TIE MICHIGAN DAILY r= i) ,i 'I I f I N 'i. i (, . PIZZA at the Del Rio If you have tried the rest - try the BEST. Reasonable From Price on .Delivery Service 6 P.M. to 12 P.M. BEER and WINE to take out 122 West Washington Hours 4 to; 12 P.M. -- Closed Tuesday UU STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNC1L IS NOW OFFERING- SURI CE per student APPLICATIONS & INFORMATION NOW AVAILABLE AT. STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUIDN MM! A Grinnell Sets s New Course In Russian Edmund Hier, former teaching fellow in the University German department, will initiate a course in Russian at Grinnell College this fall, Grinnell President Howard R. Bowen announced recently. Hier, who will also be an in- structor in the Grinnell German department, will begin teaching during the fall semester. In announcing the addition of Russian to the Grinnell curricu- lum, President Bowen pointed out that only about 4000 Americans are currently studying Russian. Despite great demands for trans- lators and other experts in the - ' . language; the language is studied } " "'*+' in less than 200 colleges and only," a handful of high schools. By contrast, English is being taught to at least five million .: Russians. Numerous other Euro- pean and Asiatic contries also NEW INSTALLATION-- Recently installed in the new Fluids stress English as an important water tunnel. Built by University researchers in connection wit language to be studied. the equipment was donated to the University at the completion "Education in language is essen- ly one-half of the equipment being installed in the laboratory' h tial to our understanding of for- building or has been donated by private industry for use in the: eign ways of life," Bowen said. "Our international responsibilityN demands thorough knowledge of "We expect that the addition of Russian at Grinnell will not only (Continued. from'Page 1) strengthen our liberal arts offering school will use the Fluids Engi- but also contribute to the needs to Prof. Edmonson. "We can now neering Laboratory at one time or of~~intl nainleeuit.w equipment too heavy another during their years at the Colorado College plans to in- to be put in the old laboratories, University. "The undergraduates augurate an experimental program and equipment which uses far too will be taught the applications of in mathematics and science for the much wattage ever to be operated basic sciences to engineering, and general student with the aid of a where we formerly were," he ex- the graduate student will.use it to $60,000 Carnegie Corporation plained. experiment along new lines," Prof. grant. All students in the engineering Edmonson added. As fluids are a basic concept of engineering, the study of it is required by all departments of the college. Because of the' large RADIOTENNEsSEE WIAMS o~ow oN THE scRsEEN 1290 CLASSICAL DIXIE n a Nat JAZZ POPULARTin Roof . (Pleasant Listening) ANN ARBOR'S Another Note on Extracurric NEWEST THEATRE HOW TO COPE A beautiful, intimate showplace C modern in every detail! 'Parents have an odd hal On South Dial NO 8-6416 they always zero in'on money. University "What happened to the $ How could your allowan Selective Feature Entertainment The best way to transfor able chats about the high costc Cancelled checks are ver are proof positive that you did Catering to Ann Arbor's Discriminating out suspicion that you were tak Movie-goers . .. presenting exclusive en- Either of Ann Arbor Ban g'agements of the finest films from studios of the world. canset you up with a Special E Only $2.00 far a book o, 20 Currently Presenting and no minimum balance requi Fernandel Ann Arbor Bank is partc inC o Week Days at "THE SHEEP HAS FIVE LEGS" ontinuous from Very useful, too. 7 aia 9 'P.M.pls 1P.M. on Sat. plus &Sn "MR. HULOT'S HOLIDAY" THE STATE ST,.& UV, NOTE: Starting Sunday "STREET OF SHAME" to be followed by "GATES OF PARIS" A N N A R B 4 OW uI I uI DIAL NOW .NO 2213 National Prerelease Engagement OUT-PERFORI When you shop for a J this simple test. From 2( *A mY miral 5 transistor and an for tone, clarity, and vc big difference Admiral's *EA NT and S. -. sharing one embrace, . then another. ~1 Engineering Laboratoryis this h a project for private industry, of the experiment. Approximate- as. been bought for use-. in the new laboratory. ompletion amount of electricity, water, and gases available to all sections, of the laboratory, several experi- ments requiring the operation of some of the largest equipment in the building can be conducted simultaneously. "We' are very proud of the new installation, Prof. Edmonson con- cluded, "and I am sure It will live up to the high' expectations we have for it both as a regular stu- dent's lab, and as a center for research. research. SIR JOHN GIELGUD ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HILL AUDITORIUM PLATFORM ATTRACTIONS 1958 -195 9 REDUCED PRICES TO STUDNT ular Competence.. WITH PARENT bit of asking questions. You know ... 25 from Aunt Kate?" ce be gone already?" / m these inquisitions into of living is to have recorc y fine records indeed. have a big cleaning bill,' ken to the cleaners. k's two near-campus brae Checking Account in a j checeks. No additional red. of the "Michigan Tradit Nov. 13 MARGARET WEBSTER Margaret Webster is one of the most outstanding figures in the American theatre today. She is on actress of note, a well-known author, and one of our finest directors. Appearing here in a dramatic recital, she will introduce on her program some of Shaw's famous gallery of extraordinary women,_ ranging from Eve to Elizd Doolittle and from Major Barboato.St. Joan.; PICTURES FROM A SHAVIAN GALLERY :fan. 16 EDDIE DOWLING Eddie Dowling is one of the all-time greats of the entertainment world. He has been an outstanding success in every phase of show business-vaudeville, musical comedy, drama, producer, director and play- wright. He has enriched the theatre by bringing to the spotlight the challenging works of such young playwrights as Tennessee Williams and William Saroyan. FROM SHAKESPEARE TO SAROYAN Feb. 20 SIR JOHN GLUBB The small, courageous Englishman known as Glubb Pasha is almost as legendary in the Mid-East as Lawrence of Arabia. For fifteen years head of the Arab Legion, Gen. Glubb is celebrated for his wide knowledge of Arab custom and dialects. Though' often partial to the Arabs, he feels that the Middle East is essential for the survival of the British Em- pire. A SOLDIER WITH THE ARABS Mar. 13 NORMAN COUSINS Michigan students have sought for years to bring Norman Cousins to the campus. A distinguished author and the brilliant editor of the "Saturday Review,' Mr. Cousins long has been concerned with the moral, political and social conditions which affect the problem of human growth and the individual free man. He is a 'favorite figure of American college students. THE WAR AGAINST MAN Season Tickets Es And ani. ds. They wipe aches iffy. fees, ion., EDDIE DOWLING wiaL ANTHONY NUTTING Main Floor ..$5.00 $4.00 .0 .. 2nd Balcony $3.00 - - - u ~ Uh.I ~" ffw Irm fi!_r___- _