THLE MIChIGAN DAILY Students' decisions on career choice often are the result of de- fault or denial rather than con- scious choice, a' 'sociologist re- ported here recently. Most graduate students in physiology, Howard Becker illu- strated, originally wanted to be doctors. When their applications to medical school were not ac- cepted, however, they became am- - bitious in new directions, seeking to become academic men, re- searchers or department chair- men. i Abandon Choice Quickly Philosophy students, the Com- munity Studies, Inc., researcher continued, chose their field not because it was what they wanted very much but because it seemed the least restraining academic discipline. Mechanical engineering stu- dents, in contrast, chose the field consciously but were quick to abandon it if an opportunity to move into the upper echelons of management arose. 'In each of these three fields, Becker said, younger students de- veloped their concepts of accepted. professional goals with the guid- ance of students and instructors' in the same field. Speaks at Conference Becker was speaking at the final session of a conference one household decision making span- sorted by Consumer Behavior, Inc., a non-profit organization, and the Committee on Family and. Eco- nomic Behavior of the Social Sci- ence Research Council. Decisions on spending are more, often shared in middle class fam- lie's than in those of the upper or lower classes, a Columbia Uni-. - versity sociology instructor indi- cated here in a second speech; Prof. Mirra Komarovsky, chair- man of Barnard College's sociolo- gy department, explained that poorer families have less flevi- bility of budget and few decisions remain. Wives make most "de- cisions" 4n' these families because they buy food and clothing. Fewer Decisions Made, Middle or upper class women, on the other hand, make fewer de- cisions alone. But the reasons dif- fer. Middle income families are pre- sented with many alternatives, often crucial to their social posi- tion. For this reason. husbands and wives consult one another. Those in the top income brack- ets need to divert less income to maintain social status. More, of their desires can be satisfied, Prof. Komarovsky pointed out, and moreover husbands and, wives. have. specialized interests. ArmyChief Sa ys spies Aid Soviets WASHINGTON ()-The army's research and development chief yesterday credited Soviet techno- logical success more to spies than to science. Lt. Gen; Arthur G. Trudeau, a former chief of army intelligence, said he wished he were free to speak even more strongly about Soviet industrial espionage, "using some recent cases we know of." His remarks were made during a talk to a convention of the Ameri- can society for industrial security. Use Espionage More' "I say without fear of contradie- tion," Trudeau asserted, "that the advanced state of the Soviet tech- nology today is due more to the Soviets' success in espionage and subversion than it is to their scientific apparatus, as good as'it Trudeau asked representatives of companies holding military con- tracts to:f (1) tell the government immediately if secret papers are mislaid or lost and (2) inform the government immediately "if you sense a pattern of an office or in- dividual consistently asking to see classified documents which are outside the normal interest of the office or individual." Trudeau said Soviet industrial espionage is tin two categories, legal and illegal networks. Diplomats Use Subversion The legal, he said, is carried on by a military -or commercial attache or a member ,of a trade commission or visiting cultural group, all of them possessing diplo- matic status. The illegal operation, Trudeau said, is one in which an agent enters the United States under cover of forged papers. ' The legal agent is able to work from the cover of a diplomatic establishment, and if he is dis- covered, the worst that can happen is that he may be declared per- sona non grata or unacceptable and sent home, the general said. The illegal agent does not have protection of his government and if discovered his government will disclaim any relationship with him, the general said. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING State Hospital Use Exchan ge Intern Plan, An exchange program for' the advanded training of interns and physicians is now in effect in 18 hospitals in 14 communities throughout lower Michigan.. The hospitals, which are affili- ated with the University Medical Center, can send their trainees to the Medical Center for special study. In exchange, the Univer- sity gains outlets for training its newly graduated doctors and pros- pective specialists. Dr. John M. Sheldon, professor of internal medicine and director of the Department of Postgraduate, Medicine, described the four-part program being followed: 1) Residents from the affiliated hospitals' studying internal' medi- cine, surgery or obstetrics and gynecology may spend their three year terms at the University Medi- cal Center. 2) University staff members visit each affiliated hospital six or more times a year to examine and evalu- ate the training programs. 3) Interns -can. spend alternat- ing six month periods here and at affiliated hospitals training for generai practice. 4) Senior medical students may also work in affiliated hospitals during their, vacations. Principle in Use His principle is now being used to rid California figs from their seeds. It is also being used by gov- ernment agricultural stations to increase greenhouse tomato pro- duction by as much as 100 per cent by spraying the tomato flowers with indoleacetic acid. Prof. Gustafson came from Fors- by, Finland to live with an older brother in Ashland, Wis., where be began his unusual educational ca- reer. "I spent an entire year in the first grade,"- he stated, "then I finally learned to speak and write English and the next year I jumped six grades." Prof. Gustafson then quit school and worked for a few years as a cook's helper in a lumber camp and as a driver and delivery boy. With the money he had saved by working he was able to graduate from Northland Academy and the University of Wisconsin. Hey! Hey! Stop wasting time . Join the Michigan Daily Staf. The Editorial and Business Staff invite you to attend one of their organizational meetings at the following times: Wednesday, September 24-4:15 Thursday, Sept 25- 4:15 & 7:15 Friday, September 25-4:15 Rugged in appearance--yet light and smooth as cashmere-made unequalled in quality and style and is an xclusive at Camelet's N !O 'ill - I G f _T. A fI