THE MICHIGAN XJAILY Donahue Asks Mental Programs Science "already has enough knowledge of the factors associated with mental breakdowns to de- velop effective programs of treat- ment and prevention," chairman of the division of gerontology, Wilma Donahue declared. To combat the increasing prob- lem of mental illness in "the United States, Mrs. Donahue offers this advice for the preservation of mental health: "The emotionally healthy person has both a realistic appraisal and reaction to his own age. Those who deny the experience of aging or * say they are too old to change their ways often begin to develop unfavorable reactions to growing older while they are still middle aged." To prevent this,. Mrs. Donahue Srecommended that "Individuals should try early in life to develop a sound basis for later life by taking good care of their health, making new friends, extending in- terests and personal contacts, de- veloping new leisure-time activ- ities, and making emotional in- The The 4 e.4 n O er OfI C LEAG UE E CASSOCIATION I g4 welC the MIsCiganWoen C h Leagueand Pantheloffer both Affiliated a t etup ,activities h ih have become an integral part of, the Michigan Co-Ed s' tradition. E Make, certain that you visit The League and the Panhellenic off ice. This is your Oppotnt ostart your. College Career in the Right Directilon, FUZZY-WUZZY - "The Old " Man of the Desert" is this Ce- UNFOLDING CACTUS-This Agave forms dotted designs on its phalocereus, a form of' cactus. leaves by the peculiar method of unfolding its leaves from a The hair growth is similar to an closely packed center. The teeth which abound on the outer edges old man's beard . . it indicates of the plant leave their impressions on the. center of the leaf, age. vestments in other members of their age group." Mrs. Donahue felt that several studies have. shown "the import- ance of maintaining health and, making economic provisions for retirement early in life." These surveys show that well over half of those who have both health and moderate wealth en- joy high morale, even after re- tirement, while nearly three out of four persons who lack both of these assets In later life show poor adjustment to aging. This indi- cates that lack of 'wealth, and poor health have a cumulative effect on morale Shifting the subject to retire- ment, Mrs. Donahue said, "while many persons believe retirement is a traumatic experience for the individual, studies conducted at Cornell University indicate that the health of industrial workers may actually improve after re- tirement. When persons who re- tired were. compared with, col- leagues of the same age who con-' tinued working, the researchers found no difference in the propor- tion who 'were well adjusted- to their age."' But she said that "pre-retire- ment counseling and group courses in preparation, for retirement are being offered: by many ,manage- ment, union, and community or- ganizations to help individuals through this time of adjustment." AH-CHOO-An interesting pattern is created by the rows and rows ofragweed plants being grown in the University's Botanical Gardens. The plants will be "fooled" into thinking that it's August when it's still July and their pollen will be traced to determine the, routes pollen takes in its journey to hayfever sufferers. Of the 4,000 plants being nursed only the male plants are pollen-dispensers but unfortunately at this early stage it is impossible to tell the male from the female plants. The sel ratio is about the same as it is at the University-three to one-according to Dr. Thomas. A L. IL- -*own" y a,, . t for the Best in BOOKS and SUPPLIES It's I A tS University Books tore -A MICHIGAN TRADITION FOR MORE THAN 75 YEARS! New and Used TE ITBOOKS and SUPPLIES for all University Courses Special departments for Liberal Arts, Nursing, Medical, Eng neering and Law Students. Inspect our huge inventory of -Fountain Pens- Pencils.- Drawing Sets-Zipper Notebooks-Leather Goods-Stationery-Slide Rules Art Supplies - Michigan Souvenirs. For the BOOK LOVER . . .Visit our Bargain Basement During your first free moment in Ann Arbor- _.. _ A Square Deal Always at * * -Im 1 . 1 t, -