trust, not in law suits or Federal threats, but in the presumed un- willingness of the white parents of the South to see the schools closed outright for long or kept in tur- moil long by resistance to. inte- gration. This will not please the extrem- ists - but, in truth, the Admin- istration seems willing to break with them. This approach, of course is characteristic of the President. Rightly or wrongly, he has always put extraordinary reliance on per- suasion as' his principal -- and, sometimes his only -tool of na- tional policy. Of equal signifi- cance is the fact that Attorney General Rogers, whose day by day actions will be more practi- cally decisive than the President's, is deeply in sympathy with this policy. Thus the Federal government's recently announced plan of com- parative inaction - not to go to court any time soon against Southern resisters - rests first of all upon a conviction that this ,is both the right and the most ef- fective position. * * * BUT THERE is also a sec- ondary reason of much practical weight. This is that there is great doubt here that the Federal gov- erinent would win a suit intend- ed to tell a Southern Governor that he could not lawfully close the schools of his state. Nobody in the Administration concedes that such a suit would necessarily fail. But many con- cede that the question in some circumstances might be an un- comfortably close one. It, goes without saying that the Admin- istration would not gladly rush damaging black eye. The conclusion in the Admin- istration is that a -far sounder method of preventing the closing of Southern schools would be to marshal parental opinion against. such closings. So the fixed intention of the Administration is to take a con- fident line, now at least, that the local communities will keep their own schools open - or get them reopened if they are closed by authority of the Governor. The Federal government will carefully present itself as being interested not so much in integra- tion as in the larger concept of obedience to the Supreme Court as the only proper final Inter- preter of the Constitution. * * * THIS IS the reason for the al- most antiseptically calm speeches Rogers is making these days con- cerning the court's place in na- tional life. He is trying to direct a, special appeal to the South's tra- ditional veneration for the judi- ciary. The objective of all objectives is Virginia. That state's old Intel- lectual and social primacy in the. South is being underlined in pri- vate by Administration officials. Too, they are strongly praising Virginia's leaders, Senator Harry F. Byrd and Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr., for their powerful warnings that the state will not tolerate anti-integration violence. Great distinctions are being made by Administration spokesmen be- tween these men and Governor Orval E. Faubus of Arkansas, for example. In short, it is felt within the Administration that if and when resistance collapses in Virginia, the heart of all Southern resist- ance will collapse -- not every- where, of course, but most every- where. (Copyright, 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) er than to deaden the mind. Which all depends upon one's definition of entertainment. To each his own, etc. It does occasionally seem a shame, however, that so much of the talent which obviously resides in Hollywood must be wasted in the production of such celluloid opium as "Houseboat." The ener- gy expended upon tranquilizing viewers in the film might well be directed to a more uplifting artis- tic cause. a * * , "HOUSEBOAT" is a domestic romance. Cary Grant, harried and handsome, forcefully abducts his three children from their aunt and grandparents after the death of his divorced wife, their mother. He blunders fearfully in his at- tempts to win their affections. When the youngest ; boy runs away from home and is retrieved by Sophia Loren, the rebellious daughter of a visiting orchestral conductor, Grant is forced by his children to hire the girl as a fam- Ily maid. Curious situations ensue, most of them involving Miss Loren's real identity and the houseboat on which the family eventually lands and lives. Predictably, Grant and Miss Loren fall in love and in the process upset both the children, who had just begun to be con- tented, and their aunt, who had designs upon Grant herself. In theĀ° long run, of course,. things work themselves out to their logi- cal (or illogical) conclusion; everyone apparently accepts the situation and settles down to be happy forever. THE ACTING is not outstand- ing at all. Cary Grant and Sophia are simply their comparatively inimitable selves and the others in the film - especially the chil- dren - are only spasmodically convincing in their roles. Some of the photography is in- teresting and some of the dia- logue is humorous. If one can seriously conceive of Sophia Loren as a children's maid, the plot, I suppose, might even seem logical and likely and not a rose-colored glamorization of a bachelor's dream. -Jean Willoughby INTERPRETING: Mainland Issue Tricky By J. M. ROBERTS A MAJOR question about the Chinese offshore islands is not whether they belong to the Chi- nese mainland; .but whether the mainland belongs to the Commu- nists., The Chinese Nationalists long ago adopted the contention that all the islands including Formosa belong to the mainland. That -was when they were in charge of the mainland. Now the mainland is controlled by what much of the world looks upon as usurpers. The claim is made that the Nationalists should keep whatever foothold they can pending a reconquest or a coun- ter-revolution. The British press and British Labor Party, serving a people who are vastly more familiar with Far Eastern trends than are Ameri- cans, have been highly critical of this conception. The British-government goes along with the United States for- mally. But so-me of the very few kind words Secretary Dulles has received from the British press recently came because of the mildness of his UN speech Thurs- day. ** * * THE GENERAL British expres- sion has been not only that Que- moy is not worth -fighting for in' any case, but that the Chinese Reds' have a good claim. This has been tempered in some cases by the realization, believed to have a strong bearing on the government's formal stand, that the Reds might also make a case about Hong Kong.. In efect, the British ask why, if the United States would not fight in 1947-48 to save the whole body of China, she should now make such an issue over a vermiform appendix. The question would have more validity if the whole world had not been confused in 1947 by Communist claims that theirs was an internal, agrarian, patriotic movement, instead of being a part of international Communist ag- gression. REPRINTED- Ike Violates: Land's Law (EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow- ing is reprinted from "The Low- down on Little Rock and the Plot to Sovietize the South," a. pamph- let written by Joseph P. Kamp.) SOME INTEMPERATE South- ern leaders have compared Dwight Eisenhower to Adolph Hitler, because the President or- dered Federal troops to invade and occupy a part of the sov- ereign State of Arkansas. They are wrong - this is fiot a true parallel. Hitler had the Constitu- tional right to use Nazi storm troopers in any way he pleased. Mr. Eisenhower has no. such right. The plain truth is that the President's action was illegal and un-constitutional, a violation of his oath, an irresponsible and reckless abuse of power, and thor- oughly un-American. If these words seem too harsh, or disrespectful of the Presidency, it should be made clear that this is not a personal opinion. It is a statement of the fact concurred in - in similar language - by President Eisenhower and Attor- ney General Brownell. THIS IS the real tragedy of Little Rock. The American people are being lied to, misled and de- ceived about the whole issue, not only by leading officials of their government, but also by most of the newspapers, the news maga- zines and the radio commenta- tors. (Perhaps the only publication of national circulation that has dared to tell some of the truth is U.S. News and World Report. As a result, columnist Lee Mortimer reports: "Some gov't. hotheads want punitive action against edi- tor Dave Lawrence.") By using every trick of press agentry, and every dishonest de- vice known to journalism,. includ- ing suppression of the facts, the public, has been given the false impression that. President Eisen- hower is a courageous champion of the Constitution ,dong his sworn duty to uphold 'the law of the land." But nobody pointed out that integration is NOT "the law of the land." And when military law was substituted for civil law . . . no mention was made of the fact that this constituted military, dic-- tatorship. Arrests were reported with emphasis to prove lawless5 ness . . . but nothing was said about the order to the troops to make "selective arrests" without cause, in order to intimidate oth- ers, or that prisoners were held without charges being preferred, or that they were denied their right to phone lawyers. When the President said at a news conference that the issue was not integration but "respect for law," his declaration got headlines . . . but it was never suggested that the S u p r e m e Court, and the Army should also show some "respect for law." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Offiial 'Bulletin is an offaicl publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due, at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 5 A cademic Notices Elementary Computer Course Offered A one-hour course on Elementary Com- puter Techniques will be offered on a non-credit basis by Prof. Bernard A, Galler, Dept. of Math. The students will learn to communicate with com- puters using ordinary algebraic lan- guage. The, machine will accept this language and generate its own set of instructions. Students will have the opportunity to solve problems of their own choosing by means of this lan- guage. The course is open to anyone with at least one year of college mathe- matics but is designed primarily for undergraduates. It will meet at 4 p.m. Wed., 311 W. Eng. Bldg., starting on SSept. 24. No registration is necessary. There will be an organizational meet- HAS SEEMED probable from the begin- ing back in August that the attack on emoy was timed in relation to the meeting the General Assemblly in mid-September. e event has confirmed this theory. For what Red Chinese have done is to blockade emoy, compelling us to decide in the pres- e of the 'United Nations whether we will Quemoy be strangled or will take offen- 3 action to break the blockade. 'he Red Chinese have carried out a very iful maneuver which is possible because emoy is so near to the mainland that it is hin artillery range. Once they had collect- the guns and the ammunition, they had the lative. They could make Quemoy unten- e without invading it, and they could con- nt us with the grave fact that the defen-% Quemoy is impossible without a large bomb- offensive against the artillery positions the Chinese mainland.' gainst such an American offensive, the Red nese had equipped themselves with two de- 'ents. One was a Soviet guarantee of help case they were attacked. The other was s meeting of the General Assembly in which American offensive on behalf of Chiang inst the Chinese mainland would arouse rmous criticism. If nuclear weapons were d in the American offensive, the effect on standing in the world would be tragic and ilculable. -iUS we have been maneuvered into a posi- tion where the question is not whether we defend Quemoy against invasion but ther we will make war against the Chinese mainland. Was this maneuver foreseen, it is fair to ask, when Secretary of State Dulles persuaded the President to stake American prestige on the defense of Quemoy? There is reason to doubt it. There is reason to doubt whether the President and Sec. Dulles and their military advisors had fully realized that Quemoy could be blockaded by artillery fire from the mainland. There is strong evidence that the commitment to defend Quemoy was made before there was a plan to defend Quemoy. There is evidence tooof muddled thinking as, for example, in the strange order directing the 7th Fleet to escort Chiang's ships to with- In three miles of Quemoy. For if Quemoy be- longs to Chiang, then the waters within three miles of Quemoy belong to Chiang, and there was no legal reason why the 7th Fleet should stand off at the three mile limit. Thus, we have said that Quemoy, which we mean to defend for Chiang, lies within the territorial waters of Red China, which we do not mean to invade. Our legal position is com- plete nonsense, and discloses an alarming confusion of minds. WE ARE IN a very embarrassing predica- ment, having promised to defend Quemoy while the price of defending it is exorbitant. The President had a lot to' say the other night about how our position in Asia would be hurt if we did not defend Quemoy. Has he realized What will be our position in Asia and in Europe and in Africa and in Latin America if he goes to war for Quemoy? What is needed is a cease-fire, which will at least postpone the fateful decision and pro- vide a little time for reason to assert itself. The question is whether the Communist pow- ers, who now have the whip-hand at Quemoy, would agree to a cease-fire. Conceivably they would, but then surely at a price. Perhaps, in the Warsaw talks Ambassador Beam will learn what the price is. But of this much we can be reasonably cer- tain. There will be no chance of an agreement to renounce the use of force in the Formosa area which does not carry with it measures on our part to extricate ourselves from our en- tanglement with Chiang. For, as his Ambassa- dor in Washington told us just the other day, Chiang will have nothing to do with the idea of renouncing force. 1958 New York Herald Tribune ine. 5...: POLITICAL AND OTHERWISE . .. By David Tarr Discrimination: Still Here MSMM~#EEEEE~2mgmOMEMEMMEEEEIEANEM.:rEENM~egg .. cS L 3 Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor, [AEL KRAFT JOHN WEICHER torial Director City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor CANTOR...... . .Personnel Director WILLOUGHBY....Associate Editorial Director A JORGENSON .......... Associate City Editor ABETH!ERSKINE... .Associate Personnel Director T JONES.. ........Sports Editor RISEMAN.....,, ,.~Associate Sports Editor )LEMAN.....,,........Associate Sports Editor :D ARNOLD....................Chief Photographer Business Staff ALTHOUGH a yearly problem of varying seriousness since the end of the last world war, student housing this fall was decidedly more plentiful and generally in better condition than ever before. Doubling-up in the Residence Halls has been eliminated and vacancies are reported to exist to an extent unexampled for many years. An observer walking the streets of Ann Arbor will notice house after house still sporting "For Rent" signs, despite a week's influx of students. * * * SOME STUDENTS have re- portedly been able to get lower rent on off-campus housing be- cause of the ample supply; and perhaps most important, the gen- eral quality of Ann Arbor housing has markedly improved. The situation has changed con- siderably from several years ago when students slept in cars the first few weeks and spent long ing a supply greater than the de- mand; only then, the officials argue, will the landlords feel com- pelled to make necessary im- p rov e me n t s in their housing facilities. Even if such a view does not do justice to the many sincere Ann Arbor landlords who work hard and spend considerably to make. their housing habitable, it does highlight the problem of the con- siderable sub-standard a p a r t- ments w h i c h are not being improved. * * * A MAJOR effort at improving city housing conditions has been' made by the city which began an intensive inspection campaign in the fall of 1954, hiring a full time inspector the following January., Behind this relatively rosy pic- ture however there is much about which to be upset. Last spring John Ryan, director of the Ann Arbor Department of Building member is that although housing is plentiful this fall, their work is not yet done. Perhaps the worst of the offenses, such as the one which resulted in a fire and took the lives of a coed and her- land- lady in 1954, have been elimin- ated. But the long and more dif- ficult process of improving hous- ing that merely meets the mini- mum legal requirements is still ahead. * * * AND BEYOND the problem of physically inadequate housing is another that sooner or later city and University officials must come to odds with - discrimina- tion. That there is considerable discrimination against "foreign students and American minority groups is nothing new. But so far nobody, except a few -courageous people in positions where they can do nothing, have spoken out. University officials have been re- luctant to commit themselves on