THE MICHIGAN DAILY iJversity Announces New Courses for Semester Asian Studies I, a new course The Department of Physical A new course is being offered by for freshmen and sophomores Education for Men has dropped the Slavic languages and litera- only, has been inaugurated by the their courses in fencing due .to ture department in the study of Near Eastern studies department lack of interest, the poetry of Alexander Pushkin, for the fall semester. Asia and the The course in fundamentals of Russia's greatest poet. A survey West II will be offered as a se- outdoor living, which was inau- of Russian poetry and a survey of quence the second semester. gurated last year by the wom- the Soviet Union are also being The course, limited to 60 stu- en's physical education depart- offered by the department, dents, will include a study of the ment, has been expanded and will Lab Genetics Offered three great civilizations of Asia be offered again this semester. Thv new courses are being of- and will be conducted by profes- Prof. Inis L. Claude, Jr. of the fered by th speech department. sors from the history, philosophy, political science department, will Speech 135, a scientific study of fine arts, geography, economics, be the instructor of Political Sci- anthropology, political s ci1enencv25 r-etia nse speech, and 281, a: graduate semi- anthrpoloy, plitial ae le n enve 265, a pro-sefninar in ,spe- nar in oral interpretation are on and Near Eastern languages de- cialized internal organization. In oralerrtio e partments. the schedule for this semester. An honors. course in Introduc- Language Courses Revised Zoology 103, a new course in tion to Logic is offered by the phi- The French and Spanish de- laboratory genetics using the fruit losophy department to sophomores partments have revised all in- fly, will be conducted by Prof. on the honors program. The de- termediate courses in the depart- Roger 0. Milkman of the zoology partment also has a new course ments. All French. courses num- department. Biology 187, an inter- in the Philosophy of Education, bered 60-90 and all Spanish department course in the trends which will. be directed by Prof. courses, 60-80, have been changed of modern biology, is also of- William Frankena. for the current semester. - fered by the department. DALYOFFICIAL BULLETIN FEINER GLASS.& PAINT CO. 216 W. William Street An . Arbor, Michigan Telephone NO 8-8014 MIRRORS-FURNITURE TOPS AND GLASS REPLACEMENTS DUTCH BOY PAINTS AND VARNISHES COMPLETE AUTO GLASS SERVICE American and Foreign Cars # AMPLE FRE SINCE (Auto Glass Phone NO 3-5369), E PARKING 1884