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September 17, 1958 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-17

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1' Grid


(This is the first in a series of
four articles discussing the person-
nel of the 1958 Michigan football
team. This article will evaluate the
first-string group.)
There's a new look in Michigan
football this fall.
Things are so different, in fact,
that even many of the plans made
in spring training have been re-
With Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's
emphasis on the sngle wing, sev-
eral personnel shifts were neces-
Many Switches
Among the line-up changes are
included Don Deskins from guard
to tackle; Bob Ptacek from left
half to quaterback; Dick Syring,
guard to center; and the most re-
cent, Brad Myers to a trial at
tailback after establishing himself
as a sure bet for the right half
All of the above are tentatively
running with the first team, but
Oosterbaan is the first to admit
that the battle for positions is
very keen.
Others currently in the first

team lineup, according to most
sideline observers, are Gary Prahst
and Walt Johnson, regular return-
ees at the ends, George Genyk at
tackle, Gerry Marciniak and Mike
Fillichio at the guard posts, cap-
tain John Herrnstein at fullback
and Fred Julian at right half-
back (if the Myers experiment is
Must Replace Pace
The Myers move is an effort to
strengthen the tailback post-va-
cated by All-American Jim Pace,.
the Big Ten's Most Valuable Play-
er, who graduated.
A husky and tough 196-lb. jun-
ior now, Myers is a proven runner
after a year of experience. He
shared right half duties with grad-
uated Mike Shatusky last fall.
"Along -with his running ability,
Myers is a much better passer than
we though," quoted Oosterbaan.
No Action Yet
Myers has yet to play a minute
of game action at the new posi-
tion and the same holds true for
two others, Ptacek and Syring.
Ptacek has Stan Noskin, a su-
perb passer, behind him as quar-
terback. Thus, Oosterbaan can't
completely concede the post to
the fine senior leader-who has
lettered twice as Pace's 'under-
However, Ptacek's exhibition in
ast Saturday's scrimmage of mul-
Ai-talents show that he has to be
in the starting lineup somewhere.

Noskin missed the first week of
practice, as he was attending sum-
mer school, and is just beginning
to hit his stride.
Syring apparently has the in-
side line on the center job since
the loss of Jim Byers a week ago.
Byers Lost
"It appears at this time that
Byers is lost for the season," said
Oosterbaan, confirming many ear-
lier reports. Byers was moved from
fullback last spring and was rated
an excellent linebacker.
Syring, a sophomore, won the
Morton Trophy for the most im-
proved player in spring practice
after a switch from guard to cen-
ter. He was a brilliant guard in
prep school.
Good Ends
Ends are well-established if Gary
Prahst can keep off the injured
list. Otherwise, John Halstead, a
high school teammate of Syring's,
could move up. Halstead is regard-
ed as one of the Wolverine's top
sophomores. Walt Johnson has
been impressive to date in early
Genyk and Fillichio have been
outfighting foes for their posi-
tion with their untiring hustle.
Both are juniors. Marciniak and
sophomore Deskins, at 235 pounds
each, are the big linemen Michi-
gan has been looking for in the
past few years.

talents at fullback. But the big
worry is the injury jinx that kept
him benched throughout the ma-
jor portion of 1957.
His foot injury appears better
but a broken cheekbone has kept
him out of scrimmage for sev-
eral days now.
Julian undoubtedly has the in-
side track on Myers wing back. A
hardworking junior, he has put
all of last years' injury troubles in
the past. He has also found fine
points which have helped him im-

.. 0 halfback chance

. assumes starting role

No one questions Herrnstein's

CAPTAINS TEAM-Fullback John Herrnstein in the key man In
the Wolverines' single-wing attack as well as being the Michigan
captain. The big question is whether he can lick the injury jinx
that has bothered him this year as well as last.

BATTLE FOR QUARTERBACK-The starting quarterback position is perhaps one of the most un-
certain, as Stan Noskin (left) and Bob Ptacek ar e both veteran performers who can pass and run
well; Ptacek has the edge so far since he is operating well under the single-wing attack. Noskin Is
more versed at the T-formation.




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