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September 15, 1958 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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Received by Petitioning

To Sponsor
Block 'M'
"The tradition of the Wolverine
Club is becoming more and more
important to the campus each
year," Joel Levine, '60, president,
Levine explained that the Wol-
verine Club's primary function is
to "raise, sustain and coordinate
campus spirit." It also has the ad-
ditional function of helping the
administration in the area of
alumni spirit, he added.
The Wolverine Club is composed
of an executive committee plus
fou rstanding committees: Block
four standing committees: Block.
"M," Special Events, Pep Rally and
Block 'M' Attracts Many
Block "M" is the biggest of the
four committees. It is responsible
for the card section which oper-
ates during half ;time of home
football games. Levine said that
there are two major advantages to
sitting in "the block." Seats in the
block are in sections 25 and 26
which are better seats than any
students except seniors are ordi-
narily assigned.,
The other advantage of the
block is that t is the only place
where groups containing students
who are in different classes and
housing units are able to sit' to-'
Levine stated that two rallies,
join the block if they wish. During
orientation week, there, will be a
booth situated on the Diagonal,
where they can sign up. Ordinar-
ily, student seats at football games
are provided free of cost, but, be-
cause the Block "M" seats are so
much better, Levine said, there is
a charge of one dollar for them.
Meeting Scheduled
There will be one meeting for
freshmen who join the block to ex-
plain to them how it works. Le-
vine explained that all who wish
to be in the block must attend this
meeting. Other than this their
only duty is to manipulate the
cards during half-time.
The special events committee is
mainly concerned with transpor-

Judiciary Council Sets Ru
For Women, Hears Cases

"May I please appeal this case?"
the girl'asks the residence director.
The following week this report
among many other papers will be
laying on the desk of Sarah Dra-
sin,' '59, chairman of Women's
Judiciary Council.,
Women's Judiciary Council has
four major functions: to handle
cases, to formulate policy, to edu-
cate and to serve as a co-ordinat-
ing council, according to Miss
Council Meets
Every week the Council, com-
posed of four sophomores, four
juniors, and two seniors, meets to
perform these functions related to
women's rules_ and regulations.
Two types of cases are handled,
Miss Drasin said, appeals from
House Judiciary Councils, and vio-
lations which are too big or of a
sensitive nature for House Coun-
cils to administer judgment.
When these cases come to Miss
Drasin, she decides whom they
shall be handled by. If cases in-
volve a breach of women's rule by
Council members, or if a report
concerns a student's reputation,
the cases go to Women's Panel,
chaired by Miss Drasin.'
Members Named
The other members of this high-
est ranking judiciary body are
Dean of Women Deborlh Bacon
and the chairman of Joint Judi-
ciary Council.

In the formulation of polic
Women's Judiciary Council is r
sponsible for initiating changes
corrections in women's regulation
Cases are judged by the ten gir
With the approval of these. r
visions by Women's Senate, also
branch of the Women's Leagi
the girls in their educating fun
tion, revise the Women's Ruh
Education Stressed
Education is stressed by Mi
Drasin. "We like to feel that o
main purpose on this Council
as an educating body," she said.
"It is necessary for all hous
to have similar disciplinary cr:
terion," Miss Drasin emphasize
For this reason, workshops are s
up twice a year for House Jud
ciary chairmen and house dire
To further co-ordinate the juc
ciary system, releases are sent o
every year, giving any changes an
new information. A circuit jud
system is used, Miss Drasin e
plained, so that all houses will
In her evaluation of Women
Judiciary Council; Miss Dras
said, "Women's Judiciary Coun
is not an entity in itself. It is
very highly correlated group whi
gains its strength from this corr
lation and continuity."

BLOCK 'M'-Card section adds spark to all of the home football
games as brightly colored cards flash many intricate designs. Any
student may sit in the section and the seats are better than those
usually assigned. -

SIGN UP-In the League Undergraduate Office, women sign up
for an interview as a part of the petitioning process upon comple-

tees discuss the ideas of the appli-
cant with him. These are written
in his petition.
The interview gives the inter-
viewer a chance to see the com-
posure, poise and general speak-
ing ability of the candidate.
"Each student who believes he
is capable of heading a committee
should obtain a petition. Chances,
are, he will get what he seeks,"
Shapiro concluded.
Three tips to prospective peti-
tioners which Miss Malone sug-
gested are: "Do research before
there is to know about the position..
2. Petitioners are judged on what
they say and how they say it, and
writing the petition. Learn all
not on length."
The third suggestion offered was
to relax at the interview. Miss
Malone said that to the questions
asked there are no right or wrong

tation to away sports events, par-
ticularly football, b a s k e t b a ll,
hockey and baseball games. The
Wolverine Club is tentatively plan-
ning football trips to Michigan'
State and Northwestern.
Levine stated thta two rallys
wefre being planned by* the pep
rally committee. One of ; these is
planned for the night before the
Michigan State game, and the oth-
er will be before another big game.
Bands Play at Rallies
Rallies begin in front of the
Union and move down State Street
to Ferry Field accompanied by
various bands. The big band is
the University's Marching Band,
but many residence halls and fra-
ternities also supply their own,
somewhat informal, bands.
The publicity committee works
primarily in conjunction with the
three other committees, but does
have one independent function: it

distributes "go blue" buttons and
sells maize-colored pom-poms on
football Saturdays.
The executive committee, Levine
explained, has two main functions.
It coordinates the actions pf the
various committees and plans new
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welcome the Michigan Women
The League and hel" offer both Affiliated
and Independent Women the Extra-Curricular
Activities which have become an integral part of
the Michigan Co-lids tradition.
Make certain that you visit The League and
the Panhellenic office. -



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