THE M VINSON STUDY REVEALS: Recession HurtingGOP, Says Prof. Research onUAW Bargaining Practices Shows Contracts Vary With Conditions , <"> " I Contrary to popular belief, the United Auto Workers does not im- pose its key bargain on all firms, regardless of their individual cir- cumstances. Prof. 'Harold M. Lev- inson, of the economics depart- ment, said recently. Pattern bargaining is the prac- tice of seeking relatively uniform labor agreements throughout the industry. Key bargains, such as the 1955 UAW-Ford agreement, set the' pattern. Prof. Levinson, supported by a Ford Foundation Faculty Research Fellowship, recently completed a study of the UAW pattern bar- gaining in the Detroit area. Bargains Standard "Perhaps the most reasonable summation of the union's ap- proach," he said, "is that, given the key bargain as a standard, its' primary objective is to enforce that standard in order to 'take la- bor out of - competition'. "However," Prof. Levinson con- tinued, "the union does adjust its demands to the needs of the par-, ticular situation, either through: a below pattern settlement or through increases in productivity, 'if these adjustments can be made threat to this primary objective." Prof. Levinson's preliminary analysis, which covered-the decade from 1946 through 1955, brought out other major points: 1) Outside the Big Three-Ford, General Motors and Chrysler- there were important downward modifications of the UAW pattern, especially after 1950. However, these adjustments were more pre- -valent in relatively small, non automotive firms. In the larger units, particularly those closely Real Estate Courses Gwen More than 30 courses in real estate are offered iii 21 Michigan cities by the University this fall, according to: Charles Sill, super- visor of this' state-wide program of the University Extension Serv- ice. Designed to train persons who want td improve themselves in the real estate field as well as those who plan to enter it, the course instruction is supervised by the School of Business Administration., Sponsored by the Office of Vocational Education, State De- partment of Public Instruction, a certificate in real estate is offered to those who successfully complete the eight course requirement., tied into the auto industry, pres- sures to obtain the pattern were much stronger. Dominant Factor 2) The dominant factor explain- ing these differences in the impact of the pattern were economic in nature In large companies, these factors included primarily the possible indirect effects of a below pattern settlement on negotia- tions with other concerns, and the extent to which a below pattern settlement might result in seri- ous inter-local competition. Other economic considerations more important in small com- panies were the firm's financial condition and the proportion of its employees currently -'unem- ployed. 3) 'IThe union negotiators did not normally consider the possible ef- fects of the wage settlement on the amount of employment in the firm as a relevant factor, except in a, crisis or near-crisis situaL- tion, such as a strong possibility of the plant's shutting down. In the absence of such .a situation,, the union normally pressed for a pattern adjustment. Political Considerations 4) Internal political considera- tions were not a major factor forc- ing. a pattern settlement, at least' partly because'the major respon- sibility for negotiating the agree- ment and recommending its ac- ceptance to the membership rested with union officials, whose poli- tical support depended upon a much wider electorate than ex- isted in any one plant or firm. Political considerations may have, been much stronger, however, in] the largest bargaining unit. 5) Union representatives wide- ly recognized that a major prob- lem facing several of the firms having financial difficulty was the relatively low level of their pro-] ductivity, rather than the rela- tively high level of their hourly wage rates and fringe benefits., In many of these cases, Prof. Levinson noted, the union has co- operated successfully with the company in raising man-hour out- put; in many other cases, how- ever, this pojicy has met only par- tial, or no, success. To the degree that it has been successful, it may' be viewed as:a method of intro- ducing greater flexibility into the union's bargaining policy. Based on Agreements Prof. Levinson's analysis is based on collective bargaining agreements negotiated with 87 firms outside the Big Three dur- ing 1946-55. Only companies or- ganized. through all, or nearly all, this period were studied. WALTER REUTHER ...UAW head In addition to the contract data, Prof. Levinson conducted extens- ive personal interviews with lo- cal and international union offi- cials who are most directly re- sponsible for the negotiations in the companies studied. In addition to four of the small- er vehicle producers, the study in- cluded 83 firms chosen to pro- vide a balanced representation of different bargaining conditions. Included 30 Per Cent The companies studied included roughly 30 per cent of the Detroit area firms which are organized by the UAW throughout the entire period. They include about 80 per cent. of thetotal members em-* ployed outside the Big Three, he said. Prof. Levinson defined the pat- tern of bargaining in terms of the total package of wages and major ,fringe benefits received, rather than specific benefits included in the key bargain., "While there were at least a few instances of "pattern-plus' settle- ments in each round," he noted, "the great majority of them in- volved a make-up on items not ob- tained in prior negotiations. Small Number "If these instances are elimin- ated, the number of true pattern- plus settlements is very small. For all practical purposes, we can view the pattern as the upper limit of possible settlements. "Approximately 12 per cent of the total bargains negotiated from 1946-1955 with firms employing more than 500 persons were below tle pattern, as compared to al- most 40 per cent of the settlements in firms employing less than 500. "Furthermore," Prof. Levinson continued, "!there was a closer adherence to the pattern by firms which were more closely related to the automobile industry." Membership Considered So far -as the details of each agreement were concerned, "the preferences of the membership in each unit were of great import- ance in determining the particu- lar form of the settlement. "The study is replete with situ- ations in which wages were sub- stituted for pensions because of the dominant influence of younger men in the shop; or wages were substituted for insurance because a large percentage of women em- ployees were already covered in their husbands' policies; or insur- ance was preferred to unemploy- ment benefits because of steady employment experiende," Prof. Levinson continued. "While it is true that, in prac- tically all instances, the Interna- tional Representative was expected to push for adoption of the major fringe programs of the UAW, in many of the plants considerable substitutions occurred as a result of the preferences of the particu- lar groups involved," he concluded. Must Know Productivity r Although the usual concept of pattern bargaining reflects only the cost side of the settlement, Prof. Levinson said he believed a truer evaluation of the impact of pattern bargaining requires a knowledge of productivity adjust- ments as well. "With the added dimension of these adjustments, the pattern be- comes more flexible than it ap- pears,' both in large companies and small," he noted. "The relatively low productivi- ty, which was the real source of financial difficulties for most firms, was caused in part by managerial inefficiencies and in part by rela- tively loose production standards or relatively high idle time allow- ances, according to the opinions of most union spokesmen," he, re- ported. Union Sympathetic "Generally, the union represen- tatives recognized the problem, and were sympathetic to manage- ment's concern about it, but their position was based on the assump- tions that the problem had origin- ated from weak management; and that while the union representa- tive would cooperate with manage- ment in trying to convince the lo- cal membership that an increase in productivity was both necessary and justified. "The primary responsibility for initiating and implementing such a program must rest with manage- ment," he concluded. - I, r . . ... - }. ladies' casual wear and accessories - - .' ! J I l * . . exciting fall fashions in the "back to college" theme., . our congenial atmosphere is designed to make your shopping moments I I I N a pleasure. I. I I 11# J